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Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Werewolf Castle 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Cara Adams

Josie passed him a business card with her cell phone number on it. He entered the number into his contacts, then sent through the pictures. As he was doing so Josie said, “And you just happened to be idly passing by and saw this?”

  Leonie gave back Josie an innocent look that Roman didn’t believe for a second and was certain Josie didn’t either. “Since they were showing off their motorcycling skills, I directed them to one of my father’s construction sites.”

  “Uh-huh. We’ll leave the conversation right there before your nose is as a long as Pinocchio’s. Thank you for coming in with this information.”

  Roman hurried to explain, before she went back to her own job. “Since we’re here, and since Leonie usually puts in a few hours at work on the weekend, Brody and I thought we’d do some data entry as well. Should we just go to the archives and ask the archivist for our folders?”

  “I’ve changed the process slightly. Those folders don’t go to the archives until after they’ve been entered now. If they need translating, Steve is doing it himself. The archivists are very busy with their own work.” She leaned forward, punched a button on the telephone on the reception desk, and spoke quietly into the receiver.

  Yeah, right. And Pinocchio is a real little boy not a wooden puppet. Suuuuure, I believe that’s the real reason.

  He heard the squeak of trolley wheels, then Steve came around the corner pushing a trolley laden with folders. “Don’t panic. I know there are far too many here for you to do in a day, but I just piled all the ones I checked that were already in German on this trolley. You both speak English as well, don’t you?”

  Roman nodded, while Brody answered, “Yes, we do.”

  “Good. That means I won’t have to rush too much with the translations. My Pannonian Rusyn is very rusty indeed. It’s a thirty-two letter alphabet, but it’s not quite the same as the Ukrainian alphabet which keeps tripping me up.”

  Josie smiled at Steve and patted his shoulder. “You’ll be fine.”

  Leonie said, “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Is that one of the twenty-or-however-many languages of Vojvodina?”

  “Yep. It’s an official language there even though there’s only about twenty thousand people who speak it. But it’s got a chair at the University of Novi Sad and everything. So I’d better get back to it.” Steve turned and left.

  Roman stared at his back. “I’m guessing whoever wrote their reports in that language never imagined in their wildest dreams your pack would have someone who could speak Rusyn, even if it is an official language in Vojvodina.”

  Josie grinned at him. “I’m fast coming to the conclusion that even if someone invented a new language, Steve would be able to understand it inside twenty-four hours. He has a real affinity for languages. Anyway, follow me and I’ll unlock the door to the conference room for you.”

  “Should one of us wait here at the reception desk until you return?” asked Leonie.

  Roman cast a quick glance at her. He wasn’t leaving her alone for any reason, but she did have a point. It would be good to know if people were coming and going in the elevators and stairways of the building.

  “That would be good. Will you please, Brody?”

  “Sure. Not a problem.”

  Roman collected the trolley and began pushing it, while Leonie followed Josie into the elevator, then along the corridor to the conference room.

  “Will leaving about seven be acceptable?” Roman asked Leonie.

  “Yes, sure.”

  “One of us will come to the reception desk then and bring the trolley with us,” Roman said to Josie.

  She nodded, gave them a little wave, then ran down the stairs.

  * * * *

  Even though they were spending almost every day and at least part of the night together, Brody was frustrated by not having Leonie in his arms all night long, and not having any true privacy with her. During the day they had to concentrate on their work, especially now that she refused to leave the conference room for a lunch break. Then in the evenings they were trying to love and romance her, introduce her to BDSM, and fuck her brains out. An impossible task in the few short hours available to them because she insisted on returning home around midnight and finishing every night in her own bed.

  But he could see no solution to the problem. He supposed they could try to rent an apartment together, the three of them, but he had the idea it would end up very expensive and likely not even possible for the short time they might want it. He and Roman had completed their studies, so once they finished this task for their Alpha they’d be going home to the castle to live. And then they’d lose Leonie. She’d said she wanted to find a full-time job and only then would she look for an apartment.

