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The Android's Kiss

Page 5

by Michelle Marquis

  "Don't do that."

  "Do what?"

  "Dismiss what I said to you. I know what I'm feeling."

  A neighbor's door opened and an old woman peered out to glare at him. He slid his hand down the door's smooth surface. He imagined it was the flesh of Elle's back. “Please let me in,” he whispered. He wanted her so bad it hurt.

  The door unlocked with a loud click.

  He pushed it open and entered the apartment. She was seated on a blue couch in shorts and a loose-fitting tank top. He could see the fullness of her breasts just beneath the light fabric. Lust scorched through him like a trail of fire. His cock filled with a burning, aching heat. She was the most beautiful and erotic woman he had ever seen and he wanted her desperately.

  She didn't look at him. She sat with her legs tucked under her, swirling the remainder of her beer around in a bottle. “What are you doing here?” she said, stopping the swirl to peel the label.

  "I had to see you."

  "Why? Feeling horny? Why not fuck Betty the intern?"

  He stood in the middle of the living room unsure what to say to her. He felt as if he'd been dumped on a foreign planet and didn't know the language. He couldn't seem to say anything right in the face of her jealous rage. “I don't want her. I want you."

  Elle slammed her beer on the coffee table and stormed over to him. “Liar!” she screamed. She lifted her hand to slap him and he caught it in mid-swing. He softly kissed her palm.

  She started to cry.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Her lips were soft and tender. Sinking to his knees, he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her belly. She lifted her head to the ceiling; her eyes closed and a sob of anguish broke from her chest.

  "Please don't do this to me, Proteus,” she whispered. “Please don't tell me you love me if you don't."

  Nuzzling under her shirt, he kissed and licked the tender flesh of her stomach. She gasped and ran her fingers through his hair. Standing again, he picked her up and sat her on the edge of the couch. He peeled her shorts and underwear off, stroking her long, lovely thighs. They trembled under his touch. With gentle pressure, he pushed them apart. She resisted him at first, pushing her legs together against his hands, but soon she let him open her, the muscles in her legs softening and letting go.

  She was his, open and inviting, and he reveled in the deep musk of her glistening pussy. Burrowing his mouth into her, his tongue explored her, savoring and tasting her with carnal delight. She moaned and leaned back, losing herself in the pleasure.

  Emotions flowed through him like a firestorm. The taste and smell of her filled him with unbearable lust. He thought he was losing his mind. He pushed her thighs further apart, squeezing them and plunging his mouth deeper inside her hungry channel. Fastening his lips on her clit, he sucked and licked her until her body bucked and quivered its release.

  She pulled him up to her mouth by the hair and planted a scorching kiss on his lips. He lay down on the floor and pulled her on top of him, his hands memorizing her body. She straddled him, running kisses along his face and chest. She moved her pussy over his painfully erect cock and lowered herself down onto him.

  He moaned as her pussy encased him in her sexy heat. He held her as she rode him, her hips thrusting down harder and faster on his painful erection. When he thought the pleasure couldn't get any more intense, she cried out, tossing her head back and they reached orgasm together.

  She rolled off him and lay next to him panting. Neither of them said anything, neither had to. Her communicator sounded and she pulled her shirt on to answer it. Watching her settle into a chair, his desire burned high again.

  "Hi, Frank,” she said, sounding out of breath. “What do you want?"

  A partially garbled voice came over the line. “A Doctor Monroe called for you, Elle. He said he's heard from Cobb. We traced the call and it's coming from The Slap and Tickle Adult Theater on Rose Street."

  Elle looked back at Proteus, but he was already dressing.

  "We're leaving right now."

  "We?” Frank asked.

  "I'll tell you about it later."

  "Remember, Elle,” Frank said before she could cut the line. “We want him alive."

  She gave Proteus a searching look. “I'll see what I can do."

  Chapter 15

  The Slap and Tickle Adult Theater was one of the oldest open forum sex theaters in the city. It had been converted from an old movie theater and still showed it roots. Today was movie day, and the latest porno film was playing on the widescreen, not that many of the attendees were watching it. Most were engaged in various sex acts throughout the many reclining seats in the theater. As they entered the main auditorium, the hall was hot and smelled of sex.

