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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

Page 17

by Christy Poff

  "I'm fine. Let's get back to the ranch."

  "If you'd like, I can get him settled in if you have other things to tend to."

  "Thanks, but I want to make sure he's all right. He's not good at moving unless he's at full gait."

  "I'll see you there."

  "Thanks, Chris."

  Rhiannon watched him drive off, then slid behind the wheel off the Cadillac SUV Sean had surprised her with after the babies’ births. She loved the pearlescent white color, though she missed her black Land Rover. She smiled. Thank God, she had come to her senses.

  A short while later, she parked the Escalade AWD in front of the house, then walked down to the barn. She passed the tack room and saw her saddle and Andromeda's gear had been set in its place next to Sean's. It warmed her and she cherished how easily she'd been accepted as a part of Sean's life.

  She walked down the aisle to where Chris had stabled her stallion in his new home. She went to Andromeda and softly spoke to him. She removed his bridle and felt a chill go through her when she saw the hard bit in the horse's mouth.

  "These things are barbaric,” she said as she removed it.

  "And well you should know. In fact, I have yours with me."

  Rhiannon froze.

  "I think you should leave."

  "We have unfinished business. I would like to know, however, why you are here. I planned to pay you this visit later at that rustic cabin you call home."

  "I've been given permission by the owner. At least I have a reason."

  "But so do I. I have unfinished business with McMurray. Now, I can take care of it all at once. Mr. Chyn."

  The Asian caught Rhiannon from behind and by surprise. She couldn't fight him when he lifted her from the ground to hold her body against his.

  "Let go of me!"

  The Asian's hold on her tightened.

  Sean, help me. The monster's here.

  * * * *

  Sean and Hunter worked on the investigation into Judge Midler's murder. He cursed when he learned of Gliickman's vow in the courtroom.

  "Why didn't anyone tell us?"

  "You chose a great day to come back to work."

  "Don't remind me,” he offhandedly agreed.

  Hunter took a message from a uniformed officer and cursed.

  "Several key witnesses had been murdered and all within a close time frame to the judge."

  Sean, help me. The monster's here.


  He's waiting for you. Please, be careful.

  Are you all right?

  Sean felt a sharp pain crash through his mind.

  "Damn it!"

  "What, Sean?"

  "He's got Rhi and she's been hurt."

  "Let's go."

  "No, Hunt. We need a plan. He wants me. I need you to get a team together to back me up."

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "They're at the ranch. I can see it. When it all goes down, I want it away from our home."

  "Where do you think..."

  "Probably the estate he leased."

  "Wear a wire then, so we can track you."

  "Hurry up and get one."

  Lockwood left the office as Sean tried to reconnect with his wife.

  Rhiannon, baby, talk to me.

  Don't come home. He's here.

  I'm calling you. He'll take the phone.

  No! Save yourself for the others.

  No! I love you too much to let him have you.

  Sean, I love you, too. I ... Ow...


  Save yourself.

  * * * *

  Sean paced while he waited for Lockwood to return. When Hunt did, he called the ranch.

  "Mountain Aerie."

  Her voice sang to him, his desperation evident.

  "I need to speak to McMurray."

  "He's not here. May I..."

  "McMurray, I have Ms. Drake."

  "Let her go, Gliickman. This is between us."

  "The wolf-bitch has a date in Chicago. We have unfinished business."

  "Let her go and I'll meet you."

  "Come to the estate you took from me. If I see you're alone, I'll let her go."


  "Sunset in four hours. You'll be met at the front door."

  "Don't hurt her anymore than you already have."

  "Sunset, McMurray."

  The line went dead. Sean paced, his mind racing.

  "He's planning to send her to Chicago again. He's..."

  "You knew he wouldn't play fair."

  "Yep. Now, if I can get my wife back in one piece, I want you and the team to storm the house. Gliickman and the Asian will not leave it in one piece."

  "What about you?"

