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Pemberley Tales

Page 7

by Aurora Fairfax

  "Lizzy!" she called out, appealing to her sister. "This...!

  "Is not up for debate," Elizabeth interrupted her firmly. "If you want to learn the steps and then later dance the Waltz at a ball, you'll have to follow our directions, Kitty."

  "Mama would let me!"

  Darcy actually winced at the high-pitched protest. He remembered only too clearly all the things Mrs. Bennet had allowed her daughters to do while Mr. Bennet had just looked on with amusement.

  "I am not Mama and Darcy is not Papa." Now it was Elizabeth's turn to send Kitty a quelling look. "If you would rather return to Longbourn?"

  Having been the target of Elizabeth's disapproval himself once before, Darcy felt for Catherine. It was not a pleasant experience, although it seemed as if Miss Bennet was much better equipped to handle it as he had been. Maybe it was a matter of experience? Not that he wanted to repeat that particular experience. He preferred not to be at odds with his formidable and beloved wife.

  He watched the battle crossing Catherin's face. On the one side, there was Mrs. Bennet's known leniency which had allowed all of her daughters but especially Lydia and Catherine to run wild. On the other side, there was the lure of Pemberley. While it was a beautiful estate, the many opportunities to meet young gentleman and potentially suitable husbands was probably the greater lure. A ball at Pemberley's was no comparison to a dance at the assembly hall in Meryton, especially now that the military had moved on. Catherine clearly struggled with her warring desires but finally she sighed and slumped down.

  "Yes, Elizabeth," she finally muttered, a pout sitting on her lips.

  She clearly was not happy with the situation but for now accepted it and was willing to follow their directions. At least he hoped she would. He vowed to himself to keep an eye on her and maybe even caution Elizabeth to do the same, especially during the next ball. He wouldn't put it past Miss Bennet to go against their orders and simply accept a gentleman's request for a Waltz without consulting them. He was less worried about Georgiana who'd accepted their conditions with grace and understanding. She knew what was at stake and took great pains to protect her reputation, especially after the episode with Wickham.

  "Thank you, Fitzwilliam, for allowing this," Georgiana instead said.

  "Yes," Catherine interjected quickly and jumped up, coming around the table to hug Elizabeth. "Thank you."

  She made a move as if she wanted to hug Darcy as well but reconsidered when he stared at her. Instead, she curtsied prettily. "Thank you, Mr. Darcy."

  Her impish smile reminded him of Elizabeth. With a sigh he nodded. "You're welcome, Miss Bennet."

  Still bouncing happily, she sat down and leaned in to Georgiana. The rest of the dinner was spent with Catherine and Georgiana excitedly speculating about the dance, although Catherine was the more lively and outspoken one, while Georgiana's answers were softer and more thoughtful. They also asked when they could have their first lesson. Darcy was grateful that Elizabeth took it upon her to answer most of the questions. She'd also already arranged a lesson with Mr. Pool for next week, with her and Mrs. Annesley as chaperones. That actually wasn't too unusual, as she often was present during the dance lessons, so that she and Mrs. Annesley could take turns playing the pianoforte or standing in as dance partners.

  Finally, dinner was over and both young ladies hurried out, still chattering and giggling.

  With a sigh, Darcy leaned back and looked over to Elizabeth. She appeared just as bedazzled as he felt and sighed deeply while reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose with two fingers.

  "Uuuh, that girl. I'm almost tempted to send her back to Longbourn," she exclaimed, her frustration getting the better of her. "She will be insufferable the next few weeks. Luckily, Mary isn't very interested in dancing otherwise I would get letters full of complaints."

  Darcy bit back a smile and decided not to comment on it, although he wondered if it would be a good idea to exchange Catherine for Mary. The middle Bennet sister seemed to be the odd one out. He refocused his attention on Elizabeth when she huffed softly. One of her carefully pinned up curls had come undone and the urge to reach out and pull her close so that he could wind that curl around his finger was almost painful. He shifted in his chair and took a deep breath.

