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Flag On The Play

Page 2

by Lace, Lolah


  The digital clock moved or should I say time was passing. I was chained to the bed like I was a wild animal. Mason, my captor had a hissy fit and left me alone. I guessed I pissed him off or something. I had no idea when he would be back. I knew he would be back eventually but when?

  It was artic cold in this room. I was starting to get the chills. I desperately wanted to yell out to Mason but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I needed him. This was definitely not the time to be prideful but I was stubborn to a fault. Fuck Mason! He could kiss my black ass but he would probably want to kiss my black ass. Fuckin’ perv.

  I covered my body with the little thin bed sheet. I needed a blanket or a down comforter but I had to make do with the bed sheet. I took this time to inventory my meek surroundings. There was more in this room then I noticed before. There were two doors but not two ways out that I could see. The white door, the one Mason left out of and another one that was slightly ajar. It probably led to a bathroom but I couldn’t see inside.

  There was a small college sized refrigerator near the far wall with a small microwave on top of it. There was no table and only one chair in the room although it was big enough to house the extra furniture. I think I was in a finished basement but the smooth walls and the boarded windows were somewhat misleading. It seemed too nice to be someone’s basement but this was the kind of work Mason does. He was good at building anything, house, office building, school. His masterful work was outside as well as inside of many dwellings.

  The clock read 6:44. I heard the door locks rattle. Mason was unlocking the door from the outside. Damn, I was really locked in this room. The doorknob twisted and he was back. He walked over to the bed like he owned the place. I’m sure he did. He took a seat next to me, facing me. I sat up straight. I wanted to look him dead on, gage his attitude and body language. His anger seems to have dissipated. His face was full of worry.

  “Oh God, are you cold?” Mason rubbed my arms up and down. I had to admit it felt good. His hands were warm and strong and I wanted him to stop touching me but I couldn’t get my mouth to agree with my brain.

  Mason popped up and rushed out the room. I tried to peak out the door but I could only see stairs leading up. Yeah this is the basement.

  Mason soon came back with a huge comforter neatly folded and tucked under his arm. My eyes tuned into his biceps. Why was I looking at his muscular arms? It’s not like I hadn’t seen them before. Mason sat on the edge of the bed beside me and opened the folded comforter. He tossed it around my shoulders. He began to worriedly rub me while I was wrapped in the warmth of the comforter. He pulled me in close. He embraced me and rubbed my back. I held in a sigh. No! No! No! This fool kidnapped you.

  Mason pulled back and looked into my eyes. “Kari, I know you don’t believe me but I’m sorry about all of this.”

  “Mason, enough is enough. Let me go.” I was pouting.

  “I’m not going to do that.” He was telling the truth. I had misread so much but his eyes registered as truthful. He wasn’t going to let me go.

  “Why not?” I asked hoping he would give me a straight answer.

  “Many reasons but you were going on a two week honeymoon vacation so that is two weeks that you would have been gone.”

  “You are seriously trying to keep me for two weeks?”

  “I know you got your marriage license a week ago.”

  “Yeah so?”

  “The marriage license only lasts for sixty days. The longer you’re away from him the better for me. I want your time to run out but I can’t keep you for sixty days.”

  “Mason you are a conniving bastard.”

  “Well no one’s perfect.” He smirked and pushed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “Do you think this is a joke?”

  “No, I take this very serious. I’m risking my freedom for you.”

  “I never asked you too.”

  “If you turn me in to the cops, I could go to jail.”

  “Yes you will go to jail. So why are you doing this?”

  “You are worth the risk. No matter where I am on this planet I will always love you. I can love you from the Will County jail.”

  Pause, what did this fool just say? “This is low, the lowest most desperate thing you have ever done. You kidnapped me. This is fuckin’,” I was searching for a proper descriptor. “Outlandish. You’re not thinking rationally.”

  “You’re right. I’m not but I don’t care. I just love you.”

  “Stop saying that you love me. You are a lunatic.”

