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Pemberley Tales

Page 8

by Aurora Fairfax

  Fitzwilliam," she called, drawing his attention from where he'd been studying her breasts.

  At his quizzical look, she reached up to hook her fingers into the edge of his dressing gown.

  "I would say you are woefully overdressed, dear husband, if you plan to take this dance any further."

  He glanced down at himself then offered her a sheepish smile and shrug. With a few quick and decisive moves he'd divested himself of his dressing gown and shirt, which joined her shift somewhere on the floor. Finally, he was gloriously naked and Elizabeth could run her hands over the wide expanse of his muscular chest. His tiny nipples pebbled under her touch and she leaned up to press a kiss to first one then the other. She sometimes liked to tease him that his nubs seemed to be more sensitive than her own. Of course, he was then prone to retaliate and would spend seemingly hours teasing her until the merest touch of his tongue or a faint puff of breath was enough to wreck her with pleasure.

  Tonight, though, she wasn't in the mood for much teasing. The whole day had felt like a long and slow tease. She wanted to feel him. Wrapping an arm around his neck, Elizabeth let herself fall back and forced him to come with her. Arching into the press of his body, she hunted for his mouth. Obligingly, he met her halfway and returned her devouring kisses with equal fervor.

  She wrapped a leg around his hip and rocked into him, trying to communicate her urgency that way. It still felt strange to her to take the lead in the bedroom encounters but she was growing more daring and demanding, letting Darcy know what she enjoyed.

  Elizabeth grumbled softly when he ignored her and instead, after another deep, devouring kiss, moved down so that he could pay some attention to her breasts, He pressed one lingering kiss into the spot between them before he moved to one and teased her already hard nipple into an aching, stuff nub which he then teased with the tip of her tongue. The flesh between her legs heated with every flick until it was throbbing wildly. She was wet and more than ready for him.

  "Now," Elizabeth murmured. "Please, Fitz. Now."

  She dug her fingers into his dark locks and used that hold to pull him up to her so that she could kiss him again. Wriggling and undulating her hips, she growled hungrily into the kiss.

  Her growl deepened when Darcy laughed at her.

  "Something I can do for you, Madame?" he asked, his voice filled with teasing politeness.

  "Do your duty, husband!" Elizabeth demanded but then had to laugh herself.

  She cried out when he shifted and pressed into her. Although that was exactly what she'd wanted, the rapidity still took her a bit by surprise even while she relished it. Darcy was just as eager as she was. He slowly pushed deeper, filling and claiming her with his hard length. Finally, he was fully sheeted in her and Elizabeth clutched her shoulders, holding him close while she shook around him. She hadn't reached her peak yet, but the pleasure was mounting and she was close.

  Elizabeth was grateful that Darcy gave her a moment to get her bearings before he took things further. She moaned softly when he peppered the side of her face with kisses.

  "Ready, my love?" he whispered into her ear, the gentle caress of his lips against her ear sending another pleasurable shiver through her.

  "Yes, please," she gasped.

  After that it was as if a stallion had been unleashed and he moved into her with fierce possessiveness. Elizabeth welcomed him with her own passion. She bucked into him and urged him on with her own cries. The pleasure and need build and build until her world dissolved into a wild explosion of stars and let herself fall into the welcoming darkness while her body shook and cleaned around Darcy. Vaguely, Elizabeth was aware of him cursing softly and stilling while buried deep into her. Then he sighed deeply and sank down on her, only in the last moment rolling slightly to the side and taking her with him. Still joined, they rested together while their panting breaths filled the room.

  Elizabeth made a noise of protest when Darcy pulled away from her. She felt his loss keenly. With heavy lidded eyes, she watched while he stretched then slowly padded over to her wash basin.

  With a faint grumble, Elizabeth slipped out of bed and shivered. Even at the height of summer, the rooms at Pemberley could get rather chilly, especially at night. She accepted the damp towel Darcy held out to her and quickly freshened up, shivering again at the feeling of cold water on her heated skin.