  "Mr. Darcy," she called out, her eyes fixed on his face. "You are once again staring at me. Would you enlighten me as to why?"

  "Can't a man husband at his wife?" he asked in return, earning himself another huff.

  He laughed at her indignation and decided to distract her and himself as well. "I was just considering that you will make an amazing mother."

  Now that he was putting it into words, he realized that it was true. Her firmness with Catherine would transport well to raising little ones. For a moment, Darcy allowed himself to imagine an inquisitive little girl with Elizabeth's eyes and smile.

  Elizabeth groaned awhile her cheeks took on an adorable pink hue. He wanted to lean in and kiss her but was aware that anyone could walk in on them at any moment.

  "Oh no," she protested. "I hope, I will be spared girls. I'm beginning to think that raising boys will be much easier."

  "I doubt that a daughter of yours would be as vexing as Catherine can be. And your mother must have done something right. One only needs to look at you and Mrs. Bingley," Darcy pointed out.

  He watched while Elizabeth considered his words and wondered how much praise or blame belonged on her father's shoulders in addition to her mother. He liked Mr. Bennet but was aware that the older man often let things slide instead of stepping in with a firm hand. On the other hand, his Lizzy had benefited the most from Mr. Bennet's indulgence.

  Elizabeth hummed thoughtfully while she glanced at him. "Maybe a little girl with your dark curls and serious countenance?"

  "I was thinking more of one with your fine eyes and enchanting smile," he offered.

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "Oh no. We would be besieged by admirers."

  Darcy drew up short and blinked at her while he considered that. A girl with her looks and sweetness, combined with the money she would inherit from him. They wouldn't just be overwhelmed by admirers but also by fortune hunters. He already saw his little girl surrounded by numerous Wickhams.

  "Right. She needs brothers. Several older brothers protecting her virtue," Darcy decided and glared when Elizabeth giggled at him.

  He stood up and offered her his arm to lead her into the drawing room.

  Elizabeth just continued laughing at him.

  "I already see you as this very protective, yet doting father. She will probably be your favorite and have you wrapped around her little finger."

  She leaned against him and he pulled her closer, breathing in the faint scent of Lavender that still surrounded her. Elizabeth leaned more fully against him and Darcy had to once again admonish his own libido. Now was not the time. They still had to wait a while before they could retire for they night. Yet, maybe they could leave the young ladies on their own, or rather, under the watchful eye of Mrs. Annesley and retire early?

  "Lizzy! Come and show us how to waltz! Georgiana has found some music and Mrs. Annesley has agreed to play!" Catherine suddenly called out. "Darcy! You too! We want a proper display."

  Darcy sighed and ruefully glanced down at his wife. She looked as disappointed as he felt and leaned up to press a kiss against his mouth. "It seems our expertise is required."

  Before she could pull away, he pulled her more firmly against his side, claiming another kiss. "Later then, my love."

  Elizabeth's eyes were bright and her cheeks lightly flushed when he finally released her.

  "Yes, later," she said, her voice husky.


  Sure of his welcome, Darcy carefully closed the door to his wife's bedroom behind him. For a moment, he just stood and admired the sight in front of him.

  Elizabeth was sitting at her dressing table, dressed only in her night shift and brushing out her brown hair. The soft candle ligh
t danced over her curls and brought out the warm, reddish lights in it. It was a thoroughly enticing sight. The nightgown both hid her from sight yet heated his blood with the tantalizing knowledge that underneath she would be naked. Once he removed her, all her subtle, soft flesh would be his to touch and taste while she shuddered and sighed, welcoming him in her embrace and in her body.

  Once again, Darcy went weak with relief and gratefulness that she was now his wife and would share his life. His lovely Lizzy.

  The sight also caused his body to stir with love and longing. He spent most of his nights in his wife's bed but tonight he was more eager than on other nights. The whole day had been like a perpetual tease. He'd had her in his arms, was able to breathe in her familiar and oh so tempting scent without being able to retire to their rooms. But now they had privacy. The girls were in bed, as was almost everyone else.