  The obvious solution was for her to agree to mate them and then she’d come to the castle with them and she could find a job she liked there when she was ready. But she still hadn’t agreed to mate them. She’d said she enjoyed their company. She’d said she liked them very much. But she hadn’t said she’d mate them. At least she’d seemed happy with their wolf shapes. She hadn’t been at all scared. In fact, she’d treated them just as she always did, so that was a relief. But there was this dreadful scary black cloud hanging over his head and Brody couldn’t relax because he wanted Leonie and didn’t know if he’d ever have her.

  The good news was that they’d finished entering all the special folders of data and were now entering the old files just like everyone else. Except the Russian speaker. He was still doing his pile. But even the good news was bad news because the Alpha could call them home at any time and then he’d never see Leonie again. Agh! His thoughts were going around and around in a circle and getting nowhere.

  Okay. He needed to get his head on straight and think of a solution. But what? What would work? Well, taking her back to the castle would work.

  She hasn’t agreed to mate us.

  Brody rested his eyes on Leonie’s beautiful face at the far end of the conference room. Did it really matter that she hadn’t agreed to mate them? What if they asked her to come back to the castle just for a visit? The drive would take eleven hours. Call it twelve hours to allow for a couple of stops along the way. He and Roman could share the driving, but they’d need to stop for gas and food likely two or three times. So a day to travel to the castle and a day to drive back to Vienna. Surely the Alpha of Vienna would allow them to take one day off work. That would mean two nights and a complete day at the castle to show her around. Okay, it was tourist season, but that was a bonus. That would merely mean she could see the attractions of the place as well as the real living conditions.

  He waited until Roman laid a folder down on his desk then said as softly as possible, “Can you come down to the parking lot with me for a moment?”


  He and Roman left the room, nodding to Leonie as they did. No one would pay any attention to them. People left to get water, or coffee, or go to the bathroom all the time. He took the stairs all the way down to the basement parking garage then walked to the far wall so they could have their back against it and look outward to make sure they weren’t overheard. Brody felt it was all a bit melodramatic, but he really didn’t want anyone to know his thoughts in case either Roman or the Alpha said his idea was stupid.

  “Have you read something important?” asked Roman.

  “No, sorry, nothing like that. I’ve been racking my brain to try to think of how we could convince Leonie to mate with us.”


  “What if we ask for Monday off work, all three of us, and take her home to the castle. Show her all around, the tourist side, and the pack areas. Then we try to convince her she’ll be happy and fulfilled there.”

  Brody almost held his breath as Roman thought through his idea. “I like it. It’s so simple yet it might work. She can see our home exists and that we could all be very happy there. The only problem is that she’s not a werewolf, so exposing our true home might not please the Alpha because she’s not co
mmitted to us yet.”

  “Here she gets to read all kinds of secrets. The Alpha of Vienna trusts her.”

  “Yes, he does. Okay, let’s ask the Alpha now. You ask. It was your idea.”

  Brody wasn’t sure whether he was proud Roman let him take the lead, or whether he should be scared in case the Alpha got angry at him for thinking of it. But he’d reached the stage where he wanted, needed, had to have Leonie. The waiting was stressing him too much. He had to find a way to break through her resistance and have her say yes to them both. So Brody dragged a big breath of air into his lungs, pulled out his cell phone, and tapped out the message.

  “If—when—he agrees we’ll ask the Alpha for Monday as leave, then we’ll ask Leonie. That way everything will have been okayed. She won’t have an easy way to put us off.”

  “I agree.”

  They walked back up the stairs and into the conference room. Brody sat back at his desk and looked at the data he should be entering. He could only hope his plan was successful. It had been the only way he could think of to convince Leonie and he just couldn’t live without her anymore.

  He’d hardly started to type when his phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the little envelope icon. Brody felt bile rise in his throat. He was almost ill with fear. What if the Alpha thought it was a stupid idea? What if he was angry with Brody for suggesting he bring a human into their home and expose them to being identified and located by other humans? What if the Alpha agreed and the Alpha of Vienna wouldn’t let them have the day off work or Leonie refused to go with them?

