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Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 9

by Marie Higgins

  Could he believe her sincerity? She appeared so innocent, so honest. Yet, her past made him cautious. He wasn’t about to tell her the real reason he and Gabe were at the tavern last night. She would run to her precious Captain Wilkes with any kind of information about The Sons of Liberty’s meetings.

  He gave her a nod. “Thank the good Lord for your quick thinking, then.”

  She turned to slide out of bed, but he reached out and placed his hand on her leg, stopping her. Her brilliant green eyes stared at him, bringing back feelings he didn’t want to have, but this time he rather enjoyed the way his body burned. “I know not why you did it, but thank you. You saved my backside.”

  Her gaze dipped down in that area. A brilliant red blush graced her cheeks. “And such a perfect backside to save.” She smiled, then climbed out of bed and slipped the robe around her.

  He let out another big breath and lay back in bed. It was getting harder and harder to resist her. Strange, because he’d been so immune before she’d left to go help her sister. What could be different now? Was it possible she really had changed?

  He dismissed the insane notion as he climbed out of bed. This morning had been odd, and he needed to talk with Gabe about keeping a closer eye on his wife. She was certainly up to no good. The Kat he had wed wouldn’t have sunk so low as to protect his reputation.

  * * * *

  The following week Mercedes stayed home and played games with the children. She and James formed an attachment, but Lizzy proved more difficult. The adorable little four-year-old child played with them, but still refused to speak.

  Stepping into the role of woman of the house, Mercedes enjoyed planning the daily meals and organizing the staff. At first most of the servants seemed afraid of her, but as the days flew by, they warmed up just as James had. Mercedes dared to ask them questions about William, hoping they’d not suspect she was prying for information to see if he was loyal to the Crown or not. Unfortunately, the staff acted as if William were as loyal as the Queen herself.

  Learning more from William proved extremely difficult, though. After the little incident with the soldiers in the bedroom, he hardly spoke to her. Every day he worked late at the office, blaming it on the new line of ships they planned on building for the King. In the back of Mercedes’ mind she doubted his story, especially when her maid mentioned William didn’t build ships, just drew them.

  Mercedes tried not to let her heart flutter whenever he looked upon her. She couldn’t feel this way about a man who may be a spy. Now she doubted he was the ogre her sister had turned him into.

  Another day passed without seeing William, and in his absence that evening, Mercedes put his children to bed. James kissed her cheek and gave her a hug. Lizzy only hugged her. Mercedes tucked them into bed, then left their room.

  The house was quiet and she couldn’t think of a single activity to keep her occupied. Too early to retire for bed, she made her way downstairs and wandered into the library. Not really knowing what she was in the mood to read right now, she walked around the room, touching William’s belongings, hoping in doing this, she’d feel closer to him.

  She shouldn’t be so emotional, but she couldn’t help feeling like a love-struck child. The man’s piercing gaze forced her to experience new feelings, things she had no right to enjoy. Since the first day they’d met, his unkind words struck like a knife wound to her chest, even though aimed at Kat. His treatment of her should have frightened her and hardened her heart against the rogue.

  On the other hand, she’d glimpsed his tender side. She observed the way he loved his children and wouldn’t let anyone harm them. Mercedes watched his kindness when dealing with his servants, and becoming friends with them. And especially, she’d witnessed firsthand the gentleness when he kissed her—even while thinking she was the wife who’d hurt him and his children.

  A strong knock pounded on the front door and she jumped. She gasped and her hand flew to her chest. Who could be here at this time of night?

  After settling her nerves, she walked into the entry hall and opened the heavy oak door. Her heart plummeted to the floor. Brandon Kennedy?

  Leaning against the doorframe, his sly grin widened. “Good evening, Mrs. Braxton. I hope I have not caught you at a bad time.” He poured on the charm as he stepped into the house.

