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Chasing the Prize (Men of the Ice Book 5)

Page 9

by Michele Shriver

  “I suppose that means it is time for you to leave now.” Jessica sounded disappointed.

  “Soon,” he admitted. “I have a little bit of time.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jessica raised an eyebrow. “How much?”

  Ryder smiled. “Half an hour, give or take.” He’d deliberately set the alarm that way.

  “Really? In that case, things are looking up.” Jessica set her plate on the nightstand beside the bed.

  “Are you done eating?”

  “For now, yes. I think we should use the rest of the time in a more productive way, if you know what I mean.”

  He knew exactly what she meant. “I like the way you think.” Ryder set his own plate aside before pulling her in his arms. He might have to leave soon, but not before he showed her how special she was to him. Balance. Noah was right. It was all about balance, and Ryder believed he’d finally found it.


  Three months later

  Over the next several months, Ryder passed every test. Not that they were true, deliberate tests; more like opportunities to prove himself. And prove himself, he did. Jessica spent the night at his house, even when he had to leave on a road trip the next day. On other occasions, Ryder stayed with her.

  When Jessica had the occasional night off, she went to his games to support him. On nights Jessica had to work, she followed the scores from her desk. If Ryder didn’t have a game, and was in town, he became a frequent guest at the station, and often brought her dinner from JP’s, or one of the other nearby restaurants. And when he was out of town, he called at least daily to check in.

  It was a far cry from when Ryder left for training camp and Jessica didn’t hear from him for almost a week. Granted, their relationship was brand new then, as opposed to several months old, but still, Ryder truly seemed to be a changed man. As more time passed, Jessica began to view their relationship as something serious, something that had the potential to endure. Before she could say that for certain, though, she did have one test for Ryder.

  It came on a chilly—at least by Texas standards—mid-December day. The Generals had just returned from an East coast road trip in which they’d lost two of three games, and fallen five points back from playoff position. Granted, more than half the season remained, leaving plenty of time to catch up, but for an ultra-competitive player like Ryder, who valued winning more than anything else, it had to hurt. Jessica expected him to be in a foul mood when he got back, and she wouldn’t have blamed him if he were.

  Instead, he arrived at the news station sporting a smile and greeted her with a kiss. “Hi, beautiful. I missed you.”

  “Missed you, too. How are you?”

  “Better now that I’m home,” he said. “It was freaking cold in Philadelphia.”

  “It’s not exactly warm here,” Jessica said with a chuckle. “Sorry about the game last night.” San Antonio had been defeated, 3-0, only the second time all season in which they’d been shut out.

  “It was an ugly one, for sure. We got our asses handed to us,” Ryder said. “Tough road trip all around, but we’re home for a week now. And we get a chance for revenge on Philly when they come here on Monday.”

  “You’ll get ‘em then,” Jessica reassured him.

  He nodded. “That’s the plan. So what’d I miss here?”

  He was taking the loss well. Better than Jessica expected. If Ryder had come home in a bad mood, Jessica might have forgotten her little test. In the grand scheme of life, it wasn’t all that important. Certainly not something to base a relationship on. But since Ryder was in a good mood, she decided to go for it. “Not much. Just working. I’ve got a bit of a favor to ask you, though.”

  “Sure.” Ryder didn’t hesitate. “Name it.”

  “I’m planning a birthday for tomorrow, for my friend Char,” she said. “Kind of a surprise.”

  “That’s nice of you,” Ryder said. “Where do I fit in?”

  “Well, she’s turning forty, and she’s not too thrilled about it,” Jessica explained. “To say the least. Anyway, since she works so hard for the Generals Foundation, and cares so much about the team, I hoped maybe you could get some of the guys to show up for the party.”

  “That’s it? You want me to get some of my teammates to come to a party?” Ryder asked. “I can easily do that.”

  “And maybe help decorate? Like in black?”

