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Dreams for Tomorrow: A Serenity Bay Novella

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by Danni Rose

  His lips curled into a sheepish smile as he set the plastic boxes on the coffee table. When he sat next to Amber, the heat from his body wrapped her in warmth. Stop. No lusting for your boss.

  Pointing to the bins, she asked. "May I look in them?"

  "Go ahead."

  She pulled out a handful of invoices, canceled checks, and statements from the bank. There were also several notes written on napkins. They had all been tossed into the bins. Not organized. Without thinking, she blurted, "You're right. You need help."

  Mason scratched his chin and gave the universally understood what-can-I-say shrug.

  Amber bit her bottom lip, but it wasn't enough to stop her laughter. She didn't want to insult him and breathed a sigh of relief when he laughed, too. When he snorted, she laughed so hard tears ran from her eyes.

  When she could talk again, she said, "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

  "We all have a skill mine is cooking. I can cook a red wine braised lamb shank that will bring tears to your eyes or create a white chocolate torte that melts in your mouth but managing the accounts gives me a headache." Mason grasped her hand. "Can you help me?"

  "I left a note on your desk with the fee I proposed. Did you see it?

  "It's very reasonable."

  "How about the software? Will you buy the program I suggested?"

  "I bought it this afternoon."

  "Great. I'll take the boxes with me and begin working on the accounts in the morning."

  "Thank you."

  "When all the information is on the computer, I'll show you how to update it to keep it current." Amber returned the papers to the box.

  Mason shook his head. "We already know I consider accounting more torturous than having a tooth pulled. I'll hire someone to keep the records up-to-date. In the meantime, I'll look for an accountant to reconcile the books and prepare the payroll."

  "That is an excellent idea. You still have to know how to use the software so you can check the information for mistakes or mishandling."

  "I suppose you're right." His shoulders drooped. "Let me know when you want to begin the training."

  "Your enthusiasm is underwhelming."

  "Sorry." He lifted his hands as though pleading for her understanding. "It's accounting."

  "I'll bring aspirins for the pain."

  The next morning, Amber woke at six o'clock. She'd never admit it, but she was a morning person and liked to start her day early. After dressing and eating, Amber worked on the program to create the accounts for the Inn. When she'd finished that task, she entered the expenses and sales items.

  Amber stretched. Her stiff muscles let her know she'd been sitting for too long. She looked at the clock. Nine-fifteen. It was time to dress for work. Pleased with the start she'd made on Mason's books, Amber turned off her computer and stored it.

  Not willing to consider why it was important to look her best, she searched through the clothes in her closet. She finally decided on her knee-length, black pencil skirt with the small slit up the side and the white shirt that showed a hint of cleavage.

  While driving to work, Amber's mind filled with her dreams of moving to New York and getting a job as an accountant. She wanted to go to plays, museums, and eat at restaurants open all night. Finally, she would have the life she'd always wanted, the one her parents had rejected so many years ago.

  At the Inn, Amber got out of the car and smoothed her skirt before walking into the kitchen. Mason sat at the counter, drinking coffee, and looking sexier than any other man she'd ever known.

  He glanced up and smiled. "Good morning."

  "Hi." She returned his smile. "Is there more coffee?"

  "I made a fresh pot. Help yourself."

  She inhaled the smoky aroma of the brew as she filled her cup. "No matter what I've tried, the coffee I have at home never tastes this good."

  He chuckled. "I have a secret ingredient that eliminates the bitterness."

  Amber asked, "A secret? What is it?"

  "If I told you it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?" He gave her a cocky grin.

  "I walked right into that one, didn't I?" She laughed. "So what's the menu for today?"

  "Lunch will be a Caprese salad with grilled flank steak. I already have the steak marinating."

  "That sounds delicious. What are we serving for dinner?"

  "I have a beef tenderloin that looks exceptional. I'm making a beef Wellington along with a Gruyere cheese and spinach casserole."