  “I’m not a lunatic. I’m a man in love. You are all there is for me. How can I live a life where you are not mine?”

  “Oh Mason I don’t belong to you.”

  “We belong to each other. I have searched for some other possibilities but I can’t find anything that will make me not love you. So this is where we are.”

  “You can love me and let me go. You can love me and just be cool.”

  Mason took my hand in his and I didn’t do anything to stop him. “You’re not listening. I cannot be cool. I don’t know how to do that. Please Kari Lynn, I’m open to any suggestions. Do you think I want to be such a jag-off, such a lovesick bastard? Tell me how to stop loving you. I’ve tried and nothing seems to work.”

  “Mason all the words you say are lies.”

  “You know that isn’t true. I love you. I breathe you. Tell me you don’t love me. Tell me you just turned that shit off.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I say. You don’t care how I feel.” I snatched my hand from his.

  “No sweetheart you don’t care how I feel. You sat in my face and talked about your wedding plans. You talked about your future with Jack. That killed me. You broke my heart.”

  “You never left your wife. You broke my heart.”

  “So we’re even.”

  “Hell to the naw. It was okay for you to pretend that you were happy for me? I really thought you were happy for me. You are a snake.”

  “Yeah, I’m a snake and you’re a mouse. I will eat you, swallow you whole. Do you want me to eat you?”

  No, no, he was trying to make this sexual. That was something my old lover Mason would say. My friend Mason never said things like that to me. Mason was such a good actor. I’m not ever having sex with his crazy ass. Time to change the subject, you can’t eat me. No touching, no kissing, no sex at all. None. He better keep his hands and all the rest of his body parts to himself.

  “Where did you go?” His voice broke into my thoughts. “I had to check your cell phone. People are calling and texting you like crazy.”


  “Your mother, your brother, Toya and Jack of course.”

  I felt the tears coming. I told him my family is going to be worried about me. Why was I going to cry? I let a lot of people down. But I didn’t even do anything. It’s not even my fault. It’s Mason’s fault. He did this bogus shit.

  “How could you do this?”

  He shrugged. “Easy, fuck Jack?”

  “How could you do this to me?”

  “Fuck you, I told you I would never let you go.”

  “Fuck me. Fuck me. Really, fuck me, Mason.”

  “Yes princess, fuck you.” His face gave nothing away.

  “This is how you love?”

  He shrugged again. “Listen, I texted Jack from your phone. I told him sorry but I can’t do this. Well you texted him saying you were sorry and you can’t do this. Blah blah blah, We’re moving too fast. I need time to think.”


  “I could’ve crushed him. I could have ripped him to shreds.”

  “So what am I supposed to do, thank you for having a bit of compassion.”

  “I texted your mother a few times reassuring her that you were fine but that you needed some time. I pretended I was you. It was easy enough.”

  “Did she believe y
ou, me whatever?”

  “Yes, she said that Trey is fine. I know you very well. I can text like you. I handled it.”

  “What do you want, a thank you?”

  “No I’m just trying to put your mind at ease.” Mason looked down at my leg as it slipped out of the blanket. I quickly covered it and drew my knees to my chest.

  “Well you didn’t put my mind at ease.”

  “I hid your car. I removed the tracking from your phone. I have you handcuffed to a bed at an undisclosed location.” He almost seemed proud of his transgressions.

  “So you moved me from your new place.” I was digging for info on my whereabouts. I didn’t think I was at his new construction office.

  “Yeah, you’re somewhere else. I knew someone might look for you there. That’s an obvious place.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Yeah but you should try to be nice to me. I could wash your filthy mouth out with soap. I have total control over you.”

  “How can you control me when you can’t even control yourself?”

  “Good point but it doesn’t matter what you say. I’m going to do what I want to do. Listen sweetheart, I want to keep you right here where I can watch you.”

  Watch me like a hawk watches a chicken. “You are an asshole.”

  “You said that already.” Mason exhaled like he was exhausted with my words. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  This is no time for jokes. “Could you at least remove the cuff?”