  "Don't worry about me. Make sure Rhi gets to Julian. He'll know what to do for her. Oh, and if anything happens to me and he doesn't release her, go to Chicago. That's where he'll take her."

  "Sean, you're talking suicide."

  "Hunt, if I lose her again, it's over for me."

  "You have three beautiful daughters."

  "And without their mother, their father will be of no use to them."

  "I hope you know what the hell you're doing."

  "So do I."

  * * * *

  Rhiannon found herself exactly where Sean did not want her. Why hadn't she gone straight to The Sanctuary and let Chris take care of her horse?

  She desperately tried to break free of the Asian's grip but to no avail. Taller by about a foot, the Asian obviously had a western heritage. Rhi knew he would not give unless Gliickman ordered him to.

  He carried her to a van and hauled her inside. She began to struggle with him.

  "Little lady, stop it now or I'll bring out the stun gun."

  "Do what you will. I won't submit to you."

  "You will if you want to live, Ms. Drake,” Gliickman stated.

  "You go to hell!"

  "Been there and back, Ms. Drake."

  He ran his hand along her face. She pulled back, but her head hit the Asian's chest.

  "You'll change when I tell you to."

  "I can't change. I'm not what you think I am."

  "I would believe you, save the fact your abduction never came out at the trial. The DA made sure your name never came out. That gave me all I needed to know. Which made me wonder why. Then it hit me—you have to be extremely special to someone connected to the case."

  "No I'm not. I'm nobody."

  "You are, Mrs. Sean McMurray. Does he know your secret and, if he doesn't, will he still protect you once I tell him?"

  "There are no secrets."

  "Then he already knows?"

  Rhi closed her eyes and tried to retreat, but Gliickman refused her the luxury of disappearing into herself.

  "I am not what you think I am,” she cried emphatically. “Why won't you believe me?"

  "Because you are lying to save yourself and those like you."


  The van stopped and the Asian hauled her into the house Gliickman had held her at before. She shuddered at the thought of the cellar prison of her prior abduction. The thought of returning to it gave her a new strength as she struggled and kicked the man holding her.

  She landed some hard kicks, relieved she'd worn her western boots. The wall behind her refused to give.

  "Stop it!” Gliickman commanded. On his signal, Chyn dropped her, then pulled her arms behind her. She struggled without success, but inside, something told her she had to if she expected to survive.

  She had chosen to wear an off-the-shoulder peasant-style red top with long flowing sleeves and it showed off her matronly full breasts. She pushed back as Gliickman ran his finger along the top of the garment.

  "Does the heat of passion cause you to change? I know—if I raped you, would the rage and sex cause the shift? Understand me—I want to see you as a wolf."

  She repeated her lie. She refused to endanger the others and she had enough inner strength to hold it off, even if he did carry out his
threat. She shivered as he slid his fingers under the soft fabric.

  "Don't do this. I can't change. I'm not what you think..."

  "Sir, it's almost time."

  "Thank you. Bring me a chair and set it in the center of the entry, then go get the spotlights."

  "Ja, Herr Gliickman."

  Günter shoved the heavy round table out of the foyer and into the dining room, where he took the chair from the head of the table. He brought it out and placed it in the center of the huge design in the middle of the marbled floor. He went outside and returned with several portable spotlights, then busied himself with the task of setting them up in four places, training the lights on the chair's position.

  Chyn dragged Rhiannon to the chair and roughly shoved her into it. Before she could move, she felt his gun barrel against her temple.

  "Just give me a reason, bitch."

  Rhiannon froze at the vehemence in his voice. Another man proceeded to tape her feet securely to the chair. He used handcuffs on her wrists and more duct tape across her chest and upper arms. Gliickman watched this and when the man left, he came to her.

  "Open your mouth."

  "Go to hell."

  She felt the gun against her temple. Gliickman forced her mouth open and the bit between her teeth before he strapped it behind her head, her hair tangled in the buckle.

