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Tech_Episode One

Page 4

by Merik Martin Pelletier

  She knows he’s lying. She stands up. She leaves. He knows that he has to do something.


  The class is taking an exam. Mia and her friends are having problems concentrating. Kyle, sitting at the back of the classroom, is agitated. Mia types a message on her phone:

  “I swear, we were working for a greater goal.” Kyle receives the message, reads it, looks at her then turns off his cell and looks back at his computer screen. Mia gets the message. At this moment Jeff walks in the room talks with the teacher. The teacher walks to Mia’s desk.

  TEACHER: Can you close your computer and come with me?

  MIA: What about my test?

  TEACHER: I’ll send it to you online. Finish it at home. This man works for your mother.

  Something’s happened, and you need to leave with him now.

  MIA: You mean my stepmother.

  The teacher is impatient. Mia obeys, stands up and picks up her stuff then walks out with Jeff. Mia’s friends are terrified, even Kyle is concerned.


  Jeff is driving, trying not to question Mia. She’s ice cold toward him.

  JEFF: Something happened at the company…

  MIA: I’m aware of that.

  JEFF: Are you? And how are you aware, if I may ask?

  She pulls out her cell-phone.

  MIA: They call these ‘smartphones’ for a reason. It is all over the internet. What I don’t get is what this has to do with me.

  JEFF: Come on Mia, you’re not that naive. The journalists will come after the daughter too...

  MIA: Stepdaughter!

  JEFF: Wow, you really hate her. What did she do to you to deserve your nasty attitude?

  MIA: None of your business. Chat’s over, dude.

  He glances at her, he’s not getting anything more from her.


  Lee is looking at the schematics of their latest innovation when there’s knock at the door.

  KIM: Who is it?!

  The door slowly opens, Brian peaks.

  BRIAN: Can I have a word?

  KIM: Yes, I was going to call you. We need to expedite the development of the SCR. Can we have a viable prototype by the end of the week?

  Brian walks in, he was not listening.

  KIM: Yes or no?!

  Brian comes back from his thoughts.

  BRIAN: You were saying?

  KIM: I was asking... can we get a viable prototype of the SCR by the end of this week?

  BRIAN: It’s possible, but it’ll be a crude version.

  KIM: I don’t care about the fluff. What matters is the technology.

  BRIAN: You may have a problem…

  KIM: You just said that it’s possible…

  BRIAN: Not with the TBD. I wasn’t entirely up front with you about my relationship with Isabelle. We were ... Actually, we ARE very good friends.

  Kim lights up.

  KIM: So you know about her lover!

  Kim stands up, and Brian sits down.

  KIM: Brian, I am disappointed in you. You’re my lead developer, I expect more transparency.

  Brian is feeling threatened, Kim stands behind him and puts his hand on his shoulders.

  KIM: You know company politics. Tell me about her lover?

  BRIAN: Her name is Aria. I talked to her an hour ago. She’s beside herself.

  KIM: How much would she need to get over it?

  BRIAN: You don’t understand, money’s not the issue. She wants revenge.

  KIM: Well, that may represent a problem.

  Kim goes back to his desk, sits and looks at his computer screen.

  KIM: Have everything organized, you’re leaving for the Taiwan offices at the end of the day. No need to pack, we’ll take care of everything you need over there.

  Brian is in shock.

  BRIAN: But I can’t leave like this…

  KIM: Oh, yes you can, and you will. It’s only for few weeks just in the time it takes to finalize the prototype.

  Brian stands up, there is nothing to say. Kim types on his keyboard.

  KIM: Our jet will be ready in less than an hour.

  BRIAN: But I’ll need more time to prepare…

  KIM: The team will take care of it.

  Brian is about to leave.

  KIM: Brian!

  BRIAN: Yes.

  KIM: Leave your cell-phone on my desk, we will provide you with another one.

  Brian is hesitant.

  KIM: Don’t worry, I won't go through your personal stuff. You can pick it up when you return.

