Book Read Free

A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 44

by Samantha Jacobey

  Tori’s head shot up at the mention of her previous residence, “They want us in LA?” she inquired timidly.

  “Yes, tomorrow morning, in fact. We’re going to complete the promo, and you are going to give a small private concert there in Terry’s shop. He already started to prepare the raffle – only fifty people will win tickets to the event. Plus a few select reporters, and,” he paused for effect, “There is talk of re-extending the tour. Some of the locations that backed out are having second thoughts about acting too hastily.”

  Tori could see her husband shift at the news, watching him with her peripheral vision as they were still not officially back on speaking terms. “That’s great news!” she forced her lips into a smile, not sure that she liked the idea of being back so close to her old friends after Mason Hunt’s visit.

  The rest of the guys seemed far more enthusiastic, as even Cody managed a whoop, ringing ears, and all. Once the commotion had died down, and breakfast had all been put away, the group made their way upstairs to pack.

  Knowing his sister and brother-in-law always travelled light, and as it turned out the two remaining Scorpions did as well, Brian made sure enough suitcases were produced out of storage for all. Taking hers to her room without argument, Tori began to pack her jeans, some light tees, and tank tops, well aware that the climate in California would be a stark contrast to that which they were currently experiencing.

  She had only half finished when Michael joined her, hoisting his oversized pack onto the bed and flipping it open. Placing his hands on his hips, he stared at the scene, shaking his head in disgust. “Well, this is another fine surprise,” he commented in a quiet voice, waiting to see if his bride would respond.

  Cutting her eyes over at him, Tori could tell he wasn’t actually pleased about the turn of events. Declining to comment, she allowed their disagreement to simmer, and returned to the closet to rummage for more clothes when she had a wickedly wonderful idea. Reaching for the bag that contained the leather mini and fishnet stockings, she pulled them out and carried them into the bedroom, waving them around for effect.

  “I think I may give these a try while we’re there, since the temperature will be more suited for them,” she grinned at him with a wide-eyed stare and waited for the show.

  Clenching his jaw, Michael had forgotten about most of the gifts his brother-in-law had presented to her on Christmas morning. Seeing the items brought the memory rushing to the surface, and he realized he probably should have removed them from the house completely if he actually wanted to prevent her from ever wearing them.

  “Looks like you already have,” he allowed the comment to fall flat across the clutter, and she quickly rolled up the stockings to avoid explaining in too much detail.

  “Only to try them on,” she cut her eyes over at him, her pulse thumping loudly in her ears, “I would have asked for your opinion, but I was afraid it would turn out like the swimsuit incident.”

  Michael could feel his face flush at the thought of what had occurred in Florida only a few short weeks before, “I apologized for that. I really didn’t mean -” he stopped to regroup. “I bet you look real nice in them. Or something like that,” his mind clouded at the image of her tall frame in the outfit and the attention she would get wearing it. His face drawn, he moved to the closet to begin packing his own gear for the trip.

  Pursing her lips, Tori went to locate the matching boots and jewelry, the girl considered how having her mate around was like always throwing a wet blanket on the fire. He never enjoys the fun, and always finds a way to bring me down. Refusing to continue the debate, she kept the rest of her attire hidden as she tucked it away and zipped up the suitcase, “Ok, I’m all set. I’ll take this downstairs, and I’m ready to go.”

  “Yeah, I’m right behind you,” he smiled, a feeble attempt to make peace.

  Hauling the large satchel off the bed, Tori discovered that it had wheels, and she could roll it to the staircase before lifting for the short descent. Placing it next to the front door, she could see that only half of them were ready, and it occurred to her that it was a good thing the group always traveled by limo, as the car could seat ten people comfortably.

  To her surprise, Enrique made his way up behind her, startling her when his hand grazed her hip. Half spinning, she came face to face with him to discover that he had cut his hair and trimmed his beard, “Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!”

  “Did I?” he chuckled, “Why’s that? Do I remind you of someone?”