  “No, can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to.” Well damn.

  “I promise I will be very very nice.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I’m not the liar in this room.”

  “Watch your mouth. I got something I could stuff in there to shut you up.”

  I rolled my eyes but I shut my mouth. I was so tired for some reason. What the hell did he give me to knock me out?

  “You drugged me with something?”


  “What the fuck was it?”

  “Love potion number nine.”

  “This shit ‘aint funny. This ‘aint no fuckin’ joke.”

  “Uh-oh, you getting extra black on me.” Mason ducked and threw up the sign of the cross with both his pointer fingers. “Don’t hit me with your Ebonics. I may need a translator.”

  “Ohhhh, I can’t stand yo’ muthafuckin’ ass.”

  “I love yo’ muthafuckin’ ass.” Mason was mocking my urban accent. He was good at it. He sounds like my ignorant ass cousin Pookey. He thinks he’s so clever and cute. He ruined my life. Damn I was being dramatic. I lost my fiancée but my life isn’t over. I might as well accept my part in this.

  What on god’s green earth made me think I could remain friends with Mason. He’s special. Did I lead him on by keeping him in my life? Did I lead him to believe this was the right thing to do?

  Mason turned on the TV and we sat in silence for eternity. Well an hour or so. I was watching the clock. We were watching a marathon of The Real World season 752 or something. He turned to this channel for my benefit. Mason hated reality TV. He knew I loved it. He was trying to make me comfortable in a completely uncomfortable situation.

  There was absolutely no way he believed he was going to keep me here for two weeks. I don’t care how long I was supposed to be gone on my honeymoon. I had to see my son. He was too close for me not to check in on him. I have never been away from Trey longer than five days. So fourteen days was something Jack had to talk me into.

  “Kari, I got to leave for a while.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “None of your beeswax baby girl.” His lips curled into a mischievous grin.

  “What if you get into a car accident and die and no one knows I’m here. I could die of starvation handcuffed to the bed.”

  Mason frowned and wrinkles appeared on his forehead. “Nice try. I’m not going to die in a car accident.”

  “You don’t know that.” I was just saying any arbitrary thing that came to mind.

  “Do you need to grab some food from the frig and go to the restroom before I go?”

  “Yeah, I do.” I gritted my teeth together to get those three words out.

  Mason reached into his front blue jean pocket and removed a single silver key. He unlocked and removed the cuff from my wrist.

  I raised my wrist and rubbed the slight ache. I wasn’t scarred by the cuff. I was scarred by the betrayal. I was scarred by my own stupidity.

  Once I leave here I will never be the same. I know Mason will never hurt me. I believe I know that for sure. His thinking may be fucked up but his heart is still good. I know this. I got to believe in something. I choose not to believe he’s going to go white man crazy on me and chop me into pieces, place me in a suitcase and scatter my remains all over Illinois.

  Once Mason freed me he watched and followed me like he was my shadow. He stood at the bathroom door as I peed. Freak! He watched me wash my hands. Superfreak! He watched me remove all the stupid bobby pins from my hair. Superduper freak!

  I changed my up-do into a messy whatever do. I didn’t have a rubber band. I didn’t have a comb or a brush or hair gel. I wasn’t going to ask him for any cotton picking thing. I planned on looking tore up so he wouldn’t get any bright ideas. He needs to keep his horse in the stable.

  Mason left me in peace. He left me with my food, the remote control and an extra blanket. I was a little relieved when he left. I needed some time to think. I needed time alone to devise a plan to get away from him. All my options blew through my mind. The only weapon I had was sex. If he was telling the truth and hadn’t had sex in six months that meant he was ripe and ready. I knew he masturbated but I also know the hand is not like the real thing.

  Could I really seduce Mason? He had a heart of stone. He was more stubborn than me. Did I have it in me to give him what he wants? Could I pretend? Could I tell him what he wants to hear? Damn my head is about to explode.

