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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

Page 18

by Christy Poff

  Gliickman grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. Sean's hands tightened on each other. Between that and the sight of blood trickling from both sides of her mouth, Sean's beast begged to come out.

  "Touch her again and I swear I'll kill you,” Sean said quietly.

  "I don't think so."

  Sean heard the click of handcuffs on his left wrist. With lightning speed, he turned and attacked the guard. He pulled a knife, stabbed the guard, and pulled the knife out only to hurl it at someone else.

  He heard a click and saw Gliickman holding the barrel of a .357 Magnum against Rhi's temple.

  "One more move and she dies."

  "I don't think so. From what I hear, she's worth money to you."

  Sean edged to the side as he tried to calm down. They didn't need both of them outed.

  "True but right now, I need you both out of my life. If she dies now, so be it. Your death will make me richer,” Gliickman stated as he grabbed Rhi again. She moaned from the pain, though Sean could barely hear her.

  "I told you what I'd do if you touched my wife again."

  Gliickman laughed as Sean lunged at him. The two men fought to overpower each other. Sean got the upper hand, pulled another knife, and buried it in Gliickman's body.

  The spotlights flooded the room as the Asian rushed in. Sean felt the heat from them and felt strange. He looked at Gliickman lying in a pool of blood.

  "Sean,” a weak voice tried to scream as a gunshot echoed in the silence of the entry.

  * * * *

  "Everybody move in! Move in!"

  Lockwood issued orders the minute he heard the fight start. He froze at the sound of the gunshot. Damn it!

  While he orchestrated the police operations from outside, Gabriel and the others found another way into the mansion. Damon began to set the explosives while the others went to get Sean and Rhiannon to safety and several more distracted the cops outside.

  Damon cut the power to the lights after he disabled the trip wires at the front door and several nearby windows. He checked his charges, then turned to his brother.

  "All set, Gabe."

  "Get Sean out of here. I'll bring Rhi out,” he yelled as he released her from the chair. Cautiously, he removed the bit and slipped it into his jacket pocket for Julian. He lifted her weakened body up and headed back the way they came in. Damon and two others carried Sean's lifeless body, while one applied direct pressure to the gunshot wound.

  Aware of the wire, Gabriel warned Lockwood's team when he screamed the place was ready to explode. They heard shouts as the police withdrew.

  The minute they cleared the house, Damon detonated the explosives and leveled the house.

  Chapter 19

  Lockwood ordered his team to cautiously secure the estate.

  "McMurray stated the front door is set up to trigger an explosion. He thinks the front windows are as well. Be careful where you step."

  "Sir, what about Detective McMurray?"

  "I want him and his wife out of there and alive. They are your priority."

  "How did he get inside?"

  "Second floor, rear. Do not go in from anywhere but ground level. Anymore questions?” No answer. “Good, let's go."

  The team deployed to their assigned positions and headed to the huge house. Lockwood could see light in the front entry and advised one of the team leaders about the alternate power source. The power to the house had been shut off after the raid and because the property remained a federal crime scene, it had not been restored.

  Shadows in front of the windows clued him into at least half a dozen people in the front hall. He cautiously figured two friendly, four enemies. His assessment proved correct when he heard Sean's voice. He listened carefully to the conversation between McMurray and Gliickman.

  He keyed a radio and advised the medical team from Doctor Hawthorne's private clinic to stand by. Hunt had researched Hawthorne and called him.

  "Doctor Hawthorne, I already know about Sean and his wife and kids. I don't care at this point. I want the best for them and you are it. He wants his wife brought directly to you. I want to save valuable time."

  "Thank you, Detective. We'll be there. Sean's got a team backing him also. Whatever happens, trust what you see and not what you think you see."

  "I don't understand."

  "Do not think more than what you see in front of you. If you don't see them, do not assume they are dead. Remember, assumption is..."

  "Yes, sir, I know. Thank you."