  Her heart hammered, but she remained polite and closed the door behind him. “No, Mr. Kennedy, you have not caught me at a bad time. In fact, I have just put the children to bed.”

  The rude man glanced around the hallway, then up the stairs. “Is your husband about? I need a moment with him.”

  She hesitated to tell him William was working late, because Mr. Kennedy would certainly know if William was at the office.

  “No, I believe he and Gabriel stepped out for a little while.” She paused, then asked, “Is there a way I might assist you?”

  Brandon gave her a mischievous smile, confirming her suspicions. He hadn’t come to see William at all.

  He motioned to the parlor. “May we speak in private?”

  “We have privacy now, Mr. Kennedy. I do not see anybody around.” She primly folded her hands together to stop them from trembling.

  He tilted his head to the side and raised his dark eyebrows. “I think you know what I mean.” Without waiting for an invitation, he walked into the parlor. “You have kept to yourself lately and I came to inquire about your welfare.”

  She took a quick inspection of the hallway and upstairs, hoping someone would be around so she wouldn’t have to face this man on her own. She pressed her clasped hands against her stomach to cease the sudden churning inside. “Thank you for your concern, but I am well.”

  His bold gaze raked over her, and her stomach lurched. Thankfully she’d chosen to wear one of her own gowns instead of her sister’s.

  “Actually, Mercedes, I have noticed a change in you, and I don’t think you are well at all.” He walked toward her. She remained still until he stood in front of her. He rested his hand on her shoulder, lightly caressing his thumb over her sleeve. “Did you not think I would notice when my lover shuts me out of her life?”

  She knocked his hand away. “Mr. Kennedy, I do not think it is my place to hear about what happens between you and your wife.”

  He laughed, then stepped closer, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. She lifted her hand to block the contact, but struck his hard chest. “Mr. Kennedy, I must protest.”

  “Oh, my dear Mercedes, you can be so coy when you want to be.”

  “Well, right now, I choose to be uncooperative.” She pushed harder, and when that didn’t faze him, she stomped on his foot. Releasing a small yelp, he let her go. She hurried out of the room and to the library. The cad followed with a slight limp. She moved around one of the sofas, keeping it between them.

  “Mr. Kennedy, I do not welcome your attentions,” she said out of breath. “I have a good relationship with my husband, and I would like to keep it that way.”

  Anger lines creased his forehead and around his pursed lips. A spark of fire lit his eyes.

  “You thought you would use me to get what you wanted then discard me like some wealthy man’s leftovers?” He shook his head. “I think not, Mercedes. We had a bargain, one you were quite eager to see through, may I remind you.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I took your husband on as my partner just as you had wanted. But you have yet to fulfill your side of our accord.”

  “I have decided it was a mistake and I wish to withdraw.” Anger swept through her, making her breathing faster. How long could she hold out before screaming for assistance?

  “Too late, my sweet.” He chuckled. “If you withdraw, I will have to release your husband as my partner. Now, that would not be very ethical, would it?”

  Taking slower breaths, she calmed her panic, which gave her strength. She wasn’t about to give in to his threats, but then she didn’t want to see William without a job.

  She lifted her chin
in defiance. “By joining your business with William’s, I have made you a rich man. If you let him go now, I can assure you your business will flounder. If you remember right, you cannot build vessels unless you have a drawing first.”

  His dark brows drew together and he sneered. “You little hussy.”

  “But I think you knew that when you decided to make a deal with me, am I correct?”

  He stomped toward her, fire dancing in his eyes. She skirted away, keeping large objects between them.

  “Your husband wants something badly and I am the only one who can get it for him. Are you willing to risk that lovely neck for him, once again?”

  “I am certain I know not what you mean.”

  “He wants an invitation to Colonel Burwell’s country estate party this weekend, and I am the only person who can get him in.”

  She straightened. “If you think I will lower myself to do your bidding just so my husband can go to some party, you are sadly mistaken.” She pointed to the door. “Now, Mr. Kennedy, I do believe you have overstayed your welcome. Next time, may I suggest waiting for an invitation before dropping by?”