  Kim extends a hand. Brian hesitantly gives him his cell-phone.


  Dr. Hearl walks into the office the specialist is busy working on test results.

  HEARL: Is there any new development on the Isabelle Lawson tests?

  He opens her results on his laptop and transfers the images onto a big monitor.

  MRI TECHNICIAN: I think that those strange bruises on her frontal cortex are related to an aneurysm.

  HEARL: What makes you say that?

  She gets closer to the screen as he shows her zoom images of the MRI.

  MRI TECHNICIAN: At first glance, I didn’t see it.

  HEARL: Those are burst blood vessels.

  MRI TECHNICIAN: Yes. And they are connected to an aneurysm. They’re hardly noticeable, but they’re there.

  HEARL: Is there a way to confirm that they are related to an aneurysm?

  MRI TECHNICIAN: It would take time and resources. I don’t think the administrator will allow it.

  HEARL: Alphamind’s covering all the costs.

  MRI TECHNICIAN: Even if you’re pointing the finger at them?

  HEARL: They don’t have to know that, do they?

  He looks at her and smiles.

  MRI TECHNICIAN: Not for now.


  Aidan is sitting at the conference table, his laptop in front of him. Barry walks in.

  AIDAN: Have a seat, Barry.

  Barry sits, something’s up.

  AIDAN: Barry, you’ve been working with Zenotech since I can remember. My father has absolute trust in you.

  BARRY HALE: It’s mutual Sir.

  AIDAN: Please, call me Aidan.

  BARRY HALE: Aidan. So what’s going on?

  Aidan’s attitude shifts, more professional and colder.

  AIDAN: Do you work from your home?

  BARRY HALE: I try not to. My wife doesn’t appreciate it.

  AIDAN: Did you access our servers from your home in the last month, more specifically, on Friday evenings?

  Barry Hale is surprised by the question.

  BARRY HALE: No, Friday evenings my wife and I got to dance class.

  He smiles at the thought, but Aidan is not amused.

  AIDAN: Who’s home while you’re out?

  BARRY HALE: My son, usually. Sometimes with his friends.

  AIDAN: And you leave your laptop in your office?

  BARRY HALE: Why... yes.

  AIDAN: Is it locked?

  Barry is getting really nervous.

  BARRY HALE: Why would I lock my office? You’re not suggesting that...

  AIDAN: Who else?

  BARRY HALE: Why would he do that?

  AIDAN: If I’m not mistaken, your son is somewhat of a tech prodigy? What kind of friends does he hang out with?

  Barry stands up.

  BARRY HALE: It’s true, my son is brilliant, but he’s no thief! His friends are from his school, proper young people, also highly intelligent.

  AIDAN: And... not to forget, also teenagers. Barry, someone used your laptop to access our server while you were out with your wife. If it’s not your son who else would have access to your computer?

  Barry sits back, the news hits him like a ton of bricks.


  Kyle is walking to his locker when Greg and Lynn go up and talk
to him.

  GREG: Can we talk?

  KYLE: I have nothing to say to you guys. Stay away from me, you’re bad news.

  LYNN: You’re not exactly an angel yourself!

  KYLE: Well, I’m paying the price for it, and so will you.

  GREG: What can we do? Dude, you’re the only one who can help us!

  KYLE: It’s too late. I suggest you come clean and face the consequences.

  LYNN: Like you are?

  Kyle opens his locker and grabs some books. She’s touching on a sensitive cord.

  KYLE: I have to live away from my family, under an assumed name. I lost everything, my friends, my family. All my moves are monitored. I’m allowed to study here because... I work for them.

  LYNN: I told you he was working for the Feds!

  Greg gets really irritated by Lynn’s attitude.

  GREG: Lynn, what’s your problem, Kyle’s not responsible for the shit that we put ourselves in!

  Lynn takes the blow, the pressure is too much she burst into tears.

  KYLE: Jesus!