  Hunter Lockwood replayed their conversation over and over in his mind while he listened to what happened inside.

  "Unit four to command, exterior perimeter secured."


  He nervously twirled a pen in his hand and hated being at the incident command post instead of in on the action and with Sean. He noted the team's entrance into the house with six more unfriendlies down.

  "Can you see the entry hall?"

  "Yes. Two friendly, two unfriendly. One unfriendly is leaving by the front door. Wire setup operative as unfriendly took care to clear it."


  "Unit three to unit one, one in custody—front of the house."

  "Affirmative. All units, stand by. NO need to confirm."

  "Unit One, we have a disturbance, rear of the house. Your orders?"

  "Unit Two, check it out and remain there as the perps will more than likely try to escape out the rear."

  "Affirmative, all teams in rear."

  Shortly after they moved, Hunter heard other voices and knew the backup team of Sean's had gone in. He knew from the groan he heard who took the bullet. Damn!

  A voice inside issued orders to take Sean out as whoever said it took Sean's wife out. Relieved, he listened to the rescue effort.


  "Unit One to all units—evacuate! I repeat! Evacuate the building immediately!"

  * * * *

  Fire apparatus responded to a building fire, fully involved. The first chief on scene ordered a surround-and-drown operation.

  "I am not sending any of my people into that danger. If anyone is still in there, they're done."

  Chief Rantz did a quick size-up on arrival and studied the flame color to determine the fire was way too hot for safety. He did not like the strong possibility of the building collapsing.

  He joined Lockwood at the command post and explained the situation.

  "As far as we know, everyone got out. Be advised, it has been trip-wired. Teams removed the initially discovered ones, but we don't know if there are any others."

  "With the blast, they should have been deactivated."


  "Where are your medicals?"

  "I would imagine somewhere behind the original building. I have a medical team ready for them. I see they've gone into service,” Hunt said, unable to find Julian's handpicked medical team.

  "We'll be here for a while. I'll forward the report."


  * * * *

  Gabriel ran the rescue operation like a well-oiled machine. They gained entry to the house, secured it, and then waited until the time presented itself for them to act. He watched what unfolded and mentally planned their next moves.

  He looked at his watch, then back to Rhi. Blood at the corner of her mouth told him she needed immediate medical attention. He prayed she wouldn't change, knowing it could be fatal. From what Julian explained to him, her human half would fight the effects of the silver poisoning as she weakened. If she changed, the poisoning would be immediately fatal.

  He watched Sean expertly handle his weaponry. His knife throws had been exact and fatal. Gabe leaned closer when Sean fought Gliickman over a gun. Not knowing what kind of ammo was loaded in the weapon bothered him. Logically, if Gliickman had no clue about Sean, then he would have no reason to use silver bullets.

  Gabriel changed and waited to pounce on Gliickman if Sean went down. The gunshot pushed him to lunge at the Swede to get him awa
y from Sean, no matter what. Once he felt the man's body beneath him, he tore into him as others ran in to care for Sean and Rhiannon. Two concentrated on Dustin Chyn and when the three wolves stopped, both men lay dead, their throats ripped out. If the attack didn't kill them, blood loss would.

  "Get Sean out of here!” he ordered as he completed his change back. “I'll take care of Rhiannon."

  He heard them work at removing the huge Swede's body, then tending to Sean. While three eased him up to move him out, a fourth applied direct pressure to the gunshot wound in his chest.

  "Whatever you do, do not let him change."

  He turned his attention to Rhiannon and immediately removed the silver bit from her mouth. He made sure to save it for Julian to see. He freed her feet, then her hands before he released her from the tape supporting her body to the chair and holding her upright. Once he removed it, she fell toward him and groaned.

  "Rhiannon, love, don't change. Julian's orders."

  "Too weak,” she whispered.

  "Let me do everything,” he said, gently cradling her in his arms.

  "Sean?” she whispered, obviously unaware of her surroundings.

