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Dreams for Tomorrow: A Serenity Bay Novella

Page 3

by Danni Rose

  Mason refilled both of their glasses. He understood the importance of dreams. Amber deserved to make hers come true, and he would help her find her happiness. Mason made a mental note to call his friend, Jason Richards, who sat on the board of Banque Internationale.

  He walked to the railing and looked at the river. "I'll do whatever I can."

  Amber moved to stand next to him. Mason looked at her face shining with hope. "The list is on the computer. When you have time, I'll show it to you, or do you want me to print it?"

  "How about lunch tomorrow? We can go over your list then."

  "That would work. Thank you."

  He ached to taste those sweet lips again. Amber tilted her head as though she knew how much he wanted her kiss. He lowered his head and slid his mouth over hers. With soft, gentle nibbles, he teased her. When she opened her lips, he claimed her mouth in a deep, devouring kiss.

  With a soft moan, she pressed against him. Her hands drifted over his chest and wrapped around his neck. As their kiss continued, the hunger he'd felt earlier roared back to life. But he was no fan of sexual frustration, and she wasn't ready for more.

  "Amber, my control is weak where you're concerned. If you're not ready, we should stop."

  Her fingers kneaded his shoulders as she murmured. "I don't want to stop, but…"

  He frowned. "You don't have to do this to get my help with your job search."

  "I'd never trade my body for favors." She ran a finger over her mouth. "My uncertainty is because I plan to leave town. I don't want a serious relationship but don't know how to have a casual affair."

  "I want you, and when we're together, there will be nothing casual about our relationship. But your plans are important, and I know you have to leave."

  "Thank you for understanding."

  "I don't want regrets between us. So we'll take time and wait until you're comfortable."

  "I'd like that." She gasped. "Wait. Are you putting me off because you're not interested?"

  He stroked her cheek. "There's nothing I'd rather do than throw you on my bed and have my wicked way with you."

  She giggled. "What if I want to have my wicked way with you?"


  Amber's eyes fluttered open, and she checked the time. Seven o'clock. She usually woke at six, but it had been after midnight when she got home last night. She'd been so restless it had been close to one before she'd fallen asleep.

  Thinking of Mason had her squirming. Although she'd agreed with his suggestion to take the time to be sure she wanted more than a working relationship with him, it didn't stop her from wanting to get him naked and nibble every inch of his skin.

  Last night, as they talked about themselves, Mason had asked about her favorite sport. She'd told him she loved fishing and did it often with her father.

  "Are you a good fisherwoman?"

  "Dad and I have a standing bet. Whoever catches the first fish, doesn't have to clean them."

  "Did you ever win?"

  "I don't clean fish more than once or twice a year."

  He snapped his fingers. "I'll give you a chance to show off your skill. We'll go out on my boat tomorrow and whoever catches the first fish doesn't have to clean them. Do you think you're up to the challenge?"

  "Will your ego bruise when I catch the first fish?"

  Mason laughed. "Be warned, I'm an excellent fisherman and will show no mercy."

  The next day, before they could leave, he had to cook for the guests of the B&B and planned to pick her up after breakfast. In the meantime, Amber could organize more of the receipts. She hit the power button on her stereo and turned up the volume.

  Her house was on the edge of town with no close neighbors, so she turned up the volume until the windows rattled. When a song she knew played, she sang and danced to the pulsing beat. As Amber worked, she shook her hips and danced around the table.

  Amber stopped. Had she heard a noise? She couldn't hear anything except the music, so she turned off the stereo. Someone pounded on her front door. Had the music been so loud that a neighbor had come to complain?

  The pounding came again. Amber ran and pulled the door open. Mason looked amused when she blurted, "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you."

  "That happens when the music is so loud people on the next block are dancing to it."

  Heat raced up her neck and over her face. She hated blushing. Her girlhood dreams of gaining confidence and self-assurance hadn't materialized. Instead, she'd grown into a woman who hid in her books and work.

  Mason smiled. "I'm teasing. No one noticed. For a while, I thought you were trying to get out of fishing and save yourself from certain humiliation."

