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Flag On The Play

Page 3

by Lace, Lolah

  Mason plunged deep inside me. He was going to give me a hard fuck. He knows how I like it rough. He was good at honoring my sexual requests. I blocked out all the shit that lead up to this. I really wanted this. I wanted him. I craved him. This was the longest I had gone without my Mason. Fuck being a good girl.

  “I’m sorry.” Mason mumbled into my neck.

  What? He pumped me hard. “Why?” I barely breathed the word out.

  Mason lifted up to look at me. “I’m going to hurt you. I can’t hold back. I miss you so fucking much.”

  Huh? Mason held my head tightly. He bent down and kissed me on the lips. He pulled back and closed his eyes. He did some weird shaky motion with his face like he caught a chill but the room was hot as a sauna.

  “ARRRGH!!” He growled.

  Mason started pumping inside me like a frantic beast. He was moving too fast for me to join in. He was pushing in too deep for me to keep my legs raised. My legs fall to the sides. He raised one of my legs and hooked it over his shoulder. He plunged in so deep I choked on the air that escaped my lungs. He wasn’t hurting me. He was killing me. I was going to be the first woman that got killed by a lethal ferocious dick.

  My insides started to contract around his dick, the dick that was moving too fast and too furious for me to get a grip on it. He was pounding me hard and it hurt and felt good all at the same time. I was sloppy soppy wet and my orgasm poured out of me like hot fudge. I came but didn’t have time to relax and catch my breath. Mason was still beating it up. I looked up at his eyes slammed shut. He was getting it in and he looked so sexy, so wild, so untamed, so Neanderthal. I got turned on all over again. I moaned out in pleasure as my raggedy limp body escalated to another orgasm.

  What is he doing to me? My body was betraying me. It felt too good. I didn’t want it to end. He was taking over my mind and my body. No I can’t let this happen. Oh shit, I can’t stop it from happening. “OHHH GOD!” He feels so good.

  I don’t know why I did it but I reached up and slapped him hard across his cheek. His eyes popped open. He started rolling his hips in circles.

  “OHHHHHH!!!” What is he doing to me? His dick was a gorilla banging on its cage. My pussy was the cage. Damn!

  Mason was leering down at me. He pressed his lips onto mine and parted my lips with his tongue. Evil bastard is the best kisser in the history of kissing. He smashed into the sides of my inner walls with his huge dick and my body began to spasm. He tensed and came inside me. He pushed and pumped until he ejaculated ever single ounce of his cum inside me.

  He collapsed with his weight on top of me and I was dead to the world. I was knocked out instantly. I couldn’t remember anything from that point forward. No matter what happens from here on out I will never ever forget the sex. It was made abundantly clear tonight that he did miss me. If I am honest with myself I missed him too. I can’t let him know that. I can’t let him know how I feel.



  I was awakened with the scent of her hair, grapefruit. Oh how I had missed that fruity fresh smell. I pushed my nose into her matted hair just to get another whiff before the drama started.

  Our naked bodies were mashed together. My left leg was sweaty and wedged in between her thighs. One of my arms was draped over her body and my hand was cupping her left breast.

  I was sure I hadn’t fallen asleep in this position. I remember being on top of her. She fell asleep right away and I had to roll her onto her side. I needed to warm her body in order to sleep. She was always cold. I was always hot. We fit together perfectly in that opposites attract type of way. More than anything I needed to feel her meaty ass pressed against my crotch.

  I shouldn’t have slept with her the first night I had her here. That just weakened my case. It makes me look pathetic. Yeah but on the flipside her juicy cunt made me feel like the heavyweight champion of the world.

  I fucked her because she asked for it in her sleep. In my heart I made love. The question was did Kari make love to me or was that a fuck for her. I know she loves me but with all things in this life I can’t be too sure. I hate second guessing my actions. I got to man up.

  I don’t understand women. I don’t understand why they do the things they do. I was completely in the dark when it came to Tess. She had demons that I never dreamed of. She had real live monsters in her closet and I never expected a thing.

  Eleven years of marriage and I didn’t really get to know Tess until our marriage was unsalvageable. I thought I could read people. I thought I was a good judge of character but that is far from the facts.

  Kari marrying another man had my mind in the cosmos. I couldn’t understand how she could marry him. She professed her love for me in infinite terms. Would she have really said I do to him? There’s no way. That’s my ego saying what I want it to say. She was really going to marry him and abandon me.

  My heart tells me I’m right about one thing. Kari loves me. She is just a little shaken by my drastic measures. She will come around and adapt to the situation I have forced on her. She will love me back, wholly, solely, completely and forever.

  I sat up in bed for at least twenty minutes before she woke up. I could have recuffed her wrist. I decided against it for now. We needed to talk. I wanted her to feel safe with me. She would always be safe with me. I would die for her. If I hadn’t made it clear before, I will make it clear now.

  She rubbed her eyes and I saw her expression change as she realized that she was still locked up tight with the bad man. Me, Mafia Mason.

  I waited a few minutes to speak. “Good morning princess.” Kari just causally glanced over at me. No response. No good morning. “Do you want to talk about what happened last night?”

