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Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance

Page 7

by Trina Solet

  Owen had arranged for Mrs. Luden to come over and stay at the house. When she arrived, she was immensely relieved to find that the girls were already asleep. All of them hoped they would stay that way.

  As he and Dan walked out, Owen headed for his car.

  Dan stopped him. "I'm taking you out. That means we take my car. Welcome to the Dan Resnick experience."

  "That's why I'm here," Owen said.

  As soon as they got into Dan's Pontiac Sunfire, Dan grabbed Owen and planted a deep kiss on him. Owen was breathless and dizzy from it, completely unprepared for the way the kiss went right through him.

  "Just wanted to get that out of the way," Dan said breathing hard as he stopped the kiss and started the car.

  "Yes. I hate to have something to look forward to," Owen grumbled. He was pissed that the kiss ended so soon. But he did feel way less nervous now and a lot more aroused.

  "You'll get another one. And maybe something more. We'll see how it goes," Dan said, playing it coy. He was so infuriating.

  When they parked in front of the restaurant, Dan unbuckled and swooped in for another kiss. Owen was a little more ready this time and able to savor the taste and feel of Dan's mouth on his. Just as their tongues were searching and finding each other, Dan pulled back again and Owen groaned.

  "I thought you got this out of the way already," Owen said, not happy that another kiss ended before he wanted it to.

  "I felt that the sexual tension was getting a little thick," Dan said.

  "And how does this help? It's like throwing gasoline on a fire," Owen told him.

  "I could never be a firefighter, I guess," Dan said as he got out of the car. He leaned back down to ask, "Are you now picturing me in a firefighter's helmet and nothing else?"

  "Well, now I am!" Owen grumbled as he got out.

  "Sorry I couldn't take you anywhere nicer," Dan said as Owen eyed the restaurant.

  Crony's was one of those places that promise not just food but also a good time. Owen was skeptical about that despite the garish lights and festive decor in the windows.

  "If you let me..." Owen started to offer to pay, but Dan didn't even let him say it.

  "I asked you out. I get to pay," Dan said. "This place doesn't look like much, but the food is killer. I mean that literally. They might as well hand you a loaded gun."

  "Sounds nice," Owen said.

  "You'll love it," Dan assured him.

  Actually Owen only cared about one thing when it came to their date – that it was with Dan. When he thought about how amazing that was, he felt almost giddy.

  The interior of Crony's Restaurant was even more cheerful than the outside. The music was too loud and the people too talkative. The atmosphere left no doubt that everyone was having fun. Owen's first guess was that they served hard liquor, but he saw no sign of anything but beer. Because of the noise, the waiters and waitresses had to lean down to hear the customer's orders. Owen saw a waiter waiving them over to a free table.

  "Hey, Dan. Hot date, huh?" their waiter said.

  "As you can see. This is Owen," Dan said looking at Owen with pride.

  Owen expected the waiter to laugh in his face. He grinned at Owen appreciatively instead.

  "This is my friend, Jay. He'll be our waiter tonight," Dan said.

  "That's my line," Jay said as they took their seats, and he handed them menus.


  Dan found that he was very glad that Jay was working that night. He loved showing Owen off even if he didn't like admitting it. Owen didn't seem to get why Jay was looking at him like he could eat him up. Owen was tastier than anything on the menu that he was reading aloud.

  "Bacon nachos. Bacon wrapped shrimp. Crunchy maple glazed bacon as a salad topping. I can feel my arteries clogging shut just from reading this menu."

  "Told you," Dan said. "Have the blue cheese chicken."

  "How do you know I like blue cheese?"

  "I think Kate mentioned it when she and Mom were discussing wedding food. And yes, I memorized it so one day I could impress you," Dan admitted. He always kept his ears perked for any news about Owen.

  "You mean so that one day you could endanger my health by enticing me with blue cheese stuffed chicken that's also breaded and fried," Owen said, but Dan knew he would order it anyway.

  "Dangerous and delicious."

  "Like you?" Owen said. He gave Dan a seductive look that pretty much proved he was the dangerous one.

