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Rockstar Daddy (Wilder Rock #1)

Page 20

by Taryn Quinn

  I gritted my teeth to temper my thrusts, but going slow was almost impossible. Her body was so giving around mine. She gripped my shoulders, raising and lowering herself, her knees digging into my sides, her hair flying back with her movements.

  If I hadn’t fallen in love with her before, just seeing her lose herself would’ve done it.

  The familiar seizing up in my spine and tightening in my balls had me fumbling for her hand. Squeezing her fingers, I brought our joined hands between our legs. For a moment, all I could do was stare. The rosy pink lips of her pussy spreading apart to take in my darker flesh, glistening with our arousal, the fringe of dark delicate curls that barely guarded her distended clit. That hard little pearl made me lick my lips, and following my gaze, she moaned.

  “Later,” I promised, guiding her fingers to the apex of her thighs. “Now I want to watch you make yourself come.”

  She wasn’t shy. Despite some of her hesitation that first night, she’d lost her inhibitions fast. Keeping her gaze trained on mine, she caressed her clit. Arching up like a kitten needing to be petted, she rocked back and forth, increasing the friction between us and the liquid heat dripping down my shaft.

  Goddammit, I was about to blow and she hadn’t even come yet.

  I tilted my hips, changing the angle enough to cause her eyes to widen. Her rubbing sped up, her whimpers increasing. I reached down and pressed her fingers tighter to her clit, helping her over. She shuddered around me, her long hair trailing silkily over my chest as she bowed her head and rode out her climax.

  All I could do was clench my jaw and grip her hip in a vain effort to hold on.

  “Turn around,” I rasped.

  Heavy eyes opened and focused on mine. She didn’t seem capable of doing what I asked so I did it myself, seating her on my cock with a long groan. She was still swollen and tight from her orgasm, but the new angle tore a moan from her throat.

  I braced a hand on her spine and pushed her forward, treating myself to the sexiest view of my life as she clasped and released my dick. She grabbed my knees, using them to lift herself, working me until I couldn’t stop from driving deeper and burying myself inside her snug pussy. I reached around her, grasping her hand as I pulled her back against my chest, still pumping upward. Again and again, I entered her and retreated, the sound slick and erotic, her gasps a sweet torment that extended my own.

  Twisting our fingers together, I bit her earlobe as she fisted around me and let go one more time, drenching my still thrusting cock.

  I couldn’t wait another second.

  On a shout, I yanked her against me, holding her still as I spurted my release inside her, shoving deeper with every spasm. She dug her nails into my hand and I pressed my face into her hair, brutally aware of each pulse in my dick as I emptied. Even the last flutters of her climax around my shaft were enough to make me keep coming.

  Holy frigging shit.

  It only took me five minutes to get my breath back. Maybe ten.

  “As soon as I can move again,” I promised, licking a path between the strands of her hair stuck to her neck. “I’m going to tongue-fuck you so hard that you pass out.”

  “About time.” She wheezed out a breath. “I was wondering when the good stuff would start.”

  She laughed as I tickled her ribs. “Wise ass.”

  “You know, you can have that too.” She tossed me a saucy look over her shoulder. “Just in case you think the former Kelly virgin wouldn’t be down for butt stuff…”

  I kissed her hard enough to silence her giggles. Well, for half a minute until they started up again. So I just kept right on kissing her.

  It was pretty much my favorite thing to do.

  Once I could bear to stop, I righted us so that we were curled on our sides on my mother’s couch. Sweaty, sticky, and exhausted.

  And I was happier than I’d ever been in my life.

  I crossed my arms over her chest, holding her so close she probably couldn’t breathe. But she wasn’t trying to get away.

  “I love you,” she murmured, craning her neck to look back at me. Joy flooded me, but she didn’t give me a moment to bask. “Fair warning though—if you decide this isn’t for you, I will probably put sugar in your gas tank.”

  I laughed into her hair. “Lucky for me I know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Lucky for you,” she echoed. “Do you think the baby will be artistic like you? You know, the singing, the guitar, the paintings.”