  "They're working on him,” he replied as the team left the house. He nodded at Damon, who took care of detonating the charges set throughout the house. The team made it to a safe distance away where they met up with Julian's team.

  Once Damon joined him, Gabriel alerted Lockwood, then Damon pressed a button. The house exploded, quickly leveled to the ground. The blast shook the area and echoed throughout the mountains, the evening's peace destroyed.

  Knowing Sean's partner listened in on what happened, Gabriel made sure Lockwood knew of Sean and Rhiannon's safety. Gabriel had truly come to understand and accept McMurray. He prayed Sean survived so he could apologize to him.

  * * * *

  Julian waited impatiently for the pack's medical team to return to The Sanctuary. It relieved him to know Sean had been able to control his inner beast. He'd heard what had gone on, grateful Sean's military training had won out and control held onto his emotions. All this would be necessary for the man who would lead their pack in the near future.

  As for Rhiannon, he tried to remain calm. He needed to be able to treat her while calming everyone around them. He'd done some quick research on silver poisoning and hoped his method of treatment would be the right path. Silver could kill her or make her suffer a while until she recovered. Gliickman knew what it would do to her and ruthlessly used it to control her. Rage welled in him but he soothed his emotions with the knowledge Gliickman and his people would never hurt the pack again.

  The ambulance pulled up to where he waited. Julian directed the medical crew as to where to take his patients. He listened to their assessments and chose to treat his daughter first.

  "Here's what he used on her,” Gabriel said as he handed the bit to Julian while making sure they touched only the leather strap. Julian put a tester on it and found it had not been made of pure silver, but of numerous alloys.

  "What?” Gabe asked.

  "It's not pure. It seems it has enough silver in it to irritate and be a control mechanism. She'll survive this easily."

  "Good.” Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief.

  Julian ordered a course of treatment and went to see Sean.

  "What have we got?” he asked as he entered the room.

  "Gunshot wound to the chest. We think the bullet missed the vitals but he's suffered major blood loss."

  "Ok, people, let's get to work."

  * * * *

  Sean McMurray felt cold. The bullet seared through his chest, hot as it burned him. He could feel his blood course through him as it raced to the open hole in his body. His life drained from him and he couldn't stop it.

  Rhi, I need you.

  I'm too weak. How bad?

  Bad enough.

  Sean, no. Please, no...

  It's all right. Really. Help is on its way.


  I love you, baby.

  I love you, too. Please, don't leave me.

  You'll be fine. Take care of the girls.


  I'm so damned cold.

  He felt her tears.

  Don't cry, Rhi. It's all right. Really...

  Rhiannon's love washed over him. He calmed as peace caressed him. He tried to open his eyes to see her one more time, but couldn't. He didn't fight what was happening to him, as he once would have. Instead, he trusted Lockwood, Holt and the other pack members to do their jobs. It would work out—it had to.

  Something pressed against his chest before he had the feeling of movement. He couldn't tell if he soared with the eagles over the mountains or if something else caused the euphoric sensation.

  Inwardly, he smiled. His life would end on a high note. He had good friends, a loving family, three beautiful daughters, and a good woman. What more could he ask for?

  I can die happy.

  No, I won't allow it.

  * * * *

  Rhiannon watched in horror as Sean fought Gliickman over a handgun. She closed her eyes to shut out the awful view, only the Asian wouldn't let her. A gun fired and her head wrenched back as the Asian fell. Finally, he released his death grip on her. She raised her head to watch the fight and heard another gunshot.

  Silence overwhelmed the room as she witnessed her husband's body slip to the floor. Gliickman dropped him the rest of the way and turned to face her.

  "You are dead."

  She shook her head and tried to hold back her tears. Every time a teardrop touched her mouth, it burned. A sudden burst into the room caught her attention and she looked over to see Gabriel Holt attacking Gliickman. She shuddered at the sight of him ripping Gliickman's throat to pieces. Blood splattered as Gabriel's rage won out.