  Dan was ready to grope him under the table so he decided to warn him that he was playing with fire. "You better slow it down. If you're good, you'll get to taste me again soon."

  "If I live through this dinner," Owen said, not looking at Dan. At the mention of tasting Dan, Owen had gulped.

  Dan couldn't take his eyes off Owen's slightly flushed face. He was dying to show him the best time of his life, and that included everything he couldn't afford right now.

  "When I get rich, I'll take you somewhere fancy where the whole entrée can fit on a teaspoon. I know this kind of place isn't what you're used to on a date."

  "What do you think I'm used to?" Owen asked, looking perplexed.

  "I heard about you and some rich guy."

  "Ned? Mom must have been bragging, but that was just a fling."

  "For you or for him?" Dan asked. He was afraid to find out more but also curious.

  "Both," Owen said. Seeing Dan's expression, he asked, "Why do you look skeptical?"

  "You don't seem like a fling kind of guy," Dan told him.

  "I'm not that boring," Owen said defensively. "I fling! I can fling."

  They were both leaning forward, and Dan regarded him with narrowed eyes. "To me, you look like a 'till death do us part' kind of guy."

  Owen sat back and sighed.

  "Damn. Is that's what's scaring them all off? That explains why I have no social life. I have wedding vows written all over me."

  "That only scares away the cowards. The right guy will be all over you. Nothing will scare him off." Dan must have put too much feeling into his words because Owen looked at him intently. Dan looked away. This was a first date. It was too soon for Dan to declare his undying love. But he just wanted to let Owen know that the two of them were more alike than he realized, that they wanted the same things.

  "And who have you been dating?" Owen asked him.

  "Some nice guys who always end up as just friends," Dan said. "For the longest time I was hung up on this guy who was out of my reach, and no one else could compare to him."

  "What happened with this guy?" Owen asked, looking grim. He fidgeted with his utensils to try and hide his displeasure at what he heard.

  "I finally said, 'What the hell' and went after him. I'm going to be nailing him later."

  After looking up at Dan in surprise, Owen hung his head and laughed. "I don't 'nail' on the first date," Owen told him. He was blushing. When he raised his eyes to Dan again, his eyes were shining.

  Dan shrugged and grinned at him.

  "We'll do something good," he promised Owen.

  "What do you mean you were hung up on ... me?" Owen still found it hard to believe.

  "You've been driving me crazy since I was a freshman in high school. You came by to pick up your mom from our house. You were waiting for her outside, leaning against the hood of your car, talking on the phone. I drank you in from head to toe. I looked out my bedroom window, and I didn't take my eyes off you for one second. My brain was boiling over with fantasies about what we might do on the hood of that car."


  "Very seriously. But I knew it was hopeless. I was a kid. And when I was old enough to have you, I heard you were dating some big shot lawyer and later some rich guy with more houses than I have shoes. First I was too young then I was a guy parking cars for a living, a nobody."

  "You aren't a nobody. You're a great guy. I don't choose who I date based on their job or bank account," Owen told him, and Dan could tell that he meant it.

But I do have this awesome job now. You'd be impressed."

  "Should I make a confession now?" Owen asked.

  "You can't top mine," Dan said.

  "Maybe not. I haven't been lusting after you for that long. But I didn't think I stood a chance with you either."

  "You are kidding me. That's perfect. I'm glad we got that cleared up," Dan said. His heart was beating so fast.

  When Jay brought their dinner, he looked from Dan to Owen and said a quiet "Enjoy" like he didn't want to disturb the mood.

  Before he cut into his chicken, Owen gave Dan a warning glance.

  "Don't look at me like you're ready to sweep our dinner off the table and do me right here." Owen spoke in a low, husky voice and leaned closer so Dan could hear.

  "You read my mind," Dan said, leaning in too. Owen's voice and the alluring look in his eyes only encouraged dirty thoughts. Dan couldn't wait to put them into action.


  Owen was glad that Dan didn't want to linger at Crony's. He didn't want to stay out too late, and he hoped to put the time that they had to good use.