  Shutting my eyes, I kissed the side of her head. “Being excessively skilled in bed is a creative talent too, you know.”

  “Oh yeah?” She grinned over her shoulder. “I’ll remember that if I ever meet anyone like that.”

  “Did I mention you’re a wise ass?” Shaking my head, I let her go long enough to pull up my boxers and jeans.

  My mom might walk in anytime, and we probably shouldn’t be naked and freshly fucked.

  “Smart thinking. Your mom could show up.”

  Nodding, I helped her put back on her panties and jeans before I hauled off my Wilder Mind shirt and tugged it over her head.

  “What are you doing? My sweater’s right over there. Near where you threw my bra.”

  “Too far away. Besides, I like my band’s name on your tits.”

  She glanced down at herself. “Hmm. That is a plus.” She traced the band’s Celtic knot logo and grinned up at me, her mouth looking soft and used. “Sure you don’t want me smelling like you again too?”

  “That is a plus,” I echoed, drawing her onto my lap and into my arms where she belonged. “I might be able to let you go in a month or so.”

  “I hope so, since I have to pee.”

  I mock-groaned against her neck. “You suck even worse at this romance thing than I do.”

  She twisted to look down at me, her sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks making her impossibly beautiful. “Guess we’ll learn together. Just like diapering and three am feedings and sneaking in quickies in between naps.”

  I snagged a handful of her hair and pulled her face closer. “Gotta learn how to have quickies too.”

  Her lips met mine on a laugh. “Practice makes perfect.”

  After a few minutes, she sighed and gave me one last quick kiss. “Nature calls.” She pushed up the long sleeves of my shirt and hopped off my lap.

  I couldn’t resist swatting her ass, and she giggled again as she rushed off to the bathroom.

  She made a pretty picture from behind too.

  Sitting up, I leaned forward to grab her sexy pink bra. I flipped the strap around my finger. I might bronze the thing. Or buy her one in every color, starting with virginal white. Red would work too—

  The front door swung open, and a cacophony of voices filled the house. Deeper male ones mixed with my sister’s and my mom’s voices. We’d gotten dressed just in time.

  I stopped swinging around Maggie’s bra, but it was too late.

  Mr. Kelly was at the front of the pack, and he’d just seen me flinging his baby girl’s lingerie from my pinkie.

  “You,” he said, his already ruddy face going completely red as he glimpsed what I was playing with.

  Naturally I was also missing my shirt. And his daughter’s blue sweater was in a heap on the floor.

  Our shit streak was clearly continuing.

  I jerked to my feet and stuffed Maggie’s bra in my back pocket as well as it would fit. Then I held out a hand. “Sir,” I said. “Nice to see you again.”

  He did not move. Neither did my mother, the lanky guy in glasses beside her, or my sister. But Bethy was turning pink from trying not to laugh, and as had always happened since we were kids, when she laughed, so did I. It was a weird chain reaction thing I’d never been able to stop. The little pain in the ass had used that knowledge often to get me into trouble back in the day.

  Looked like that hadn’t changed either.

  Mr. Kelly did not shake my hand. He glanced at the guy over his shoulder. “You see what she’s moved
on to? I hope you feel guilty, Derek.”

  Derek? Oh hell no.

  That piece of shit was not going to be allowed to stand in my mother’s house and smirk at me. I had no idea why he was there—why any of them were, other than my mother—but that bastard was about to seriously regret his mistakes.

  “So you’re Derek, huh? The one who cheated on Maggie with a stripper. How’s that working out for you?”

  He pushed up his glasses, probably the nerd equivalent of bringing out a weapon. “How’s being the rebound fling working out for you, McGuire?”

  That wasn’t the truth. Was it?

  Perhaps it had started out that way. Derek knew Maggie way better than I did. She still mentioned him a lot, but that made sense. They’d spent years together.

  And I wasn’t going to let jealousy ruin a good thing. Hell, a great one.

  I’d be damned if I let him throw shade on what was happening between me and Maggie. I’d asked her to trust me, so I was going to do the same.

