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Forever Mine (Westin Pack Book 3)

Page 20

by Julie Trettel

  One more look at Maddie, and all that changed again. It was like being on an emotional roller-coaster. I was dealing with my own feelings, but I could also feel hers so strongly. She was embarrassed, upset, and frustrated.

  “You deserve so much more than me. So much more than I can offer, Liam.”

  “Don't,” I said. “It was our first try. I'm guessing your first try since—since it happened.”

  She nodded, the tears flowing down her cheeks now.

  “We've got some obstacles, for sure, but we're going to make it,” I told her, wishing out into the universe for it to be true.

  I held her for a while, trying to reassure her as much as myself. I didn't know what the future would hold for us, but I knew I damn sure wasn't giving up on us.

  “I have to go into the office today. Are you going to be okay?”

  She nodded. “I was thinking of calling Annie today. I didn't like how I left things the last time I spoke to them, and there're so many questions I need answers to. I wasn't going to tell you, because I wasn't sure you'd agree,” she confessed. “But I don't want there to be secrets between us. I've had too much of that in my life already.”

  “Thank you for trusting me with that,” I said honestly. It meant a lot to me that she didn't want to keep things from me. “Tell you what, why don't you get dressed, and come to the office with me? We can call Annie from there. My office is buffered with the same device as Kyle's office here.”

  “I don't know. I really should check on Oscar.”

  “I'm sure he's still at Jessica's. Drop me off and you can have the car. I'll give you directions to where he's staying. Maybe the two of you could come by for lunch? I'll get one of my sisters, or Christine, to watch him while we call Annie.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  I went to shower quickly and change for work. I was looking through my ties, trying to decide which to wear, when she walked up behind me and pointed out a blue one.

  “That one,” she said, pulling it off the rack. She wrapped it around her neck and tied it into a perfect knot. It was definitely one of the top ten sexiest things I'd ever seen. She removed it from her neck and placed it around mine, shifting it into just the right position and fixing my collar. “What?” she asked, and I knew I was staring in surprise.

  “That was incredibly sexy,” I confessed.

  She laughed and playfully slapped me. “Sorry, I'm used to tying them for Oscar on the rare occasion he's needed one.”

  “This could become a new daily routine,” I teased, making her blush. I loved making her cheeks flush like that. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. There was no hesitation or fear in her response and it settled my wolf and relaxed me, too.

  Mom wasn't even up as we raided the fridge for something quick to eat. All of San Marco would be slow to rise after the pack run. I didn't need to be in the office so early, but there were things I needed to get done, and the sooner they started, the better.

  When we reached the Westin Foundation, I invited Maddie in. I wanted her to see where I worked, and to be a part of every aspect of my life. She looked around curiously as we made our way down the halls to my office.

  “I knew you couldn't stay away,” Christine said, startling me as we entered the reception area to my office.

  “Hey Chris, what are you doing in so early?” I asked.

  “Well, I heard some pretty crazy rumors about my boss man, and I knew you'd be in early today. Just can't stay away.” She glanced over my shoulder where Maddie stood behind me. “Maybe the rumors aren't quite so crazy after all.”

  I laughed. “Chris, this is my mate, Madelyn. Maddie, Christine Canine, my assistant.”

  “You're really Madelyn Collier?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Maddie sighed.

  “Well, congratulations, you two! This is all pretty exciting stuff. No worries,” she said, holding up her hands. “I've learned my lesson about going after other women's men. I'll never cross the line between true mates ever again.”

  I laughed. “Chris challenged Kelsey for Kyle during their mating trials.” I filled Maddie in. “I'm going to finish up our tour, then I have a few phone calls to make before you hit me up with anything this morning.”

  “Sure thing, boss. It was nice meeting you, Maddie,” Chris said as the two of us walked into my office and closed the door behind us.

  “So, this is my office,” I told her before swooping her up in my arms and kissing her senseless as she giggled.

  “I love it,” she finally said, slightly breathless.

