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A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 43

by Samantha Jacobey

  Tori awoke the next morning alone. She had slipped into bed the night before without disturbing her husband, but it had taken a while for her body to cool off from the fire Enrique had so easily kindled within her.

  Lying on her side, studying the window, she could see a light snow falling and brushing the panes of glass. Biting her lip, she thought about her choice to leave the man downstairs. Not only last night, but the time she had left him standing on a street corner, when he had begged her to stay. ‘You don’t need him,’ his words echoed in her mind.

  He had been talking about Michael, trying to convince her that he could give her everything she could ever want or need as well, if not better, than her mate. I could say the same about you; she argued with him bitterly as she toyed with her wedding band, hating the idea of needing either of the two men. Drawing a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment then slid out of the warm bedding to face the day.

  Taking a cold shower, she tried to invigorate herself, noticing the dark smudges beneath her eyes before she covered them with her makeup. Putting on her typical jeans and tee, she thought about the places that Enrique’s fingers had lingered, only causing her brow to furrow deeper with guilt. Making her way downstairs, she formulated her plan, resolute to demonstrate to everyone where her loyalties lay, including herself.

  Arriving in the kitchen, the girl discovered the two Scorpions enjoying their breakfast at the table while her husband stood at the window, coffee mug in hand. Silent as a cat, she crept up behind him, “Good morning, love.” Reaching out to him with velvet fingers, she wrapped her arms around him from behind and cooed into his ear.

  Michael stiffened at her touch, allowing his digits to run along the backs of her arms as they held him. “Good morning.” His words were flat, revealing nothing of the turmoil that raged inside him as he held his gaze, watching the snow drift to the ground.

  Pushing her hands across his chest, she hugged him tighter, which drove his anger over the top. Catching her right palm as it massaged her name through his shirt, he broke her hold on him and twisted free.

  Turning so he could look at her, he forced a weak smile. “Coffee’s ready,” and moved out of her grasp to take a seat at the table. “So, still two days until New Years, wonder what that crazy brother of yours will have planned for us next.”

  Clenching her jaw, Tori moved to retrieve her own cup of java, briefly recalling that she rarely drank the stuff before she came to live in this house and this life that weighed so heavily upon her. “No idea,” she answered him absently. “He had a date last night, so there’s no telling if he’s even home, much less when he’ll be joining us.”

  Nodding, Michael agreed, “All right. Then I think it’s time the three of us started discussing actual security. I don’t think what Pete has in mind is satisfactory, and I really would like to get your opinions, since you’re officially here to help.” He wafted a hand at the other two men, and Tori could feel the stab of displeasure wrench her gut, having effectively been dismissed from the conversation.

  “Well, sounds like you’ll be busy then,” she spoke softly, noticing that all three of them avoided looking at her. “Guess I’ll find something to keep me busy.”

  Leaving them to their confab, Tori made her way outside for a lengthy walk about the yard, her mind turning, pouring through old remembrances and forgotten times she had shared with the men of her life. Eventually, she made her way inside, taking her place in the studio. Choosing an instrument, she poured out some of the saddest music she had made in weeks. Her mind still turning, she waited to see what would happen next; both with herself, and with two men she no longer felt like she could choose between.

  Happy New Year

  Cody and Collin arrived home New Year’s Eve morning, ready to celebrate in their customary fashion; a large party and all that it entails. Finding the two newest members of the household only a bit of a shock, they had their own agenda to worry about, and accepted the men without much of a fuss.

  That night, the party went smoothly, with lots of guests and hot women for the men to have their pick of. Michael could see the way that Enrique followed the one that belonged to him, openly leering at his bride. He could feel the anger sweltering inside of him, but took great pains to hide his displeasure, as having his feelings on display would not help him in the end.

  He had been watching the couple for days, trying to decide how to handle the situation and ensure that he came out on top. He had found a solution of sorts, and had been working on the courage to present his plan to his wife. Fairly certain she wouldn’t take the news well, he hoped she at least put up somewhat of a fuss. Part of him feared that she wouldn’t, loving the idea, and that thought disturbed him even more.