  "Now the important question. What is today's dessert?"

  "White chocolate meringues with fresh strawberries and whipped cream."

  "That sounds decadent and dangerous to my diet."

  "Please tell me you're not one of those women who think men want a stick figure in their arms and bed." His gaze swept over her from the top of her head to her feet. "Because you're perfect the way you are."

  "Oh. Thank you." Her face heated. "This morning, I worked on your records. I set up the accounts and entered a few receipts to test the program. That's when I ran into a problem."

  "We could meet during our lunch break. Then I can answer your questions."

  "That won't be enough time."

  Mason frowned. "What is the problem?"

  Amber stared into her coffee cup and said, "I can't read your handwriting."

  She looked at Mason. His mouth opened, but no words came out. Finally, he smirked. "My family claims my writing is illegible. I prefer to think of it as creative."

  She laughed.

  "Tomorrow, after preparing breakfast for the B&B guests, and doing my preparation work, I have no plans for the rest of the day. Could we meet then?"

  "That will work. You have quite a few handwritten notes, and I want to put the information into the program as you decipher them."

  The following afternoon, Amber carried her tote bag, computer bag, and one of Mason's plastic bins as she made her way to The Mill. When she reached the front door, not wanting to risk dropping everything, she kicked it twice.

  The door swung open, and Mason chuckled as he took the bin. "Can't have you spilling all these well-ordered papers."

  She didn't think it was possible, but he looked sexier today than when he wore his white jacket and baseball cap. His jeans looked well-worn and hung low on his hips while the white t-shirt molded the muscles of his arms and chest.

  Amber followed him. Damn, he was fine. She would do this job for free just to watch the play of his muscles as he walked.

  "Oh!" Mason had stopped, and she collided with his back.

  "Are you all right?" He glanced over his shoulder.

  Amber gazed into Mason's eyes. A woman could lose herself in them. Her gaze shifted to his lips. Are they as soft as they look? When his mouth curved into a smile, Amber realized she'd been staring. Good grief. "Sorry."

  He grinned.

  Desperate to hide her embarrassment, she set her computer onto the desk and started it. "I sorted the papers last night. You seem to enjoy writing notes rather than printing receipts."

  "It's faster. I forgot about the handwritten notes." He scratched his head. "Are you quitting?"

  "No." Amber chuckled. "The geek in me won't stop until I have you organized."

  "Good." He rubbed his hands together. "Although, I am prepared to bribe you with my white chocolate meringue and strawberry dessert."

  She laughed. "No bribe needed, but I would love that dessert after we've finished."

  "An excellent incentive." He stood. "I need coffee. Would you like a cup?"

  "I think it's a necessity." This time, when he walked, she kept her gaze fixed on the computer. She'd embarrassed herself enough for one day.

  Mason returned with two cups of coffee. After setting them on the table, he pulled a chair over and sat next to her. When his knee pressed against hers, she coughed to cover her gasp.

  His eyes had darkened to a deep sapphire blue. When his lips curled into a smile, she had to remind herself to breathe. Would he tast
e hot and spicy, or sweet as honey? How was he as a lover? Would he be slow and gentle, or demanding and intense?

  A warm wetness pooled between her thighs and heat rushed to her face. She took a deep breath. This wasn't the time to be having lustful thoughts about her boss.


  Mason sat next to Amber and watched as her tongue slid across those sweet pink lips. Mason, desperate to calm the building heat, took a deep breath and inhaled the subtle aroma of flowers. The fragrance was similar to roses but not as sweet, with a teasing hint of citrus. For the rest of his life, that scent would remind him of her.

  He'd seen her for the first time when they were in high school and remembered how excited he'd been when they were in the same class. Amber. She was as lovely as her name. But before he could muster the courage to talk to her, his father moved the family to New York. He'd often thought of Serenity Bay and wondered what happened to the shy girl from the farm.