  "Where are we headed?" Owen asked as Dan drove toward the edge of town.

  "I just want to make a quick stop," Dan said evasively.

  He drove them to the Overlook Point at the top of Grisham Park. Gravel crunched under their wheels as the headlights cut through the darkness, revealing only greenery. The place was deserted, but Dan still passed up the open areas for a spot sheltered by bushes. Their view was partly obscured, but that wasn't why they were there. The pretty lights of the town twinkling in the distance didn't interest either of them. It was dark and quiet with only faint rustling sounds outside filling the silence once the car engine was off. Owen turned to Dan with a questioning look and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  "I wonder what's here, other than you, me and no one to see what we might get up to," Owen said.

  "You're reading too much into this. I was just looking for a place to park." Dan's real answer was his hand on Owen's thigh.

  "And you are just looking for somewhere to rest your hand. I shouldn't read anything into that either?" Owen said.

  "Am I sending mixed signals? I guess I better spell it out." Dan rested his hand on his crotch, which now bulged dangerously. "Still confused?" he asked while staring into Owen's eyes.

  "Very," Owen told him. "I can't think straight when I'm around you." He was breathing hard as Dan's hand played with his cock, massaging it gently through his pants. Owen thrust into his hand, wanting more, but Dan's touch remained light and teasing.

  "Good. That's what I was going for. I've been waiting too long for this," Dan said and his eyes burned into Owen's. Dan's blue eyes were full of desire and something nameless that reached out to Owen.

  The next moment was breathless, timeless. All reason abandoned him. Owen just went for it. He grabbed Dan and kissed him hard. Owen felt Dan's mouth open to him. As Dan kissed back, the kiss went from hot to molten. Losing himself to it, Owen was dissolving into Dan's beautiful body and his luscious mouth. He was now almost completely on top of Dan, wedged against the steering wheel, grinding into him. Not taking even a single breath while he kissed him, Owen gasped as he drew back. Dan pushed him into his own seat.

  "I need room to maneuver," Dan told him when Owen groaned in disappointment.

  Leaning over him, Dan pushed Owen's seat back so he could kneel between his legs. He was built. He needed the room. When Dan unbuttoned him and tugged at his zipper, Owen raised his hips and undid his own fly. He needed Dan so much. He was on fire and desperate for him.

  Dan's mouth moved over his cock, tight and hot, taking him in slowly. A throaty moan escaped Owen, but Dan pulled off too soon and Owen whimpered. Dan stroked him with a sure touch and tongued his balls. Owen was gasping for breath. Then Dan's mouth was wrapped around him again. He moaned around his cock and took him deep. Dan's tongue swirled his cock, and Owen wanted to scream. The sight of his head bobbing in his lap was hypnotic. Owen tried to will himself to stay still, but Dan's mouth was so tight on him, pumping him fast and hard. Owen's body arched, no longer under his control. Dan had severed the connection between his brain and his muscles. His body only responded to what Dan was doing to him, thrusting into his mouth as he came. Owen didn't even have sense enough to warn him, but Dan was ready and swallowing every drop.


  Owen's cock was long, thick and beautiful. Sucking it was heaven. It took everything in him not to come just from the feel and taste of Owen in his mouth. But Dan knew that if he was patient, there would be a reward.

  As soon as Dan got back into the driver's seat, Owen was on him. Owen wrapped his hand around Dan's hard cock. Their foreheads touched first then Owen angled his face for a kiss. Then what Dan had been wanting for so long was happening. Owen's mouth was on his cock, tight and slick, charged with all of Dan's fantasies and then ten times hotter. Owen knew what he was doing, and Dan held out as long as he could to enjoy it.

  Owen was too good, he had Dan coming like a live current was passing through him. Gasping for breath, they gazed at each other like they were under a spell. Owen reached out his hand and touched Dan's face. His eyes fell to Dan's mouth.

