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Forever Mine (Westin Pack Book 3)

Page 19

by Julie Trettel

  It was far too short for what I wanted, but when a throat cleared behind me, I knew the moment was gone too soon. Breaking away, I turned to find Lily watching us.

  “You two are disgustingly cute, but at least you're not fighting it anymore. And yet,” she sniffed, and examined my neck. “still nothing! Jesus, people, why is this mating thing so difficult for this family?” She threw her hands up in the air and stomped off.

  “I cannot wait until the day she meets her mate and we all get to remind her just how easy it really is.” Liam said evilly.

  When Oscar came back out, freshly washed, he grinned and told us that the Westins had just headed over for the pack dinner. He was very excited and a little anxious about meeting the pack.

  “There's a whole lot of people excited to meet you two,” Liam told us, looking at me with concern. “Are you ready?”

  Oscar nodded excitedly, while butterflies swarmed my stomach with nerves. I smiled. I needed to be strong, and next to Liam I did feel strong. I could do this.

  He put his arm around me and took Oscar's hand as he led us to his pack. The image of the three of us walking together as one family made me happier than I ever remembered feeling.

  Collier Pack always had pack meals together before a big run, too. We only ran together four times a year though: summer and winter solstice, fall harvest, and a spring run. I was surprised to learn that Westin Pack held monthly pack runs.

  As we entered the pack house I was taken aback by how big it was. There were shifters everywhere, hundreds of them. I had never seen so many in one place before. My anxiety was starting to kick in. Liam must have felt it, because he gave me a squeeze of encouragement.

  As we walked to the line serving food, people stared and whispered.

  “Ignore them. They're just curious,” Liam whispered in my ear, even knowing they all heard him loudly and clearly. His arm didn't leave my waist until he was given his tray and had no choice, but he walked in front, clearing the way for me and Oscar to follow. It was the small gestures like that that put me at ease.

  We hadn't really discussed tonight. I tried not to think about it, knowing my panic would just set in. This was a pack run. I would be expected to run alongside Liam, but I couldn't. The sheer pain that caused inside me was almost unbearable. What kind of mate could I possibly be for him with no wolf?

  My eyes were starting to well up with tears and darkness settled into my peripheral vision. Not here. Not now, I swore under my breath, trying to regain control of myself.

  Lily dropped her tray on the table next to me and sat down. She had startled me, helping to grasp on to something other than the panic I was feeling. Did she know? Had I even told her I couldn't shift? My best friend, and I couldn't share something so deep and personal. How was I going to tell an entire pack?

  I steadied my breathing, using some of the coping mechanisms Annie and I had practiced. Liam leaned in and kissed my temple. I smiled back at him and heard the increased murmurs around us. He was publicly staking his claim on me.

  Then I smelled it. I smelled him. Wolves, but especially male wolves, carried a unique scent that warned others off. We used it when feeling threatened, or occasionally mating males would use it to mark their females and caution other males from getting too close. We lived in a civilized society now, so it was rarely used for this purpose. Liam and I hadn't started the bond yet, but he was making it clear to everyone present that it was his intention to do so.

  My eyes widened and I knew my cheeks were beginning to turn pink. I looked at him and he just grinned back at me proudly and shrugged.

  “Really?” Lily asked, crinkling her nose to the smell. “Is that necessary?”

  “Yup,” he said, unable to wipe the grin from his face.

  Despite Liam's not so subtle warning, several—mostly mated—couples came by to introduce themselves. It wasn't so bad. I really liked everyone I met and they helped put my anxiety at rest.

  Halfway through eating dinner my arms started to itch. I scratched before noticing the hives beginning to pop up. Oh no, not again, I thought, quickly trying to make a mental note of everything I had eaten that day.

  “Mommy, are you okay?” Oscar asked.

  “I'll be alright. Looks like my allergies are kicking in again,” I told him.

  “Allergies?” Lily asked. I knew it was rare for shifters, but ever since Oscar was born I'd had issues with them. Unfortunately, shifters were highly susceptible to human medicines. Our bodies required more of them due to our higher metabolisms, but we were also more sensitive to them. I knew what Benadryl did to me. It would be lights out quickly.