  Tori appeared to be avoiding Enrique, and it caused Michael pain when he considered the possible causes for her behavior. She had made numerous attempts to be overly affectionate with her husband, in public, but behind closed doors, their romance had stalled, which only added to the appearance of guilt.

  He hated to think of her as a conniving wench, but in the end, he knew who and what she was. She had become moody, and the couple hadn’t been tender in private since her former lover had arrived in the house, leaving her husband little doubt that his presence had been affecting her.

  The group held a large toast for the New Year, with cheers, streamers and the like at midnight. Immediately after, Michael suggested that the two of them retire, his resolve firmly in place. Tori agreed, her drawn features doing little to mask her displeasure with her current circumstances. She led the way to their quarters, nervous excitement bringing a tense smile to her lips.

  Inside their room, the girl could sense the discourse between them. Tori felt reluctant to get undressed, feeling a bit forlorn, and unsure how to handle the new dynamic that had presented itself within the house. So far, she had avoided Enrique and any further groping on his part, but in only two days of doing so, she had come to realize it wasn’t a real solution to the problem; she had become trapped, with no easy way out. More than anything, she wanted to be with her husband, and to know that they were on solid ground.

  “So, this is a new year. New beginning,” Michael smiled at her, ready for them to have the talk that they had been avoiding.

  “Yeah,” she nodded as she stared out the window at the white world below, “I guess you could call it that.”

  Sidling up beside her, he brushed her hair out of the way so he could see her profile more clearly. “You know, we haven’t really made love since they got here.” He chose to ignore her little escapade the night she had been ill. “Are you afraid that he will hear us? Or are you too lost in thoughts of him?”

  Tori cut her eyes over at her mate, finding his questions blunter than she would have liked, curious how she should respond. Blinking at him for several minutes, he appeared ready to wait the entire night if he had to. Opening her mouth to explain, the words tumbled out, “Help me.” Her reply surprised her, and her expression shifted to horror, as that had not been what she thought she was going to say. She had never asked anyone for help in her entire life, why would she do it now?

  Michael grinned at the utterance, reaching to turn her to face him and pull her against his chest. Palms moving up and down her spine, he squeezed her firmly; reassured more by those two words than by any other she could have said. “I’m here, baby girl.” Hands sliding up into her thick tresses, he found her sensitive hairline and caressed the nape of her neck. “I love you so much. You know I would do anything for you.”

  Tori didn’t find the comfort in his attempted reassurance. “Anything?” she managed to reply, “That leaves a lot of territory for things to go awry.”

  He laughed, “Yeah, it does, but it’s ok. I mean it. And as long as we have each other, the world around us can go on about its business. You know what I mean?” His words were his attempt to draw her out, “So tell me, what is it you need?”

  “What if it’s not that simple?” sh
e countered immediately, her chest heaving nervously. “What if, what I need is more than I have any right to?” she glanced down at his lips, clinging to him. “Michael, I’m not sure how this is going to work out. There are too many variables here now. Things were moving pretty much in a straight line; at least I thought they were. But then Enrique showed up, and I hate to say it, but I feel all torn up inside. And I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “Through what again,” he prodded gently.

  “Thanksgiving. The night before it, when I dreamed I had lost you. It was so real, and I knew that you were the one thing on this earth that ranks above all others.” She paused, aware that her feelings for the other man in the house were tearing at her, not as strong as her love for her mate, but a force to be reckoned with.

  “So ask him to leave,” Michael stated the obvious solution.

  Tori’s jaw dropped, air caught in her lungs; “I can’t do that!”

  “Why not?” he remained calm, having fully expected the response.

  “Because,” she shifted her stance, trying to free herself from his grasp, “There's lots of reasons. And I don’t want to argue about any of them.” She stared into his eyes, becoming aware that she did not hold all the cards in the conversation. “I’m not ready to send him away.”