  "I have no fear and will catch the first fish." Amber waved him into the house. "While I'm working, I enjoy listening to music."

  "Loud enough to shatter your eardrums."

  She laughed. "My fishing tackle is in the garage. I'll get it, and we can leave."

  "Do you need help?"

  "Nope. I always keep it within easy reach. Sometimes Dad calls at the last minute wanting to escape the madness."

  "The madness?"

  "When mother's sisters visit, it's better if Dad leaves the house."

  "They have issues?"

  "My father's relationship with my aunts is volatile. When they're all in the same house, it's like throwing kerosene on an open fire—not a good idea. Although, I've come to the conclusion that they enjoy arguing." Amber and Mason laughed.

  They pulled into the marina where Mason docked the boat and parked. Amber grinned. She loved being out on the bay.

  Mason said, "You look happy."

  "Fishing is my favorite sport. It's one of the few activities where it doesn't matter that I have trouble talking to others or blush when I do."

  They got out of the truck and carried their gear to the boat.

  "You don't have a problem talking to me. When you started working at the restaurant, you were quiet and shy, but you've become more confident. Now you joke and laugh with the other workers, and the customers love you."

  "After I get to know people, my shyness is less of a problem." Amber tilted her head. "And you're different."

  "So I've been told. Am I different good or different bad?"

  "Different good." Her eyes widened. "I'm not afraid you'll make fun of me if I say something geeky."

  "I'm glad you're comfortable with me, but don't let my friendly manner fool you. There is nothing I want to do more than kiss every inch of your body from your sexy toes to your lush lips."

  "My sexy toes?" Amber looked at her feet in their pink flip-flops and giggled. "You need to get out of the kitchen more often. The heat is affecting your brain."

  Mason laughed until he snorted.

  She stared at the pontoon next to them. "Is this yours?"

  "It is." He climbed into the boat and took her tackle before helping her to board.

  "This is amazing and a lot bigger than dad's fishing boat."

  "I know it's more than I need, but it's my baby." Mason patted the hull of the boat. "The memories of spending time with my grandfather boating and fishing are the happiest of my life."

  "You miss him?"

  "Yes. Grandfather loved living in Serenity Bay, and he passed that appreciation on to me."

  He started the engine. After Amber unfastened the mooring lines, she sat in the seat across from him. They talked while pulling away from the dock.

  "I'll take us out to the bay. Do you want to anchor anywhere in particular? A secret fishing spot you want to share."

  "I have a couple, but you have to promise to keep them secret."

  Mason crossed his heart and held up his hand. "I swear never to reveal your secret fishing spots."

  "All right. Go to the northeast corner where the river flows into the bay. It's the perfect place for fishing. There are weeds and tree limbs. I call it my lucky spot."

  When they reached her favorite fishing spot, Mason cut the engine. At his nod, she dr
opped the anchor and held on for the slight jerk of the pontoon when it hit bottom.

  Amber rubbed her hands together. "Are you ready to be crushed?"

  "Before we throw our lines in, do you want an Arnold Palmer?"

  "That sounds delicious." She licked her lips. "I love my iced tea mixed with lemonade."

  "I mixed them at home." He handed her a sports bottle.

  Amber set it in a holder and grabbed her fishing rod. She checked her line, put on a new bobber, and a new hook. Grinning at Mason, she shook a finger at him. "Don't think you can steal my secrets."

  He chuckled and put his rod together.

  An hour later, Amber pulled in the first fish; it was a walleye. When she had it in the boat, Amber did a happy dance while humming the theme from the Rocky movie. Mason shook his head and laughed.

  They fished without talking until Amber blurted, "How could you leave New York?"

  Mason threw out his fishing line. "Remember those eight and a half million people who live there?"

  She nodded.

  "I was lonely in the crowd. Life in the city is impersonal, cold, and indifferent. People don't see each other or say good morning. Many don't even know their neighbors."

