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Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3

Page 14

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  “Of course you can!” A warm smile graced her elegant face as she wiped her hands on the towel. Rising on tiptoe, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “So good to have you home, Shane.”

  He kissed her cheek. “It’s been really good to be home. Can I help you with anything?”

  “Yes!” She pursed her lips and raised one brow. “You can take your handsome self out of my way and to the backyard.”

  Angie laughed. “You know better than to ask something like that. Boy, you are slipping.”

  Shane shook his head and sighed. “Just being polite.”

  “You always were a polite boy. By the way, Cyn’s been waiting for you, and driving everyone crazy in the meantime.” Mrs. Donnelly winked at him. “I’ve had to kick her out of the kitchen three times already. So hurry and let her know you’re here before Mary tries to rein her in and the hair pulling begins.”

  Apparently Mrs. Donnelly was aware he and Cyn had been spending time together. That woman always knew more than any of the Donnelly kids gave her credit for, which of course always got them into more trouble. Some things never changed. “You got it, Mrs. D.”

  “See? Always polite.” She nodded at Angie. “You and your siblings could take a few lessons from Shane.” She patted his shoulder. “But, Shane, you can call me Roseanne now.”

  Shane frowned. He wasn’t sure if he could. “I… But, Mrs.…” She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side. Shit. Yeah, okay. Polite or not, she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She rolled her eyes and moved back to the potato salad. “It’s a start. Now shoo. I need to finish cooking for an army.” She stirred the spoon in the bowl. “Not you, Angie. You stay. But go find Celia first. I need her too.”

  Angie pouted. “Aw, Mom. I want to go see if Mary and Cyn are gonna duke it out.”

  “There won’t be any of that.” Shane walked toward the back door. “You have my word on it, Mrs. D—Roseanne.”

  “That’s better.” Roseanne smiled. “Thank you, Shane.”

  Shane stepped just out of earshot as Cyn’s mother started giving Angie instructions on what she needed done. No doubt Angie would be along soon enough though. Shane stepped out to the back patio and found Cyn in the middle of the yard. She was running in circles with a gaggle of kids chasing her, a red dodge ball tucked tight in her arms.

  She glanced over and stopped short as soon as she caught his gaze…and a big, bright smile spread across her lips.

  All the air left Shane’s body like he’d been sucker punched in the stomach. Fucking hell, she was beautiful. Six more days was all he had left with her, including the rest of today as well as the day he was flying out.

  He better make the most of it, because leaving her was going to suck more than he could imagine.

  Cyn spotted Shane as soon as he stepped foot onto her parents back patio. As always she lost herself in his beauty and bulk. He was utterly perfect physically. Damn near perfect in every other way too.

  “Auntie Cyn, throw the ball!” Mary’s son, Cam Jr., yelled as he ran past her.

  Cyn shook herself, focusing back on the kids just as Tori, Katie’s daughter, tackled Cam, taking him to the grass. “Man down!” Tori rolled over, laughing.

  “That’s not how dodge ball works, Tori!” Cam got to his feet and ran after her.

  “Hey, hey. Break it up.” The kids ignored Cyn and then Jacob came running over to join in the fray. “Come on, you guys.” Ah, the hell with it. She loved the kids, but she had other things on her mind now. Cyn tossed the ball into the growing pile of children and walked toward the tall drink of water watching her with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face she couldn’t wait to kiss off.

  As she got closer, her heart raced in anticipation of touching him. She’d spent a lot of time touching all that hard muscled yumminess in the last week. And she hadn’t yet had her fill. He was leaving soon and Cyn didn’t want to think about it, had refused to even allow the thoughts to surface. The one time she’d given his too-soon departure any light, her heart had sunk in her chest…and that meant feelings had shown up.

  Feelings were not supposed to bloom in her heart for Shane Conlon. Hell, they weren’t supposed to bloom for anyone. Cyn was supposed to be single right now, figuring her shit out. That’d been her plan until Shane showed up with all his fineness, flipping some unknown switch in her body with his magic tongue and cock.

