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Indigo-E.T. Connection

Page 10

by Marshall Masters

  Or, if you somehow manage to live through it all only to find yourself amongst the ranks those who've survived perhaps, like them, you will also envy the peace of the dead; that is, until the moment you recommit yourself to life.

  The personal tragedies that accompany massive catastrophes inevitably shock survivors into submission through the loss of loved ones, friends, material possessions, and most of all, their external orthodoxies. Of these unfortunates, many will rise up from the rubble and stumble blindly towards some sense of safety and nourishment as their primordial instincts step in and take control where their intellects have now failed.

  The vast majority of these unfortunates will drift towards the familiar and once again, relinquish their personal responsibility to the remaining institutional fragments of the external orthodoxies that once defined their prehistoric lives.

  Indigo, beware of these unfortunates. Like drowning victims who cannot swim, they will take you down with them should you come close enough to be grappled in their thrashing embrace. As brutal as this may sound though, you already know this.

  You also know that you will instinctively steer clear of these failing institutions and their clamoring unfortunates, so as to seek a reclusive place of safety, far from the mainstream madness that will certainly befall the posthistoric world.

  You know you will do this, because there has always been a compelling drive within you to do so, regardless of whatever else is happening in the world. In a posthistoric world, that drive will seem more right than ever before.

  Along the way, those unfortunates who have always hated your inner gifts because of envy or ego will leer at you as you pass by.

  However, those whose hearts and minds are still open will instinctively sense safety within your presence. Their own inner voices will tell them that they can be vulnerable with you.

  Not because of any promises you offer them. This is not the Indigo way.

  Rather, as you meet them you will find the energy for a compassionate smile as you render what comfort you can; then continue on your way. This is when many of those whom you touch in this special way will choose to follow you. They will follow because they will know your instinctive sense of direction towards safety. More importantly, they will follow you because they will sense your unflinching respect for the dignity of life: both yours and theirs.

  To possess the soul of an Indigo, one must truly value the dignity of life; and in doing so, also know that the betrayal of trust is unthinkable. Ergo, you can only betray another's trust by first betraying yourself. This is a price no true Indigo is willing to pay, let alone consider. Those who choose to follow you, will sense this unshakable conviction within you and find safety in this.

  As the tribulation unfolds, you and those who follow you will find ways to survive long after the human predators have run out of victims to prey upon, and who in turn, meet a similar fate. This is because those most likely to survive will band together in sustainable groups where all members work collectively in a selfless service-to-other manner for the others; and where each member is fully responsible for his or her own acts and deeds.

  In time, you and those who follow you will be sought out by extraterrestrial races who will have, metaphorically speaking, seen our house burning at the end of the block; and when that moment of contact comes, the inner knowledge you already possess within you will be your one and only true guide. For this reason, all that you have read in this book and shall continue to read is the author's mere speculation, offered in the hope that it will spur you into finding your own inner truth in your own way.

  All this, you must accept; and for all this, you must prepare-starting today. Not by building a bunker in your backyard, but by preparing your mind for when the tribulation comes, all the while praying for all you're worth that it doesn't.

  In terms of your material goods, they will equal what you can carry in your backpack-if that, about thirty pounds for a healthy adult. In terms of your state of mind, you'll need to think like a survivor-not a victim.

  The Key to Survival

  Survival experts tell us that the people most likely to survive a sudden life-threatening situation are the ones who can quickly assess their situation, develop a plan, and then take action on that plan. Or in simple terms, if you cannot think your way through a life-threatening situation then nature has a plan for you. It is called extinction.

  Will digging a bunker in your backyard and stocking it with a ten-year supply of canned goods ensure your safety? Not necessarily. Perhaps?.

  Your friends and neighbors, who once called you a stupid Noah before, are showing up at your door with guns and knives and demanding food because they have nothing to lose.

  Dumb luck, your underground bunker with its ten-year supply of canned goods just happened to be ground zero. Go figure!

  You die from a disease you did not anticipate.

  The government confiscates your supplies for the greater good at gunpoint. If you're lucky, they'll give you a receipt.

  In the final analysis, all you can really hope for is enough advance warning to move yourself and those you love (and whomever will listen to you) to safety. After that, the best you can hope for, is[[KT33]] whatever you can carry on your back for ten miles without becoming a physical wreck.

  In fact, digging a bunker today makes as much as sense as digging a grave because it deflects your attention from the very thing you can prepare today-your mind. And that preparation begins with the willingness to imagine the unimaginable, even though most around you would mock you for such an effort.

  Imagining the Unimaginable

  Were it not for a massive global extinction event, our planet would still be dominated by single-cell life forms. Were it not for another global extinction event, dinosaurs would still rule the Earth; and these are but a few of the naturally occurring mass extinctions that have shaped the evolution of life on our world. The lesson is simple: All species prefer to stagnate in comfort for as long as possible and the majority of humanity does it by dodging their collective responsibility.