  “Obviously, there’s more to it than that,” he didn’t want to accuse her of anything, but he had seen the turmoil ripping at her; at both of them.

  “Yeah, I guess there is…,” she dropped her tone, “He’s still in there, somewhere, eating away at me. I won’t say that I love him, but he has a hold on me.” Her lip quivered slightly, “I broke my vows to you before, and I don’t want to do it again… I do love you, even if I’m not very good at showing it.”

  He stared at her lips, “So, why do you keep your distance? If you’re not interested in fucking him, and you are in love with me, why aren’t we making love right now? Why are we even talking about this?”

  Her jaw dropped, the air hanging in her chest, “I…” she stammered, “I want something you can’t give me. Can’t or won’t. And I don’t want to put that pressure on you,” she shook her head, still riddled with guilt at her desires, “And I don’t want to feel the disappointment when we’re done… and you didn’t give it to me; no matter what the reason.” Her crystal blue orbs grew misty, filled with the pain of her dilemma. “I don’t know what else to say, love.”

  Leaning his forehead against hers, Michael felt stuck. Time to suck it up. She’s yours, and you’re going to love her either way. “You know, these arms belong to you, and they will hold you whenever you need it. I’m sorry I can’t be that guy you think you need, and do those things to you your body seems to crave. Just promise me one thing…” he paused, inhaling deeply, preparing for the fallout, “Don’t ever make love to that man.”

  “What?” her voice cracked and he gripped her more firmly to prevent her from pulling away.

  “I said, don’t ever make love to him,” he whispered the words a second time, battered by the idea of her lying with him. “I’m not giving you permission to go fuck him. But I don’t want to give you ultimatums. I want you to be free to make your choice without being afraid of what I will say or do. I love you, either way.”

  Tori tore herself free of him, stepping back, “No, that’s exactly what you’re doing. What the hell is the matter with you? What kind of man tells his wife, ‘don’t make love to him?’ You know damn good and well that implies that it’s perfectly ok if I fuck him, like you don’t give a shit if I do.”

  “I do give a shit, ok? Believe me, this isn’t something that I have decided on a whim,” his lips were drawn down into a deep frown, “But I cherish you deeply. The hardest part for me is whether or not I want to know about it when it happens.”

  She stared at him, with mouth gaping and eyes wide. “When it happens. You already assume that I have, or that I’m going to!” The pain the knowledge brought her was unbearable. He knows you’re a filthy whore, and it’s only a matter of time before you prove it. Anger flooded her crowded thoughts. “You son of a bitch. How could you say that to me?”

  Feeling the flush of rage welling inside, Michael fought to maintain control, his hand waving about and accentuating his tirade, “You can call me what you like. And you can be and do what you like. I’m trying to allow you to be who you are! Fuck him. Don’t fuck him. That’s up to you. Just leave me out of it. And don’t forget where you belong!” He spun on his heel and marched into the bathroom, closing the door with a slam.

  Tori could feel the pulse pounding in her ears. Happy fucking New Year’s. She turned back to the window, pressing her brow against the pane, raising her arm over her head. She wanted to cry, or scream, or break something, in her fit of fury. Staring out into the darkness, she found herself unable to do any of them.

  How could he say that shit to me? Does he really think they could just… share me? Or does he think I will get it out of my system and eventually send Enrique away… Listening to the shower, she considered the man standing beneath the steamy torrent in utter disgust. My God, men and their head games.

  Get with the Program

  New Year’s Day dawned crisp and bright, and Tori made a point to hit the gym hard, trying to burn off the extra energy she had accumulated through the tension of the household. Of course, my husband inviting me to fuck my bodyguard hasn’t helped matters either, she fumed as she stormed through twelve sets of twelve pushups, pull ups, and toes to bar leg lifts.

  Speak of the devil, she thought wryly as he entered the room while she finished her set. She could guess at his reasons for doing so, but she still wasn’t happy about it, and fully intended to prove that she didn’t need the other man, despite what her mate thought. Giving him a half sneer, she forced the words, “Good morning,” before she left him to his own punishments within the walls of her refuge.