  The new plan was to have a lot of really incredible sex with Shane until he left, and then get down to business. So far she’d been on course, or so she thought. Until now. Dammit. A severe case of the feels hadn’t been factored into the budget. If she let the feels out to play, she’d never get back to her goal.

  Plus… Shane was leaving…going home to Texas. Sure, she’d get back on track, but what worried her was that she’d now be doing it with a longing heart. And there was definitely no freaking budget for that either.

  When she reached him, Shane dropped his arms to his sides and gazed down at her. His blue eyes sparkled in the fading sunlight and Cyn wanted to drown in them. “Been wondering when you were gonna get here.” She pulled him down, circling her arms around his neck.

  Shane smiled and his hands went right to her waist, sliding around to her lower back. “I’m here, girl.”

  “Yeah, you are.” Cyn licked her lips and Shane’s eyes darted to her mouth. She loved that he paid attention to the little mindless habit she had, turning it into something she tried to always do in front of him now. Almost every time, it earned her a kiss. “Come here, baby.”

  “Told you, I’m here.” His features, along with his tone, softened and he stroked a hair away from her eyes.

  “Yeah, but I need you here.” Cyn pressed her lips to his. Shane moaned, slid one hand up her back and into her hair as he pulled her closer with the other. God, he tasted good. Like mint and a flavor that was all Shane. Careful to keep the kiss G rated in front of the kids, she broke from his lips and pressed her forehead to his chin. “That’s where I needed you.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You got me. Anytime you want me.”

  A shiver ran through her. He’d been saying things like that to her the last day or so. She wasn’t sure if he meant them, considering he was leaving. But he was wrong because soon enough, she wouldn’t be able to have him anytime she wanted.

  He’d go and she’d have nothing… Fuck!

  The goddamn feels had for sure taken hold, dragging her into the deep end of the pool.

  Cyn let out a sigh and ran her hands down Shane’s arms. She glanced over just as Angie stepped outside, and Maiya and Celia walked out right behind her. All three stopped and looked at Cyn like they could see it too.

  What the fuck was she going to do now?

  * * * * *

  Cyn sat on the bed, legs curled under her, in the bedroom she and Mary had shared as kids. After everyone had finished dinner and dessert, Maiya, Angie and Celia had dragged her away from Shane’s side and brought her upstairs.

  “What are you going to do?” Angie rolled to her side on the bed and propped her head in her hand.

  “Fuck if I know. I didn’t plan this.” Cyn tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

  Maiya laughed and stretched out on her stomach. “Chica, the good stuff is never planned. You should know that.”

  “Yeah, but Maiya, he’s leaving. Talk about piss-poor timing.” Celia sat on the edge of the mattress and stroked Cyn’s hair.

  Cyn groaned. “Exactly.”

  “I know it’s complicated, but maybe you should just go with the flow and see what happens?” Maiya rubbed Cyn’s thigh.

  “Maybe it’s a good thing that he goes. I mean, it might make the being single plan easier. I’m still game to do it with you.” Angie picked at her eyelashes.

  “Right, because I’l
l be all sad and pathetic so I won’t even bother looking at other guys.” Cyn dropped her face into her palms and then drove her fingers into her hair. “Ugghh! What a fucking disaster.”

  “When does he go?” Angie laid her head down on the mattress.

  Cyn stretched out, resting her head on Angie’s hip. “Six days. Well, technically five if I don’t count the day he actually goes back to his life in Texas.”

  Celia stroked her fingers through Cyn’s hair again. “Better make the most of it.”

  “Tell me what to do. I mean, isn’t that what you’re all supposed to be doing right now?” She looked between the three of them, all too aware of the desperation threading her tone.

  “Chica, you gotta do what’s right for you.” Maiya clasped Cyn’s hand.

  “Maybe the long-distance thing might work. Or—” Angie groaned.

  Cyn looked up at her. “Or what?”

  Angie pursed her lips. “Can’t believe I’m going to say this, but have you thought maybe you could move to Texas?”

  “Are you insane, Angie? I can’t—” Cyn pushed herself up to a sitting position. “I have a business to run, plus family and all my friends here. No way am I moving to Texas.”