  He rubbed his sweaty palms on the knees of his pants then clicked on the message icon. It was the single word, “Yes.”

  Brody stood up, nodded to Roman, and walked through the building to the office shared by Josie and Steve. He wasn’t brave enough to face the Alpha of Vienna uninvited. Even knocking on the door of the Alpha’s mates without a work-based reason scared him. Once again he wiped his palms on his pants, then knocked on the door.

  “Come in”. That was Josie’s voice.

  Brody opened the door and stepped just inside.

  “Hi, Brody.”

  He nodded, swallowed, then shut the door behind him. Both Steve and Josie were looking at him, so he rushed to explain. “This isn’t about work. Well not really. I…um.” He stopped again and straightened his spine. “Roman and I want to mate with Leonie but she hasn’t agreed yet. We’d like to take Monday off work so we can take her to our home and show her around. We want to let her see what life with us would be like.”

  “That’s a really good idea,” said Steve.

  “It is. Once she can see your home she’ll be much better able to imagine her future with you. Why don’t you take two or three days off? I can supervise the data entry team for a few days until Leonie gets back, and if there are any urgent files I can do them as well. You and Roman have entered the backlog of files. It’s only new ones as they arrive to enter now. Plus all the regular ones from the archives of course. That’ll take a while longer although it’s progressing faster than I thought it would. Leonie has a good team of workers.”

  “Three days?” Brody could hardly believe he was being offered more time than he’d dared to ask for. “We’ll finish this week out and be back next Thursday then. Thank you so much.”

  He almost danced his way down the stairs until he remembered Leonie hadn’t agreed to come with them yet. She couldn’t possibly say no. Not when their Alpha and the Alpha of Vienna’s mates had agreed to the plan. Surely she’d want to see their home. Wouldn’t she?

  * * * *

  Brody smiled and nodded to Roman when he returned to his desk. Roman relaxed. It was an excellent idea of Brody’s and proved the man was smarter than him. He’d been mulling over how to convince Leonie they loved her all week and had only come up with flowers and chocolates, which he’d been told all women loved, but that hardly seemed like much of a game plan to him. Meanwhile, Brody had thought of a much better idea. The man was a genius.

  Immediately Roman texted the BDSM club and asked to reserve a dungeon, a booth for dinner, and a bedroom again. All right. Now his plan was to punish her until she orgasmed, screaming herself hoarse. Then he’d feed her and offer her a really nice wine to drink, and finally they’d both fuck her brains out. Only when she was totally satiated would they tell her about the road trip to the castle.

  The plan got rearranged a little because Leonie had a project she needed to finish, which meant it was eight by the time they arrived at the club and they were all hungry, so they ate first. Then they moved down to the dungeon. As soon as Leonie was undressed he chained her to the wall and got out one of the floggers. It was a wonderful toy with so many strands he didn’t even bother to count them. But that was perfect. He flogged her back and ass, then trailed the strands over her shoulder, teasing her breasts, and flicked them between her legs knowing a few of them would catch her pussy. That cunt of hers was his next plan for this evening.

  But now he turned to Brody, chained him beside Leonie, and flogged his ass until it was a deep red. Only then did he turn back to Leonie, warming up her shoulders, thighs, and ass again, plus flicking the flogger more lightly across her breasts and cunt. Just enough to hurt, not so hard she’d be bruised.

  He unchained them both and turned them to face the center of the room.

  “Kneel down and taste her cunt, Brody. Is she hot and ready yet?”

  Obediently Brody crawled between her legs and licked her slit. Both Brody and Leonie were breathing heavily. He didn’t need to hear Brody’s answer. He knew it already.

  “Yes, Sir.”


  Roman laid the flogger back on the chest against the wall and picked up a pair of handcuffs. “Hands behind your back, Leonie.”

  He walked behind her and cuffed her, then went back to the chest of drawers and took the bowl of warm water he’d requested. He laid a towel over his arms and grabbed a can of shaving cream and the razor as well and walked back to Leonie.

  “Spread your legs. Brody is going to shave your cunt.”

  He laid the equipment on the ground and said, “Shave her, Brody.”