  Amber watched Mason. He was a handsome man, but when he discussed New York, his face became cold, detached. But when he spoke of Serenity Bay or the Inn, his face brightened with excitement.

  "But here, everyone knows your business. There are no secrets. The town closes by six o'clock."

  "I am more like my grandfather than my father. My idea of work is not to spend countless hours working in an office or having dinner with a client I'd rather ignore than waste my time entertaining. I want to watch the stars at night and fish in my free time."

  "Isn't there something you miss?"

  "My family and friends, and New York has several exceptional restaurants." Mason's shoulders drooped. "When I told Dad about my plan to move back here, he was furious. That's when he threatened to withhold my trust fund."

  Amber said, "But you came back, anyway. You didn't give in to him."

  "I didn't have a choice. If I stayed in the city, I would have dried up and shriveled like a prune." A corner of Mason's mouth curled. "Mom talked him into giving me two years to start my business and make it profitable. When I asked her why, she said, 'I have faith in you.'"

  "I should have all the numbers in the computer by next weekend. You'll be able to run reports. Once you know the financial state of the business, it will be easier to come up with a marketing plan."

  "Marketing. If I have to choose between marketing or torture, I'd rather have bamboo shoots shoved under my fingernails."

  "Don't be shy; tell me how you really feel." Amber laughed.

  "Enough about me. It's your turn to bare your soul."

  "My life isn't as exciting as yours. I don't want to bore you."

  "Nothing about you would ever bore me."

  She gave him a shy smile. "I grew up on the farm; the youngest of three children. My brother lives on the farm and, someday, will take it over from my parents. My sister married a farmer in the next county. I'm the changeling. I couldn't wait to leave the farm."

  "How do your parents feel about your decision?"

  "They're fine with my living in town, but not happy about my moving to New York. Like your parents, they don't understand why I want a different life, or why I want to experience new things."

  "Have you asked your parents why they think you should stay in town?"

  "When I was ten, I asked my parents why they stayed on the farm. Dad said, 'my heart is here.' I don't want the struggle that comes with living on a farm or in a small town."

  "You've worked and studied to become an accountant and have a different life. You deserve to have your dream."

  Why couldn't Mason have stayed in New York?

  When they'd each caught two fish, Mason said, "I packed tomato and cheese sandwiches for lunch. Are you hungry?"

  "I'm starving. A sandwich sounds perfect."

  "Before we eat, I'll extend the canopy, so we're not sitting in the sun." Mason uncovered the bimini and hit the power button to cover the boat. With that chore done, he opened the cooler and pulled out a container of food.

  When Amber bit into her sandwich, her eyes closed as she purred, "This is delicious. This isn't just cheese and tomatoes."

  "It's fresh mozzarella, sun-ripened tomatoes, and my world-famous pesto."

  "World-famous?" she teased. "I suppose you picked the tomatoes from your garden this morning?"

  "Of course." Mason lifted his chin. "I would never use anything but the freshest ingredients."

  "I may be a geek with my very own pocket protector, but you are a culinary snob." She took another bite. "Although, since you're such a talented chef, I guess you're allowed a few eccentricities."

  While they talked, she discovered his good looks reflected the inner man. He could laugh at himself, but never at others. Mason didn't set out to impress with his money and enjoyed the simple things in life.

  They stayed on the pontoon until dusk. When they returned to the truck, Amber slid close to him and laid her hand on his thigh. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close for a hot, hungry kiss.

  Nothing tasted as delicious as Mason. Amber wanted to stay in his arms forever. She sighed. Thinking like that would lead to trouble. She had plans and refused to change them no matter how much she craved his kisses. With a slight moan, she sat back.

  Mason drove her home and walked her to the door. After putting her things in the house, they stood in the living room. She didn't want him to leave but wasn't sure she should ask him to stay. "Do you want something to drink before you leave?"

  With a light brush of his thumb over her lips, he shook his head. "Not a good idea. When I kiss you, I don't want to stop. We have to work tomorrow, and I don't want us to be too tired to do our jobs."