  “Okay, breathe, firecracker.” Angie laughed. “You know I don’t want you to go. You’re like my best friend, next to my best friend of course, but you know what I mean. I love you, Cyn. I’d be heartbroken if you left.”

  Maiya frowned. “Angie, jeez. What if the only way for them to be together is if she has to move there? You’d support her, and you know it.”

  Good Christ, they practically had her packed up and living in Texas already. Cyn just wanted to figure out how to brush off the feelings she was having for him, not jump into dreamland talking about moving in with him. For fuck’s sake, she didn’t even know if he had feelings for her. “Okay, time out, you two. I’m not moving anywhere. So let’s just drop that little debate. I don’t even know if he’s interested in anything more than sex.”

  The three exchanged a look before Angie rolled her eyes. “Oh, he totally is.”

  “Yeah he is.” Maiya laughed and Celia nodded, laughing too.

  Cyn glared at her sisters and sister-in-law. “All right, psychic trio. What makes you say that?” All three laughed again—which only annoyed Cyn more. What were they seeing that Cyn wasn’t? “I’m serious.”

  Angie sat up and pulled her long hair over one shoulder. “Cyn, the man stares at you like he’s over the moon in love with you.”

  “At the very least, he’s in some serious like with you. But yeah, Angie’s right, definitely over the moon.” Maiya nodded.

  “Totally over the moon and back. His freaking eyes follow you no matter where you are in the room, Cyn. And not in a creepy way, but in a more swoony kind of way. It’s sickeningly sweet,” Celia said.

  Cyn couldn’t help the smile that came. Did he really stare at her like that? The idea birthed a flurry of romantic feelings in her belly. “Damn.” Unable to wrap her head around the idea, Cyn blew out a breath as she leaned back on her hands. “I think what you’re all seeing is a man who’s in love with fucking me.”

  Maiya snorted. “No shit, right? I know a little about that.”

  “Gross, do not want to hear about you and my brother!” Angie held her hand in the air, laughing. “Kidding, kidding. I’m just jealous.”

  “I’ve never had a woman look at me like that, even though I eat pussy like a champ.” Celia grinned.

  “Oh my God, Celia.” Maiya laughed. “Get down wit’ yo bad self!” Maiya high-fived Celia.

  “Gah, go easy, little sister!” Jesus, she loved Celia and fully accepted that she was gay but Celia was still her little sister and hearing about her sex life, no matter what her sexual orientation was, was sometimes…not easy. Cyn blew out a breath and rolled her eyes. “But since we’re now sharing so openly, the man rocks my world. I’m serious. The other day, I went to visit him at his mom’s house. Fuck, he was all sweaty and funky and I wanted to suck his cock so bad my mouth was watering.”

  “And you wanted me to go easy? Fucking hell, Cynthia!” Celia fell back on the bed, laughing.

  Angie scrunched up her face. “Okay, that’s really gross. No thank you to the ball sweat.”

  “I know! God, I know.” Cyn groaned. “That’s precisely my point, Angie. I would never, I mean fucking never give a guy head who’s been sweating in his jeans all day. But with him? Yeah. Want it. Crave it. It’s a sickness.”

  Maiya bent forward laughing too. “That is so awesome! It’s gross, but it’s awesome.” She straightened, fanning herself. “That’s some serious pheromone kind of stuff you’re talking about.”

  “Exactly! So, what the fuck’m I gonna do? I feel like I’m like ruined for all men now. What if I never find that with anyone else? Or worse, what if—” Cyn held her hand up, “—hypothetically speaking of course, what if he turns out to be an asshole like every other guy prior to him because, hello?” Cyn raised her pointer finger and wiggled it. “Broken picker.”

  Angie tilted her head to the side and frowned with a “don’t be stupid” expression on her face. “Yeah right. We’re talking about Shane Conlon here. High school football star turned U.S. Marine, who served his country for eight years, plus his contract work afterward. That man is loyal from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.”

  “Gotta say, I kinda agree with your sister.” Maiya brushed her hair out of her eyes.

  Everything Angie said was true, except really, just because he was loyal to his friends and his country did not mean he would be loyal to her. It’s what happened to Cyn. Always.

