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Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Werewolf Castle 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Cara Adams

  They all undressed and Leonie noted how huge both men’s cocks were, how very ready they were for the next step. Each time she’d been close to a climax in the dungeon, Roman had stopped what he and Brody were doing, preventing her from coming. Of course, that meant neither he nor Brody had come either. It looked like they were both as ready for the conclusion as she was. That was something else she loved about them. They always ensured she received pleasure. No matter what they did, what games they played, or even if they were just sitting and talking, both men were focused on pleasing her. Such an attitude among people was very rare and special and she cherished their selfless devotion to her. She really was a most fortunate woman indeed.

  “Lie on your back, Leonie,” ordered Roman.

  That was interesting. She’d expected him to want her on her front. She lay down again noticing the air on her newly bare skin. It made her nipples harden with delight. There was no doubt at all that having her pussy shaved was erotic, and it was definitely something she’d continue to do.

  “Rub your chin on her pussy, Brody. Let’s see what she thinks of your five o’clock shadow whiskers on that tender new skin.”

  Leonie shivered with anticipation. Brody’s chin was rough, and raspy, but he also licked and sucked up portions of her skin, then he puffed warm air on the wet patches. All in all it had her wishing they’d hurry up and fuck her. It seemed like forever that the men teased her, playing with her pussy, and with her lower belly, constantly making her think they were about to finger fuck her or tongue fuck her yet never touching her clit or her channel where she wanted them. Finally she couldn’t stay silent any longer. “Just fuck me, dammit.”

  Brody laughed and Roman gave her one of his hauntingly beautiful grins. He sat on the bed, his back to the headboard, and said, “Back up to me and I’ll take out the vibrating egg.”

  The toy was arousing, and he’d switched it on any number of times to torment her, but having his cock deep in her ass would be so much better. It wasn’t until she crouched over his cock that she understood how strong the men’s thigh muscles must be. Oh sure, anyone could see they were muscular, but the sheer agony of holding the crouched position and very gradually lowering her ass onto Roman’s cock gave her an extremely accurate picture of the stress the men subjected themselves to all the time to please her. She was really glad to be sitting on his lap at last, knowing he was the one who’d be using his thighs now to push up inside her and pleasure them both.

  She relaxed back against him, loving the way his strong chest supported her back, framing her body like a rock wall, yet with the warmth and comfort of home as well. Roman wrapped his feet around hers stretching her legs wide apart so Brody could inch his way up close to them and slide his huge red cock into her pussy. Closer and closer he wiggled until he was fully seated inside her cunt.

  Roman pulled out of her, until just the head of his cock was still inside her ass, then as he pushed back inside her dark entry, Brody began to withdraw from her cunt. Leonie grabbed Brody’s shoulders and hung on as the men began seesawing faster in and out of her.

  Roman was using one hand to balance himself and the other rested on her breast as he pinched and tugged at her nipple. Brody was leaning back on both arms, using them as well as his hips to drive into her body.

  She leaned her head back more against Roman’s shoulder then took one hand off Brody’s shoulder so she could hold Roman’s hip. Her legs were tangled between Roman’s and Brody’s, their three bodies completely intertwined. This was so right, just as it should be. The three of them tightly knotted together in a union of hearts and minds. This was what she wanted forever.

  Faster and faster the men pounded in and out of her, until the bed was rocking in unison with their thrusts and the climax rising inside Leonie was so close and so powerful she could no longer think and hardly even breathe.

  At the very moment she shattered, Roman gripped her hair and pulled her head back. “Say you’ll mate with us, Leonie. We both love you and want you to be ours forever. Please don’t deny us our heart’s desire any longer.”

  “Leonie, we love you so much. I can’t imagine my life without you at its center. You’re our heart,” said Brody.

  “I love you both, too. I know that now. Yes, I’ll marry you.” That was all she could manage. The flood of passion and release rolling through her body left her weak and shaking, unable to move. She hung limply between the two men, eyes closed, as the climax shook every bone in her body and then more aftershocks rattled her some more.

  “Do you mean that? You’ll truly mate with us for life?” asked Roman, turning her head around so he could see her face.

  “I mean it. I love you both and will marry you.”

  “At last. I love you so much it’s been killing me not spending every night with you,” said Brody, kissing her lips.

  “You won’t regret your decision. Our aim will be to make you the happiest, most content woman in the castle,” added Roman, pressing tiny kisses on her shoulder.