  Elle tried to ignore the grunts and moans of the undulating bodies as they passed them. She glanced at Proteus, counting on his tracking system to try and locate Cobb in this den of debauchery. “Anything yet?” she said, keeping her voice low.

  He tore his eyes from the lusty couple to their left and shook his head, as if trying to clear it.

  Elle sighed. Heat filled her cheeks. “Focus please,” she said.

  "Something is interfering with my tracking device,” he said.

  "Something like this?” a voice said from behind them. Elle looked up and met Cobb's thin face and one amber eye. The cyborg looked tired—dark circles framed his brown human eye and his skin was a sickly kind of grey. He pointed a blaster on them and lifted up a scrambler. He smiled triumphantly.

  Proteus turned and fixed Cobb with an evil glare. “Yes,” he said coldly, “something like that.” With a slight toss of his head, Proteus spit a dose of venom at Cobb, almost hitting the cyborg in his one good eye. The venom landed on the cyborg's cheek, burning the skin. A moment later, gleaming steel showed underneath. The cyborg screamed and wiped it off.

  Elle's stomach twisted in disgust. She used that moment of confusion to pull her blaster and point it at Cobb. “You're under arrest, asshole."

  Proteus took a step forward to spit on Cobb again, but the cyborg pointed his blaster at his head. Ignoring the threat, Proteus hissed and bared his extended canines. The silver teeth sparkled in the dim theater lights.

  "Call him off!” Cobb screamed, his weapon shaking at Proteus. “Or I'll blow his head off."

  Elle looked from the one to the other. Dread filled her. She was sure Cobb would like nothing better than to kill the android, if for no other reason than out of spite. “Proteus, please don't."

  Proteus hesitated for a moment, his teeth bared dangerously.

  Cobb's eyes filled with evil glee. He knows he has me, shit.

  "Call him off now!"

  "We'll have another chance at this,” Elle said to Proteus. “I know how you feel but just let him go for now."

  Cobb's smile stretched wider, contorting his mouth. He stared at Proteus. Elle knew the android would be a prize catch for the robot killer. Proteus was state-of-the-art and almost the same size as Cobb. This is very bad. Cobb licked his lips as he appeared to turn the possibilities around in his mind. What possibilities, Elle didn't want to imagine.

  Cobb locked his gaze with hers. “I need your friend here. He's coming with me."

  Elle glared at him. Her palms were sweating on the grip of her blaster. “No fucking way, Cobb."

  Proteus stared into Elle's eyes. His expression was unreadable, his eyes a fiery and distant red. “Don't risk getting shot for me, Elle,” he said. “I'll go. I'll be fine. I'm not exactly defenseless."

  Before Elle could say a word in protest, Cobb shoved Proteus up the aisle of the theater. All the lovemaking noise that had filled the theater when they'd arrived had faded away, leaving a gaping, fearful silence.

  Elle glanced at the stunned moviegoers as she followed the cyborg up the aisle. Cobb kept his weapon trained on Proteus’ head. Part of her wanted to risk a shot but, with his blaster so close to Proteus, she didn't dare. Instead, she rushed after
them, staying as close as she could.

  When they reached the front door, Cobb turned around and fired off a warning shot over her head. Elle ducked, but the distraction was all the cyborg needed. Elle raced out the door to keep sight of them but once outside, she found they both were gone.

  * * * *

  Elle stormed into the Machinex Lab, searching for Betty the intern. Even though it was late, there were still a few people working quietly at their cubicles. Going from cubicle to cubicle she finally found Betty in the last one she looked in.A flood of relief flowed over her.

  "You,” Elle said, slipping around in front of the woman. “I need your help."

  Betty stared at her. She blinked a few times in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak but Elle interrupted her. “Do you know how to access the tracker on one of the androids? I need to know where Proteus is."

  "Sure I can but—"

  Elle frowned. “But what?"

  "It's against regulations."

  "Since when are you such a stickler for regulations?” Elle asked, letting the question hang in the air like a threat.