  He chuckled. “Sure thing. I’m happy to,” Ryder said. “After all, she’s responsible for bringing us together. That definitely earns a party in my opinion.”

  Jessica smiled. “Mine, too.”


  Ryder rounded up the guys after practice. One of the perks of being an alternate captain was that it was never hard to get their attention. They probably expected some sort of speech about coming back strong after a tough road trip, and being sharp to open their home stand the following night. Normally, Ryder might give that speech, but today he had other priorities. The game was important, yes, but it was still a day away. Today, he was all about making his girl happy. Balance. Over the past few months, Ryder worked on trying to find it, and showing Jessica he wasn’t always all about hockey, and he could love her, too. Now he had the chance to prove it to her.

  “I don’t normally ask for help,” he said. “But today I am. Not like when Trev needed our help to save his daughter. This is nothing like that. It’s about my girl, though. I’m trying to do something to make her happy, though it’s actually for her friend. Someone who’s done a lot for this organization, and our whole community.” Ryder went on to tell them about the birthday party Jessica had planned for Char.

  “So you want some of us to come to her party?” Colton asked. “Wish her happy birthday, and all that?”

  Ryder nodded. “Yes. Can you make it?”

  “Sure. Maya and I will be there.”

  “So will Dani and I,” Trevor said. “We wouldn’t miss it, after what Char and the foundation did for us.”

  “I’m free,” Noah said. “I’ll drop by for a while.”

  “Count me in, too,” Casey said. “I never turn down a party, and besides, she’s hot, especially for her age.”

  Ryder stifled his groan. Now wasn’t the time to get into it with Casey. He just hoped his teammate wouldn’t make remarks like to the birthday girl. “Thanks, man, appreciate it.” He wasn’t surprised at the support. They were a true team and always had each other’s backs. Ryder had little doubt that the tight locker room rapport would help them down the stretch as they fought their way back into playoff position.

  Two hours later, he joined Jessica at the club she’d rented for the night to host her friend’s party. He found her surrounded by black balloons and streamers. Ryder laughed as he took in the scene. “I hope your friend has a good sense of humor.”

  “The best,” Jessica affirmed. “She’ll have a good laugh over this.” She handed Ryder a black balloon. “Blow this up, please.”

  He did as he was asked, tying the balloon when he was done. “You’re pulling out all the stops.”

  “Char’s my best friend, and has been for a dozen years. She’s worth it,” Jessica said. “Are any of the guys coming?”

  Ryder nodded. “Yep. Colton, Trev, and Nik are coming for sure, and bringing their significant others. Noah will be here, but he’s still flying solo. Jonathan, too, but he’s barely old enough to drink. Oh, and Casey. He wouldn’t miss a party, and he thinks Char is hot.”

  “She is hot,” Jessica said. “But Casey?” She frowned. “Should I be worried, given his reputation?”

  “Nah.” Ryder shook his head. “Casey’s not a bad guy. He likes his women, sure, but he always treats them with respect when he’s with them. And they’re always willing and know exactly what they’re getting from him.”

  “Okay,” Jessica said. “I doubt he’s Char’s type, anyway.”

  “Probably not. You’re very protective of your friend.”

  “I suppose so, but she’s worth it,” Jessica said. “
More than anything, I want her to find someone, and give love another chance. I want her to be happy.”

  “Like you are?” Ryder urged.

  “Yes, like I am. Like we are. That’s what I want for Char. To find somebody that’s as good for her as you are to for me.” She smiled. “I love you, Ryder Carrigan.”

  It was the first time the ‘l word’ had come up in their conversations, but it didn’t scare Ryder off. He couldn’t handle it. He could balance his passion for an incredible woman and his passion for the game of hockey. “I love you, too, Jessica Rowan,” he said, bringing his lips to hers.


  Keep reading for a special preview of Making an Impact, book six in the Men of the Ice series. Coming fall 2016.