  "Now, we wait for your dear husband."

  Sean, stay away. It's a trap.

  * * * *

  Sean raced home. He sensed something wrong. Part of him felt penned in, unable to move. A headache throbbed unlike any he'd endured before. This one centered at the back of his head, as if he'd been in a fight where his adversary took him from behind.

  "My God, no...” he said as his foot pressed down on the accelerator. He called home, his voice-activated cell phone automatically dialing.

  "Mountain Aerie."

  "Chris, I need to talk to my wife."

  "She's not here."

  "Where is she?"

  "I don't know. I..."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Someone hit me from behind."

  "Where are you?"

  "Stables. Sean ... I'm sorry."

  "I'll be there in a few minutes."

  Sean ended the call and pushed the truck to its limits. He ran into traffic ahead and flicked on his lights and siren, something he only did in extreme emergencies.

  When he pulled into the driveway of Mountain Aerie, he shut it all off and headed straight to the stables. He passed the house, where her SUV sat parked as if nothing was wrong. A few moments later, he spied Chris Lee, his hand holding an ice pack to the back of his head.

  "Chris, tell me what happened,” he said as he got out of the truck and ran to him.

  "We'd just put Andromeda in his stall. Your wife wanted to get him settled in because she knew he'd never been moved like this. I went to get feed, came back and the lights went out."

  "Where was Rhi?"

  "Over there by the horse. Sean, I'm sorry I didn't see it coming. Whoever did this is covert, to say the least. They probably made themselves known once I was out of it."

  "How long ago?"

  "I don't know."

  Sean looked at the gash on Chris’ head and ordered one of the hands to take him to the hospital.

  "Sean, it's..."

  "You're going."

  "I want to help get her back. It's my..."

  "No, friend, it's not your fault. Consider yourself lucky they didn't kill you."


  "Gliickman and his Asian friend escaped federal custody. Eight people are dead already and we're on his list. He's got Rhi and he wants me. Now, go and get the gash taken care of."

  "Should I quit?"

  "Quit? Why? You haven't done anything wrong from what you've told me. I know these guys and they're bad news. Of course, you're not quitting."

  "Thanks, Sean. You know I'd give my life for you and your family."

  "And I appreciate it. Now go, so I don't have to worry about you while I go after the bad guys."

  Sean watched Chris get into another pickup with the hand who drove him to the hospital. As far as Sean was concerned, Chris didn't have a worry unless Rhiannon told him different.

  He went to Andromeda's stall where a very excited horse paced his new home. He crossed to the other side and easily took the horse outside where he held him for a few minutes until he calmed.

  "I wish I knew what you saw."

  The horse started, his left hoof nervously tamping the grass. Sean calmed him again before he gave him a quick slap sending him out to the small grazing area. Sean watched him get used to it and smiled. Freedom's wonderful.

  He went back inside and stopped. His eyes locked on a note attached to the wall of the enclosure. He pulled the knife embedding it to the wood out and read it, nausea overtaking him.

  If you want your freaky wife, you know where to come, but hurry before she leaves for Chicago. Tonight at sunset—you know where.

  Sweat beaded down his face, Sean's stomach tightening into knots.


  Sean, don't come. It's a trap.

  Are you all right?

  No, weak. Mouth burning from silver bit.


  The death of a werewolf. He has his proof about me. Save yourself.

  I won't let him take you away.

  It's too late for me.

  Rhi ... Baby...

  I love you, Sean. Take care of the girls.


  Good-bye, Sean.

  Sean called to her again, but she shielded him. No way would Gliickman get away with this.

  He pulled his cell phone out, called Lockwood, and told him to get ready and meet him a half mile away from the estate. He told him he would go in alone to get Rhiannon out.

  "Is the wire working?"


  "I'll wear it. Remember, get her to safety. He's using silver on her and she's very weak."