  Shane was a good guy, but still, shit happened and hearts got broken. The fact that Cyn was attracted to him was all the proof she needed. Shane would end up turning into king dickhead in the long run. There was just no way around it. “Doesn’t matter.”

  Maiya jerked her chin. “How does it not matter?”

  “Because it doesn’t.” Cyn climbed off the bed and straightened her shirt. “I’m not going to let my heart get any further involved.” She checked her lip gloss in the mirror. “Aside from that, Carlos keeps blowing up my phone like a freak from hell. And let’s just say he’s beyond ancient history in my book now.”

  Celia sat up. “What’s he been saying?”

  “Yeah. Spill.” Maiya moved beside Cyn.

  Cyn glanced at her. “At first, he wanted to talk. But now, he just sends all these angry messages. He’s always had a temper.” Cyn waved her hand. “Whatever. I had to block him because it was getting excessive.”

  Maiya leaned her hip against the dresser. “Define excessive?”

  “Just a bunch of texts. I’m not worried about it.” Cyn shrugged one shoulder.

  Another frown furrowed Maiya’s brow. “Let me get this straight. He’s got a temper and is actively harassing you.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Lots of guys have tempers. And technically because I blocked him he’s not harassing shit. Like I said, I’m not worried about it.” Cyn glanced at Maiya.

  “I could totally kick his ass. I’ve been taking kick-boxing in Arizona.” Celia got off the bed and crouched in a defensive stance, fists raised in front of her. With a grin she straightened and moved to Cyn.

  Cyn grinned at Celia. “You’re so cute.”

  “Maybe you should be worried. And now my gut is in a knot. What if something goes down? What if he shows up at your house, like some freak, Cyn?” Maiya touched Cyn’s arm.

  “He won’t. Seriously. So don’t worry. I don’t want you worrying while on your honeymoon.” Cyn clasped Maiya’s hand. “Everything will be fine.”

  “Carlos might be an asshole, but he’s a harmless one. Sounds like a classic temper-tantrum to me. You won’t need to kick his ass, Celia.” With a chuckle, Angie got to her feet too. “Nothing’s gonna go
down. At least not anything more than Cyn eating a gallon of ice cream on my couch after Shane leaves.”

  “Ugh, you three. Killing me. No help. No help at all.” Cyn laughed and left the room.

  Angie followed. “I’ll supply the ice cream and tissues. I think that’s a huge help.”

  “Fine. I’ll try not to worry. Angie’ll hold down the fort, and when I get back, I’ll take the second shift.” Maiya followed them down the stairs.

  “I leave in two days, but I’m only an hour flight away, so there’s that.” Celia hopped down the last steps.

  “See? We’re helpful.” Angie grinned at Cyn.

  “I’m not gonna need the ice cream.” When Cyn reached the entryway to the family room, she immediately caught Shane’s gaze and had to swallow past the lump that’d instantly formed in her throat. Cyn stopped short and turned to her sisters and Maiya. “Fuck. Make sure it’s Boom Chocolatta, okay?” she said to Angie.

  “You got it.” Angie kissed Cyn’s cheek as she slid past her into the room with Maiya and Celia in tow.

  Shane got to his feet and moved to Cyn, a smile on his face. “You about ready to head out?”

  Not taking her eyes from his, Cyn ran her palm down his thick arm to his hand and clasped it. “Definitely.”

  Shane bent and kissed her forehead before pulling her into the room. They made the rounds, saying their goodbyes to the large group. Ryan and Maiya were heading out in the morning to Paris and she pulled Maiya into an extra-special embrace. Cyn adored her sister-in-law and was beyond happy to have her as part of the family. “Take lots of pictures, okay? And please don’t worry.”

  Maiya pulled away with a smile gracing her pretty face. “Will do on the pics. No promises on the worrying. Email me if you need to talk, okay?”

  “Sure.” Cyn rolled her eyes with a small grin and stepped away.

  There was no way in hell she’d email Maiya while she was on her honeymoon. Whatever happened, if anything, after Shane left she’d deal.


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