  I let her go, grinning like an idiot. At my desk, I jotted down directions to Jessica's and hit the speaker on my phone. “Hey, can you get me a number for Jessica Moore, please?”

  Chris quickly rattled it off as I wrote it down with the directions and thanked her before hanging up. I handed the note to Maddie.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “The boys are probably up by now, but if you'd prefer you can call her first. I know you're anxious to see Oscar.”

  She kissed me goodbye and left.

  I watched the parking lot from my office window to ensure she made it safely to the car.

  I called Chris, leaving it on speaker. “Hey boss man, what's up?”

  “Can you get me Troy on the line?”


  “Yeah, it's personal business.”

  “Okay, you're the boss,” she said, hanging up. My phone rang a few minutes later. “Troy's on line two.”

  “Thanks, Chris,” I said, before changing lines. “Troy? Liam Westin.”

  “Hey, Liam, kind of surprised to hear from you so early after a run. What can I do for you?”

  “You know the plot of land we've been discussing?”

  “Sure, sure, you finally ready to build that cabin we talked about?”

  “Actually, no,” I said. “I'm going to need some new house plans drawn up, and the sooner we can break, ground the better.”

  “Heard you were taking a mate. I'm assuming that's going well?”

  “Never better. So, how soon can we start?”

  He laughed. “I'll personally come by with plans this afternoon. Give me some details on what you're looking for to help speed the process. My guys can be out there to get started as soon as you make the final decision on what you want.”

  “That's perfect, Troy. Thanks so much.” I gave him a few ideas I was thinking, the size of the house we'd need, and answered all his other questions before hanging up. Despite the early morning setback, I was feeling quite optimistic about my future with Maddie and Oscar.


  Chapter 22

  Alone in the car, I willed myself not to break down. I felt so much guilt over what had happened that morning. The flashbacks hit the moment I felt Liam's body press against mine. It was like I was trapped, and panic set in so quickly. I know he felt terrible, and it wasn't his fault. I didn't know how to fully explain it. It wasn't that I didn't want him—I did, in every way imaginable. It had just triggered such a strong memory. I was angry and upset about it. Why couldn't I just be normal? I had the best man in the entire world, and I still couldn't fully be with him, because of them.

  I felt more than saw Liam watching me from his office, so I took a deep breath and pulled out of the parking spot. I didn't want him to know how much it worried me. He deserved better, but I was too selfish to give him up. He was mine. The strong possession I felt over him scared me at times. And I knew he felt it too. The way he had growled “mine” just before we had almost made love had thrilled me to my very core.

  I pulled over to the side of the road to collect my thoughts and call Jessica Moore. I didn't want to just show up. What if they were still sleeping?

  She picked up on the first ring. “Hello?”

  “Hi, is this Jessica?”

  “Yes, it is, who may ask is calling?”

  “Hi Jessica, this is Maddie, Oscar's mom.”

  “Oh, hey Maddie. The boys are all u
p. They've had breakfast and are playing video games right now. Oscar's been great.”

  “I'm so glad to hear that. He doesn't have very many friends his age.” Or any, I thought, but didn't add.

  “Well, you wouldn't know it to watch him. He's fitting in just great, like he's always been here. I think those Westin brothers had a bit to do with that.”

  “Come again?”

  “Apparently both Kyle and Liam came by to check on Oscar yesterday. The boys have a bit of idol worship to begin with when it comes to their Alpha, but Liam was apparently the big hit with some Hulk shifting move he did for them. It's all they've talked about.”

  My heart squeezed with happiness. Liam had done that for Oscar? “Well, I'm glad to hear he's fitting in and having fun.”

  “You can pick him up anytime, they're playing now and no bother at all.”

  “Thanks, but we have a few things to do this afternoon. I'm on my way over now.”

  “Okay, see you soon, Maddie.”

  We hung up and I drove around for a bit, alone with my thoughts, before pulling up at Jessica Moore's house. I could hear the boys before she opened the door.