  "Cold?" Darcy asked, his voice filled with concern. He held out her night shift and gratefully Elizabeth slipped into it.

  "It is a bit chilly," she admitted. She slipped into bed and pulled the bedding around her before lifting it up in invitation.

  "Luckily I have this wonderful husband who surely will do his utmost best to keep me warm throughout the night."

  Darcy stopped next to her bed and eyed it consideringly. "In that case, you are very lucky indeed, Madame."

  "Quite right. There aren't many women in England who can call herself this lucky."

  His face softened and he slipped into bed with her, gathering her close. Elizabeth laughed at his little growl when her icy feet came into contact with his shins. But, an obedient and conscientious husband that he was, he kept his legs in place, allowing her to warm her cold toes against his warm skin.

  Held in Darcy's warm and safe embrace, Elizabeth snuggled closer.

  "We should do this again," Elizabeth murmured, tugged safely against Darcy's side.

  "What? Waltz?"


  "It would be my pleasure. As often as you desire, my love," he said softly, pressing a kiss against her forehead.

  Elizabeth sighed happily and allowed herself to drift to sleep. She hoped that there would be many more Waltzes in her future. Her husband, after all, was an excellent dancer.

  A Husband’s Duty

  Elizabeth sighed when she stepped into the wood’s cool shade. After several days of drizzling rain and general unpleasantness, she’d been delighted to see that the weather had cleared up. Today she had been able to head out for one of her regular walks. After the rain of the last few days, it was finally dry enough and surprisingly warm. It felt almost as if they would have a pleasant autumn and she was already curious how Pemberley would change with the season.

  Wandering around the countryside had always been her way to mull over issues or to escape her family’s antics for a while. Now she also used it to connect with her tenants and to learn about their lives and worries. It gave her a new perspective into being Mistress of an estate as huge and complex as Pemberley. She was still learning so many new things. Mrs. Reynolds, Pemberley’s long-time house-keeper was a huge help, as was her darling Darcy. He always took time out of his schedule to explain things to her or answer her questions. He also often tried to join her on her walks.

  The last week had been unusually challenging as Lady Catherine and her daughter Anne had arrived on Saturday for a lengthy visit. Ever since, Elizabeth had been unable to escape Lady Catherine’s criticism which was often presented as well-meaning advice. While some of the issues Lady Catherine raised were important and her advice helpful, it was beginning to grate and Elizabeth had to fight for patience. Darcy tried to run interference when he could but of course, he spent parts of the days away to take care of business and deal with the management of Pemberley and his other investments, while Elizabeth was left alone with the other ladies of the house.

  She’d come to realize that Anne was actually a very sweet woman who would probably benefit from improved company and the chance to get away from Lady Catherine’s rather dominant personality. The encounter between Lady Catherine and her sister Catherine had been interesting to say the least. Kitty had been downright intimidated and cowed into behaving properly. Lady Catherine seemingly had decided to take Kitty under her wing when she wasn’t busy looking over Elizabeth’s shoulder and berating her. Maybe it was cruel of her but Elizabeth had no issue with throwing one Catherine at the other while escaping into another part of the house to take care of her own duties.

sighed and glanced back. Through the trees she could still make out the form of Pemberley. Darcy had mentioned that he might join her on today’s walk. She’d really been looking forward to having a few hours of her husband’s company all to herself. But then he’d been waylaid by Mr. Thatcher, Pemberley’s steward, and Elizabeth knew that anything they might discuss would take a while. Despite that awareness she’d still decided to wait for a bit before finally leaving without him.