  “No, you look like you,” she found her herself smiling, lost in the past for a moment, “More like the first time we were in LA together, back at the halfway house.” He only grinned, and she raised her hand to rest it against his chest, noting that it was covered in one of the new wife beaters that they had bought for him a few days before.

  “You look real nice, baby,” she added with a generous nod as he pulled on the button-down shirt that went over it, before she snapped herself back to the present and stepped back to avoid kissing him.

  “Thanks,” he gave her his best smile, sensing her softened emotions and catching his pet name again. Giving a quick glance around to ensure that they were alone, he sidled back up to her, closing the distance that she had put between them, “Listen… uh,” he fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt until she took over the buttoning, “Thanks.” His eyes flitted to hers, and he cleared his throat, “If you ever need anything… don’t be afraid to ask. I’ll always be here for you. Anything, anytime.”

  Tori looked up from the material she grasped to find his brown orbs were gazing at her attentively. Drawn in for a moment, she leaned slightly towards him and breathed a soft reply, “I know, baby. I won’t forget.”

  Her tense smile small, he felt tempted to kiss her before he let her go with a wide grin, and adjusted his collar as he moved away. Finding a mirror in the right hand living area, he ran his fingers through what remained of his hair, “You don’t thinks I took too much off?” he asked in a crisp voice.

  “No,” she replied instantly, “It’s perfect. I like that buzzed look. It really suits you.” Noticing Brett coming down the stairs she broke the connection reluctantly by calling out to the other man, “Ain’t that right, Brett?”

  “Ain’t what right?” he countered playfully, not sure what he had missed.

  “I said that the buzz cut looks good on him, don’t you agree?”

  “Pfft, it’s a cut,” the older man shook his red curls, “Like mine th’ way it is. Only get it cut once or twice a year.”

  At that point, the conversation shifted to more serious matters, as the rest of the crew assembled and bags were placed in the limo. Climbing inside the car, there had been more than enough room for the group of eight, but Tori took a seat between the two Scorpions, forcing her husband to sit alone in their usual spot. She could feel him studying her, and she made it a point to make idle conversation with the two men for the rest of the ride for spite.

  Upon boarding the group’s private plane, things were going to be a bit more cramped as there were eight passengers, and only eight seats, with no room to spare. Approaching the steps, Michael decided to be proactive in the matter, grasping his wife’s arm firmly and pulling her closer as he hissed German in her ear, “You are going to sit next to me, right?”

  A small grin curled her lips; she at least had the satisfaction of knowing that it bothered him somewhat that she had snubbed him. Guess he isn’t ready to hand me over to someone else yet after all. “Sure, I can sit by you if you can behave yourself.”

  Michael’s mouth flew open for a moment, and he caught himself before he said anything he would regret, “I’m sorry what I said upset you, ok? I didn’t mean it that way. I want you to be happy; that’s all. Why you gotta twist everything I say?”

  Her eyes flicked down to his lips, “Why you always gotta make it sound like I’m the bad guy? Why is it always me doing the twisting?”

  “Ugh,” he made a noise as the wind es
caped his lungs in a rush. “You know what,” he chopped the air with a stiff hand, “You’re unbelievable. On second thought, I’ll sit by Mark, and you and your boyfriend can have a good time.” Pushing past her, he made his way up the steps, choosing to let her stew.

  Enrique had been standing close enough to pick up on the gist of the conversation, even if he didn’t speak the language. “Lover’s quarrel?” he teased her gently.

  “Don’t you start,” she frowned at him, shoving a finger in his face.

  Catching her hand, he only smiled as he leaned close enough to nuzzle her cheek with his nose, “He thinks we’re sleeping together, don’t he.”

  Giving him a bit of a shove, she nodded, “He knows that we were close. And acting like this isn’t helping the matter.” She cast her eyes around the group, becoming aware that everyone was, in fact, watching them. “They all do, don’t they. Think that we’re fucking.”