  “Hi, Maddie, come on in,” she said, giving me a friendly hug that surprised me. “This is Tina, Sally, and Vickie. They all have boys Oscar's age too that stayed over last night.”

  “Hi,” I said, surprised to find no judgment in any of them. They were all curious about me and Liam and wanted to know how we had met and what was going on. I gave them a sunny version of knowing him my whole life and running into him in San Francisco only to discover he was my one true mate. They sighed, smiled, and congratulated me.

  “Hey, Mommy,” Oscar yelled across the room finally noticing I was there.

  “Hi, bud, did you have fun?”

  “Yes, but I can't talk know, Bobby and I are about to win this round.”

  The other women laughed.

  “You'd think they'd been friends forever. He just fit right in,” Tina assured me.

  “We try to get the boys together at least twice a week while they're still on summer break. Could I have your number to include Oscar?” Vickie asked.

  “That would be great,” I said, genuinely meaning it.

  “Where are you and Oscar staying?” Sally asked.

  “At the Westins’,” I told them.

  “The Alpha house?” Sally clarified.

  “Yes, for now, though I don't get why everyone still calls it the Alpha house since the Alpha doesn't live there.”

  They all laughed. “I think it will just always be the Alpha house,” Jessica said.

  “That's really cool how quickly they took you both in,” Vickie said.

  “Why wouldn't they?” I asked. “I've known them practically my entire life. Lily and I were best friends growing up.”

  “You were? But you're not from around here. We'd know,” Vickie said.

  I looked at them, confused. Was it possible they didn't know who I was? I had expected rumors to fly around faster than that.

  “You really don't know? I'm Madelyn Collier. My father is Alpha of the Collier Pack. I spent every summer with Lily and Liam growing up, and visited Westin often.”

  Tina gasped, and I saw recognition on all their faces.

  “Madelyn Collier? You're serious?”

  I nodded.

  “But, I remember when you went missing. How can that be? I had heard you were dead,” Sally added.

  I sighed. “I know, it's a long story. Maybe someday I'll tell you.”

  Jessica hugged me. “If you ever want to talk about it, we'll be here.” The other ladies all nodded in agreement, but no one pressed me for more than that and I felt accepted, and it felt good.

  “Thank you,” I said. Shortly after, I called Oscar over. He wasn't ready to go, but he listened and thanked Jessica for having him. He and Bobby had made plans for another sleepover in a few days. On the drive back over to Westin Foundation, Oscar couldn't stop talking about all the fun he had.

  We swung into the Crate and ordered burgers to go. It was the one thing I knew Liam liked. Then we headed to the Westin Foundation to have lunch with my mate. There were a lot more people at the office this time, but they were all friendly and no one questioned us being there as I led the way to Liam's office without stopping to ask directions or permission.

  “Hey, Maddie. Who do we have here?” Chris asked as we entered his outer office.

  “Chris, this is Oscar. Oscar, this is Liam's assistant, Christine.”

  “Hi, it's nice to meet you,” Oscar said, shaking her hand.

  “Oh, I see you're going to be quite the heartbreaker around here. What a perfect gentleman.”

  I proudly smiled down at my son.

  “Is Liam free?” I asked.

  “For you? I'm sure, but let me check.”

  She called him on the phone before telling us to go on in. Liam was sitting behind his desk, but instantly jumped up. He gave me a quick kiss before picking Oscar up in a hug.

  “We missed you last night, so I hope you didn't have too much fun. Don't think we should do that too often,” he told him.

  “But, I have plans to sleep over again Friday night. Mommy said it was okay.”

  I actually didn't remember saying it was okay, but I didn't admit that.

  “Well, if Mommy said so, I guess I'll survive it.”

  “We brought you lunch. Hamburgers!” Oscar informed him.

  “Thanks. I was just going to order here, but hamburgers sound so much better,” he confessed.