  Elizabeth looked up when he stepped closer and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. Their eyes met in the mirror. Her welcoming smile warmed his soul.

  "You can leave now, Annie," Elizabeth said in lieu of a greeting and made a move to put her brush down. Darcy stopped her and took the brush from her. He barely noticed the maid offering a quick courtesy before she hurried out of the room. All of his attention was on the tempting form of his wife. He carefully gathered her hair in his hand and started to run the brush down the long brown strands, enjoying their softness and how they gleamed in the warm candlelight.

  He looked up when Elizabeth made a soft noise of pleasure. Their eyes met in the mirror and she smiled.

  "You make a skillful maid, my dear husband. Should Annie be worried that you are trying to take over her duties?"

  Darcy laughed and shook his head. "Annie has nothing to worry about." He inclined his head slightly. "I noticed Catherine earlier. Were you once more accosted by her about my unfairness?" he asked, referring to the rules he'd led down when it came to the dance lessons.

  Elizabeth laughed and shook her head. "I think she has finally realized that this approach won't work. I'm not our mother and her whining will only get her so far." She sighed, suddenly looking weary and thoughtful. "Of course, she has no idea what happened to Lydia and still considers the whole affair terribly romantic. I think, she still dreams of finding an officer of her own. Marrying him and living the high-life in London or Brighton."

  Darcy just shook his head. Mrs. Bennet really hadn't done her daughters any service by planting all these wild notions in their heads. While Lydia was officially married, he felt sorry for her. She had been young and pretty and could have made a good match. Instead, she was now bound to Wickham. Maybe that was the price for her stupidity and impetuousness. It was hard not to remember that it very well could have been his own sister. But for a stroke of luck that had brought him to the right place at the right moment. In addition to Georgiana's trust in him.

  Darcy forced himself to change the direction of his thoughts. This was not a topic he wanted to consider while he was in his wife's company in her bedroom. He'd waited long enough to be alone with her. After dinner, Catherine and Georgiana had insisted on being shown how to waltz and had even tried the steps out themselves, which had led to much giggling and merrymaking.

  At one point, Georgiana had even exclaimed that she wouldn't be able to dance this Waltz. Darcy doubted that she would stick with this, even less so if she found someone who complimented her as well as Elizabeth did him. As a husband, he could see the lure of the Waltz's intimacy. As worried older brother and guardian, he was tempted to lock her into her room. A notion that regularly caused Elizabeth to laugh at him and gently tease him. He didn't even want to think about what would happen if he ever had daughters and they were old enough to come out.

  He smiled when he noted Elizabeth's quizzical look and put the brush down. He gently stroked her arms, before he took a step back. With a short bow, Darcy offered her his hand. "Mrs. Darcy? Would you do me the honor of this dance?"

  For a brief moment, Elizabeth frowned at him, clearly confused by the request.

  He softly hummed a few notes of the Waltz they'd danced to earlier today and smiled at her. She twisted around on her chair and offered him her hand so that he could pull her up and into his arms.

  Her brown eyes were bright with amused delight. They'd danced earlier in the evening at the urgings of Catherine and Georgiana and it had been akin to torture, as he wanted to do things that were absolutely not suitable for their impressive audience.

  Now that they were alone, he had a very different kind of dance in mind.

  "It would be my pleasure," she murmured, leaning against him when he tightened his arm around here. They sorted out their hands but still were close. It was not the perfect position for a Waltz, much too close, but Darcy didn't care. This was what he'd in mind ever since they'd started their practice.

  He again hummed a few notes before he stepped back. Elizabeth easily followed his lead, smiling widely. She laughed when he decided to try another twirl. Her open hair flew with every turn and her eyes grew bright with joy. Darcy pulled her even closer until her body was pressed firmly against his. He could feel the swell of her breasts pressing against his chest. Under his hand the muscles in her back shifted slightly every time she moved.