  “Food allergies,” I said. “Though they haven't been able to determine exactly what yet.”

  “Do you want me to get your medicine, Mommy?” my sweet son asked.

  “It's okay. I'm done anyway and will just have to call it an early night. I'm sorry, bud.”

  He nodded sadly, got up and returned our plates. When he came back I stood and said good night to Lily. Liam, as I knew he would, got up and followed us out.

  “There're going to be plenty of other kids hanging out tonight. Oscar can stay with them. I promise, he'll be fine,” Liam offered.

  I didn't know how I felt about that. I wasn't used to other people watching my son. I didn't know them, though I knew that was irrational. We were in pack territory and Liam was a Westin. No harm would come to Oscar under his protection. Shifters took care of their own, and by association we were now part of that.

  “Jessica,” Liam called, waving over a woman who looked to be in her early thirties and very pregnant.

  “Hey, Liam. How are you?” she said, looking a little confused, and I got the feeling they weren't exactly friends.

  “I'm good. Really good,” he said, smiling down at me. “This is my mate, Maddie, and this is our son, Oscar.”

  My heart did a little twirl in my chest when he said “our son.” I realized he wasn't just marking me tonight, but Oscar, too. It was so much more than I could have ever hoped for.

  She didn't falter once at his insinuation. “Hi, I'm Jessica Moore. It's really nice to meet you,” she said, offering me her hand, which I took and shook. “Hi, Oscar. It's nice to meet you, too,” she added.

  “Hello, Mrs. Moore. It's very nice to meet you.”

  “How old are you, Oscar?” she asked, making the hair on my arms stand up. I had faced plenty of judgment over the last seven years. Being a teenage mom bore scars of its own. I was prepared to face whatever negative comment that was about to come our way.

  “I'm seven,” he said proudly.

  I held my breath, waiting for the shock and “Wow, you must have been very young when you had him,” or, “Is this your mom or your sister?” or just the glare that so many women sent my way, being a twenty-four-year-old mother of a seven-year-old. It was like you could see them calculating the years in their heads.

  But there was none of that from Jessica Moore. She just smiled back and said, “I thought so. My son Bobby is just your age. Would you like to meet him? He's going to be so excited to have a new pup in town.”

  Tears pricked my eyes as he glanced up at me and I nodded encouragingly for him to go on. It gave me hope that he would be accepted into the pack, that I would be accepted.

  She made quick introductions and the boys appeared to hit it off immediately. It reminded me of the day I had first met Lily Westin and we became instant best friends.

  Jessica returned while I watched them. “I think they're going to be fast friends,” she said, sounding pleased. “I'm obviously not going to be running tonight, and will keep an eye out on them. There're a few other kids that will be joining them tonight. We're having a sleepover at my place. They want to watch the shift and start of the run, then play for a little while before I round them up for popcorn and movies at home. Oscar is welcome to join us.”

  I glanced at Liam, who smiled and nodded encouragingly at me. My skin was still crawling with hives and the i
tching was getting worse. I knew I would be dead to the world soon, and Oscar would have nothing to do otherwise, so I let go of my fears and I said yes.

  “That would be great. Thank you so much.”

  “Anytime. It was really nice to meet you. Maybe we could have coffee or something soon.”

  “I would love that,” I said honestly. I sensed no judgment from her and the hope of maybe having a friend, someone with a son Oscar's age that I could discuss things with and who would actually understand, made me excited for a future here.

  We said goodbye to Jessica and left Oscar in her care. Liam walked me back to the house and waited until I was dressed and in bed for the night. He wasn't pleased with the human meds I pulled out in search of the Benadryl. I could tell from the look on his face how they disgusted him, but he didn't really know what I'd been through and how they'd helped. I swallowed four Benadryl, knowing the exact amount I needed to get rid of the hives without spending the next day sleeping them off.