  “It’s in your nature,” he replied with a half shrug, “Not that it bothers me for them to think so.” He nuzzled her face again, and for an instant she thought he might kiss her.

  “Stop that!” she commanded, a little too loudly before ratcheting her tone down. “We’re not sleeping together, and you can get that thought out of your head right the fuck now.” She punched him in the chest, “We’re friends, end of story.”

  “Sure, baby girl,” he laughed out loud as he rubbed the spot she had assaulted, “Whatever you say,” his mind turning, convinced it was only a matter of time before he had her bent over a piece of furniture, and things were like old times, no matter how forcefully she denied it.

  Make the Effort

  Brian watched his sister as she flirted with the man next to her for nearly the full five-hour flight. Stealing glances at his brother-in-law, he felt a little putout that she would choose the thug over Michael. At least his brother-in-law had some sense about him, but this other guy was obviously a player. Deciding he and his sibling needed to have a talk, and soon, Brian relaxed into the seat and stared out the window in disgust.

  Arriving in LA, the group took another limo to the luxury hotel where they would be staying, and the room assignments were given out. Enrique appeared to be somewhat disappointed that he and Brett were directed to share, and they were placed next door to Tori and Michael’s suite, a double loss in his book. Watching as Michael helped his wife get her bag, he couldn’t keep the jealousy off his face.

  “You know you’re goin’ about this all wrong,” Brett reprimanded as he opened their door.

  “How you figure?” Enrique didn’t budge, the couple’s door practically closing in his face.

  “I tol’ you before, if you want ‘er, you need t’ be discrete. Out in th’ open, she flirts with you, but she ain’t goin’ any further than that. She’s havin’ fun, and this ain’t like bein’ in th’ crew. Different rules here.” Enrique followed him into the room and closed the door.

  “So you’re saying I should act like I’m not interested in her? Kinda defeats the purpose, don’t ya thinks?”

  “No, man, you want ‘er t’ know, you jus’ don’ wan’ everyone else t’ know. She’s married,” he paused, giving the man an up and down look. “You wanna steal her away or be a fling?”

  Enrique laughed, “That’s a hells of a question.”

  “Hey, I’m not th’ one who tol’ her ol’ man t’ his face that I’d fuck ‘er if I got the chance. Funny thing is, you two seem pretty cozy, an’ he don’ look too concerned about it, almost like he’s lookin’ the other way… on purpose. In the end, I don’ think he cares if you do.” Brett gave him an evil grin, “Cause in the end, all you got was a piece o’ ass. He still gets t’ keep the girl.”

  Enrique looked surprised, the truth in his words hitting home, “So you’re sayin’ he don’t care if I’m bangin’ his wife. Cause afterwards, he still owns her. Kinda like Eddie, sharin’ his prize.”

  “Exactly,” Brett raised his brow, nodding slightly. “Question is, are you happy with that, and will she be happy with that? Otherwise, we need to stay focused on what we’re here to do, and that’s to keep her safe. Leave the dickin’ around to the pair o’ them.”

  Tori stepped into the suite and took a look around, home sweet home for the next few weeks, maybe until the time came to make her trip to Texas. The thought of her doctor’s appointment gave her a stab of guilt over her behavior on the plane, and she looked over at her husband curiously as he placed their things about the room.

  “You know, it really isn’t any fun if you don’t care,” she stated out of the blue.

  “What isn’t any fun?” he kept busy and didn’t look her way.

  “Enrique,” she huffed noisily, “On the plane you were ignoring us.” She hated the discovery touching him wasn’t nearly as exciting without the thrill of getting caught.

  “So?” he shrugged, “I’m not a kid, Tori. I told you to do what you wanted to do. I’m sorry if that spoils the fun for you, but I’m too old to play those kinds of games.”