  “I don’t know.” Kari continued to rub the sleep from her eyes and pat her messy hair down. “What is there to say?”

  “I don’t know, Kari. We can talk about last night.”

  “What about it? Did something happen?”

  Okay you’re nude and I’m nude. “Stop.”

  She sighed heavily. “We had sex.” She shrugged. “Sex has never been a problem for us. It’s everything else that seems to get in the way.”

  “I don’t know how this is going to play out.”

  “Well Mason, I don’t really care. I just want to go home.”

  “You don’t care about me.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Sure seems that way. No matter how things went for us I never ever set out to hurt you. That was never my intention. But it seems that you are hell bent on hurting me, making me squirm. Twist the knife in my back every chance you get.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You haven’t been with me for a full day and all you talk about is leaving. I haven’t hurt you in any way. I haven’t hit you, choked you, starved you or abused you in any way yet you want to run away from me. Fuck! How is that supposed to make me feel?”

  “Mason you are so unbelievable.”

  “Really, in the past we spent days together and now you act like breathing the same air as me is toxic. Stop with the games.”

  “What games?”

  “When I walked into this room last night you were moaning and grinding into the mattress. You were dreaming. Look at me!” Fuck, I scared her. Kari’s face twitched and her eyes bulged. “Were you dreaming of me?”

  “How do you know I wasn’t dreaming of Bradley Cooper?”

  “You think his nose is weird. You think his eyes are beady. He’s not your type.”

  “How the hell do you remember everything I say?”

  I smirked. I remember because I listen. I love the sound of her voice. How many times do I have to tell her that? I love everything about this pig-headed woman. “I’m only going to ask you one more time. Were you dreaming of him or me?” By him she knew I meant Jackass.

  Kari’s eyes found mine. Her mouth slightly opened. “You.”

  She turned
her face away from me. I know that had to be hard for her to admit. She was denying our connection for so long that she was stuck in a life where I wasn’t her leading man. But she has to see that I am the leading man. I am the only man. She will see this and if she doesn’t I will make her. I closed my eyes and accepted my touchdown. I ran fifty yards and I deserve the points. I earned them.

  We sat in silence for a while. I knew Kari was kicking herself for being honest with me. She has become guarded over the course of our tumultuous relationship. She thinks I will hurt her again. She doesn’t feel safe with me but she is safe with me. I have so much work to do to get her back. Good for me I like to work, I love a challenge. I worked for everything I have. I will work just as hard to get my girl back. She will be back. She will be mine. I have nothing to lose but her. I refuse to lose. Losing is for losers and winning is all I’ve ever known. I plan to keep it that way.

  “I need to tell you something.” I decided to make the first move.

  “All you have been doing is talking.”

  “I did more than talk last night.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I wanted to tell you this before. All those times I sat down and had lunch with you, I wanted to tell you. I always chickened out. In the past, I have always kept things from you.”

  “Why?” She inquired and I knew I had to be honest. I had to tell her the whole truth.

  “Because I was always trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me, from what?”

  “Everything, I see now that I was wrong. I care about what you think. I care about what you feel. I want you to be safe. I can’t stand to see you hurting.”

  “You are not my father. I have a father right over on the Westside.”

  “I know that. It’s one of the biggest mistakes I made in our relationship. I see things differently now that we have had so much time apart.”

  “Is that it? Is there more?”

  “There’s more.”

  Kari sighed. “What do you need to tell me?”

  I took a deep breath. I wasn’t sure how Kari would accept this random odd revelation. “I almost killed a man.”

  Kari was just blankly staring at me. “What?”

  “I beat the crap out of this child molester. I almost killed him. I almost beat him to death.”

  “With your bare hands?”

  “With the butt of a gun mostly.”

  “A gun.”

  “My glock.”

  “Mason.” Kari looked worried by my vigilante antics. It felt liberating to confess my sins.

  “I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “How do you know he was a child molester?”

  “He was tried and convicted a few years back. He recently got out on parole.”

  “Jesus Mason.”

  “I was obsessed with him. He’s Tess’ uncle. I was out of it. I scared myself. My rage was out of control. I couldn’t control myself. I was watching him, stalking him. I’m not proud of it but I was obsessed. I caught him with a kid in an alley and I flipped out. I beat him bad. It’s like I turned into this monster. I’m not happy with the man I am when I’m not with you.”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know. I want you to know these things about me. I want to know that you still love me even though I’m not perfect or what you thought I was. I want you to know the real me, the fucked up parts, the truly crazy scary parts.”

  “I know you’re not perfect. I know the real man you are. I know the fucked up parts of you too.”

  “I think you still love me. I think this despite all that’s happened between us. I had never imagined our connection would be like this.”

  “You didn’t imagine it. I have never lied to you. I have never held anything from you. The way I felt was real. You never have to question or second guess that.”

  “So what’s the problem? We are meant to be.”

  “Mason, why do you think we are supposed to be together?”

  “Because we love each other.” Shit isn’t it apparent. All we need is love. I waited and waited and waited some more. Kari turned her body and attention to me.