  “I am not finished with you.”

  “Oh, but you are. If you do not leave in the next minute, I will call for one of my servants and have you physically removed from this house.”

  He scowled and stormed out of the room toward the front door.

  “Have a good evening, Mr. Kennedy, and say good day to your wife for me.” She forced a stiff smile.

  After the door slammed shut, Mercedes exhaled, releasing all her anger. Her hands trembled, as did her knees. Could what Mr. Kennedy have said be correct about William wanting to be invited to the colonel’s party? Her first thought was that he wanted to spy on the redcoats. Yet, would he actually be so daring?

  Then again, if she could get William that invitation, she’d have to go with him as his wife, and then she’d discover for herself if William really was a traitor. Although she wouldn’t ask for Kennedy’s help, she’d think of some way to get into that party.

  When her legs could no longer hold her up, she wobbled toward the sofa. Just before she reached it, her toe caught on the rug and she tripped. Her hand bumped the family Bible placed on the side table, making it fall on the floor. She righted herself, then slumped on the cushions of the sofa.

  As she picked up the papers that fell out of the Bible, one caught her eye—a marriage certificate.

  She traced her fingers across William’s name and a woman by the name of Victoria. James had never spoken of his mother, and of course William wasn’t going to offer any information, but the niggle of curiosity had her wanting to know about the woman who’d been William’s first love. Had he truly been in love with Victoria or had he married her like he’d married Kat—quick and without proper time to get acquainted?

  She glanced at the other sheet of paper... another marriage certificate. In big bold letters, her very own maiden name jumped out at her: Mercedes Emily Connelly. She gasped, her hand flying to cover her mouth. I’m married to William? Ridiculous. Why had Kat forged Mercedes’ name on her own marriage certificate?

  Her heartbeat quickened. A knot formed in her throat. From this certificate, it appeared as if William had married her instead of Kat. This couldn’t possibly be legal? She must find out these answers without raising suspicions.

  Is William my husband…or Kat’s?

  Chapter Eight

  William stared at the plate of eggs, sausage and honey-scones his servant placed in front of him. Not in the mood to eat, he couldn’t stop thinking about his wife’s actions with Brandon Kennedy last night. Gabe had overheard the conversation between Kennedy and Mercedes and had spied on them from another room to see how Kat handled Kennedy.

  William shook his head in confusion. What was his wife up to now? For heaven’s sake, she lied to his business partner! That in itself was out of the ordinary. William’s very charming wife would never snub Brandon, even in front of her husband, yet lately she had done it twice. Once when Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy had come for dinner, and yesterday when she thought nobody was around.

  Leaning his elbows on the table, William cradled his head in his hands. Kat had actually told Brandon she had a good relationship with her husband—another lie. Why?

  Then there was the incident the other morning when soldiers came into his room. It had shocked him when she’d climbed in his bed and acted innocent in front of their uninvited guests, but what perplexed William more was her motivation. Once again, she was willing to lie for him.

  Not only were her actions misplaced, but he couldn’t decipher why his body reacted so violently to her beauty and charm. It had never spun out of control before, so why now?

  He pushed himself away from the table and stood. His appetite had disappeared. Rest was even a stranger to him. Perhaps it was time to find out what happened when his wife went to New York and why she returned a different person.

  He walked to the window, hoping to see a glimpse of his beautiful, alluring wife, but his enthusiasm dropped when only Hiram and Levi exercised the horses. The past few mornings before he’d left for work, Mercedes and James had been standing by the fence watching the stable boys and the horses. William also enjoyed the morning, but his attention wasn’t on the animals, rather on his wife. It pleased him to see her interact so well with his son. While she talked with James, she tenderly touched his face or held his hand. Softness grew in his heart. It still confused him, but his anger slowly dissipated.