  When he returned to town to open the Inn, Mason had hoped to see her again. The day Amber walked into the Inn to apply for the restaurant job, he'd struggled not to embarrass himself. She was gorgeous. That night, she'd starred in his dreams. Since that night, he'd awakened with a stiff cock too often to count.

  Mason shifted when his pants became tight over his straining shaft. Sitting with Amber might not have been the best idea. The heat from her body ignited his lust, and his skin tingled where their legs touched. He swallowed the lump in his throat as pictures of their lovemaking filled his thoughts.

  Amber looked at him with her eyes opened wide and lips slightly parted. She wasn't any more immune to him than he was to her. He drew circles on the back of her hand. Her skin was creamy smooth and more enticing than he'd imagined in his midnight fantasies.

  Mason wanted her. Holding his breath, he leaned forward waiting for her to stop him. Her lips parted. When his mouth touched hers, her eyes fluttered until they closed. He slid his mouth across hers, back and forth, until she put her hands on the sides of his face and deepened their kiss.

  Her kiss sent excitement racing through his body. Amber lacked the sophistication of other women he'd known, but she captivated him with her innocent passion. His eyelids lowered as he savored her sweet deliciousness.

  When their kiss ended, Amber said, "Wow."

  He dipped his head to reclaim her mouth, but she leaned back.

  Startled, he frowned. "What's wrong?"

  "I shouldn't have forced myself on you."

  "Sweetheart, there was no force involved. I've wanted to taste your sweet lips since the day you interviewed for the job."

  "You're my boss, and this will make working together awkward."

  He rolled his shoulders. "We won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but you should know, I still want you."

  She blushed a deep red. "We should work. You interpret the notes, and I'll enter the information into the program."

  "Okay, I can do that." Mason scrubbed his hands over his face. He grabbed his coffee and guzzled it. Lukewarm coffee wasn't enough to cool his ardor; he needed a cold shower.

  "Can you bring the box here?"

  "Sure." Mason got the container and set it between them. He needed space if he wanted to ease his hunger. As she reached into the plastic bin, her scent filled the air. He struggled not to drop to his knees. "What is that perfume you wear? It's like roses, but more subtle. There's also a hint of citrus."

  "It's a peony-scented body lotion."

  "That's not a typical fragrance."

  "I fell in love with the flower when I was a young girl. My grandmother grew them in her garden." She pointed a finger at him. "And you're stalling."

  Mason smirked. "I will deny ever saying this, but sometimes even I can't read my notes."

  Amber laughed. The sound of it drifted over him like a soft summer breeze.

  "Let's get started." She handed him the first slip of paper. "I know the amount is forty-six dollars and forty-eight cents, but what was the purchase? It looks like detect lights. Was it some kind of security equipment?"

  Mason burst into laughter. When he could talk again, he said, "It's Delectable Delights."

  She frowned and looked at the paper. "Are you sure?"

  He nodded. "I like to support the other businesses in town and sometimes serve the coffee shop's desserts."

  "Couldn't you get them free? It's advertising for the coffee shop."

  "That's true. But I make a profit on the desserts, so I should pay for them."

  "That's fair." She typed the name of the shop into the computer and set the paper on the table.

  Two hours and several cups of coffee later, Amber had divided the papers into piles.

  Mason asked, "Why are you separating the invoices and receipts?"

  "I'm setting up files for the different companies you make purchases from so your accountant doesn't charge you to organize them."

  "I didn't expect you to do that."

  She pointed at herself. "We pocket protector types must organize, or our heads spin like that girl in the horror movie."

  Mason laughed. "I need something cold to drink. Would you like lemonade or raspberry iced tea?"

  Amber stood and stretched. When she raised her arms over her head, her breasts lifted. He fisted his hands to keep from reaching for the lush mounds, but it didn't stop the blood from rushing to his cock.

  "I'll have iced tea."


  "Iced tea, please."