  “I wouldn’t know, because I’m not.” I stepped forward, sidestepping Mr. Kelly when he tried to block me from reaching Derek. I didn’t want to have to bodily pick up and displace my possible future father-in-law, but I would if necessary. “You know what I am though?”

  Derek didn’t reply, but that was just fine by me. I had a ready answer anyway.

  “I’m the guy who loves the beautiful, smart, fucking amazing woman you weren’t smart enough to hold on to. I’m the one who’s having a baby with her, and guess what? I’ll probably be the guy who marries her too. So whatever reason you have for being here, hit the road because you’re not even fit to breathe her air.”


  Maggie’s voice had me turning toward the hallway. She was dwarfed by my huge shirt, and she’d pulled her hair up on top of her head. Her lips were kiss-swollen, her chin pink from my scruff. Her eyes were swimming, but she was grinning.

  “You said probably again.”

  I moved toward her and lifted her up, not budging when she squeezed my shoulders and begged with her eyes to be put down. “That one was for you. To give you a chance to say no.”

  She tilted her head, a lone dark curl falling forward. “If you ask, I won’t say no.” Her lips curved. “Probably.”

  “Maggie,” Mr. Kelly said from behind us, and she stilled in my arms. “Is what he said true? Are you pregnant by him?”

  I set her down and she brushed a shaky hand over her hair. “Daddy, I was going to tell you about the baby.”

  I covered my face with my hand. Jesus, my track record with this man just got worse and worse. It had never occurred to me her pregnancy was still a secret. I’d figured she would have told her family first, right after she’d talked to my mom and taken those tests.

  My deduction skills obviously were not my strong suit. Good thing I had a big cock, enthusiastic hips, and skill with a microphone.

  “Honestly, Maggie, couldn’t you have chosen just about anyone else on God’s green earth to procreate with?”

  My mother shot toward Mr. Kelly so fast that he stumbled back. “Wait just a minute, Kevin. I understand you’ve just had a shock, as did I when I found out the news a few days ago. No, she didn’t tell me. I walked in on the poor girl throwing up at her job, and she was a worried wreck. You’re a fine parent, and you don’t want to say things now out of anger you don’t mean.”

  Mr. Kelly frowned and touched Maggie’s cheek. “You’ve been upset and you didn’t come to me? Or to your mother?”

  “I was going to. I didn’t know how to tell you. I was so afraid you and Mom would be disappointed in me. This wasn’t part of the plan.”

  “Oh, honey, plans change.”

  “They sure do.” Maggie took a shaky breath. “I was just getting used to the idea of being pregnant when Kellan showed up tonight. It seemed important I tell him first.” She threw back her shoulders. “I was prepared to do this myself. I lost my job at Pizza Uno due to…unfortunate events, but I still have my office job. I’m still graduating in May. If it takes me a little longer to get through the next phase of school, so be it. I’m still young and I have time to do everything.” Maggie smiled and cupped her belly. “And I’m going to figure out how to be a parent. I had the most incredible example ever in Mom, and in you, Daddy.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Mr. Kelly murmured, enfolding her in his arms. “I’m going to be a grandfather.”

  “Yes. You are.” She sniffled and hugged him tight. “The best ever.”

  I couldn’t breathe past the rock in my throat.

  She was so strong. So vital. A million times more amazing than I’d ever believed I deserved.

  I was going to spend the rest of my life proving to her I was worthy of her. Of both of them.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful mother. That baby is so lucky to have you.” Mr. Kelly rubbed her back, then shifted to point at me. His eyes narrowed. “If you hurt her or my grandchild, I will pull your limbs from your body, one by one, and leave them out in the street for the animals to feed on. Do you understand me?”

  For the oddest reason, I started to laugh. “Now I see where she gets the threats.”

  He was not amused. Shocker.

  I cleared my throat. Yeah, yeah, Lila, lozenges for the rest of the day. “I’m going to try my hardest not to hurt her or the baby, I swear. I only want to take care of them.”

  “Don’t try, do.” He tipped up Maggie’s damp face and wiped away her tears. “I have a shotgun, a shovel, and a passport. Just say the word, baby girl.”