  With a sigh, he leaned down so that he could bury his nose in her hair and breathed in, drawing her scent deep into his lungs. He turned his head and nuzzled closer. A smile crossed his face when Elizabeth arched into him and turned her head so that she offered him the long line of her throat.

  He accepted the unspoken invitation and pressed his lips against the pale, warm flesh. A shudder ran through Elizabeth and she moaned softly.

  "Darcy," she murmured. "Fitzwilliam."

  He loved it when she called him by his first name. Something she often only did when they were alone or just with close family. He placed a line of soft kisses down her throat and nipped lightly at her tendon before he carefully nibbled on the curve on her collarbone. Then, as an apology, he placed a gentle kiss on that spot, enjoying the way she trembled under his lips and hands.

  "My love," he said softly and took her into another twirl, grateful for the size of the bedroom that gave them enough room to move without constantly bumping into furniture. Although he had to maneuver them carefully past the chair in front of her dressing table.

  Darcy slowed down until they were no longer whirling through the room and more swaying together. Darcy ran his hands down the long line of her back until he was able to cup her buttocks. He used that grip to pull her even more into him and u.

  "Fitz!" Elizabeth exclaimed while she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

  Darcy just laughed. "I think we should move this dance somewhere else now, don't you agree my heart?"

  Elizabeth shook her head but leaned against him.

  "Whatever you say," Elizabeth murmured with a demure glance through her lashes. A look that did not fool him, especially as she was running her hands through his hair and pressed teasing kisses to the tip of his nose, his cheeks and jaw but never his mouth.

  He a low growl he dumped her on the bed and leaned down, demanding a proper kiss.

  Chapter 7

  Elizabeth shivered when Darcy leaned over her. His dark eyes were burning with intensity. She loved it when she was the center of his attention. With a happy sigh, she surrendered when he claimed his first kiss for the night. It was deep and full of passion.

  Elizabeth happily surged into him. Wrapping an arm around him, she used that hold to pull him down on top of her.

  "Fitzwilliam," she murmured softly, almost overcome by the growing heat deep inside her body. Only he had ever managed to make her feel so weak and yet so wild and strong at the same time.

  The whole day had felt like a continuous tease. Dancing lessons during the day and then more dancing this evening. All under watchful eyes while at the same time the center of her husband’s attention and in his arms. Feeling his hands on her arms and back while he led her thr
ough the steps had wakened every fiber in her body and she'd spent most of the day yearning for more.

  Elizabeth hadn't really been surprised when he'd come to her once they'd retired upstairs. If he hadn't done so, Elizabeth would have gone to him and probably scandalized his valet once again. Luckily, her maid was much harder to perturb. Of course, it was also expected of a husband to visit his wife's bedroom. Less so the other was around, not that Elizabeth cared overly much.

  She dug her hands back into his hair and used that grip to hold him close so that she could kiss him. His invitation to dance had taken Elizabeth slightly by surprise but she'd happily gone along with it.

  Alone in the privacy of her bedroom, the Waltz had become even more intimate and alluring. She'd highly aware of the fact that she wore only her thin night shift while Darcy was dressed only in his shirt and a dressing gown. When they'd moved together, especially once he'd pulled her even closer than Mr. Pool had deemed acceptable, Elizabeth becomes highly aware of his body. Just as she had been unable to look away from him, from the fire and love in his eyes. She'd felt as if the world consisted only of him and her and she was at the very center of his world.

  Elisabeth shivered when his lips found her throat again. She moaned softly at the pleasure traveling through her. His hands found their way underneath her shift and caressed her bare skin. Another shiver ran through her and her nipples tightened in reaction. She wriggled slightly when Darcy pushed the shift up and finally over her body until she laid bare before him.

  At first, his admiring gaze had always mortified her but over the months she'd come to cherish it. That was her husband admiring her and she loved every second of it.

  Of course, now she was presented with the fact that she was naked while he was still covered. She enjoyed looking upon his nude form as much as he did. And she loved touching him even more.


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