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Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  James and Lizzy climbed back onto their father’s lap, Mercedes sat by his side. Every once in a while, his elbow brushed against her arm, and she forced herself not to sigh aloud from the pleasure rippling through her. Strange how one subtle movement could create such heated explosions. This was far different from the disgusting way her husband used to treat her.

  William’s deep voice hypnotized her. Laying her head on the back of the sofa and turning slightly, she stared at his profile and absorbed his words. After three more stories, he had complete control over her whether he wanted to or not.

  When the servant announced the children’s bedtime, Mercedes jumped to a sitting position and blinked the daze from her eyes. James gave her a kiss on the cheek, then a hug. Lizzy wouldn’t kiss her, but she received a small hug from the little girl.

  Mercedes’ heart tugged from their sweet gestures. Lizzy and James placed a kiss on their father’s cheek before leaving the room with Jane. Although Mercedes never conceived with her husband, perhaps someday she’d find a man to have children with who would shower such affection on her.

  William closed the book and placed it on the table in front of them. He stretched his arms over his head. It fascinated her the way the fabric of his clothes pulled tight across his muscles. He was certainly masculine. Relaxing on the sofa, he laid his arm across the back and turned and looked at her. His hand lay dangerously close to her shoulder and she wanted to cuddle against it, but resisted with every fiber of her being.

  A smile touched his lips. “Thank you for coming down to be with the children. They really enjoyed your presence this evening.”

  She returned a smile. “It was my pleasure.” She glanced over at the parlor door, then back to him. “But why did they leave before supper?”

  “They have already eaten.”

  “Why can they not share the meal with us?”

  He opened his mouth to answer, but hesitated as his brows drew together. “I have never thought of that.” He shrugged. “I suppose they may join us, if that is what you wish.”

  “I think it would be wonderful to have them with us at mealtimes.”

  “Why would you find that wonderful?” He turned his body her way. “In fact, why are you here right now? Why did you join us tonight?”

  She sighed heavily. Oh, not again. “I have not done so lately, and I wished to get to know you and your children better.” She paused. “Does that make me a criminal?”

  “No, just different from the Kat I know.”

  She tried to swallow the lump caught in her throat. She didn’t dare encourage him, but she must. “Then forget the woman you once knew and look more closely at the Mercedes sitting next to you now. I assure you they are two different people.”

  His gaze touched every inch of her face before resting on her lips. Her skin warmed, and she enjoyed the feeling. She waited for him to unleash his anger, but he remained calm and relaxed. Envious of his ability to stay composed, she worried her whole body would come apart at any moment.

  “At times you almost have me fooled, Mrs. Braxton. Deep down I want to believe you are different, but I have lived with you long enough to know otherwise.”

  His fingers moved to her cheek and stroked her skin. Tingles danced down her spine.

  “Outwardly,” he continued, “you are the beautiful woman I thought I had married, but...” His finger trailed down her neck to her collarbone.

  She held her breath. Why did she ache for his tender caress, and especially, his kind words?

  “Inside this beautiful woman lurks evil, more dark and sinister than I could have imagined. You have plans swimming around in your lovely head that are meant to hurt and destroy people’s lives.”

  Inwardly, she cringed. What exactly had her sister done to make him believe such things? She wanted to confess her true identity simply to hear soft, gentle words leave his mouth. Words not etched in hardened pain. Deep down she sensed he was a kindhearted man.

  “William,” she whispered, her breaths coming in short gasps. “You should not be so unkind. You do not know what happened to me in New York when I went to be with my sister.”

  “Shhh,” he instructed in husky tones.

  She wanted to continue, but his knuckles continue to stroke her neck. Holding her breath, she waited for his next move.

  “Say no more.” He leaned closer as his other arm dropped from the back of the sofa and circled her shoulders, his mouth mere inches above hers. “I do not care what happened. But just for tonight, I want to imagine you are somebody else and not the selfish woman I married.”

  “I am somebody else,” she whispered.