  "You're right, I guess." Amber tilted her head to give him the seductive smile she'd been practicing in her bedroom mirror.

  Mason grinned. He bent and captured her mouth. She sighed and lost herself in his kiss. When she leaned into him, the swelling bulge in his pants pressed against her stomach. Wanting him as she did, Amber slipped her hand between their bodies and rubbed her fingers over his shaft.

  He pulled away but kept his hands on her waist. She didn't know how long their kiss lasted, a few seconds or hours, but it hadn't been long enough. Amber slipped her hand behind his head to pull him close, but he shook his head. "I'll see you at the restaurant tomorrow. Will you have lunch with me?"

  Mouth too dry to speak, she nodded.

  Mason smiled and tapped her nose. "Sleep well."


  Amber filled Mason's dreams. The two of them wound around each other. She lay on top of him, her skin, soft and creamy, pressed against his. Desperation gripped him. He needed to bury himself in her heat. When, at last, she begged him to fill her, Mason rolled until she was under him. He kissed her soft lips until—he coughed. He woke with his face pressed into the pillow.

  How many more cold showers could he take before body parts shriveled?

  For him, the week flew by in a haze of lust. Every day, he looked forward to seeing Amber. Most days, they had lunch together. When school or business made demands on their time, they met in the restaurant's kitchen for breakfast before the others arrived.

  Friday night they ate dinner together. When they finished, Mason poured them snifters of cognac, and they settled together on the sofa. She set her glass on the coffee table and smiled at him. Faster than he'd ever seen her move, she sat across his lap. He cleared his throat. "I don't think—"

  "Good, don't think." A frown replaced her smile. "Wait. Have you changed your mind? You needed help with your books, but—"

  He put a finger over her mouth. "Don't finish that sentence. I want you, and my lousy record-keeping gave me a chance to spend time with you."

  "Are you sure?"

/>   "Very sure. But I won't settle for one night. When we make love, I want it to be because we are going to be lovers at least until you leave town."

  "That sounds like a relationship?"

  He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. She'd taken it better than he expected. "That's right. An exclusive relationship. I'm no good at sharing."

  She looked into his eyes. Her lips curved into a smile that women had used to lure men since the beginning of time. She swept her tongue over his mouth. "I can live with that."

  With kitten-soft bites on his lips, she teased him until he moaned. When she ground her hips against him, his mouth went dry. His body grew hot with hunger, and the blood rushed to his shaft. He wanted Amber and couldn't wait much longer.

  Her kiss became determined, insistent, and he'd be a fool to ignore her demand. Her mouth was soft and warm, and their kiss was more intoxicating than any wine he'd ever had. When his lips parted, her tongue slid in, and after a slight hesitation, she stroked him. Soon their tongues tangled in a sensual dance of desire. Her lips were soft, and he delighted in the smooth, smoky flavor of Napoleon cognac mixed with her sweetness. If he had his way, he'd feast on her until he knew the taste of every inch of her body.

  No woman had ever made his blood run so hot he feared embarrassing himself. His cock strained against his pants. He wanted Amber with an intensity that surprised him. His control melted away in the heat of his hunger. Forcing himself to release her, he watched as her eyes fluttered open. With a soft, slow stroke, he skimmed his thumb over her mouth. "Are you certain?"

  Amber nodded. "Absolutely."

  "Let's make you more comfortable." With his hand around her waist, he lifted until she was standing. Mason pulled her back onto his lap with her legs straddling his. "Now, isn't that better?"

  She ground against his cock and groaned. "Oh, yes. Much better."

  "It makes it easier to do this." He dropped his hands to her blouse and undid a button. When he unfastened the last button, she shrugged the shirt off and dropped it on the floor.

  As Mason watched her, he swept his tongue over his too dry lips. Brushing his fingers over her body, he caressed her stomach and ribs until he reached her breasts. Mason fondled the luscious mounds and squeezed her nipples. He watched the nubs stiffen into pebbles. Needing to control his hunger, he inhaled and counted to ten as he released the breath. "You are so beautiful."


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