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Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance

Page 8

by Trina Solet


  Maggie had made something in preschool out of papier-mâché. She let Owen and Dan admire it. Neither one of them knew what it was. While Owen set the table with Connie's help, Dan helped Maggie put her creation on display. She pointed at the high shelf by the window where some porcelain figurines were lined up.

  "Put it up there next to the other bird," Maggie said. So that thing was supposed to be a bird.

  "Why can't you do it?" Dan asked.

  She reached up to show him. "My arms are too short."

  "Just your arms? I think it's more than that," Dan told her as he put the alleged bird on display next to a delicate bird figurine. "You short human beings sure need a lot of help."

  "Now I want a snack," Maggie said.

  Connie came over to second that.

  "You don't want snacks before dinner," Dan told them.

  "Yes, we do. Kids know what they want," Connie insisted.

  "Give kids what they want," Maggie said.

  "Listen to them. Next they'll be holding up protest signs," Owen said.

  Getting nowhere with Dan, Maggie turned to Owen and pointed at the top cabinet.

  "You can help too. I want a snack. I can't get it. I'm a short human being. I need lots of help."

  Dan and Owen laughed.

  "You're a cute human being," Owen told her. She was happy to hear it. "You're a cute human being too, Connie. I can see you making green eyes at me."

  "I don't have green eyes," Connie said. "What about a snack?"

  "No snack. It's too close to dinner."

  They both started a chorus of whining.

  Owen went over to the stove and showed them the rice that was cooking and the chicken and vegetables waiting to go in the wok.

  "You see that? That's our dinner. If we eat snacks before dinner, we'll hurt its feelings. Now go play before I give you some chores to do," Owen threatened them.

  They looked from Owen to Dan, found no sympathy and left.

  "Your parenting style makes me dizzy," Dan said and sneaked a kiss. "I hope you're planning our next date."

  "All the time," Owen said. He skimmed the back of his hand down Dan's front making him shiver. That wasn't enough contact, not nearly enough.

  "You better plan our next date. You saw where we end up if I do it," Dan reminded him as added incentive.

  "I liked where we ended up," Owen said shyly.

  Dan knew he wasn't talking about the restaurant. He wrapped Owen in his arms and kissed him.

  "If the girls catch you doing that..." Owen started to say.

  "I refuse to live my life in fear of tiny human beings."

  "They are relentless. They have no mercy. And they are inexhaustible. They're like tiny Terminators," Owen said, but he didn't move from Dan's embrace.

  "You're not afraid of them. You're worried about them," Dan told him.

  Owen admitted that he was right. "I don't want to confuse them. But I'm not kidding about the horror we would unleash either. They are all over you now. What do you think will happen when they find out you're dating their favorite uncle?"

  "Only uncle."

  "Him too."

  Dan cupped Owen's jaw with one hand and kissed him. He did it slowly, with his eyes closed tight. The taste and feel of Owen's mouth were his world. As Dan kissed him, he could feel Owen's whole body shuddering through that kiss. Setting his whole body on fire, Owen wrapped himself around him. Owen and Dan took a moment to make out right there in the kitchen. They could hear the girls stomping around upstairs so there was no chance of getting caught. Getting hard and feeling Owen's cock grinding into him, Dan pulled back. At first Owen made a complaining sound, then he smiled.

  "Stop making me happy," he said to Dan.

  "Why?" Dan asked as he ran his hands up and down his arms then linked them around Owen's waist.

  "Because it won't last and then I'll be miserable," Owen said with sad eyes.

  "Are you planning to dump me?"

  "No. Never." Owen looked stricken at the thought.

  "Good. Then I don't see an end in sight," Dan said with a big grin. He was promising himself to Owen at that moment though in his heart he had already done it.

  "Dan," Owen said, warning him that he was rushing.

  "I mean it. I got you and I am never letting you go," Dan assured him, but since Owen still looked unconvinced, he switched gears. "If you want me to behave myself, you should hurry up and take me out so I can get it out of my system. Where's that date you promised me?"

  "I guess you need wining and dining."

  "I don't. You do. That way you'll know I'm serious and that my intentions are pure," Dan said.

  "Pure? With your hands on my ass?"