  Gently, he touched his lips to hers. Heated sparks multiplied through her body, and she released a sigh. His lips nipped at hers and then caressed back and forth, urging her to relax. She mirrored his movements, hoping nothing would break the spell. He pulled her closer and she laid her hand on his chest. Beneath her palm, the wild beat of his heart vibrated. Her heartbeat matched his rhythm perfectly.

  She’d never felt anything so exhilarating in her life. Her husband had been too demanding, and she liked the gentleness William displayed much more. She itched to touch him, to run her fingers through his dark hair just like she’d imagined that first day when they met. But before she could summon the courage, the dinner bell rang.

  He jerked away. His wide eyes smoldered, appearing more green than brown. His gaze switched between her eyes and her mouth, brows drawing together in confusion.

  She caught her breath, hoping he didn’t doubt his own actions. She hadn’t. She wanted more. “William.” She reached for him, but he jumped from the sofa as if he’d been burned.

  “Mrs. Braxton.” His tone turned cold once again. “I hope you have a nice meal tonight, because I have suddenly lost my appetite.”

  He rushed out of the parlor. The slamming of the front door confirmed his departure.

  * * * *

  Angry voices woke Mercedes from a most pleasurable dream. As her mind slowly came alert, she still experienced the tingling of William’s lips on hers, and his fingers across her neck. In her dream their kiss hadn’t been interrupted. Now awake, she scolded herself for becoming so infatuated with her sister’s husband.

  Mercedes’ mind argued, reminding her Kat was dead. But she countered back, telling herself Kat would be turning in her grave if she knew what thoughts swam in Mercedes’ mind right now. Especially since Mercedes played her sister’s role.

  The volume from below increased, bringing her fully awake. Whoever had intruded upon the Braxton home hadn’t stopped to think of the early hour. She rose on her elbows and listened.

  Who could be causing such a ruckus this time in the morning?

  She slipped out of bed and wrapped the silk robe around her nightgown before going to the bedroom door. She turned the knob and pulled it open, listening to the voices rising from the entry hall. Gabriel’s voice boomed loudly, commanding the rude visitors to leave, but judging by the grumbles and protests, Gabriel’s demands fell on deaf ears.

  Mercedes stepped to the railing. Four soldiers stood at the door, scowls etched on their faces as they clutched their rifles, looking ready for battle. When she recognized the captain who had accosted her the night before, her heart sank.

  The captain puffed out his chest and moved directly in front of Gabriel. “We wish to speak to Mr. Braxton.” His voice lifted in anger. “Sir, this is not a request, but an order.”

  “And I told you, Mr. Braxton is sleeping.” Gabriel blocked their entrance with his body, keeping his arms straight as he braced the doorframe. “No decent person with any scruples would call at this hour. Please return at a later time.”

  The captain pushed a finger in Gabriel’s chest. “Listen, you rude slip of a man, I am on the King’s business and I have matters to take up with Braxton himself, so if you will kindly move aside.”

  Defiant, Gabriel shook his head. By the scowls on the soldiers’ mouths and creased brows, they were
n’t going to turn and retreat either. Any moment now the soldiers would override Gabriel’s tactics, Mercedes realized.

  “What is your business, Captain Wilkes?” Gabriel demanded.

  “Late last night a mob of men, who we think are part of the Sons of Liberty, attacked one of our soldiers.”

  “And what does this have to do with Mr. Braxton?”

  “The injured officer thought he recognized Braxton.”

  “Impossible.” Gabriel snickered. “My master is as loyal to the King as you are. Besides, he was in this house all evening. Last night he played with his children and had dinner with his wife, who, I might add, was born and raised in England. After dinner, they retired for the night and Mr. Braxton has been in his room ever since.”

  Mercedes gasped, then quickly covered her mouth. That was an out-right lie!

  “Well then,” Captain Wilkes snapped, finally pushing past Gabriel and entering the house, “Mr. Braxton will not be too upset if we ask him a few questions, will he?”