  Grateful to be weak, she felt relief she couldn't do anything. Their nightmare might finally be over for good, or at least part of it, since she feared Sean's had just begun.

  In her thoughts, she begged him not to leave her while she sensed an inner peace he'd never experienced until this moment. Rhi weakened more from what had been done to her and the new revelations in her life.

  Please, come back to me.

  I can die happy now.

  No, I won't allow it.

  After this, he faded from her mind and left her with a lonely and extremely huge sense of emptiness. In the fog of her emotions, she heard Gabriel's voice as he issued orders. Once he was sure Sean was in good hands, he concentrated on her. She appreciated his tenderness when he freed her mouth from the hideous bit. He carefully freed her and caught her when she slumped into his arms.

  "It's all right. We're getting you both to Julian."


  "He'll make it."

  Gabriel's words comforted her and she lapsed off, knowing she and her husband would be well taken care of and safe from everything bad.

  When she woke later, Julian hovered over her. He brushed her forehead and the sides of her face checking for fever.

  "Where am I?” she whispered.

  "Don't talk. Gabriel brought you both back to The Sanctuary. You've been here for several hours. Sean is in critical condition due to blood loss, but he'll make it. You are suffering from silver burns and poisoning. You're healing fast, a good sign and, as far as I can tell, the amount of silver in your system's minimal. A day or two of complete rest will take care of it."


  "He's in ICU for a while until I know he's stable. We had to give him blood. The first transfusion his body rejected. The second seems to be working. As soon as I'm sure he's out of danger, I'll tell you and we can get you two together."

  Her hand reached out for him. He took it and felt the chill in her. Julian didn't like this.

  "Are you comfortable? Warm enough?” he asked.

  "I don't know."

  This concerned him. Her body temperature should have regulated itself but now showed adverse signs. He pulled a blanket over her and tuck
ed his daughter in.

  "Rhiannon, you need to do me a favor. Whatever happens, do not change. You're at a dangerous point and the change could hurt you."

  "What's wrong?"

  "It's a precaution."


  "Get some sleep."

  * * * *

  Sean went through a simple surgery to remove the bullet from Gliickman's revolver. Julian gave him a transfusion to replace what blood he'd lost but his body wouldn't accept it, so Julian repeated the procedure. So far, Sean's body accepted the new blood without problem.

  Julian stayed with him after he had left Rhiannon. Elizabeth would take over their daughter's care since Julian trusted her to make sure their daughter remained in bed and relatively immobile.

  He paced as he kept vigil over his son-in-law, their future leader. It bothered him about the rejection because he could find no good viable reason for why it happened. Julian pulled out his cell phone and called Hunter Lockwood.


  "Julian Hawthorne here. I need to ask some questions about Sean."

  "How can I help you? Is he all right?"

  "Now he is, but we had a problem."


  "Due to the amount of blood loss, we had to transfuse. His body rejected it so we had to try again. Has this ever happened before?"

  "Yeah, he told me about it. It happened when he served in Special Ops."

  "Did they tell him why?"

  "No, he never said."

  "And he hasn't been operated on or shot or stabbed while in the police department?"


  "Ok. Well, that's all I wanted to know. Thanks."

  "Anytime. One thing—how's his wife?"

  "Good. A few days of bed rest and she should be fine."

  "That's good news. When he's able, ask Sean to call me."

  "I will. Thanks again."

  Julian hung up, even more puzzled. He placed a call to a friend of his in Washington. When he ended the call, a copy of Sean's medical records began to come through on the fax machine. Julian knew the answer had to be in his medical history.

  He checked his patient once more, relieved Sean's condition appeared to be improving. While he sat with him, Julian read the classified medical records and found his answer. Everything in Sean's history referred back to an odd gene. Julian smiled, relief overwhelming him. Sean's latent gene caused the abnormality in his system and could be straightened out easily. Thank God for connections.


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