  Dan's hands had traveled south and were rubbing Owen's ass.

  "I am dirty of mind, pure of heart," Dan said, not stopping what he was doing and adding a kiss. With Owen's encouragement, he didn't stop misbehaving until the girls came down to demand dinner.

  The minute dinner was over, the girls started asking if it was snack time. They kept at it as they helped clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

  "Is it snack-time now?" Connie asked when it was all finally done.

  "It's ice cream time," Owen told her.

  Owen got out the bowls. He offered one to Dan, but strawberry ice cream didn't appeal to him. Owen wasn't having any either. As Dan scooped out the ice cream, the girls both watched him, eagle-eyed.

  "She has more."

  "She has more."

  "You can't both have more," Dan told them.

  "Those aren't for you anyway. They are for me and Dan," Owen claimed.

  Dan played along. He handed Owen a bowl of ice cream and took the other one for himself.

  "We don't get any?" Maggie said pitifully. She was ready to cry.

  "You can have some of mine," Dan told her.

  Maggie went over eagerly, and Dan handed her an extra spoon as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

  Connie looked on jealously as Dan let Maggie hog the ice cream.

  "I'll share with you if you want," Owen offered as he sat down across from Dan.

  "I want my own," Connie said.

  "You don't want to share with me?" Owen gave her a sad-eyed look.

  Connie pouted then went to get a spoon for herself and climbed in Owen's lap. She and Maggie polished off the ice cream with no help from the guys. Even after Owen set aside the empty ice cream bowl, Connie stayed where she was.

  "You love me?" Owen said.

  "Yes," Connie told him with a serious face.

  "How much? Maybe a lot?" Owen prompted her.

  "Don't be greedy," she told him then grinned at him. She leaned in and whispered, "I love you lots and lots. But don't tell anyone."

  Owen kissed the top of her head. "I'll keep your secret."

  "Now you!" she demanded.

  "Me what?" Owen said, playing dumb.

  "Say you love us and you miss us and you wish you could be home all day to play with us," Connie said.

  "Bite your tongue," Owen told her, but he couldn't keep a big smile off his face. "I can't believe it, but she is kind of right," Owen said to Dan.

  "You mean a hundred percent right," Dan told him. "And all your griping is just BS."

  "Twenty percent is BS, The rest is pure self preservation."

  Connie couldn't follow what they said so she looked between them suspiciously.

  "I was telling Dan how much I love you guys," Owen told her and she beamed at him.

  Seeing Connie on Owen's lap, Maggie shouted, "Make room, make room for Maggie!" and climbed on his lap too.

  "She got in between," Connie complained when Maggie settled herself in front of her.

  Owen shifted Maggie over to nestle against his other shoulder.

  After some jostling, the girls settled down. Seeing Owen with the girls in quieter times like this was kind of funny. It was hard to believe they could be so sweet and undemanding. Owen looked at
Dan and smiled. As far as Dan was concerned, Owen was the perfect man, a little sarcastic, a little insecure, loving and beautiful. "He's mine," Dan wanted to tell the whole world, but not until he got a second date out of him.

  Chapter 10

  After the girls were in bed, Owen got the courage to ask Dan about what he overheard earlier. They were sitting together in the living room, side by side on the couch. Hearing his question, Dan tensed a little.

  "You're going to love this," Dan said with a sigh. "When Antonio and I worked for the valet service, we were still kind of fooling around."

  "Just to make sure you weren't into it?" Owen said.

  "Exactly. One day, this guy, Keith, caught us making out. He said some seriously ugly shit, venting his homophobia. We told him where he could stick it. After that, Keith wouldn't let up, saying shit to our faces and behind our backs. Our boss was a nice guy, but he didn't know how to handle him. Antonio was going back to school at the end of the summer anyway. I wanted to keep working there until I found something better so I stayed. One day I found our boss's credit card in my locker. That scared me. I gave it back to Mr. Douglas, our boss, and he found some charges on it he didn't make. He said Keith told him that he saw me lurking outside his office. Mr. Douglas believed me when I said I didn't take his card, and he didn't report it. He said, 'I know you didn't do it, but the police might believe Keith.' I was ready to call the cops anyway. That's when Mr. Douglas warned me that Keith's older brother was a cop. I had to stop and think. It looked bad for me. I couldn't risk it. So I thought about what to do next. I could let Keith make his next move and hope I catch him in the act. Either I needed proof, or I just needed to get the hell out of there. I chose B. I wasn't going to keep that job anyway. It wouldn't have paid me enough to live on once I moved out of the house and had to pay rent. I figured I should cut my losses. I felt like a coward but..."

