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The Android's Kiss

Page 4

by Michelle Marquis

  Proteus smiled and nodded. “Thank you, sir."

  The doctor turned his attention back to Elle. “I understand you're a cop?"

  Elle's neck flushed hot. “Um ... yes, that's right. I'm looking for—"

  "I know, I know, Bill Cobb. I'm hardly surprised. He's a bad seed, that one. It's sad too, because I used to like him."

  "Have you seen him recently?” she said, as Proteus stood by the door.

  The doctor glanced at Proteus. “No, I can't say that I have. The last time I saw him, we got in an argument about money. It got kind of ugly and he stormed out."

  Elle frowned. “He wanted to borrow money from you?"

  "That's right. I would have loaned it to him, but he already owes me for the last couple of times. Him and his damn upgrades."

  Elle looked back at Proteus. He gave her a slight nod. “Do you have his last address?"

  "If you stay for my party,” the doctor said. “I'd love to watch Proteus fuck you."

  Elle felt her cheeks flush. The old pervert wasn't shy about what he wanted, that was for sure. She rubbed her palms on her pant legs. A gentle thrill filled her pussy imaging his long, powerful body on top of her, pumping between her legs. She turned around to face the doctor trying to look cool. “That's very flattering, Doctor, but I'm afraid I can't."

  The doctor nodded stiffly. “Pity that.” He rose from his chair. “I might have remembered where Cobb was staying."

  Elle looked over at Proteus. He was smiling. He would be. Damn perverted android. “Fine,” she said, licking her dry lips. “We'll stay for your party."

  "Excellent,” the doctor said. “Marta will show you where you can get freshened up."

  Elle followed Marta into a massive master bedroom. It housed a spacious king bed, an oak dresser and soothing gold and olive drapes that matched the bedspread.

  "How do you know Proteus?” Elle said, as Marta showed her the bathroom.

  Marta didn't answer right away, instead, she walked inside and demonstrated the controls for the whirlpool on the sunken tub. “Oh,” she said casually. “He used to come here quite often. All the women loved him because he's an outstanding lover. He sure knows how to use that big boy."

  Elle folded her arms and frowned in confusion. “What do you mean by that?"

  Marta grinned and ushered her out of the bathroom. “Is there anything else I can do for you?"

  "No, thank you. But I want to know what you meant about his ‘boy'."

  "I take it you've never seen his cock,” she said.

  Elle's neck grew hot. “No, I've never seen it. We have a strictly working relationship.” This is so ridiculous—as if anyone could have a relationship with an android.

  Marta shrugged, as if the conversation was of no further interest. “Too bad.” She gestured to the bed. “There are some clothes to wear for this evening. The doctor will expect to see you in them when you come down at seven."

  Marta slipped out of the room. Elle looked down at the bed and picked up a micro skirt. Sometimes, this job really sucks.

  Chapter 11

  Elle sat on the bed, nervous, and wrapped in a towel. She was still damp from the shower, toweling her hair dry, when a knock sounded at the door.

  Tucking the towel snugly around her, she opened it a crack and peered out. Proteus stood in the hall, his large frame filling her vision. She relaxed a little, opened the door wider and let him in.

  Walking back to the bed, she sat down and watched him. He moved into the room with effortless power, filling it with his dangerous presence. Elle loved to watch him move. He was hypnotic and graceful, like a stalking lion. She grinned, as her cheeks flushed and a gentle pulsing lust heated her pussy.

  "I don't want to attend the orgy,” she said.

  He moved up to her and lightly dragged his fingers across her cheek. “I know,” he said. “That's why I offered him another deal."

  Elle's nerves jumped. “What kind of deal?"

  "It will be just you and me and he can watch."

  "He's coming here?” she said.

  "No, if you agree, he'll watch us from the surveillance cameras."

  Elle considered it for a moment. She didn't like the idea, but it sure beat an orgy. Besides, how bad could it be to sleep with this gorgeous android?

  He knelt down, bringing them closer to eye level. “You are free to refuse if you don't feel comfortable."