  After a quick shower, she made her way to the kitchen, surprised to find Brett at the table drinking coffee, the housekeeper seated next to him. Hanging back at the corner, out of sight, she eavesdropped long enough to realize they were deep in conversation, a small stab of jealousy rearing its ugly head before she squashed it.

  “Hey, guys,” she called out briskly as she bounced into the room, “Oh no, no need to get up,” she waved to the older woman, who was already out of her chair, “I can get my own breakfast, you enjoy your morning.” Giving her a smile, the girl hoped her previous thoughts remained hidden as she reached for a plate to serve herself from the dishes that covered the stove.

  “I ain’t used t’ bein’ part o’ the household so much,” she drawled as she reclaimed her seat. “But turns out, me an’ Brett here has a lot in common.” She smiled brightly, and Tori wondered if the woman’s bed could be one of them.

  “That’s good to hear,” Tori held her grin firmly in place, “Actually, I think you and Danny get along pretty well, too,” she recalled seeing their friendly banter often, “Well, Brian I mean. Sorry, I forget that everyone else uses his new name.”

  “That’s quite alright child; I understan’. An’ yes, he an’ I got a special relationship, I guess you could say. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do have chores aroun’ here t’ take care of,” and with that she stood once again, this time leaving the room completely.

  Tori watched the man across the table from her as he played with his fork and empty plate. “You’re quiet today,” she mumbled.

  “Yeah,” he heaved a deep sigh. “Kinda stuck in the past for a moment, I guess. She an’ I grew up one county over from each other, in Alabama. Funny, she still has th’ accent, too. I managed t’ get rid o’ mine, for the mos’ part. Only shows up at odd times these days.” He chuckled; at what, Tori wasn’t sure.

  “You don’t think you have an accent?” she teased.

  He laughed louder, “Well, maybe I do an’ I jus’ don’ hear it anymore.”

  Continuing to consume the delicious meal, she was surprised to see Mark Holt come bar
ging into the room a few minutes later. Startled, she demanded, “Hey Mark, what’re you doing here?”

  “Beautiful morning,” he grinned ear to ear. “I have some fantastic news, and I wanted to wait until it was official before I shared any of it.” Holding his hands out, palms up in dismay, he inquired, “Where’s the guys?”

  “Still sleeping, of course,” she replied calmly, “Is it the kind of news we need to get them up for, or can it wait? They don’t really like missing out on their beauty rest.”

  “Beauty rest,” he laughed out loud, “Yeah, can’t interrupt that, can we?” He paused, pursing his lips, then sputtered, “Ok, yeah let’s wake them. We need to get moving,” and he darted out the door and up the stairs to rouse the rest of his employers.

  “Whatdaya suppose that’s all about?” Brett asked absently.

  “I have no idea. Pretty cryptic actually,” she finished her plate hurriedly and moved to clean up her mess.

  Minutes later, the rest of the men in the house found their way into the kitchen, including Enrique, all in various states of dress and demeanor. Once all the plates had been served, and everyone had established a location for consuming their portion, Mark excitedly called for their attention.

  “I know you are all probably wondering why I have disturbed you on this glorious first day of the year,” he began with an exaggerated preamble, “But I got the official word only an hour ago, and we need to get moving today.”

  Cody, ever in charge of speaking his mind, grumbled, “Well damn, Mark, we’re all still half asleep or hung-over, so either spit it out or shut the fuck up.” Leaning over his plate, holding his head, he obviously fell into the second of the two categories he had mentioned.

  “Yes, well, I understand, but we have to get you guys on the plane,” Mark explained further with a superlative wave of his hands, “As I said, it’s official. Between Tori’s interview on the show and the media blitz, you guys have been invited back to LA to finish the promo there, and there have been a few other stops added as well.” He grinned at the girl, hoping that his pleasure at the turn of events more than evident.


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