  "No. It was the right move. Who knows what he might have pulled next. I'm just sorry that asshole got away with what he was doing," Owen said.

  "Me too."

  Owen could tell that it hurt Dan's pride to retreat instead of dealing with the problem head on, but Owen was glad Dan had gotten out. He hated to think what might have happened if things kept escalating with that guy. Owen took Dan in his arms and held onto him tightly for a while.

  "That feels really good. Where's my date night?" Dan demanded.

  "Isn't there any other way to keep you subdued?"

  "What were you thinking of?" Dan wondered.

  "Why don't I surprise you," Owen said. That night, he was finally ready to do something he had been fantasizing about since Dan first moved in.

  After an hour, when he was sure the girls were sound asleep, Owen walked up the stairs exhilarated. He stopped in front of Dan's door. It stood open. Owen knew he only closed it once he went to bed. He wanted to be able to hear if the girls needed him.

  That meant Owen could just walk in, but he knocked lightly on the doorjamb.

  "You weren't kidding," Dan said when Owen walked in and locked the door behind him. Dan set aside his phone in mid text as a big, happy smile spread across his face.

  "The walls are good and thick, and the doors are solid, but we'll have to be quiet," Owen whispered. He was glad Dan's room was on the other side of the hall from the girls' room.

  Owen liked how Dan looked, sitting sideways on his bed, one knee up, legs apart. Dan's position gave him a clear path to what he wanted, but Owen was determined to take his time. That wasn't going to be easy when the wicked gleam in Dan's eyes welcomed him and offered him anything he wanted.

  Going over to him, Owen kneeled on the bed and grabbed Dan by the waist. He pulled Dan to him and watched him as he moaned in anticipation. As he shoved his hips into him, Owen could feel that he was already getting hard. While looking into his eyes, Owen started to grind into him. They eased into a soft kiss, deliberately holding back the flood of passion that was inside them. In the midst of kissing, consumed by the feel of Dan's sensuous mouth and his exploring tongue, Owen fumbled with Dan's clothes. Dan got in his way by trying to strip him as well. Owen grabbed his hands. He held them for a moment and pressed them to his chest. He shook his head because at first he couldn't breathe.

  "I'm going to unwrap you," Owen said.

  "I like to just rip right into the gift wrap, get to the good stuff fast," Dan said, trying to derail Owen's plan.

  Owen shook his head again.

  "I'm going to do it my way," Owen told him. He brought Dan's hands to his lips and kissed them before he let them go.

  Dan shuddered visibly and laughed. "I'm in for it," he said as Owen pulled up his t-shirt with deliberate slowness, but only enough to reach under it. He didn't remove it yet.

  Owen pushed Dan down on the bed so he could kiss his abdomen. It was tight with muscles clearly outlined. While licking his abs, Owen inhaled the clean scent of his skin. Finally Owen peeled the t-shirt off his beautiful torso and pulled it off his arms. Owen ran his hands over Dan's powerful chest knowing that half naked wouldn't do. Unbuttoning Dan's fly, Owen pulled his jeans and boxers off his hips and down his legs without rushing. He yanked his socks off too.

  This was it – his first sight of Owen's magnificent body fully naked. There wasn't a more perfect human being. Dan's cock stood up, thick and proud. His legs and arms were beautifully muscled. His chest was perfection. Owen didn't know where to start. Where had he left off? His hands didn't wait for a decision. They roamed Dan's body of their own free will. God, he felt good, supple and strong. Bending over him, Owen licked a path from his navel to his throat. He kissed his neck then his shoulder. Chest to chest with Dan, he could feel his ragged breathing and the powerful beating of his heart.

  "Please," Dan said as he tugged at Owen's clothes with shaking hands.