  “Mason, fine, I love you. I admitted it. I still love you. I probably always will but what makes you think that means we are supposed to be together forever. Our love is not epic. It’s tragic. It’s a hot ass mess.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  “You are somebody else’s husband.”

  “Not anymore.”


  “You don’t believe me. I’m divorced.”

  “Yeah okay.” She gave her snarky tone a whirl.

  “I love everything about you but that is the one thing I hate.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your fucking pessimism. You are always looking for the negatives, the cons. Why do I have to convince you of anything when you have admitted to me that you still love me?”

  “Because you lie, because I had another life planned with someone. You can’t just derail someone’s plans for the future. Who does that?”

  “I can and I did.” I reined in the urge to choke her. Did she forget who I am? I’m Mason Lorenzo Rizza. Life doesn’t fuck me. I fuck life.

  “You are an arrogant bastard. You make me so mad.”

  “I feel the same way about you, not the bastard part, the mad part.”


  “Don’t get so pissed at me.”

  “Mason honestly I am so mad.”

  “I know and it hurts my feelings. I’m looking out for you.”

  Kari made a weird smacking sound with her lips. “How is that? Explain with your twisted logic.”

  “I’m looking out for your future happiness, I can’t let you make the wrong move.”

  “What makes you think you know what’s best for me?”

  “I don’t think. I know. I know what’s best for you. I am what’s best for you.”

  There was this calming silence while Kari contemplated my words. She was thinking hard and that was good for me. She didn’t seem as mad as she was before. The sex calmed her rage and it helped me as well. Not being able to hold her was agonizing for me.

  When I was meeting her for lunch it was painful. I hated seeing her smile because I knew I wasn’t the reason for her happiness. I may rot in jail for what I’ve done. This entire stunt was selfish mainly because I have children but I didn’t see any other options. Kari is the one thing I want that I don’t have.

  I want to have Kari for myself. She makes me whole. She makes me complete. You never really realize the effect a person has on you until the threat of losing that person becomes a reality. So here we are now.

  “Kari, I have to go to work.”

  “On a Sunday?”

  “Yeah I got to play catch up on some things.” I grabbed the handcuffs off the bedside table.

  “Hey hey, what are you doing with those things?”

  “I got to go so that means I have to leave you here.”

  “There is no way in hell I’m going to let you handcuff me to the bed.”

  “I can’t let you walk around freely.”

  “What if I have to pee?” Damn it, she was right. “Mason, the windows are boarded up. Do I have a hammer or a screwdriver? I can’t get out of the windows and I know there’s a lock on the door.”

  “I don’t trust you. I need more time to convince you I’m the one.”

  “Look you convinced me that you’re the crazy one. I have no doubt about that.”

  “Shit!” I hate even contemplating letting her roam free. If I would have kept my cock in my pants I wouldn’t be going through this dilemma.

  “I’m not going to let you handcuff me again. So you better just get that monkey ball ass shit out your brain. Look fool, I’m locked in here.” She pointed at the door. “I ‘aint going nowhere.”

  Fuck, Kari is smart. But is s
he smart enough to bust her way out of here? I don’t know.

  “You’re trying to deceive me with Kari logic.”

  “Wouldn’t that be karma?” She rolled her eyes and it was sweet and sexy. I must admit that I am bias.

  “I think karma already hit me in the balls.”

  “Well you don’t have to go to work. You could just stay here and stare at me all day.” She was pummeling me with her sarcasm.

  “As much as I would love to do that, today that is not a possibility.” I stood, grabbed my boxers off the floor and put them on.

  “Afraid someone will wonder where you are?”

  Yeah. “I got a lot of important jobs to oversee this week.”

  “Uh-huh, I don’t care. I have to pee. I have to brush my teeth and I’m not going to sit here in this bed smelling like cum, dick and pussy.”

  “I love that smell.” I did. Kari rolled her eyes and tried to hide her grin. I saw it.

  Kari tossed the sheet back and swung her feet to the floor. She went to stand and she fell straight down to the floor. Shit. I rushed to the opposite side of the bed.


  It was my fault. I fucked her too hard. I bent to the floor to scoop her up and she hit me in the chest.

  “No!” She glared at me. She was mad again? “Look at this shit!” The inside of her thigh was purple. I did that. I bruised the inside of her thigh. I didn’t do it on purpose. I missed her. I was just really excited. As I admired my handiwork I held back the smile that was fighting to burst out.

  “You need some crutches, a wheelchair?” Shit my evil twin said that. That wasn’t me.

  She gave me her evil eye. “You think this is a joke?”

  “No, I’m sorry.” I touched her bruise.

  She winced. “Ouch!”

  “It hurts?”

  “No shit, dumbass.”

  “I’m sorry baby. I got carried away. I missed you. I told you I might hurt you. I didn’t try to but you know how I am. At this point you should know how I am.”

  “Mason I know exactly how you are but I still have the right to be pissed about it.”

  “Yeah you do. I will make you a hot bath. I will get you some pain medicine. I will stay here and take care of you.”


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