  She could have simply taken a stroll through the park but today she’d been in the mood to head in the direction of the woods that were part of Pemberley’s extensive grounds and edged the carefully maintained park. In Hertfordshire they hadn’t had as much woods, and she was enjoying exploring this new terrain. Often she would encounter some of Pemberley’s tenants busy at work. This Autumn she’d met many who’d been gathering mushrooms and delivered the to Pemberley’s kitchen. She’d even received her first lesson in mushrooms from a wizened old woman going by the name of Heather Hawkins, who’d been almost ecstatic to meet the new mistress. She’d told Elizabeth of the previous mistresses, Lady Anne, Darcy’s mother, and Lady Georgia, his grandmother. It had been a most pleasant afternoon, especially once Mrs. Hawkins had started to regale her with stories about young Master Fitzwilliam and the trouble he’d managed to get into, especially with the Wickham boy and his cousin Richard.

  While Wickham was still a sore topic, Elizabeth had been rather delighted to learn more about Richard Fitzwilliam. The Colonel was an often seen guest at Pemberley and she’d delighted in teasing him and Darcy about their childhood antics. Both men had been properly aghast and squirmed while promising retribution.

  Elizabeth giggled while she remembered that scene. Since her first encounter, she’d visited Mrs. Hawkins several times to bring her food and clothes but also to listen to more stories. Of course, Mrs. Hawkins wasn’t the only person she’d encountered during her walks. Aside from the people working at Pemberley, like some of the maids and farmhands that worked in and around Pemberley. She’d also encountered some of the tenants while they were gathering wood or collecting herbs. And the children who were often playing Hide and Seek and watching her with a mixture of curiosity and awe.

  Elizabeth sighed wishing that Darcy was with her. When he joined her on her walks, he would often show her places that had some special meaning to him or that were his favorite spots. Despite his feigned discomfort when she teased him about his childhood exploits, he would share his fond memories of places and adventures with her. Even when it pained him as so many of these adventures and explorations included George Wickham. Far fonder were memories that included the Colonel. It showed her another side to her husband, and she fell even more in love with him.

  Elizabeth shook herself, trying to dispel the sour note that had entered her thoughts. She wanted to enjoy her walk before she once again had to face Lady Catherine. Over the last two days the older woman had started to drop hints about a husband’s duty and inquired in her not so delicate way if Darcy was seeing to them properly and taking good care of Elizabeth. Usually, she only broached that specific topic when she and Elizabeth were alone and had some privacy available, but Elizabeth had come to dread those moments as she never knew what to say.

  She wondered if she should bring up the subject with her husband. But no, she couldn’t really ask him to intervene on her behalf with his aunt when the topic was one that wasn’t really talked about, at least not between a gentleman and gentlewoman who weren’t married. Obviously, Lady Catherine had decided to take on the position of Elizabeth’s mother, finding Mrs. Bennet lacking.

  Elizabeth shook her head then laughed at the whole absurdity of it, especially as she had absolutely no complaints about Darcy and how he handled his marital duties.



  Darcy gritted his teeth and took a deep, fortifying breath while he schooled his expression into something polite and attentive before he turned around.

  “Aunt Catherine,” he greeted the formidable woman frowning at him. Ever since Lady Catherine had decided to visit, the whole house had been in uproar. Elizabeth seemed torn between exasperated amusement and irritation. This morning she’d informed him that she would be going for a walk and the only company welcomed would be his.

  It had been his intention to join his wife and he’d already changed when he’d been waylaid first by his steward. And now by his aunt. He loved her dearly, but right now he would love nothing more than to lock her in the next cupboard.

  “Where’s that wife of yours?” she asked demandingly, looking around as if Elizabeth might be hiding behind him.

  “Elizabeth mentioned something about taking a walk. She takes her regular exercise very seriously and also uses them to connect with our tenants.”

  His aunt sniffed slightly and pursed her mouth. “Shouldn’t you go with her? I doubt she already knows her way around Pemberley’s ground. And knowing her, she went without a footman or maid as company. Those country girls. Way too independent and lacking proper decorum. If my Anne were only half as healthy and strong enough to take walks, I would insist that a footman went with her.”

  “I’d planned to,” Darcy returned, lifting his hat and gloves to show that he was fully prepared for a jaunt outside. “But I was delayed by Mr. Thatcher.” And now by you, he added silently. “Elizabeth has taken regular walks ever since we married. Often with me, Georgiana, Or cousin Richard as company. By now, she knows the grounds very well and is acquainted with most of the tenants. So, even if she managed to get turned around, she would have no trouble finding her way home again. She knows the paths and trails around Pemberley pretty well.”