  As he looked into Dan's eyes, Owen saw they were a little glazed. The dreamy, lost look drew Owen down to him. First Owen let Dan undress him, but he didn't let him play. When Dan started to kiss and lick his chest, Owen pulled Dan's head up and kissed his eager mouth. The kiss was brief because the rest of Dan needed his attention.

  Every inch had to be tasted and committed to memory. Owen drew a plaintive sound from Dan with every touch of his lips and tongue. As Owen traced a line from his knee up the inside of his thigh with his fingertips, Dan's hips pushed up from the bed, seeking contact. Owen didn't give it to him, but he did hold him tighter as he nibbled on his ear. His hand continued to travel up the inside of Dan's thigh.

  Dan's skin had turned from warm to hot under his touch. Dan was moaning continuously. As he groped Owen, his hands were rough and trembling. His eyes begged. His hips thrust into Owen involuntarily even as he tried to behave. Owen knew he'd had enough. He earned his release for good behavior. Owen pressed him to the mattress firmly then leaned over him. Taking Dan into his mouth with one gulp, he felt Dan's gentle, strong hands on his hair. As Owen sucked, his hands roamed the contours of Dan's body.


  Owen's patient, loving attention had Dan going out of his mind. Just the sight of Owen sneaking into his room had him going. Then there was his demanding touch and the way he kissed – tender but passionate. He followed that up with the promise to unwrap him slowly, delivered in that husky voice. There was naked greed in his eyes for every inch of Dan he exposed. His groping hands and his sweet, hot mouth set every part of him on fire. At his mercy, Dan wasn't even human any more. His whole being was begging to come at any cost. At the same time, he loved indulging Owen, letting him roam his body to his heart's content. He would let Owen do anything he wanted to him, the whole time knowing he would only do good things.

  Owen ran the edge of his teeth over his neck, sending goose bumps down Dan's spine. From there, his mouth meandered down his body. That's when Owen turned from cruel to merciful. The heat of his mouth took Dan deep inside. Owen's tongue was busy massaging his cock as it disappeared between his lips. His mouth closed around Dan tightly for a slow pull. When his cock p
opped free of that hot, wet grip, Dan whimpered. Owen smiled up at him. Leaning back down, he caressed Dan's balls with the tip of his tongue then took each one into his mouth. Dan couldn't take much more. That's when Owen slipped a finger inside him, and Dan lost his mind. He was babbling and moaning. As Owen moaned around his cock, almost growling, the vibrations from his throat moved up Dan's spine. His whole body shuddered violently as Owen's mouth pumped him. Finally, riding a wave of the purest pleasure he had ever experienced, Dan bucked and gushed down Owen's throat.

  Dan was now exhausted but not sated. He wouldn't be satisfied until he had Owen coming just as hard. Eating up Owen with a predatory gaze, Dan could see he wasn't far from it. Owen's eyes were wild as he looked at Dan. Reaching behind him, Dan only thumbed his hole lightly and Owen thrust up into Dan's hand and back down wanting him inside. Dan obliged him, sliding in a finger. Stroking him inside, Dan kissed his throat. Owen's arms were around him like steel. With his head thrown back, he was grinding into Dan. Dan pushed him down on the bed and felt him struggling. He was so far gone. Owen stopped thrashing only when he felt Dan's lips grazing his cock. Then he stilled and let out a long moan.

  "Oh, I missed this," Dan said as he took him in his mouth. God he loved the taste of him. Dan sucked him like a starved animal. Owen had primed him for just this. Now Dan wouldn't be satisfied until he had Owen coming like a volcano.

  Owen did him proud. Muscles taut, hips off the bed, Owen came and came. Dan could hardly keep up with the powerful stream that shot down his throat. He swallowed. He choked. He had to have it all. Owen was still moaning and panting as Dan spread himself out on top of him. Digging his fingers through his hair, Dan kissed him deeply, never wanting to come up for air.

  Their fierce, moaning kiss slowed, and Owen turned them both so he was lying on Dan's chest.

  "I love feeling your heart beat." Owen turned his head up for a kiss.

  "I love everything about you," Dan wanted to say. But it was too soon to say that. He just thought it and let the words and the feeling flow out of him through their next kiss.


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