  * * * *

  Brody was so happy his cock was twitching and throbbing in its warm bed inside Leonie. He hoped never to have to pull out of her again. In particular, never to have to leave her at her hotel room door and go to his own apartment. But logic told him the time when they could be together twenty-four-seven wasn’t quite yet. He untangled himself from their bodies and disposed of the condom, then gently took Leonie from Roman so he could do the same.

  Brody tucked her beside him on the bed, with the sheet and blanket pulled over her so she wouldn’t catch a chill. He watched as Roman returned to the bed and raised an eyebrow. Would Roman speak about the road trip to Werewolf Castle now? Or might they take a nap? They’d need a shower before going home, too.

  “Brody had a great idea earlier today,” Roman said.

  Leonie snuffled a bit indicating she was awake.

  Roman nodded to Brody. “I thought you might like to go on a road trip to Werewolf Castle with us. To have a look around and see our home, which will be your home soon.”

  “I would like to see the castle. How long will it take to get there? Can we go over a weekend?” asked Leonie.

  “It’s about an eleven-hour drive. So with two drivers to share the driving and navigation, and just a few stops for gas and food, likely it’ll take twelve hours. That’s a bit much to go on Saturday and return on Sunday so I asked if we could have Monday off as well, to give you an entire day at the castle.”

  “Sounds good. When are we going?” Leonie gave a jaw-cracking yawn and Brody realized he needed to hurry up and tell her or she’d be asleep.

  “Josie said we could take three days off so we’re traveling there on Saturday, spending Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at the castle, and coming back to Vienna on Wednesday. That should give you plenty of time to get a feel for our people and our home. We could even show you around the mountains a bit while we’re there.”

  Leonie bounced up in the bed, suddenly appearing wide awake. “That sounds awesome. I’d really like that and I think it will help me understand more about you and your pack. It’ll be wonderful to see the castle. Is it a real castle? Or was it some kind of old manor house?”

  Brody grinned and sat up, too, as did Roman.

  “It’s a real castle. Parts of it date back to medieval times.”

  “It’s even got a moat,” added Roman.

  Leonie frowned. “And tourists visit it? That’s what you said, I think.”

  “Yes, it’s a tourist attraction. It’s the primary way our pack earns an income to buy all the things we need in a modern society, like electricity. That’s why our Alpha is so careful no one knows where we live in case people start to link the tourist attraction with the pack. Then our isolation and individuality will be exposed. Right now we aren’t aligned with the werewolf association or with any particular pack. That means if the situation with the Supreme blows up our people should be comparatively safe.”

  “And he’s trusting me with that
knowledge? The knowledge of where you live?”

  Brody nodded, impressed that she’d reached the conclusion so quickly. Then his heart turned over and he fell in love with her all over again, when she said, “I’m honored he’s trusted me. I will never betray his trust, or yours.”

  Chapter Seven

  It was late at night and very dark when they’d arrived at the castle on Saturday, so on Sunday morning, Leonie said, “Let’s take my car and go down to the town, then drive slowly up to the castle again. I want to look at it properly. Then I’ll look at the inside. But first, I want to see the outside.”

  Roman laughed at her, and even Brody had a quizzical look, but both agreed. They’d traveled in her car as it was a more comfortable ride than using the motorcycles, and Leonie saw now that where Roman had parked it, against the outer wall of the castle, was marked “Staff Only.” Well, she supposed that made sense. They weren’t paying guests at any rate. She looked around the fairly small town as Brody drove around the main streets, then she focused her gaze on the castle. It was nestled against the mountains, at the end of quite a steep road up from the town which was beside the river, but she saw the river formed the moat around the stone wall. Well that made sense. Rivers flowed downhill. It would also have been very helpful back in history when there was no such thing as reticulated water supplies, too, she assumed.

  The castle had four towers, one at each corner, just like in fairy tales. But the walls were thick stone that looked more businesslike and serviceable than a fairy tale. A narrow, one-lane bridge over the moat took them into an outer courtyard, which was principally a parking lot, though there were a few wooden buildings hard against the outer wall.

  Next they walked though the barbican, where the serious castle defenses began. Roman and Brody each used an ID card to pass through the gate and waved to the man at the customer service window, who clicked the turnstile to let her through as well. This inner courtyard was a hive of activity even quite early in the morning as it was now. There was a maze on the right and a jumping castle for small children nearby. Around the edges of the courtyard, backing onto the castle walls, were eateries, and shops filled with clothing, gadgets, souvenirs, or things to do.