  Making an Impact

  Chapter One

  Forty. There was life after forty. Charlene Simmons was proof of that, because she’d officially crossed the milestone at 12:22 p.m. Central Standard Time and was still awake, alive and breathing. She was also single, alone, and at this particular moment, depressed.

  Perhaps depressed was too strong a word. Char knew people who struggled with chronic depression, and understood the seriousness of it. And no, she didn’t have an official diagnosis of depression. She simply wasn’t happy about turning forty and being single, so more appropriately, she should probably just be called a moody old maid, and not depressed.

  “Moody old maid. There you go,” Char muttered to herself as she eased her brand-spanking-new cherry red Mustang convertible into a parking space at the Electric Eel Nightclub. The car had been an early birthday to herself, and why not? She had the money, and worked hard for it, and since had no husband and would probably never have kids, why not spend it on herself?

  Char served as the Executive Director of the San Antonio Generals Hockey Club Charity Foundation, a position she considered to be her dream job. Over the past year and half, since the Generals began their first season of play in the National Hockey League, the Foundation had already raised millions of dollars for various charities throughout the San Antonio area. One of the most successful fundraisers to date had been the Bachelor Auction to raise money for awareness and prevention of teenage suicide.

  Char used that occasion to arrange a date for her best friend, news anchor Jessica Rowan, with Generals forward Ryder Carrigan. Despite a few rocky moments, the first date had blossomed into love, with Ryder and Jess now being firmly established as a couple. Char was thrilled for them, because Jess deserved the happiness, but sometimes she still wondered where her happiness was. She sure hadn’t found it with Graham, since their marriage had lasted all of three years.

  Her moodiness over not finding her happily ever after had grown more pronounced over the past several weeks, leading up to the big Four-Oh. Maybe it was silly, getting so worked up over a birthday. Age was just a number after all. That’s what everyone said, anyway, but Char was still having a hard time accepting said number as her age.

  She wanted to just go home, fix dinner and sit on the couch drinking wine while she watched a sappy movie. Instead, Jess had insisted Char join her at the Electric Eel for a celebratory drink. Fine. Just one, then she was going home and having her pity party, complete with chocolate popcorn.

  The club was dark when Char pulled open the door, and she wondered if she had the right place. Why had Jess insisted on meeting at a club, anyway? If they had to do something to commemorate Char’s birthday, why couldn’t it just be dinner?


  Char heard the shouts as the lights turned on, and she found herself facing Jess, Ryder, and a handful of other people from the hockey team, including a few of the players from the team. And a whole bunch of black balloons and streamers.

  “Are you serious?” Char asked. “You decided to throw me a surprise party?” She didn’t know whether to be angry, mortified, or flattered, that’s how screwed up her emotions had been lately.

  “Yes, I did,” Jessica said. “And don’t even bother yelling at me, because it won’t change anything.” She held out a crown that declared ‘Forty and sexy’ and placed it on Char’s head. “Just have fun tonight. No one deserves it more than you.”


  Casey Denault had a well-earned reputation as a playboy and a party animal, so why should he turn down a good party? Especially when one of his own teammates requested his presence there. Reputation aside, Casey was all about helping his team.

  He only knew Charlene Simmons in passing, having met her at a few of the Foundation’s events, but Ryder was one of his best friends, and his linemate. His wingman, in essence, since Casey played center. That made his decision a no brainer. When Ryder asked a few guys on the team to attend a surprise birthday party for his girl’s best friend, who happened to work for the team, Casey was first in line to accept.

  It was a little weird, being the single guy, since many of his teammates were pairing off now, but here he was, nursing a beer and hanging out in the corner until it was time for the big shout of ‘Surprise.’ Okay, duty done. How long was he supposed to stay? Would there be any other guests? Like, say, any other women? Preferably hot, single women?

  Casey knew he’d get some ribbing from the other guys if they were privy to his thoughts, but fortunately they weren’t. Anyway, he’d done his part. He’d shown up. Now he’d finish his drink and make his exit; go somewhere a little more exciting. Translation: Some place with a lot more single women.