  “I'll be asleep soon. I'm sorry,” I said, yawning, as I could feel them already starting to kick in.

  “I won't be out all night, but I am expected to at least make an appearance.”

  “Will they be upset that I'm not there?”

  “Don't you worry about that,” he said, kissing my forehead, then my nose, before finding my mouth. The effects of the meds combined with the potent need for my mate filled me with pure desire. It was the most passionate kiss we'd ever shared and I moaned into his mouth, trying to deepen it.

  He pulled back, breathless, and I could see the raw need in his eyes that mirrored my own feelings. A blaring sound signaling the start of the run broke the moment. Liam was hesitant even then to leave, and I knew it wasn't out of worry for me, but pure desire.

  He groaned in frustration. “I have to make a quick appearance. I'll be right back.”

  I sighed in frustration, knowing I wouldn't stay awake that long. “The meds,” I reminded him. “I'll be asleep before you return. So go, run. I'll be fine.”

  I didn't want him to leave, though. I didn't want the medicine to pull me into darkness. I wanted my mate. He kissed me again, unwilling to leave just yet. His hands never left my back as they caressed the bare skin exposed at the bottom of my shirt, but just that simple touch and his taste brought me pleasure. I had been warned at an early age of the sexual frenzy that would come from taking a mate, but I had not at all been prepared for what that would feel like.

  He pulled back and looked into my eyes. The world was starting to turn to a haze around us and I struggled to stay awake. He gave me one more quick kiss and whispered, “Good night, sweet Maddie,” before I faded off into darkness.


  Chapter 21

  Maddie looked so peaceful and so vulnerable as she drifted off to sleep. I knew I had to make an appearance at the run. Enough questions would come my way over why she wasn't there, but if I missed, too, Kyle would not be happy.

  While there were a lot of perks to being a Westin, there was also a high demand of requirements. Missing pack events was not acceptable. My dad always said, to maintain control of a pack this size, the family had to always lead by example, not just the Alpha, but the entire Westin family. It was a lot to bear, but none of us had ever really complained about it either. It was who we were. Simple as that.

  I knew I wouldn't stay away from her too long. The drugs she had taken made her exceptionally vulnerable and my wolf was struggling against me to leave at all.

  When the second horn blew, I knew what I had to do. I quickly changed into an old pair of sweats. Walking out of that room was one of the hardest things I'd ever done, but it was my duty as a Westin, so I did.

  My family was waiting at the front behind Kyle as he spoke and I casually slipped in behind them. I made my appearance. Most of the pack was already naked and waiting for the call to shift. I looked around to find Oscar, who didn't seemed fazed by it at all. I was glad I'd taken the time show him what it was going to be like.

  Before meeting Oscar, I had never really given much thought to fatherhood. Now, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The impact of potentially screwing it all up weighed heavily on me. I listened in to the other boys.

  “You're staying at the Westin house?” “Do you know Kyle?” “How does your mom know Liam?” “Is she going to mate him?” “Is he going to be your dad?” “I don't believe it.”

  The other boys were grilling my kid and it didn't sit too well with me. When Kyle called the run, I stopped him before he took off.

  “Do me a favor. Say hi to Oscar before you take off.”

  “Kids giving him a hard time?” he asked.

  “He is the new kid and we are the Westins.”

  “Tough position to be thrown into. I got you,” he assured me.

  “Thanks, bro.”

  Kyle walked over to where the boys were standing and they all silenced and stared up at him in shock and awe.

  “Hey, Oscar, thanks for taking care of Z for me.”

  “Anytime, Kyle,” he said proudly.

  “M-M-Mr. Westin, h-h-have a good run,” Jessica's kid stuttered out.

  “It's Bobby, right?” Kyle asked, and the poor kid just stared up in shock, nodding his head slowly. “I'm glad to see Oscar's making friends already. You boys stay out of trouble and have fun tonight.”

  “We will, thanks, Kyle,” Oscar said.

  Kyle mussed the kid's hair before taking off to join Kelsey and start their run.

  “Whoa, you really do know Kyle?” one of the other boys asked.