  They kissed for a long time, their flies undone, their tastes mingling on their entwining tongues. They slowed to a stop and made themselves decent. Dan leaned his head on Owen's shoulder as they took in the faint sounds of nature and the view of the dark sky between the branches that hid them.

  "This seems right," he said to Owen. It seemed perfect.

  "Actually it's illegal. We could get arrested for what we were just doing in a public place."

  "At least we made it count," Dan said then turned his head and kissed him. Owen's lips opened to him eager but soft. That kiss told Dan that they had time, that they were only beginning. There was no last kiss for them.

  Their mouths met again when they parked in front of the house. The street was quiet. Only a handful of windows glowed up and down the block.

  Before Owen unlocked the front door, Dan grabbed him and planted a deep one on him, stealing his breath.

  "That was your official kiss on the doorstep," Dan informed him after they broke apart, breathing hard.

  "Good thing you told me. I would have never figured it out," Owen said.

  "So we're officially dating now, right?" Dan asked as Owen opened the door.

  "I guess we are," Owen said.

  "You can't tell? Oh, I'll show you. I'm gonna date you so hard," Dan vowed as they went in.

  The house was silent at first. Hearing them come in, Mrs. Luden tiptoed down the stairs to say goodnight. Owen went up with Dan to look in on the girls. Then came the hard part – letting Owen go back downstairs to his own bed without him.

  Chapter 9

  Owen had just arrived home from work when he heard another man's voice coming from the kitchen. As he went in, he saw that the voice was coming from Dan's phone sitting on the counter. Dan was cutting up chicken for stir-fry. That's probably why he had this guy on speaker.

  "Glad things are working out after all that nasty trouble you had with Keith," the voice on the phone said.

  "I know. It's night and day. See you when you come down," Dan said and hung up. He noticed Owen and smiled.

  "That was Antonio. You might get to meet him when he comes down from college in a few weeks," Dan said over his shoulder as he washed his hands. While drying his hands, he turned to Owen fully. "Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you this hot?"

  "Your eyes are deceiving you. Maybe you need glasses," Owen told him, feeling a little glum after what he overheard.

  "My hands never lie to me. I'll just confirm..." Dan started to move toward him, flexing his fingers.

  "Don't even think about it," Owen told him, but he couldn't help smiling.

  "Damn," Dan said while doing a thorough visual strip search.

  "It's no great loss. Go feel up that Antonio," Owen said. Dan had mentioned the name before b
ut not in any way that made Owen worry.

  "You're jealous of Antonio. I consider that a good sign. It means I've got my hooks in you." Dan started moving in for a hands-on inspection again.

  "Jealousy is not good," Owen said as he evaded him.

  "It is when it makes those eyes of yours blaze. You are so smoking hot right now. But you have nothing to worry about there. If anything was going to happen between me and Antonio, it would have happened already. We are just friends."

  "With benefits?" Owen wondered.

  "We fooled around a little. Just to make sure there was nothing there," Dan said with a shrug.

  "Of course. You had to make sure," Owen said sarcastically.

  "I only have eyes for you. And hands," Dan said, making another grab for him. This time, Owen let Dan's arms encircle him. His hands slipped around and down Owen's back. "Look how cooperative you are. I like that," Dan said as he pressed into him and groped his ass.

  Owen shook his head. He succumbed to him so easily. "What can I say, I'm your bitch."

  "I would use a different word."

  "Like what?"

  "My man, my hot, sexy man."

  "That does sound better," Owen said and he kissed him. He felt Dan's lips flutter against his. His tongue played with Owen's, but the kiss stayed tender and tantalizing like a promise that there was so much more to come.

  Owen didn't ask Dan about the trouble Antonio mentioned. It worried him that this was something Dan didn't bring up on his own. Owen liked Dan too much. He didn't want anything to come between them when they had just started dating. What was he afraid he would find out? This was Dan. But Owen still felt a tightening in his stomach. Owen was afraid to find out anything bad about Dan. Even if he was too good to be true, Dan was too important to him now. He couldn't stand the thought that anything would spoil what was happening between them. But for the sake of the girls, he knew he would have to ask.


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