  When I finished eating I jumped under the covers and hugged my pillow. I refused to cry. I’m going to survive this and be strong doing it. I refuse to let Mason break me.

  * * *

  It took a long time for me to fall asleep. I decided against drinking anything for fear I would have to pee in the middle of the night. I would be damned if I peed on myself because this fish-eyed fool had me handcuffed to the bed.

  I was finally warm and relaxed. As I slept I started to dream. My dream was sexual. I recognized the warmth in my limbs and the heat throbbing in between my thighs. I felt hands roaming up and down my body and skimming my curves. My entire body was flooded with passion. My dream lover’s touch was sensual and sexy yet familiar. I wanted to moan as the strong hands caressed my breasts but sleep held my tongue.

  I felt the heat of his body when he pressed against my backside. His hands moved down to my rear and that’s when his soft touch turned into a rough raunchy grope. I tried to open my eyes but I felt so deep in lust that I couldn’t move. This dream felt so absolutely real. The tingle of my arousal and the wetness that emerged thereafter was the real deal. Oh God. I was dreaming of Mason. Why? Not again. I can’t be this hot over this man. I cannot dream about this man.

  My lips fell open when I felt his hard dick brush against my ass. Where are my panties? What? It was unclear if I was sleeping or awake. Damn this feels real. A muscular arm reached over my body and grabbed my wrist, the cuffed wrist. He unlocked the metal handcuff and freed my hand. He grabbed my wrist and at the moment I gathered the strength to use my voice.

  “Mason?” I couldn’t help but to say his name. I was dreaming of him.

  “Shhhh.” I heard in my ear. It was his sexy whispering voice. He had turned me over to my back.

  I think I wanted to open my eyes. I had the ability to do so but I was scared, terrified and I wasn’t clear as to
why. Maybe I was afraid the dream would be over. I refused to let that happen.

  My skin was melting off my body. I wanted Mason inside me, filling my insides. I wanted this to be reality. This is what being with Mason feels like. I can refuse him in life but I can enjoy him in my dreams.

  “OHHHHH!!!” I groaned as he entered me. Wait, I wasn’t prepared. I felt a true invasion. A little bit of pain. This is not a dream. I think he is here. I think he’s in bed with me. He is inside me spreading my legs and stretching my insides. His thick hard dick is splitting me open. I wasn’t wet enough for the intrusion but I know he can get me soggy in just a few seconds.

  I couldn’t think while he moved inside me. This man has made my brain into mush. My chest was heavy with feelings I had locked deep down inside me. Mason twisted his hips and his jarring thrust made me clench my jaw. He was jumping in and out my hole, grinding deep inside me and making me lose all control.

  Get off of me! “OHHHHHH!!!” That came out wrong. Stop! Stop! “Oh, oh, oh, Ahhhhhhh!!!” That’s not what I wanted to say. “OOOHHH! GOD!!!”

  “Kari Lynn, you are all mine.” His words left no room for refusal.

  “Yes, I’m yours.” I wrapped my arms around his back. I was trying to pull him closer. No I was trying to pull him into my body, inside my flesh, inside my skin, inside my spirit.

  “Good girl.”

  “Oh Mason, fuck me hard, please.” I was back to begging, back to the lovesick chick that loved the feel of Mason’s dick.

  I opened my eyes to his smiling face. He really is here. I wouldn’t have been able to see him without the nightlight in the corner. His blue eyes had me locked in a heavenly trance. I purposely stopped looking him in his eyes when I decided to marry Jack. I knew the intense power those magnetic eyes had over me. I weaned myself off his powerful glare. At least that’s what I believed. But now I was back in his predatory gaze, begging for more of all the things I locked away in my treasure chest.

  Mason placed his elbows on the bed on both sides of my shoulders. He pushed his hands in my hair on both sides of my face. His fingertips sunk into my hair and he clawed at my scalp. It felt like a wide tooth comb scratching at new growth. It was orgasmic. His touch was so unbelievably soothing, edgy and masculine. Damn man.


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