  “He’ll do just fine, Daddy.” She sent me a sexy look under her lashes, and I went stone hard even though members from both of our families and the biggest dickhead ever to walk the planet were mere feet away. “I have a good feeling about him.”

  “Mr. Kelly, what did you invite me over here for?” Derek asked, rocking back and forth as if he was chomping at the bit to leave.

  He better go fast or else I was going to wipe the driveway with his smug little head just for fun.

  “I didn’t invite you. You were the one who showed up at our house, pleading to talk to Maggie. Bad timing on your part to be there when Mrs. McGuire arrived.”

  “You begged to come over when I told you Maggie was here,” my mom said to Derek. “No one invited you. You inserted yourself.”

  “You mean just like you did, setting up tonight’s meeting between Maggie and Kellan, Mom?” Bethy questioned, shaking her head. “If that wasn’t enough, then you had to try to make us into a big, happy family by gathering us all in one spot. Pretending your car broke down outside Maggie’s house and calling me to come pick you up. Really, Mom?” She clucked her tongue. “Such a matchmaker you are.”

  “They’d already made the match.” My mom smiled. “I just gave them a nudge.”

  Bethy walked toward me and angled her head to the side to give me an exaggerated glance from head to toe. “Hmm, still looks like my big brother. Still feels like him too, but that speech you just gave sure didn’t sound like the guy I used to know. Gotta say I like the changes.” She pinched my biceps and grinned. “Stability looks good on you, Kell.”

  I hugged her, resting my chin on her head while I gazed at Maggie. “You forgot happiness.”

  “That too. I’m so happy for both of you. And a cousin for Rainy. She’s going to be so excited.” Bethy moved back and turned toward Maggie. “We’ve never met, but I’ve heard a lot about you. You made quite the impression on both my mom and my brother. You must be a good person, since they have excellent judgment.”

  Maggie smiled and stepped away from her father. “Thank you, Beth. I’ve heard a lot about you too.”

  “Welcome to the family, Maggie.” Bethy held open her arms and Maggie moved into them, closing her eyes as she let out a giant sigh.

  Mr. Kelly arched a brow at me. “If you’re expecting a hug—”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him. He was about as flexible as a
board, but the women started to laugh.

  I stepped back before he could deck me. If I wasn’t mistaken, there might’ve even been a glint of amusement in his eyes.

  Might’ve. I wasn’t about to be carving the Kelly family’s turkey anytime soon. But that was okay. I was prepared to work for what I wanted. For as long as it took.

  “Maggie,” Derek said. “Are you sure about this?”

  Maggie unfurled her hair from its bun, twirling it out behind her. “I’m sure. I’m also sure that your dumping me for Trini was the biggest favor you could’ve ever done for me. How is she anyway?”

  Derek blanched. “We broke up.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” To Maggie’s credit, she really did look sorry.

  Either she was a great actress or she was kinder than that jerk deserved.

  “I came to your place to see if you might still have feelings for me, but I guess every woman has their rockstar fantasies.” Derek smirked.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. As you can tell, I’ve moved on. But you have it all wrong. I had grouchy jerk fantasies. The rockstar thing was an unexpected—and welcome—bonus.” Maggie smiled at me, then glanced at my mom. “As was meeting up with Mrs. McGuire again and realizing she was the mother of the man I loved.”

  “Aww, sweetheart.” My mom pulled her into a hug. “You’ve done my heart good by being with him.” My mom shifted her smile from Maggie to me. “You’ll be good for each other. I know it.”

  “We already are.” I moved toward Maggie.

  We’d spent way too long apart. I was done talking and ready to start getting to know every little thing about my girlfriend.

  Maybe someday she’d even be my wife.

  “Ahem. Remember this?” Mr. Kelly stepped up behind me and flung something over my shoulder before I had a chance to react.

  Maggie’s bra hit the floor.

  Without blinking, Maggie kicked it aside and looped her arms around my neck. “Think you can spring for two towels at the cabin now?”


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