  “And that’s it. You really don’t care,” she shrugged her shoulders as she spoke, emphasizing the words. “I can go off and fuck whoever the hell I want, and you’re gonna just look the other way,” she flung her hand out into the room, indicating her meaning. “Just pretend it’s not happening.”

  “But you won’t do that,” he stated confidently. “You don’t want just anyone; you want him. And yes, I’m ok with that. I would prefer if you were a little more discrete about it. You know kissing and hanging all over him out in public is going to attract attention, but in the end, it is what it is. I knew that about you when I married you… that it would be a possibility that you would never get over it, but I was willing to take the chance. And I’m willing to live with that choice.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you calling me a filthy whore and trying to be nice about it?” her eyes squinted in disgust.

  He stopped what he was doing and glared at her. “I’m not calling you anything. I’m saying you don’t change who you are without work. You lived that life for a long time, that role of being passed from man to man. If you’re going to be someone else, it’s you who will make the choice and you who will make the effort.”

  Tori stared at him, struck speechless for a moment. “You know, conversations with you have been pretty fucking pointless lately. I always come away from them feeling like I either got a lecture or some other kind of reprimand. I don’t need you to tell me who and what I am. I got that covered.” Resisting the urge to become physically violent, she turned her back on him with a grunt and stormed out of the room, slamming the door heavily behind her.

  Out in the hall, she stomped to the elevator and pushed the button to the ground floor. Clenching her fists as she made her way out to the pool, she found an unoccupied lounge and dragged it over to an empty corner. The shade covered the spot nicely, and she wore an angry pout as she glanced around, wanting to be left alone. Flopping down on the bands of plastic, she curled her knees to her chest and stared blankly across the glistening water, her thoughts in turmoil as she considered the two men who were tearing her apart.

  Tori felt a little surprised, and yet relieved that no one came looking for her. She stayed there for over an hour, only making her way inside when her stomach began to growl, and she had become calm enough to do something about it. Trudging into the dining room, she discovered the group of men already enjoying their dinner, and she felt reminded of the first night of her induction, when she stood before Eddie after she had disobeyed him and paid the price in flesh.

  Keeping her face down, she took a seat in the only empty chair, between Cody and Collin and facing her husband. She was confronted almost immediately by the waiter, who seemed a little distraught that she had not been present when the rest of the orders were placed. Quickly opting for a steak with vegetables and a salad, she gave the man a weak smile, “And a glass of ice water, please.”

  The group talked pleasantly around her, and for a moment s
he wondered if they had agreed to ignore her, until she caught her husband’s eye, and he smiled. Continuing with his meal, he glanced her way often, and she began to feel a small nest of hornets buzzing around in her belly. She wasn’t sure what his expression had been meant to convey, based on their last conversation.

  As soon as the others were finished eating, they broke up to go their separate ways. The plan was to meet in the lobby at 10:00 am the following morning to make their way over to the music store and on to a few other stops from there.

  To her dismay, Brett and Enrique also left her. She scowled inwardly to herself at the knowledge that they weren’t much protection if they didn’t stay with her, and wondered if that was really why they were there. Chewing her meat slowly, she continued to contemplate the reasons that no one, besides the waiter, had spoken to her since she sat down.

  As she finished cleaning her plate, Michael moved around next to her, leaning back in the chair and taking her in. “You ok?”

  “Yeah,” she shrugged. “Needed some time to think, that’s all.”

  He reached over, toying with a few strands of dark hair that covered her ear. Using the same finger, he waved it over at the dance floor, where the band had begun to play, “Would you like to dance?”

  “To that shit?” she mocked the music that wafted across the room, “I don’t even know what the hell that is!”

  “It’s called a waltz,” he laughed quietly. Standing, he offered her his hand, “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Looking up at him, she puckered her lips, not sure she wanted to accept. “Is it hard?” she could feel the color rising in her cheeks, recalling that she had never actually danced with a partner before, unless leaning against Enrique and rocking back and forth counted.

  “Naw, it only takes a little practice,” he curled his digits to entice her.


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