  Fearful, Mercedes’ heart hammered. William had left last night, and although she didn’t know what time he returned, she prayed he’d have enough sense to keep himself away from a mob like that. Giving him an alibi would not only help him, but help her. She didn’t want William to be arrested by the soldiers yet. She needed more time to discover the truth. Perhaps doing this for William would also allow him to trust her.

  Without another thought, she ran down the hall to his bedroom and entered. The drapes were pulled closed and very little light helped her find his bed. After stubbing her toe on the corner of a chair and then again on the end of the bed, she reached the side. She threw off her robe before crawling in next to him.

  “William, wake up.” In desperation she shook him. Moaning, he turned toward her and his muscular arm pinned her down. Just like last night when he’d touched her, tingles spread throughout her body. She put aside the glorious feeling for now.

  “William, please wake up.” Her heart hammered. “The soldiers will be here at any moment.”

  She blinked, adjusting her eyes to the darkness until William’s face came in focus. He raised his head and looked at her. It was his turn to blink and he shook his head.

  “William, it is I, Mercedes. Now wake up.”

  Quick as lightning, he bolted up straight and cursed. He grasped his head as if it were going to explode.

  “William, be silent and listen. There are soldiers downstairs trying to force their way into the house. Gabriel is keeping them away for now, but he cannot overpower them. I heard the captain say you were with a group of men last night who attacked a soldier.” His forehead creased and she continued, “I want to believe you were not part of that mob, but because you left last night, I cannot be certain.”

  He scowled, his lips pursing.

  “William, I can make them believe you were here all night, but you have to promise you were not part of that group.”

  “I was not part of that group,” he rasped.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, but now I need to know where you were. If I lie and say I was with you, I have to know those soldiers will never discover the truth. If they find out, my very life would be at risk.”

  “I am aware of that.”

  Out in the hallway, pounding feet running up the stairs echoed.

  She gasped. “So? Will you tell me?”

  He looked away, but a small growl came from his throat. “I was at a tavern.” His eyes darted back to hers. “But it is not the way you are thinking.” He grumbled again and shook his head. “I know not why I am telling you. You do not care, anyway.”

  A wrenching pain speared her heart, making it hard to breathe. How could he leave her arms right after sharing a heated kiss and go get sloshed in a tavern? She wanted to yell at him and give him a sermon on the effects of drinking such vile drinks, but there was no time to act upon her turbulent emotions.

  Forcing aside the hurt feelings, she laid her hand on his arm. “I will help you.” Angry voices and hurried footsteps grew louder. “Quickly, lie back and pretend you are sleeping,” she commanded, cuddling beside him.

  He circled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her up against him. She rested her cheek against his chest, inhaling his wonderful musky scent. His legs touched hers, and she entwined them with his.

  I am in bed with a man who is not my husband!

  Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down, and prayed the Lord would not punish her for trying to help William. The soldiers were right outside the door. Now wasn’t the time to analyze these stirring emotions fluttering through her belly. Was this how she should have felt with her husband? Regardless, this was wrong. Under the circumstances, she was certain the good Lord would forgive her. Squeezing her eyes, she snuggled closer, clinging to him for protection. Within seconds the soldiers kicked open the door.

  “Captain Wilkes, I must protest,” Gabriel shouted.

  Playing in character, she stirred and rubbed her eyes. Next to her, William bolted upright then cursed.

  “What in all that is holy—” He stopped and grabbed his head again.

  Gabriel rushed forward. “Mr. Braxton, I tried to stop them, but Captain Wilkes was most insistent.”

  One of the other soldiers stormed to the window and yanked open the drapes.

  Mercedes squinted and clutched the bed covers to her chin. The men stared at her with wide eyes and mouths agape, especially Gabriel. Her heart sank. She prayed they would believe her.

  Chapter Seven

  The glare from the sun hitting the window stung William’s eyes as he peeled them open. He scowled at the men occupying his bedchambers, but mainly at Captain Wilkes. “What is the meaning of this?” William demanded.