  From out in the hallway, a rustle of skirts and clicking of a woman’s shoes echoed through the front of the house. He swung toward the door. When he rested his lonely eyes upon Mercedes’ beauty, his heart leapt. This morning she adorned herself in a rose-colored dress. The deep bodice had been altered and a small amount of lace had been sewn in the dress to hide her bosom. Her lovely raven hair was upswept into the same fashionable arrangement she’d worn since returning from New York.

  Her outward changes stirred softer emotions in his heart. She appeared more reserved, more regal. More fitting as his wife—the kind of wife he’d always wanted.

  Cursing, he buried his weakening sentiments. He could never think of her as his wife. “Good morning, Mrs. Braxton.”

  She smiled. “Good morning, William.”

  From her sweet tone while using his name and the soft smile with which she greeted him, his heart sprang to life. He’d repeatedly told her not to use his first name. Stubborn woman! Still, it did sound rather pleasant when she said it.

  He grinned. “I must say you look fetching this morning. Have you plans for the day?”

  “I thought about going into town again. Lizzy’s birthday is just a few days away and I would like to buy her a gift.”

  She remembered his daughter’s birthday? “Splendid idea. Are you going to take the children?”

  “Yes, as long as you agree. Their nursemaid will not be able to accompany us today, though. Will you let me take them alone? I promise to keep them in my sight at all times.”

  Her green eyes pleaded with him that he not object and it gripped his heart. His breath caught in his throat. Just a simple look, a softly spoken request from her had the ability to weaken his resolution.

  He cleared his throat. “I am certain the children will love to go. They had an enjoyable outing with you last time.”

  Her smile widened. “As did I.”

  She stepped nearer to him, her lilac fragrance knocking his senses off balance.

  “Is there anything you would like me to purchase for you?” Her warm breath caressed his face.

  “No.” His heart hammered as he fought for control. He swallowed hard. “Is there something special you need?”

  Her gaze focused on his lips. He balled his hands into fists to keep himself from taking her in his arms and kissing her.

  “No. You have given me too much already.”

  She remained close to him and the longer she stayed so near, the more uneven his breathing
became. “Have a pleasant outing, then,” he said, his voice strained.

  “Thank you, William. And thank you for allowing me to take the children.” She raised and touched her lips to his cheek, kissed him briefly before stepping back. His heart beat out of control now, and he didn’t have the slightest urge to stop it.

  “What was the kiss for?” he finally managed to ask.

  “For being so kind and for trusting me with your children.”

  “You deserve it.” His answer was whispered and he couldn’t understand why he’d say that. Did she really deserve it?

  She slid her hands over his, and automatically he clamped onto her, wanting to keep her from leaving his side. He wanted to take her in his arms and devour her mouth with his.

  “You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say that.” Her eyes sparkled. “I will not disappoint you, William. I assure you.”

  She leaned up to kiss his cheek again, but he turned his face and met her kiss with his mouth. The kiss was soft, as were her lips. He hungered for more, but just as he released her hands to hold her in his arms, she broke the kiss and stepped away. A pink tint highlighted her cheeks, making her eyes sparkle.

  He waited to see what she wanted to do next, hoping she’d decide to fall into his arms, but she took another step back toward the door.

  “Thank you again, William.” Her voice was sedated. “Have a good day at work, and I shall see you tonight.”

  His emotions tied in knots and he let her walk out of the room. He thought about running after her to stop her. The wild beat of his heart knocked against his ribs and his lips tingled from the memory of her sweet kiss. But it was still too soon. As much as his body starved for passion’s touch he didn’t trust her with his life, or more importantly, his heart.

  * * * *

  The lovely morning passed too quickly for Mercedes and the time she’d spent with James and Lizzy would soon come to an end. Within an hour they’d be going back home and she didn’t want the pleasure to stop. When each child clasped her hand, her heart soared. Completion intensified in her chest, causing her to burst with happiness.


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