  Betty scowled at her, but turned around to her monitor. She punched in a few keys and a grid of the city appeared, illuminated in bright green. A small flashing light showed up on the screen with an address printed next to it. Betty highlighted it with her finger and hit the enter key. The computer immediately displayed the closest cross streets. “Proteus was moving but seems to have stopped,” she said.

  Elle tired to swallow but she had no spit. The area they'd stopped in she knew as an old parts shop. My God, could Cobb be planning to part out Proteus? Surely he can't be that crazy? Elle stabbed her finger at the screen, making the image blink. “I need to get there as soon as possible. Download the directions to my cruiser."

  Betty punched in the directions and swiveled around in her seat. “It's done. Now do you mind telling me what's going on?"

  Elle didn't bother answering her; she was too busy sprinting for the sliding doors.

  * * * *

  The old parts shop smelled like dirty oil and burnt rubber. Proteus stepped out of the cab followed closely by Cobb. The building was an old brick and mortar with dark broken windows and rusty metal doors. The faint acidic smell of urine hung loosely in the air. Proteus felt a slight chill as they entered the cavernous open bay. The rusting doors creaked as Cobb closed them in.

  The cyborg hadn't taken his eye off Proteus the entire ride. He'd kept his blaster trained on Proteus’ head all the way. All I have to do is wait. Eventually, he'll let his guard down.

  Proteus wasn't worried for himself; it was Elle who set his nerves on edge. He knew she'd do something crazy to capture Cobb. He had to play this carefully. He couldn't risk taking a hit to the head and leaving Cobb alive to kill Elle when she caught up with him.

  Elle was the most real thing that had ever happened to him. Never before had he felt anything like what he felt for her. Any risk was worth protecting her from this unpredictable animal. “We want you alive,” Proteus said, hoping to appeal to the cyborg's common sense. “Why don't you give this up?"

  "Fuck you, android,” he snarled, pushing Proteus forward in the small of his back. “Why should I surrender to you? So I can rot in a prison somewhere on the outer world, my parts seizing up with every breath? I'd rather take my chances. Besides, I need you. You've got all the parts I need to be whole again."

  With ferocious speed, Proteus turned on the cyborg, flashing deadly teeth Cobb cried out and fired off a shot from his blaster, but Proteus pushed the weapon off to the side where it discharged into the rafters. A flurry of pigeons erupted into the air, flying in confused circles around the bay's ceiling.

  Proteus slammed his teeth into the metal part of Cobb's arm. A stream of neurotoxin flowed down the shinning metal as the sharp teeth discharged their deadly payload. Cobb snarled obscenities and tried to pry his arm free.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Proteus saw Elle burst through the metal door and rush in. She crouched and trained her weapon on Cobb. “Stop—or I'll blow your head off!"

  Cobb yanked his arm down, finally freeing it from Proteus’ fangs. He turned and gave her a demonic smile. “Do it, bitch! I have nothing to lose."

  Proteus seized the cyborg by the throat and leaned in for a bite.

  "Proteus, don't!” Elle called.

  "Well, what the hell else are we going to do with him? He's not exactly going to be easy to handle all the way to the station. He's much too dangerous not to kill."

  Now it was Elle's turn to give Cobb an evil smile. “Oh I think he'll be a good boy after a dose of this.” She held up a vile of aphrodisiac.

  Proteus grinned. “Why, Elle,” he said teasingly, “what are you doing with that controlled substance?"

  She tossed her hair back from her eyes. “What's the use of being a cop if you can't raid the evidence room once in a while?"

  Moving over to her, Proteus dipped one silver hypodermic into the vile, then the other. When the entire drug was drained, he pulled Cobb into a powerful embrace.

  Elle moved up to them and gave Cobb a good-natured pat on the back. “After this drug, you'll be as nice as a kitty cat, asshole. Pleasant dreams."

  Proteus sank his teeth into the yielding flesh of Cobb's throat. Elle watched the man freeze and gasp as a flood of aphrodisiac filled his veins. His pupils dilated and his body immediately relaxed. His eyes took on a dreamy quality, and he smiled at Elle.