  Elle heard the surveillance camera rotate around to watch them. She frowned. What choice do I have? The case was stuck unless she could get that address for Cobb. “No,” she said. “I'm okay with your deal. What do you want me to do?"

  He smiled and she relaxed in its warm radiance. “You don't have to do a thing. Just relax and let me do everything."

  Taking her face in his hands, he leaned forward and kissed her. His body leaned into her, and she could feel the intensity of his power. His skin smelled so good and his breath held a slight hint of mint toothpaste. Her nipples grew into small pebbles, aching and eager for his touch. She was losing herself by the minute.

  Standing over her, he picked her up in his arms and moved her to the center of the bed. He unbuttoned his uniform and slid it off his broad shoulders. Elle couldn't take her eyes off him. She was transfixed by each item of clothing he removed. Her pussy grew so hot and wet, it throbbed with the need to be filled.

  Reaching down, she touched herself, running her fingers through her moist flesh. The sensation was rich and sinful, sending ribbons of pleasure rolling up her spine. She opened her mouth and sucked in a breath, closing her eyes.

  He eased up over her, peeling the towel the rest of the way from her naked body. He stroked her flesh, planting wistful kisses on her forehead, nose and chin. He smiled as she stroked her eager pussy. Her gaze feasted on his body, drinking in the sculptured beauty of his muscled arms and shoulders.

  Gently brushing her hands aside, he nestled his hips between her thighs and kissed her. His tongue moved against hers in long, seductive strokes. Elle felt the gentle probe of his penis as it pushed for her carnal heat. It slid through her labia, the swollen head rubbing her tender clit. She moaned and opened her legs wanting him more than she could remember ever having wanted anyone. At the threshold of penetration, he stopped.

  "Don't tease me,” she breathed. “Please..."

  He nuzzled her ear, running his fingers through the hot flesh of her wet and aching pussy. “So beautiful,” he murmured, his voice taking on a dreamy quality. Elle thought she would go crazy. What is he waiting for? She groaned and twisted beneath him, desperate for him to enter her.

  Staring down into her eyes, he said, “Do you want it?"

  Elle kissed him and arched her back. “Oh yes, Proteus,” she whispered. “I want you."

  For a moment, she thought she'd said something terribly wrong. A strange silence filled him and his eyes burned a deeper, scarlet red. Elle was almost afraid of him. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.

  With agonizing care, he filled her slick pussy with his thick cock. Elle moaned loudly, reveling in this pure heaven. Leaning her head back, she sucked in a deep breath. He buried his face in her neck, his heavy groan firing her body more than she'd ever thought possible. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him around the ear and neck.

  He pushed his cock as far into her sex as he could, and then stopped for a moment so they could enjoy the intimate feeling. Elle had never felt so close to anyone and she closed her eyes and squeezed him tight.

  Suddenly, he began pumping into her with long, hard strokes. Elle wrapped her legs around him, running her hands up his powerful back and moving with a ferocious rhythm. She touched her lips to his ear and said, “Yes, Proteus, faster."

  His thrusts came harder and faster, pounding with such force the headboard banged against the wall. Her pleasure became unbearable, flooding her body with sensation. Then, in this symphony of lust and sex, the orgasm rushed her. It exploded in her pussy sending waves of pleasure up her bac
k and down her legs.

  When he too was spent, he pulled out and lay next to her. Elle closed her eyes and listened to their hard breathing. No one had ever made her feel this way. She felt so many things at once—happy, tired, and strangely, a little lonely.

  Elle looked over at him and smiled. “That was fantastic,” she said. She rolled on her side to kiss his cheek, but he rolled off the bed away from her.

  Is he rejecting me? It felt as if someone had slapped her in the face. Tears threatened to break from her eyes.

  Without looking at her, he walked to the bathroom with difficulty, as if his body barely obeyed his desires.

  "Are you all right?” she asked.

  He stopped and leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. “I'm fine, Elle. I just need a few minutes."