  Mason rushed from the room. Taking his time, he put ice in the glasses and grabbed the pitcher of tea. By the time Mason returned to the dining room, his control had returned. After setting the tray on the table, he handed Amber a glass of tea and set a dish of cookies between them.

  She took a long drink of her tea. "This is delicious. Can I get a copy of the recipe, or is it one of your grandmother's secrets?"

  "It's not a secret. I'll write it out for you."

  "Thank you." Amber pulled out another stack of papers. "If we keep working, we should get through the receipts today. Do you have the time?

  "If you'll agree to join me for dinner when we're done. I am marinating pork chops in a honey garlic sauce and plan to grill them on the barbeque."

  "I would never pass up a meal prepared by the best chef in the state."

  When they'd finished working, it was six o'clock. While Amber organized the folders, Mason started the grill. By the time she joined him, the pork chops were cooking, and he had red potatoes roasting.

  "Sit and relax. You worked hard today." He waved at the bottle of wine. "Pour yourself a glass. It's one of my favorites, a pinot noir."

  "Do you want a glass, too?"


  Amber stared at the river.

  Mason said, "A penny for your thoughts."

  "They're worth at least a quarter."


  He smiled at her happy laughter.

  She talked while looking at the water. "My days are spent working and studying. I don't often have time to relax and enjoy moments like this."

  "Sitting out here at night and watching the stars is one of the great pleasures of living in northern Minnesota."

  "It's lovely here, but how could you give up New York? It is alive, exciting."

  "In the state of Minnesota, there are five and a half million residents." He shook his head. "New York, the city not the state, has a population of over eight and a half million."

  "I can't wait to get there."

  "Are you going on a trip?"

  Amber ran her fingers through her short hair. She looked as though she'd spent the afternoon making love instead of updating financial records. "I'm planning to move there after I get my CPA certification."

  Mason stared at her. She's leaving. Smoke blew in his face. The pork chops were ready. He served the food and set the plates on the table.

  "A toast." He lifted his wine glass. "To dreams."

  "Prost!" Amber clinked her glass with his.
/>   "German?"

  "In the eighteen hundreds, the Fullers emigrated from Germany. The family settled on the farm."

  By the time Mason set his glass down, he'd drained it dry. She couldn't leave. After the kisses they'd shared, he wanted to find out what might develop between them.

  He'd known many women, but Amber was unique. A sweet, caring woman who had ambition and determination. Before he panicked, he needed more information. "Why live in the city?"

  She took a drink of her wine before speaking. "I was eight when I begged my parents to move to town. Living on the farm made it difficult to see my friends." Amber drew in a deep breath. "Mom said the farm was Dad's heart, and they couldn't leave."

  "So they didn't want to leave?"

  "I never understood why Dad refused to move." She shrugged. "That's when I began dreaming of living in a big city. I want to attend plays, the orchestra, and shop at stores I've seen in magazines. It will be exciting to eat at exotic restaurants and neighborhood delis."

  "Won't you miss the town and your family?"

  "There will be so much to do."

  "I hated leaving Serenity Bay and my grandfather's home." Mason looked at the night sky peppered with millions of stars. "There are crowds everywhere you go, and you can't see the stars at night."

  Her smile sparkled. "It sounds exciting."

  Amber had stars in her eyes and wasn't going to change her mind. "When are you going? Will you finish getting my records in order before you leave?"

  "My review classes continue until September, and I don't take my test until October."

  "Will you apply for jobs before you move?"

  "Yes. I have a list of companies where I'd like to work. To practice, I sent resumes to the Banque Internationale and an international brokerage firm. They only hire graduates of eastern colleges, so I had nothing to lose by contacting them."

  "I'll give you a recommendation. I know several influential businessmen. If you let me review your list of companies, I'll check to see who I know. I can make a few calls to help you get interviews."

  A bright smile lit Amber's face. "I'd appreciate any help you can give me. It won't be easy to get a job, but I am determined. I've saved money to support myself while I'm looking for work and a place to live."


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