  For those people who live service-to-self lives cobbled together with an imperfect blend of external orthodoxies, the simple prospect of imagining the unimaginable is terrifying.

  For the true Indigo, it is an unpleasant reality that is what it is, and it either fits snugly within the realm of one's inner knowledge, or it bangs about the intellect like a loose cannon on deck.

  A good example of imagining the unimaginable is the present global warming debate.

  If we look at the physical signs of global warming happening on our own planet, the trends worry some and not others. Whether you feel that disaster is near at hand, or that this is all part of a self-correcting process, there are certain facts that nearly all scientists on every side of the debate agree upon:

  + The heat index is increasing and more heat waves are likely.

  + Global mean sea level is rising.

  + Arctic sea ice is decreasing.

  Will those scientists who've been branded as alarmists for warning of catastrophic climate changes, eventually be ridiculed by their skeptical peers as doing Chicken Little science about a sky that never fell? Or, will their skeptical peers begrudgingly acknowledge them long after we've exhausted our window of opportunity to intervene? No wonder so many scientists feel that we're all just fiddling while Rome burns.

  For the Indigo, there are signs that can be observed and evaluated independently and so they must. Therefore, to let oneself become wrapped up within this cacophony of patronizing and alarmist voices is to squander precious time by frolicking before the bow wave of the future.

  Frolicking Before the Bow Wave

  Dolphins are frequently seen jumping clear of the water, while riding the bow wave of moving vessels. Whether you have seen this yourself or on television, the sight is visually captivating. With skill, and ease, these magnificent creatures of the sea use the pressure of the bow wave created by the sailing craft to get a free rid
e and they love it. Likewise, we love to watch them frolic and leap.

  With this in mind, let us change the perspective and assume that the dolphins represent the various governments and institutions of our planet trying to cope with an impending global catastrophic event.

  Like the dolphins, they also jump and bounce about in a chaotic manner. One minute they are visible as they jump out of the water, and the next moment they slip under the waves and out of sight, unless we are fortunate enough to be looking directly down upon them from the bow of the ship.

  The problem for those of us in the mainstream is that we never have the position of clarity afforded by a direct downward view from the bow of the ship. Rather, we must always look from afar and at oblique angles to the ad hoc aquatic choreography before us. Consequently, we must carefully examine every available fact, speculation and report, and all the while we should be asking ourselves: Am I wasting my time with the cube puzzle antics of these dolphins, or is this helping me to define the shape and nature of what is causing the bow wave itself?

  We know that our governments and institutions keep information from us. Consequently, it is easy for us to fall into the trap of righteousness and judgment when we criticize them for this. Yet, we often fail to realize that our own righteousness is part of our insoluble cube puzzle of disinformation.

  For this reason, lamenting about national leaders who seem to be immobilized by the equivocations of science is pointless. Likewise, knowing exactly when these catastrophes may or may not occur is pointless. If fate is kind, they will not, otherwise events will unfold at their own universal pace.

  Ergo, that which is within the immediate control of the individual is the responsibility of becoming spiritually and intellectually prepared for whatever comes our way and to be the first to survive it, if at all possible.

  Save Yourself—Not the World

  The key to coping with global threats and the follies of government conspiracies is for you to stay focused on yourself. Ignore today's conspiracies as the supposed conspirators and their detractors will all be washed away by any life changing catastrophic event.

  Therefore, seek not to save the world. Rather, seek those like you have begun their own journeys towards inner knowledge and self-empowerment. Share with them what you have learned, and what you want to explore. Above all, make informed decisions.

  There is an old joke about a man who goes to his doctor, and the doctor says, You're going to die. The man says, Can I have a second opinion? The doctor says, Yes you may. You're ugly too.

  The point of this anecdote is that making an informed decision means using multiple, unrelated sources. Reading one book or Internet article with all the key issues is not good enough. Take the time to read more, many more!

  While in the process of making an informed decision, share your findings with those who share a similar interest. The simple act of composing a well thought out E-mail will shape those ideas floating around in your head into coherent thoughts upon which you and others can take action.

  Please note the operative phrase composing a well thought out E-mail. This does not mean copying a dozen people with a slipshod and unsubstantiated slew of questionable hyperlinks with some thoughtless ditties like, Oh golly, you absolutely must spend your entire afternoon trying to find sense in this incoherent mess of hyperlinks because I think enough of you to swamp your E-mail in-box with half-baked nonsense.

  Be thoughtful. Share useful information that is usefully organized with a like-minded correspondent.

  However, the most critical point this author hopes to make is that you must expect to make mistakes. (Yes, this is a voice of experience thing.) If are willing to accept them, then you will be blessed with opportunity to learn from them. On the other hand, you can deflect them so as not to wound your pride. After which, you can spend the rest of your life, running in the same circles with one foot nailed to the floor, and wondering why.