  A large one bedroom studio. Modest but beautiful, on the walls and propped on bookshelves are framed pictures of Isabelle and Aria enjoying an array of activities, Christmas, etc. Aria is on the sofa, crying. Her cell phone rings from the coffee table. She grabs it and looks at the screen it reads “Brian.” She answers.

  ARIA: What do you want Brian?!

  KIM: This is Kim Lee, Director of Alphamind.


  Kim is using Brian’s phone.

  KIM: We need to talk.



  Carla is pacing the room, she doesn’t know what to think. Her cell phone rings from her purse. She retrieves it and answers.

  CARLA: Carla Halison.

  She’s stunned by who it is.


  Frank Owen is alone in his office on the phone. In a way, this is a victory for him. He’s looking at the news outlines on the internet. They are quickly piling up.

  FRANK OWEN: Hello Carla, long time no talk. Tell me... why would you do something like this?

  CARLA: You know perfectly well that I had nothing to do with this! You, on the other hand, may have everything to gain.

  He’s smiling.

  FRANK OWEN: Why would I let go of a formula that costs me millions to develop?


  Carla is enraged and frustrated.

  CARLA: Of that... I’m well aware, Frank, And I’m going to find out who played us both.

  FRANK MARTIN: Both!? The way I see it, I was the one who got screwed.

  CARLA: Come on Owen, stop playing the victim.

  We hear the doorbell.

  FRANK MARTIN: I suggest you stock up on quarters to call your lawyer from jail.

  She hangs up.

  CARLA: Son of a bitch!

  The doorbell and her cell-phone ring. She looks at the screen: John Forbes, Esquire. She answers on her way to the front door.

  CARLA: John, am I glad you called! How do we get out of this mess?

  She opens the door. Two federal agents are standing on the other side, it is bad news.

  CARLA: John, I think you and your team better move on this.


  Owen is delighted. Aidan walks in.

  AIDAN: I think I may have solved the mystery.

  Frank looks at his son pleased.

  FRANK OWEN: That’s what I call efficiency.

  Aidan is proud but doesn’t want to let it show.

  AIDAN: It looks like we were the victims of teenagers.

  Owen doesn’t understand. This is not what he was expecting.

  FRANK OWEN: What are you talking about?!

  AIDAN: I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think Hale’s teenage son was involved.

  FRANK OWEN: What does Hale’s son have to do with anything?

  AIDAN: He may have stolen the codes, using his father laptop, while Barry was out of the house.

  FRANK OWEN: Why would he do that? And more importantly, how did he know about our development, it’s top secret.

  AIDAN: He must have overheard his father somehow. Maybe while Barry was on the phone with you...

  FRANK OWEN: I don’t talk business over the phone. No... Hale was careless, maybe he spoke with his wife. In any case, find out if the son’s behind this and why... then fire Hale. I’ll call the lawyers about how to proceed.

  Aidan is shocked by his father’s firing Hale.


  Aria is nervous, the road is narrow and curvy. She looks at her GPS to be reassured that she’s on the right path.

  ARIA: This piece of shit really wants to make sure no one sees us together!

  Finally, she sees a small restaurant. She has arrived at her destination. Kim Lee’s car is the only one parked car in front of the restaurant.


  Aria parks beside Kim’s car. She gets out, slamming her door, and walks in, ready for a fight.


  It’s a very modest and rustic place. Kim Lee is waiting for Aria at a table at the far end of the restaurant. Since he’s the only customer, she has no problem finding him and walks straight to him.

  ARIA: When you said a quiet place, I wasn't expecting Tibet! Are you afraid that people will see us together?

  KIM: Please, take a seat. Aria.


  Barry is telling the news to his wife, Alma. She can’t believe what she’s hearing.

  ALMA: This can’t be true!

  BARRY HALE: I find it hard to believe too, love. But there’s no other explanation. When is he back from school?

  She looks at her watch.

  ALMA: Any minute now. What do you intend to do?