  “Hey Oscar,” I said, not even giving the kids time to recover. “You okay for tonight?”

  I could see worry in his eyes. “I'm a little worried about Mommy,” he said quietly.

  “I know kid, me too, but she is already sound asleep. I won't be out long.”

  “So you'll keep an eye on her?”

  “You know I will. And if you want to come home early, just call me, and I'll come get you, okay?” He nodded, gratitude written all over his face.

  I pulled him aside and whispered, even knowing the other boys were listening in to every word. I said, “Don't let the other kids give you too hard of a time. You may be the new kid, but remember, you're a Westin now.” He nodded like he even understood a little about what that meant. “Now,” I said louder for all the boys, “you were asking why we don't wear clothes when we shift. Ready to see for yourself?”

  Oscar grinned excitedly. “You're going Hulk?”

  “I'm going Hulk. You ready?”

  “Yes!” he exclaimed.

  I clapped my hands dramatically, then shifted right on the spot. My old sweats went flying in every direction, shredded, as I knew they would.

  “Cool!” Oscar yelled as the other boys agreed and cheered. “Thanks, Liam,” he said, giving my head a little pat. I nodded and headed off into the woods.

  Normally my wolf and I were at peace on a run, but both of us were too worried about Maddie to enjoy it. I only lasted an hour before I headed back. I shifted at the back door of the house and headed straight for my bedroom. Oscar was gone for the night, so I didn't even bother putting on clothes, though I did lock the door, just in case, before climbing into bed next to Maddie.

  She shifted, then rolled into me like she was seeking my warmth. A peace washed over me as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I didn't fall asleep right away, but as the other wolves headed for home, or moved deeper into the forest, my wolf finally relaxed and I drifted off into a contented sleep.

  Having forgotten to turn off my alarm, it sounded much too early. I reached over and hit it until it silenced. Too late, though; Maddie was already stirring. As she stretched up against me, my body responded quickly.

  I knew she wasn't fully coherent yet even as her hand glided gently across my abs before heading lower and exploring my body.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, the sexiest sound I'd ever heard as she wrapped her hand around me.

I couldn't take it any longer. My mouth sought out hers as my hands cupped her breasts. I gently removed her clothes before her eyes even opened. I expected to see a startled look, knowing she was still in that in-between of dreaming and reality, but she smiled like she knew exactly what she was doing to me and I was lost in her.

  As she continued to explore my body, I began worshiping hers. No part was left unattended until we were panting with the need for release. “Mine,” I growled as I positioned myself over her. As I started to let my weight sink onto her, I felt an immediate shift between us.

  I looked down to meet large eyes filled with fear. It was like a knife slicing my chest open. She was afraid. She was afraid of me. The thought gutted me as she gasped for breath and fought against the rising panic. Our bond was strengthening and I could feel her emotions as if they were my own.

  She pushed at me and I quickly rolled off her.

  “Maddie? Sweetheart, it's okay. It's okay. We don't have to do anything. I'm so sorry.” I just kept talking, not really knowing what to say. How could she think I'd ever hurt her like that?

  “I'm sorry,” she said, jumping up from the bed and running for the bathroom. I tried to follow, but she slammed the door in my face. I stood there staring at it, unsure of what to do. When I heard the shower come on, I went back to sit on the bed and wait.

  She came out wrapped in a towel, hugging it close to her. Her skin was pinked from the heat of the water, and her smell quickly filled the room. Despite what had happened, I still wanted her in every way possible.

  She sat down beside me, her shoulders slumped.

  “Will it always be like this?” she asked quietly. “Will I always remember whenever we try to get close?” She turned teary eyes my way.

  “I don't know. You have to know I'd never hurt you. I'll wait as long as it takes, for whatever you can handle.” Anger flared in me over what they'd done to her. They'd taken something that should have been beautiful between just the two of us, and turned it ugly. I needed to get up and move. I had to be in the office later and thought maybe I should just head in early. My head was all screwed up. I didn't know what to think or how to feel.


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