  Roman pointed to the nearest tower and said, “That’s the north tower, which tourists can visit. It’s kept in its medieval state.”

  Brody pointed to the other side of the courtyard. “That’s the chapel and the priests’ house.”

  They walked into the castle itself and very quietly Roman said, “Later we’ll take you on an official tour with everything the tourists can see.” He led them slowly through the great hall and Leonie loved seeing the old suits of armor, the tapestries on the wall, and sturdy hand-carved wooden benches and chairs. Then they passed into a hallway and through a door marked “Staff Only.” This was the area where they’d gone to the room they’d spent the night in, but she’d been much too tired from the journey to look at anything.

  This time they wandered through various buildings and hallways until they were at the very back of the castle. Here was yet another courtyard, but much of it was a vegetable garden. Sitting on benches in the sun were some older people, and a few mothers, with small children running around and playing. Leonie guessed this was a private area for the people who lived here. She stared up in amazement at the stone tower rising out of the corner of the courtyard.

  “Was that where we stayed last night?”

  “No, we stayed in Brody’s room in the east tower. That’s the south tower. We’re gradually renovating it into apartments for more people as they’re needed though, so maybe we three should see what’s available, and choose some rooms.”

  Leonie looked around getting her bearings and pointed at what she thought would be the west tower. “What’s in that one?”

  “It hasn’t been renovated at all yet. The east and south towers are blocked off from the ground and can only be entered through the pack’s private area so they’re safe and secure. Nothing like that has been arranged for the west tower,” said Roman.

  “Besides, more than half the south tower is untouched yet. There’s plenty of space for us to expand if and when we need to,” added Brody.

  Leonie sat thinking, loving being out in the sun and fresh air, something she’d experienced all too little of lately with her working schedule. “On the road trip here you told me you’ve recently started serving banquet meals during the day for tourists, right? You mentioned musicians, and entertainers, and a medieval-style meal.”

  “Correct. That’s just started. It’s a brand new idea.”

  Leonie nodded at Brody and looked up at the sky again. “You also said you’re always on the lookout for suitable ways to make the castle a paying concern.”

  This time it was Roman who said, “That’s right. We need to earn enough money in the tourist season to keep the pack running all year around.”

  “Has anyone thought of turning the west tower into the kind of place where tourists could stay overnight with a bed and breakfast service. They’d do all the regular castle tours during the day, then their banquet would be in the evening. They’d sleep in their “hotel” room that night, and next morning have the opportunity to look around some more before leaving in time to service the room for the people coming in the next night. Once you’d renovated half a dozen rooms, the only additional expense would be the banquets, which could be exactly the same menu as lunchtime, and the maid staff.”

  Roman smiled at her. “That’s not a bad idea. Planning it and coordinating it all might be a lot of work, and first there’d be months of renovations, though.”

  “It’s something I could do. I’m experienced at planning construction work and programs. Of course your Alpha would have to approve everything and there’d be a million details to work out first, but I’d enjoy doing it.”

  “And it would be useful. Rather like adding extra value to a lot of what we already do. We do need to keep thinking of new ways to help tourists enjoy their time here,” added Brody.

  “Let’s go and talk to the Alpha. I really like the idea of you, our mate, happy and involved here at the castle,” said Roman.

  “The fight to be the Supreme Alpha of Europe could get very dirty and very nasty. Entering the data for the Alpha of Vienna should be completed in a month or even less. It’d be wonderful if we could come back here then to stay and build our very own happy ever after at the castle,” said Leonie. More than anything she was convinced she could do it, use her knowledge of construction and planning to turn the interior of the fourth tower into a small hotel for medieval lovers.

  Anywhere with these two men would be enough for her. But here at the castle, building a life together would be perfect. Already she was falling in love with the castle, just as she’d fallen in love with Roman and Brody.

  “Let’s go. I just know the Alpha’s going to love you as much as Brody and I do,” said Roman, pulling Leonie to her feet. Brody took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. Surprised by his tender gesture she grabbed him and kissed him on the lips, and then did the same to Roman. Her new life with her men was about to start.




  Cara Adams adores erotic romance, especially ménage, BDSM, and shape-shifters. One day, someone said to her, “Why don’t you put them all in one book?”

  So she did.

  For all titles by Cara Adams, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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