  BARRY HALE: Alma, this is very serious. This may be out of our control. It’s a criminal offense. Knowing Owen, like I do, he’ll press charges.

  Alma is devastated. She runs into his arms in tears. At this moment Greg walks into the kitchen. The look from his father speaks volumes.


  Jeff and Mia are a few blocks from the mansion. Mia is getting anxious, and Jeff is noticing.

  JEFF: You look tense.

  MIA: I thought that we agreed... no chit-chat.

  JEFF: You did. Mia, do you have anything to do with what’s happening with your stepmother?

  The question hits her like a brick.

  MIA: What are you talking about?! Why would I have anything to do with it!?

  At this moment they roll into the mansion entrance and see Carla exiting the house with a federal agent on each arm escorting her to their black SUV.

  JEFF: You’re a liar girl!

  Jeff stops and runs out the car. Mia is to stun to move.


  Kim Lee and Aria are face to face.

  KIM: Can I offer you something?

  ARIA: Yeah, the truth!

  A waitress brings a pot of coffee and a slice of apple pie.

  KIM: You don’t mind, best apple pie for a hundred miles.

  He takes a bite. Aria wants to kill him.

  ARIA: What happened to Isabelle?!

  KIM: The doctor said that…

  ARIA: Enough! You know what I mean! Something happened to her in your damn lab!

  He takes a sip of his coffee. Remaining calm.

  KIM: Nothing happened. Even so, the company will cover your... well... friends medical costs.

  ARIA: My lover! My partner! My wife!

  KIM: We are also concerned about you. Is there some way we can make you feel more secure?

  Aria stands up, she can’t believe what she’s hearing.

  ARIA: You’re trying to buy me!

  KIM: Not buy. We just want to make sure that all of this
doesn’t put you in a precarious living situation. We’re not the enemy here.

  ARIA: I can take care of myself! And if you think you can buy my silence, you’re dreaming, dude!

  Aria leaves. Kim pulls out his cell-phone and makes a call.


  The company car drops Brian at the airport. His only luggage is his briefcase. The chauffeur gets ’s out.

  CHAUFFEUR: After passing security go to gate 6A, our jet is waiting for you.

  Brian looks at the man.

  BRIAN: I thought you’d be holding my hand all the way to the plane.

  CHAUFFEUR: Should I?

  BRIAN: That won't be necessary.

  Brian walks into the airport and gets in line to pass security. He looks back to see if the chauffeur is still watching, he is. Brian has no choice but to go through security. He looks back again, and the man is gone. After a moment of hesitation, Brian decides to turn back and run out of the airport.


  Brian is running, searching for a phone booth, he finally finds one, slides his credit card and makes a call.


  Aria is driving home pedal to the medal. Her cell-phone rings, she pushes on speaker.

  ARIA: Who’s this?

  BRIAN: It’s me, don’t hang-up!

  ARIA: I have nothing to say to you unless you have something for me.


  Brian is shaking and looks in all directions as he’s speaking.

  BRIAN: I do, but first, we have to get away and hide!

  ARIA: I’m not going anywhere nor am I hiding from anyone! I’m not leaving Isabelle!

  BRIAN: Aria these people are dangerous, please listen to me. Nothing good will come from this if you’re dead!


  She thinks that he’s over-reacting.

  ARIA: I told you, I won't leave her!

  BRIAN: ARIA! Please!

  She suddenly sees, in her rear mirror, a big black SUV coming fast in her direction.

  ARIA: What the hell? There’s not enough space to pass here!

  She glances out the window and sees a ravine on her left side and a sharp mountain rock face on her right.

  BRIAN: Aria what’s happening?!

  The SUV slams into her car.

  SC81: ROAD

  Aria’s car is pushed into the ravine, we see it fall and then explode! No one could have survived.



  The signal goes dead. Brian knows. He hangs up, and looking back sees the chauffeur returning to the gate. A bunch of Asian tourists exit at the same time, Brian squeezes himself into the group and vanishes.


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