  Proteus released him and the cyborg almost collapsed. Elle grabbed his hand and led him forward. “Come on, lover boy. Let's get you back to the station."

  Chapter 16

  Elle walked into Frank's office and was greeted with a dazzling smile. He stood up and shook her hand across the desk. “That was great work catching Cobb. You did a fantastic job,” he gushed.

  She settled into a chair. “I had some help."

  Frank looked confused. “What, the android? Yes, but he was only a tool for you to get the job done. I couldn't be prouder of you."

  "No,” Elle corrected. “He was my partner and my friend. He deserves a lot of credit for that capture."

  "Well, whatever the reason,” he said with a dismissive wave. “The brass is very excited you captured him. In fact, I have a few other assignments lined up for you when you're ready."

  A wave of relief flowed over her. She was back. “That's great, Frank, but give me a couple of days. There's something important I have to do before I go back to work."

  "Sure, sure,” Frank said. “Take all the time you need."

  * * * *

  Elle walked into the inner sanctum, feeling nauseous. What if he didn't want to see her anymore? That thought was especially worrisome now that the case was over. The doubts filled her with dread. As she approached him reclining on the cot, butterflies filled her belly. Her body ached for him to touch her again. How peaceful he looked lying there with his eyes closed. She stopped next to him and waited; he'd know she was here.

  A slight smile curved his lips. “How did it go at headquarters?” he said without opening his eyes.

  "Great, everything's back to normal."

  He opened his eyes and they filled her with their burning, feral heat. Her body trembled with the memory of their lovemaking. How is it, that no one else has ever made me feel this way?

  "I'm pleased,” he said. He unhooked himself from the mainframe and sat up. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the lips.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled his warm scent. “Now, there's that other matter."

  He stroked her cheek and smiled. “What other matter?"

  "Us,” she said softly.

  He nodded gravely. “Do you want there to be an ‘us'?"

  Elle studied him. “What do you want, Proteus?"

  He was silent for a moment and she felt her throat tighten. Then he said, “I love you, Elle. You're what I needed my whole life but didn't know it. All I want is to be with you, and I'll take anything you give me."

  Elle smiled and hugged him. “I love you too. But we're sure going to be one of the strangest couples on the police force."

  He jumped down off his cot and pulled her into a lusty kiss. “Don't worry,” he said. “I'm sure we'll find stranger."

  Elle laughed for the first time in months.


  Elle rolled over in her rumpled bed and bumped right into the broad, warm back of Proteus. Reaching up, she touched him, running her palms along the twisting knots of his powerful body. Sucking a deep breath in, she reveled in how he smelled, mild soap and hot skin. Her pussy grew wet as she explored him, half wishing he'd wake, the rest hoping he'd stay asleep so she could do what she wanted to him.

  Without a sound, he turned around to face her. Golden morning light illuminated his handsome face, his eyes glowed a smoldering, bonfire red. She could disappear in those eyes forever.

  His lips touched her in a light, wistful kiss. She closed her eyes and let the pleasure of it fill her heart with joy. I have never been so happy in my life. Please don't let this ever end.

  His thick hands roamed her body, caressing her skin, twisting her nipples, and rubbing her aching pussy. Spreading her outer lips, he pushed his fingers inside her and found her swollen clit. Elle gasped and opened her legs further. She heard a deep, rumbling chuckle roll from his chest.

  Then that bewitching deadly mouth was on her breast, sucking the puckered nipple, then gently mauling the flesh around it. He seemed lost, completely absorbed in the taste of her skin.

  His mouth ran moist trails down her belly to her pussy. Burying his face in her public mound, he moaned. “Elle, you're so beautiful,” he whispered, almost too softly for her to hear.

  Nuzzling between her legs, his mouth found the moist center of her swollen pussy. Elle gasped and leaned her head back. His tongue had a life of its own, swirling, exploring her every hidden secret.

  Elle's body hung on the ledge of orgasm and she struggled to push him away. “Proteus, stop, stop,” she said, gently tapping him on the head. “I'm too close. Do it now, please."


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