  Back he went to the drawers and collected lube and a vibrating egg. He watched Brody spray the shaving cream on her mound of blonde curls, and then begin to shave her. As soon as he knew she’d be completely focused on what Brody was doing, he silently walked behind her and coated his fingers with lube. He watched and waited until Brody was rinsing the razor in the warm water, then drove two slippery fingers deep in her ass with no warning. Roman wrapped an arm across her breasts to hold her still, and began fucking her ass with his fingers until he felt her body begin to relax against him and knew she was close to coming. Instantly he stopped and stepped back, nodding to Brody. Brody sprayed more cream on her mound and began long, slow strokes with the razor, removing neat lines of blonde hair. This time, when he rinsed the razor Roman remained motionless, guessing Leonie would be expecting him to touch her again.

  Half the power of BDSM was the sub’s imagination. The silences, gaps, spaces in the program were when the sub began thinking about what had happened, and what might happen next. As the sub thought, her excitement and passion increased. The role of the Dom was to know his sub so well he could step in before the excitement began to die down, or before it was raised too extremely high. The art of BDSM was in the timing and balance of the sub’s imagination and what actually happened. They needed to join into a seamless whole that left the sub gasping for more and then gasping in release.

  Brody rinsed the blade again, and held her nether lips open to work on the tiny hairs there. Again Roman did nothing. The third time, just as Brody was about to begin shaving her, Roman pounced and thrust the vibrating egg into her ass. He’d coated it with lube, and her ass hadn’t had time to close, so it slipped easily into her channel after an initial push past her muscle ring. Roman placed his feet inside hers to keep her legs wide apart, and began te
asing her breasts. He pulled and pinched her nipples, stretching them and rolling them before stroking the sensitive undersides of her breasts and kissing along her shoulders. Only when she was breathing heavily did he step back and let Brody finish shaving her. Once Brody stood up, Roman flicked the remote control and made the egg vibrate in her ass.

  He removed her handcuffs, took all the equipment and placed it on the chest of drawers. “Get dressed. It’s time to move the party into the bedroom,” he said, switching the vibrator off.

  * * * *

  Leonie had heard women say how erotic a shaved pussy could be and how it heightened their sexual experiences, but she hadn’t ever imagined it would make this much difference. Already she felt naked, exposed, hyperalert for whatever might happen next. Her mound was tingling with the new sensations of air brushing her bare skin, then of the fabric of her panties directly against her skin.

  Once again she was walking through the club with a vibrator inside her. Just the feeling of the toy stuffed in her ass was incredibly carnal. She felt almost as if she was wearing a sign saying, “I’m going to be fucked in the ass tonight.”

  That’s when she realized she did love these men. That she couldn’t imagine not spending her evenings with them. Up until right then she’d known she enjoyed their company and cared for them. She was always interested in learning more about them and talking to them about anything and everything. But only at that very minute, as she walked beside them in a BDSM club, her cunt bare and tingling from being shaved and her ass hot from being flogged, did she fully comprehend that she didn’t want to be parted from them ever. That being together with them meant more than a career, or a home, or trying to help the Vienna Wolf Pack navigate the troubles until a strong new Supreme Alpha was established in control.

  She was so surprised that she was inside their bedroom, the staff member who’d escorted them from the dungeon closing the door, while she was still coming to grips with her thoughts. She’d been attracted by their good looks from the very beginning, but there’d also been their willingness to take a risk to serve their Alpha. It’d been obvious to her from their very first meeting that stealing the construction vehicle wasn’t a game to them. It was something they had to do to protect their Alpha. The tractor scraper was simply a means to an end. Their duty was to the man they willingly served and that’s what made them act outside the law. So right from the beginning she’d respected their honor and commitment. Since then, she’d gotten to know them so much better, and now she knew that commitment and integrity was a major part of their characters. If they promised something they’d do their best to carry out their promise, even if it was not an easy thing to do. And over and over they’d told her they cared for her, loved her, wanted her. Finally she was able to see that she felt exactly the same about them. She loved and trusted them and wanted to be with them always.


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