  I sat down on the couch and pulled the coffee table over to set the food out. Oscar and Liam chose to sit on the floor. Watching him, in his suit and tie, sitting on the floor laughing and eating with Oscar, surrounded by his plush executive office, seemed oddly out of place, and yet so incredibly right.

  “What are you smiling about?” Liam asked.

  “I'm just happy,” I said with a shrug.

  He reached over and took my hand and kissed it. “I'm very glad to hear that, because I truly hope you aren't going to kill me. We have work to do.”

  “We?” I asked.

  “We.” He got up and walked to his desk, bringing back a stack of papers. “You don't have to love any of them, but it's a start.”

  “What is that?” Oscar asked, and I was thinking the same thing.

  “They're breaking ground on the house tomorrow, so we need an idea of what this house is going to look like, and quick.”

  “We're building a house?” Oscar asked, again, exactly what I was thinking.

  “Well, we don't want to live in Grandma and Grandpa's forever, do we? We need a place of our own. I've picked out ten I liked, but there're a lot more if you guys don't agree.”

  “I get a say in it?” Oscar asked.

  “You plan on living there too, right?” Oscar nodded. “Then yes, you get a say.”

  I picked up the first of the stack. “Liam, if I'm reading this right, it has six bedrooms.” What in the world would we need six bedrooms for? I wondered.

  “Yeah, I was worried it may be a little small.”

  “Small! You're insane, that's way too big,” I told him.

  He frowned. “I figured your family would want to visit now and then. Plus, we don't want Oscar to be an only child forever, do we?”

  Oscar giggled. “I'd like a little brother, like Zander,” he said hopefully.

  I wanted to throw up, but faked a smile for Oscar's benefit. After what had happened to me, I wasn't even sure I could physically have kids again. They had told me Oscar was a miracle child. I made a mental note to set an appointment with the local pack doctor to discuss. I didn't want Liam getting his hopes up when I might never be able to give him kids of his own.

  The next house I picked up had eight bedrooms. I groaned. “You realize I'm the one that's going to be stuck cleaning this monstrosity, right?”

  “We'll hire a maid,” he said without a second thought.

  Oscar waved one in the air.
“I like this one. It has a huge porch and a big game room.”

  Liam grinned. “That's my favorite too, kid.”

  I took it and looked it over. It had a big open floor plan, a full basement with the game room Oscar got excited about, and five good-sized bedrooms upstairs. I looked at the sketch of the full wrap around porch and I loved it.

  Liam grinned and high-fived Oscar. “Looks like Mommy loves it, too. I think we found our house.”

  Oscar attacked Liam and they began wrestling on the floor, when there was a knock at the door and Chris popped her head in.

  “Mr. Westin,” she said, smiling and shaking her head. “Troy is here.”

  “Great, send him on back.”

  A tall man with graying temples entered. He had a sophistication about him, yet his attire screamed blue collar worker.

  Liam stood up with Oscar tucked under one arm as he carried him by the waist, his legs flailed out behind him.

  “Troy,” he said, shaking his hand. “This is Oscar, and that's Maddie. And I think we've found our house. Right. kid?”

  Oscar replied, “Right,” and he handed the man the floor plans to the house we had unanimously agreed on.

  Troy looked them over and grinned. “I knew you'd love this one. A little smaller than you'd wanted, I know, but we can always convert part of the basement into more bedrooms if needed down the road.”

  “For now, it's perfect. My girl loves it. My kid loves it. Perfect.”

  “Well, alright then. We'll break ground tomorrow. I've got my best crew on it,” Troy told us.

  Tomorrow? I thought. One thing I was quickly coming to understand was that when Liam Westin set his mind to something, he was a force to be reckoned with.

  We said goodbye to Troy and he left. As soon as the door closed, Oscar demanded to be put down and he looked Liam right in the eye. “You called me your son,” he said in an accusatory voice.

  “Do you have a problem with that?” Liam asked him.

  “No, but do you mean it?”


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