  The soldiers aimed their wide-eyed gaze at Mercedes, seemingly perplexed and at a loss for words. William glanced over his shoulder at his wife. He sucked in his breath. In the light, she created an alluring silhouette. Although her face was scarlet, she looked absolutely beautiful. Raven hair wildly framed her head. Her modest white nightgown was such a contrast to her hair. She looked as pure as newly fallen snow. How could she look that way when she was exactly opposite?

  But right now it didn’t matter. He was stunned. He forced away the inappropriate thoughts creeping into his head and concentrated on the uninvited men in his room. “Excuse me, sirs, but have you no decency? Bursting into a man’s private chambers while he and his wife are still under the covers is very ill-mannered.”

  “Umm...well...” Captain Wilkes cheeks flushed. “You see, Mr. Braxton, we came to ask you a few questions about last night.”

  “And this could not wait until I was out of bed and dressed?” Scowling, he leaned over and pulled the quilt up, bundling it around Mercedes who, thankfully, had the decorum to look embarrassed. He was almost proud of her acting ability.

  Gabe stepped forward. “Mr. Braxton, the captain thought it imperative to speak to you right away. Trouble occurred down at the docks last night where a soldier was attacked. They suspect you were part of the mob.”

  William inhaled sharply. “I fear you are mistaken, Captain Wilkes. I was home last night, reading stories to my children and enjoying the, of my wife.”

  Gabe cleared his throat as his gaze moved to Mercedes. A blush crept up his neck. “I have already told them as much, Mr. Braxton.”

  William turned his attention back to Captain Wilkes. “Well, Captain? What say you now when the proof is right before you?”

  The captain stepped forward and removed his hat then clutched it against his chest. He looked directly at Mercedes. “Mrs. Braxton? Can you confirm your husband has been here in the house with you all night?”

  She snuggled closer to William and he wrapped his arm around her. He still couldn’t understand why she’d offered to help, but at the moment he was grateful she had. Yet, could this be a trap? Awaiting her answer, he held his breath.

  “Yes, Captain. My husband was with me the entir
e night.”

  William exhaled a deep sigh.

  “My deepest apologies, Mr. and Mrs. Braxton.” The captain nodded, then stepped away as did the other soldiers. A few moments later the thudding of their boots on the stairs echoed their descent.

  Gabe winked and nodded at Mercedes. “I shall leave you two alone now.” Then he closed the door behind him.

  Silence ensued for a few awkward minutes. William prolonged the moment, savoring the feel of her nestled against him. But then reality struck, and he pulled away and tried to think of something intelligent to say. Her beauty created an unexplained numbness in his brain. When he glanced at her, a timid smile touched her heart-shaped mouth.

  “I suppose I can say a pleasant morning to you now,” she said.

  He sat up fully, keeping the covers protectively around his lower half as he pulled up his knees and rested his arms across them. “Well, considering the way I was awakened, I do not think it has been very pleasant so far.” He cocked a brow and ran his focus over her tousled figure. “Of course, I must amend that. The way I was awakened was quite pleasurable, but once I awoke, reality intruded. Tell me, how was your night? Did you sleep well?”

  A blush tinted her cheeks and she looked adorable. “Aye.”

  He chuckled. “I want to thank you for what you did, but—” He blew out a gush of air and ran his fingers through his hair. “Why did you crawl in bed with me, knowing the soldiers were on their way up?”

  Her eyes averted his. She appeared to study his back and his chest. That simple look caused the inner demon of desire to ignite his body, and he finally admitted he enjoyed the way she studied him, as if she’d never seen anything so pleasing in her life. That was something she had never done before!

  Her cheeks darkened and she cleared her throat. She pulled herself into a sitting position beside him. “Considering I have not led an exemplary life since I married you, I realized the soldiers would not believe my story unless they saw me in your bed. I did not want you accused of a crime you did not commit, and this was the only way for me to prove them wrong.”


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