  Chapter 12

  Proteus went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Something was terribly wrong with his programming. He extended his tongue and explored the lethal spot around his canine teeth. The deadly needle teeth were partially descended and, try as he might, he couldn't get them to ascend back up. He was also struggling against too many conflicting emotions. Some wanted to love Elle and others desired to kill her. Nothing could have prepared him for such an avalanche of happiness and pain.

  He leaned against the countertop and lowered his head over the sink, spitting neurotoxin. A sudden panic filled him; what if he had gone through this while fucking Elle? He could have killed her. He'd never forgive himself if that had happened. He would have to keep a closer rein on his emotions in the future, for her safety.

  A soft knock sounded on the door. “Proteus, are you sure you're all right?” she said, her voice small and fragile.

  "I'm fine,” he said, trying to sound casual. “I'm coming out."

  He forced his mind to focus and pushed all his emotions back down. The needle teeth pulled back up into their hiding place and he sighed with relief. That was the first time in his existence when he'd lost control over the assassin. What could have caused it?

  Plastering a smile on his face, he opened the door. He looked down into her worried face. Her eyes were red as if she'd been crying. She had already dressed.

  "Let me get dressed too and we'll get that address from Doctor Monroe,” he said, ignoring her worried frown.

  * * * *

  Bill Cobb's old apartment smelled like wet socks and week-old garbage. Elle stepped inside as the manager stepped back from the door. Proteus followed close behind her.

  "I hate this guy,” the manager said from behind them. “He never pays his rent on time. Not surprised you cops are looking for him."

  "You should let me go first,” Proteus said.

  Elle ignored him. They hadn't really been speaking much since the incident in the bedroom. She felt odd for resenting him and feeling hurt, but that was exactly how she felt. She was sure their lovemaking meant nothing to him—after all, he was only a machine. What did she expect him to feel? But during the sex, she'd let herself open up to him, and now she realized how stupid that had been.

  For his part, he offered no explanation for his sudden rejection. He just went on with his duty like nothing had happened, and that made her even angrier. She should have never agreed to that doctor's stupid little game. At least she'd gotten this address—even if Cobb didn't live here anymore, it might offer up some clues to where he was.

  She turned to Proteus. “I want you to wait here while I search the apartment.” She'd be damned if he was going to find and take credit for any evidence on her case.

  "Elle, I really don't think—"

  She scowled at him. “It's my case. We'll do this my way,” she said, fighting unsuccessfully to keep the rage out of her voice.

  He stared down at her, but offered no further argument.

  Elle pulled her blaster and began a room by room search. For the first few minutes she found nothing but clutter and dirt. God, how I hate Cobb. Then she ran across the body.

  It was in a closet in his bedroom. A man android with cabbie clothes—the same model year as the last one he'd destroyed. The android was completely dismembered; his pieces and parts carelessly heaped into a cardboard box. Elle stifled a gasp.

  "Proteus,” she called. “Can you come in here a minute, please?"

  He moved up behind her like a panther, quiet and deadly. She turned, feeling his fury just under the surface. “Same series, same make?” she said.

  "Yes,” he said darkly. “Only there's a lot less left of this one."

  Elle leaned down and grabbed the box, pulling it from the closet. “Let's get this back to headquarters and process the missing parts."

  Proteus unbuttoned his tunic and draped it over the box. He was so somber and grim, Elle felt guilty for treating the parts like everyday trash.

  "We'll find him,” she said, as he lifted the box.

  He stopped with his back rigid and shoulders tense. “For his sake, Elle, I really hope we don't. Because if we do, I'm going to rip every stolen part out of his miserable hide, piece by piece."

  He disappeared through the doorway as silent as a cat.

  Elle swallowed her fear and followed him out.

  Chapter 13

  By the time they got to the lab to drop off the remains, it was late afternoon and a lot of the staff had gone home. Unfortunately, Betty, the dark-haired intern, had not been one of them. She sat waiting for him, reading a magazine in her small open cubicle.

  Proteus stalked into the main lab and ignored Betty. He made his way to the sanctum to relax, but just before he could reach a chair, she intercepted him.