  "What about backup?"

  "Can't. If I do what I have to..."

  "Got it. We'll secure the perimeter and wait for your signal."

  "Right. I have to be there around sunset."

  "Good luck, my friend."

  Sean hung up and called Gabriel Holt. After he advised him of the situation, the two agreed on a plan. The wolves would attack anyone inside and silently move in.

  "Anything besides silver I need to be aware of?"

  "Where did..."

  "He's using silver to weaken her. Do I have to worry about anything else?"

  "Not really, except high candle-power lighting."

  "I've never had problems with light."

  "Before you changed. Now, may be different. Halogen bulbs can blind you. Floodlights, spotlights, white lights—the higher the candle power, the more you need to be concerned."

  "Anything else?"

  "Don't get shot. He'll probably be using silver bullets. You said he had Rhi weakened using silver?"

  "This time, he's using a silver bit in her mouth. I can feel the heat."

  "Get to her quick, Prince. He's slowly killing her. I'll alert Julian to be ready."

  "Thanks. I'll see you at the estate. Oh, anybody good with explosives?"

  "Yeah, Damon—why?"

  "I want the place blown, and I want Gliickman and his men inside."

  "What about the legalities?"

  "The legal system couldn't hold the bastards, now..."

  "Don't say another word. I misjudged you, Sean. I'm sorry."

  "Tell me later."

  Sean hung up and went up to the house. He quickly changed into a black shirt and black cargo pants. He went back downstairs to where he kept his guns and pulled out a 10mm Glock, along with another semi-automatic pistol. He grabbed several clips, then reached to a side cabinet where he kept an assortment of knives. He pulled out several, then left the house.

  When he got to the truck, he stopped and closed his eyes.

  Baby, don't use your s
trength to talk. Show me where you are.

  He saw the front entry and several Tele-lights. He remembered them from fire grounds and searches where the fire department added extra lighting. High powered quartz lights, bright but not a problem, except for the heat they generated. Maybe they had something working for them.

  Then he saw something to be worried about. The front door had been rigged with a trip wire. He continued around the room and found one or two other surprises. His Special Ops training came back to him, a huge relief when he found an advantage. He called Gabriel back and told him how Gliickman had the first floor of the huge house rigged. Holt thanked him and they altered their plans.

  Baby, I'm on the way.

  Too late.

  Never, my mate.

  He sensed his wife's condition. He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer, then got into his pickup and drove to the estate Gliickman leased. He met with Hunt and his team, advising them on the surprises waiting for them.

  "How are you getting in?"

  "Through an upstairs window. If I remember right, one in the rear of the house was broken the last time we were here."

  "Good luck."


  Sean continued up to the house and parked in front of the huge mansion. Police tape flapped in the breeze, evidence someone had crossed it to enter the house. He took a quick survey of the area and saw no one. He thought it odd, the hair on his neck standing on edge.

  Casually, he walked around the house as if he searched for the place Gliickman might meet him. Once he made it to the back of the house, he found the window he wanted still broken open. He climbed the nearby tree he remembered and quietly entered the house. He listened for movement or voices. He moved to the door, then peered into the hallway as a guard neared.

  Without a thought, Sean lured him into a room and slit his throat. After he dragged the body into the room, he took the guard's Uzi and slipped into the hallway. From the top of the stairway, he had a clear view of the foyer, where he counted six armed men waiting with Rhiannon.

  Seeing how Gliickman held her enraged him. Bad enough the madman had abducted her once, but the second time epitomized cruelty. He would take Gliickman and make sure he never hurt anyone again.

  "Put the gun down, hands up and move downstairs."

  "Shit!” Why had he not heard someone behind him?

  Sean dropped the Uzi, laced his fingers, and put his hands on his head. Rage intensified as he prayed Lockwood heard what was about to happen.

  "Ah, Detective McMurray, how nice of you to finally show up. Your wife has been waiting for you."


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