  He didn’t want to be rude, though, especially as much as Char did for the Generals organization. Besides, she was one very attractive woman, even if she was fifteen years his senior. That silly crown that she wore, proclaiming her to be ‘forty and sexy’ sure didn’t lie. Maybe it was true what some said about women getting better with age. Casey wondered if it was also true what they said about women and their sexual peak.

  Either way, he decided to stay at the club a little longer. “Hi, Ms. Simmons,” Casey said, stepping up beside her. He set his empty beer bottle on the counter.

  “Call me Char. The other makes me feel old, which is the last thing I need right now.” She chuckled once, not a full laugh, and it struck Casey as forced. Yeah, this birthday was hard for her.

  “Okay, Char.” He flashed his most dazzling smile. Well, most women found it dazzling, anyway. “I’m Casey.”

  “Yes, I think everyone knows who you are.” Another laugh, longer this time.

  “Ah, my reputation precedes me. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear, though.” Casey extended his hand. “Would you like to dance with me, birthday girl?”


  Char hesitated. She knew Casey’s reputation, and it wasn’t a good one. Then again, maybe he had a point that she shouldn’t believe everything she heard. Whenever the Foundation asked any of the players to volunteer their time for charitable causes throughout the community, Casey was among the first to step up.

  She sure couldn’t deny he was attractive, with brown hair that hung over his forehead, clear blue eyes, and a boyishly sexy grin. If Casey played on the Generals’ top line, rather than being stuck on the depth chart behind team captain and face of the franchise, Colton Tremblay, he’d probably be considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the NHL. Instead, he flew somewhat under the radar, as a second-liner on an expansion team.

  “Come on, what do you say?” Casey grinned as he held out his hand. “I don’t bite.”

  What the heck. She had promised Jess that she’d try to have a good time. Char drained her glass wine and reached for Casey’s hand. “When you put it like that, how can I refuse?”

  She let him lead her to the dance floor. The DJ was playing 1999, a song Char liked, so it was easy to settle into a dancing rhythm. Casey’s moves weren’t fantastic, but they weren’t bad, either. “Thanks for the dance,” she said when the song ended.

  “One more?” Casey asked.

  Char planned to decline until Bryan Adams’ (Everything I do) I do it for You began to play. Jess must have had a hand i
n this playlist. “You sure you don’t bite?”

  “Only if you ask me to.” There was that sexy grin again.

  “In that case...” Char settled into his arms for the slow song, which brought back plenty of memories for her. “This was the most popular song my freshman year of high school,” she said.

  “Which was?”


  Casey chuckled. “That’s the year I was born.”

  Ouch. “Great. Way to make a woman feel even more like an old maid on her birthday.” Char planned to have a chat with Jessica about the song selection.

  “Sorry,” Casey said. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, or old, or whatever. You’re a very attractive woman.”

  “You mean for an old maid.”

  “No.” Casey shook his head. “I mean you’re very attractive, period. That crown you’re wearing doesn’t lie.”

  The crown? It took Char a second to realize he meant the silly tiara on her head. Forty and sexy. “You’re kidding, right?” she asked, chuckling.

  “Dead serious,” Casey replied. “Do I have to kiss you to prove it?”

  Books by Michele Shriver

  Women’s Fiction:

  After Ten

  Tears and Laughter

  Aggravated Circumstances

  Contemporary Romance:

  Finding Forever

  Leap of Faith

  The Art of Love

  Starting Over

  Love & Light


  Healing Hearts (coming winter 2016)

  The Men of the Ice Novellas:

  Playing for Keeps

  Crossing the Line

  Winning it All

  Scoring at Love

  Chasing the Prize

  Making an Impact (2016)

  Breaking the Ice (2016)

  Going all In (2017)

  Boxed Sets:

  Heroes to Swoon For

  Spring into Love

  Score One For Love

  Christmas Pets and Kisses


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