  Lady Catherine shook her head. “Nonsense.” She waved in the direction. “Go! What are you waiting for? Follow her and let her know that I wish to talk to her once she returns. There are things she needs to know when it comes to being married. I somehow doubt that her mother prepared her properly. That woman has the mind of a pea. I still wonder how she managed to produce such a formidable girl.” She tutted silently and looked at him, her eyes sharp and evaluating. “Anyway, did your father talk to you about such things?”

  Darcy had already been in the process of turning around and heading out when her words registered. He froze for a brief moment then decided that the prudent thing to do would be to ignore her question and to just take his leave. Although he might have to let Elizabeth know that aunt Catherine had called her formidable. Hat might please her.

  “I will let her know once I find her, dear aunt,” he offered with a slight bow and quickly made his escape.

  “Do so!” Lady Catherine called after him. “It is important!”

  Once outside, Darcy took a deep breath and looked around. Elizabeth had mentioned that she’d planned to head into the woods, indicating that she’d planned a longer route then her usual, shorter ones through Pemberley’s park. He put on his hat and headed off, having a vague idea of where his wife might have gone and where he would be able to catch up with her.

  He hadn’t exaggerated when he’d told his aunt that Elizabeth already knew her way around Pemberley’s ground quite well. He’d seen to it of course, often joining her on her walks, but he knew that his cousin Fitzwilliam had also shown her around and introduced her to some of his secret spots. As had his sister. They had all done their best to ensure that Elizabeth felt welcome and at home.

  Over the course of the last few months, Elizabeth had also managed to befriend several of the servants, including his valet and his steward, as well as numerous tenants and their children. All of them had been eager to meet their new mistress and show her around. The way Elizabeth took to her duties and how she cared for the people under their care, filled Darcy with pride. He had chosen well.

  Darcy headed down the path he was certain Elizabeth had taken and looked around. The warm autumn sunlight painted rings on the floor. Colorful leaves covered the ground, rustling under his feet. He walked on, lengthening his stride an
d wondering just how far Elizabeth had managed to go. She hadn’t had that much of a head-start so he should be able to catch up with her soon. When the path forked, he hesitated. The right path would take him to Mrs. Hawkins hut. Elizabeth often visited the old woman to bring her some treats and altered clothes, and to listen to her stories. The left path, on the other hand, lead to a small clearing that was one of Elizabeth’s favorite spots, especially the big oak that stood at one edge. It had made a lovely spot for a picnicked during one summer day.

  Darcy considered the two paths and debated his options. Left or right? Where would Elizabeth have headed?

  “Eliza?” he called out, hoping she might hear him. “Lizzy? Where are you?”

  No answer. Making up his mind, he decided to take the left path, Elizabeth’s words about not wanting any company but his, ringing in his ears. Considering the mood she’d been in, it seemed unlikely that she would head toward Mrs. Hawkins hut.

  He decided to call for her again. “Lizzy!”

  He frowned, when up ahead of him, something rustled in the underbrush. It could be a fox or even a deer although the time of day was wrong for both to be active. Studying the bushes carefully, Darcy continued walking. Maybe he should invite Bingley and Fitzwilliam for a spot of hunting. It had been a while since they’d been out together and Elizabeth surely would be delighted to see her sister again.

  Another rustling noise caught his attention and he thought he saw the flash of something pale blue. He vaguely recalled that Elizabeth had worn a blue dress with a matching bonnet when he’d seen her last. He stopped and considered things. Faint laughter reached his ears, and he grinned. It seemed as if someone was in the mood to play and he would have a little wood sprite to catch and tame.


  Elizabeth turned when she heard someone call her name. She listened carefully and smiled. It sounded like Darcy. So he had managed to extricate himself from his steward’s clutched.


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