  Likewise, thinking you can always defer the responsibility of imagining the unimaginable to a future date when a future danger is clear and present is just another way to nail one of your feet to the floor. Why?

  Imagining the unimaginable is a staged process. If you have to do it after the catastrophe happens, you will stumble about like an overwhelmed moron asking, Why? Why? Why? and sounding like a common bullfrog.

  So what does the process of imagining the unimaginable during the calm that precedes the storm look like? Count to five.

  Phase 1—The Oh Crap Moment

  While you may have already considered it, there comes a moment when you truly internalize the unimaginable possibility that life could change for the worse, and in titanic proportions. In that moment you will simply say, Oh Crap!

  As the realization hits the deep hot button within your psyche, you begin lying in bed at night, staring up at your ceiling and memorizing every crack, dabble, and color in the ceiling above your bed.

  Then one night, you'll have a marvelous epiphany. You'll realize that the time has come to paint the bedroom ceiling and get on with life. However, if you're not careful you'll become a pariah in the next stage.

  Phase 2—Share the Crap

  A consistent hallmark of Phase 1 is that it is primarily an emotional event. Logic and reasoning would dictate that an informed decision is the best way to go, but this is still an emotional time. After all, emotion is like sand. Whip it up into the air and you cannot see the horizon of logic-hence you are still lost.

  As the saying goes, Misery loves company. When people are lost, they want to share the experience so they can validate their own confused emotions. After all, why should you be the only one to know that your bedroom ceiling needs repainting?

  Consequently, you begin sending an urgent stream of E-mails to your friends to help them experience their own Oh Crap moments. They in return, will just pray for you to get over it and shut up!

  Then the real misery comes when your spouse or significant other is simply not willing to imagine the unimaginable, and the next thing you know you're not on anyone's holiday greeting card lists any more.

  Eventually you'll wake up one day and realize that you've completely isolated yourself. Your friends have long since stop returning your calls, and your spouse is taking a full load of night courses at the local junior college. At that point, all you have left in terms of companionship are all the other Oh Crap folks you've been sharing doom and gloom with and they're really more interested in their crap than yours.

  When you begin to wonder if you've gone around the bend; that your elevator is no longer going to the top floor; or that your six-pack is one can short, you're overdue for Phase 3. Time to bust a move as they say.

  Phase 3—Self-validation

  The nice thing about being isolated from friends and family with whatever your catastrophe worry happens to be, is that it finally forces you to take a long hard look at how you got there in the first place.

  Tired of being emotionally whipsawed by your own self-inflamed fears, you finally ask yourself, Did I make an informed decision? Keep in mind that this will remain a largely solitary effort as your friends and family are still avoiding you and discussing your mental health in worried tones behind your back.

  This is good, even though it may not seem that way at first. This is because the process has forced you to seek a final conclusive answer in a place where you now realize you should have gone first: Your inner knowledge.

  When you do, your eyes will open to the reality that we are all an essential part of a magnificent and violent living universe, that real threats do exist and that you need to understand them. From this humbling step, your inner knowledge will tell you how to proceed to the next step in the process.

  Phase 4—Making Peace with the Universe

  The Harry Nilsson song One tells us, one is the loneliest number you'll ever do. A poignant reminder, even though you're in Phase 4 of the process and still a catastrophe pariah to your friends and family; but at least you've shut up so
they are cautiously returning to you. However, what they do not know about your silence is that it has come about as result of your conscious decision to make peace with your creator, regardless of what you call Him, Her, or It.

  No matter how you reached this point, you've accepted that we live in a beautiful but dangerous universe and that it is alive. Furthermore, no matter what anyone else thinks, you've come the distance and if only you and God know it, then so be it-you're good with that.

  You'll be ready for the fifth and final phase of this process as your acceptance of that realization warms your soul just as it comforts your mind.

  Phase 5—The Universe Is Unfolding as It Should!

  You will have completed the journey when something similar to the most inspirational pearl of wisdom offered by Max Ehrmann in his poem Desiderata comes to mind: And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

  It will be perfectly clear to you. You will have looked the beast in the face, smelled its foul breath, and held your ground. You know that you will survive and that the universe is truly unfolding as it should, regardless of whether or not it makes sense to anyone else.

  In this moment, all of the personal grief and suffering you may have experienced in the previous four phases vanish like tears in the rain as a new sense of empowerment grows within you. Unlike the previous four phases of this process, this fifth and final phase never ends.

  This is because it is as profound and permanent as anything imaginable. One of the only ways to try and explain this is by telling you to listen to those who have experienced a profound out-of-body or near death experience. They completely lose their fear of death; and in a similar manner, you will forever lose your fear of living within a living universe.

  This simple truth will not only be the key to your survival, it will also ensure the success of your own Indigo-E.T. Connection, if and when that should ever happen.


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