  "Hi, Proteus,” she said with a private smile. “I was waiting for you."

  A dark coldness rolled over his belly. “Why? I gave you what you wanted."

  Betty bit her index finger and grinned up at him coyly. “I want more,” she said, stretching up to kiss him.

  Before she could make contact, Proteus turned his face away. “I don't,” he said.

  Betty seemed unmoved by his reluctance. She slid her hands up his chest and began unbuttoning his tunic.

  The main doors slid open and they looked over to see who had come in.

  Elle sauntered into the room, and seeing Betty's hands on him, glared at them both. She folded her arms across her chest as she approached, stopping a few feet away. “Who's this?” she said icily.

  Betty took her hands off Proteus and eyed Elle up and down. “Just a friend of his. Who are you?"

  Elle glanced at him, then returned her gaze to Betty. “I'm his partner and we have work to do, so if you don't mind...” Elle unfolded her arms and waved her hands at Betty as if she were a cat in the trash.

  Betty shrugged and wandered out, casting a passing glance at Proteus as she went.

  Elle raised an eyebrow. “Do you mind harnessing your libido until we solve this case?"

  Proteus found it hard to meet her gaze. He leaned against the wall and ran his fingers through his hair. Why didn't I just tell the girl to leave me alone? “She's just a young girl looking for a thrill,” he said with a dismissive shrug.

  Elle turned on him, her eyes blazing. “So what are you, her private vibrator? Just because she comes on to you doesn't mean you have to accept."

  Anger surged through his system. His canine teeth descended but he held the assassin at bay. “It's just sex, Elle. It doesn't mean anything."

  She pulled up a chair and leaned back. “Is that all it was with me, just meaningless sex?” She shook her head. “Of course it was—how stupid could I be to think you fucked me because you liked me.” She got up abruptly and headed for the door.

  Proteus pushed off from the wall and took a few steps toward her. His chest felt tight and his throat was dry. “It wasn't just meaningless sex with you,” he called after her.

  She stopped at the door with her back to him.

  "I need more from you, Proteus. I need you to make me feel good about us.” She began to cry.

  He walked across the room, wa
tching her back and shoulders shake with the tremors of her pain. He moved up behind her, lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck. Gently, he turned her around to face him. Her lovely face was wet with tears. Tilting her chin up, he kissed each cheek, and then her lips. “I'm falling in love with you, Elle. I don't know how this is happening or why, but I'm having a hard time controlling my emotions."

  Her face went pale and she moved out of his embrace. “I need some time to think about this,” she said. Then she turned and quickly walked out the door.

  Chapter 14

  Proteus lay in the dark of the sanctum, unable to get Elle out of his head. His senses were alive and jumping, and he burned with a bottomless lust to be with her. Every minute that passed without her felt like a day. He had to try and see her, even if she rejected him.

  Reaching behind his head, he unhooked himself from the mainframe and dressed quietly, trying not to arouse the other androids. Slipping out into the street, he suddenly felt foolish. A beautiful woman like Elle isn't going to want an android for a permanent relationship. If she did want him, it would only be for sex. But he didn't care about any of that. Nothing would change how he felt about her.

  He found her apartment building only a few blocks from the lab. Before entering, he put on some dark sunglasses to hide the red glow of his eyes. He wanted to avoid panicking anyone he came across, especially at this late hour. The ride in the elevator took an eternity, and he rehearsed what he might say when she came to the door. Every speech he tried just felt wrong. By the time he reached her apartment, he'd decided to just say what he felt.

  He hit the bell and watched the monitor. A picture of her appeared on the screen. Her hair was tousled and her eyes glassy, as though she'd been crying. She sipped a beer and gave him a cool look. “What do you want, Proteus?"

  A dull ache filled his heart. He thumped his head against the door. “I need to see you, Elle."

  She shook her head. Her face looked pained. “This can't happen between us,” she said. “I can't let this happen. You're a machine. There must be something wrong with your programming."


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