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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

Page 11

by C. O. Amal

  “No ...” Frank muttered.


  Frank’s world went blank.

  * * * * *


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  “I am the alpha and the omega.” Revelation 1:8

  * * * * *

  Chapter 51 – Crystal Lawson

  Two weeks ago

  Inside a research facility in Area 51

  Crystal Lawson watched the interrogation from outside the room through the bullet proof glass window. Her lifelong friend and the head of Area 51 research division, Ralph Graham, stood near her.

  Inside the interrogation room, Officer Mike Harold is asking questions to a young man of age about thirty. There are plastic tubes running through the man’s hands to a nearby gas cylinder. Mike’s right hand is on the knob of the gas cylinder.

  The young man is an ordinary man, but, his body somehow merged with an alien body.

  Crystal’s team of soldiers were actually waiting for this opportunity for years. They actually rifled through Arabian countries in search for this alien hybrid. This young man is only one entity in the story. There are many of them out there, possibly waiting for the perfect time to strike.

  Lawson’s team actually don’t know where these things are coming from but they do know one thing for certain - these alien hybrids are the cause for all kind of terrorism on our planet earth. During the last decade, the terrorism decreased only because U.S. and Russian troops were on the ground on the Arabian countries. Now, it looks like that these things have started spreading terrorism all across the world under the radar.

  It was actually a fortune US troops ran into one of them. Lawson’s team is pretty certain that they could contain this terrorism outbreak if they acted quickly. The gas cylinder is actually filled with a secret gas that is quite common in interrogation rooms.

  The young man is actually pleading to stop the flow of gas. His eyes are watering uncontrollably and supposedly his veins will be tighter. The blood circulation in his body will increase and slowly his mind will go into the subconscious world. His mind will be here, but his brain won’t work with him. In short, he will say anything Mike wants.

  “Where are you coming from?” Mike asked.

  “I will tell you if you please stop this fucking thing from entering my body.” The young man said. This young man is a strong one unlike most others who will say anything one asks.

  Mike stopped the gas circulation. Crystal could clearly see the young man’s veins poking out on the restrained hands.

  “Now tell me.” Mike said.

  “We are coming from another galaxy.” The man winced.

  “What is your mission here?”

  “We want to destroy this planet completely. And we will.” The young man clenched his jaw and he grind his teeth in an angry way. “And we will succeed whether you kill me or not.” The young man glared at Mike with his widened eyes. His eyes are actually glowing in blue colour.

  “Why are you spreading terrorism?”

  “Because, soon, our day would come, and we will be inside your fucking bodies, and we will fuck you alive.” The young man broke into a laugh.

  Mike suddenly opened the gas valve and the gas rushed through the young man’s body. The young man suddenly screamed out loud.

  Mike looked in Lawson’s direction and he said, “This man is a lost cause. What do you want me to do?”

  “Kill him. We got all we need.” Ralph said. They have been interrogating him for a week now.

  Mike quickly drew out his side arm and he trained the gun at the young man’s face. Suddenly the young man again broke into a laugh.

  “We will fuck you all, we will fuck you all ...”


  Mike pulled the trigger.

  Suddenly a light beam came out of the young man’s head through the bullet hole. Mike for a moment stared at the scene with a sudden shock. Then, when the light flow stopped, he took a deep sigh.

  “I hate living among these alien fuckers.” Mike muttered.

  Lawson smiled at Mike.

  “Good job, Mike.” Lawson said.

  Now one difficult job remains. They have to scan everyone inside the country for these alien fuckers. And they need to control this growing terrorism. There are reports about random suicide bombers from all over the wold. Will we win this fight against the unknown? The answer will be revealed soon.

  Lawson for a moment stared at the corpse of the young man. Then she walked away from the scene.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 52 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Idaho

  One week later

  Olivia opened her eyes. The breaking sun kissed her face with a bright light. She slowly stood up and peered over William who is lying on one side of the room. She smiled at his sleeping form and then she walked towards the nearby window.

  She is on top of a huge building and below she could see a few terrorists walking through the road here and there. But, she can’t be certain whether the terrorists are infected by aliens or not. Most likely, they might be infected.

  Olivia peered at the nearby buildings. All buildings are standing in extreme silence. She have to find a good building to loot for some food. Her supply of food ran out yesterday. Then she found the terrorists walking away from the streets.

  A moment later, William woke up and he stood near Olivia.

  “Did you find any good store?” William asked.

  “I found one.” Olivia said. “But, we may have to wait a few more hours. One of them is still there.”

  “Okay.” William went near his assault rifle which is placed on top of a nearby table. “You know, I hate leaping. I miss our old style walking.”

  “I know. What can we do?”

  William nodded and he got busy in feeding his gun with a fresh magazine.

  It’s actually a fortune Olivia knew about basic medical treatment, or William would have been dead now. She returned her concentration on the streets.

  They waited two hours in that position. Then, all of a sudden, the terrorist near the convenience store walked away. Olivia took a deep sigh.

  “William, it’s time.”

  “Okay.” William took his gun and he stood near the doorway. Olivia quickly took her gun and she galloped towards William.

  Before long, they started descending the stairs. A few minutes’ climb ended in the wide ground floor room. They slowly, cautiously galloped towards the rotating glass door. A few minutes later, after analysing everything, they exited the building by pointing their guns into a distance.

  Then they started galloping through the street in front of them. The convenience store is on the next block. They quickly reached in front of the store. The store is mostly standing intact. It survived the worst of the attacks, but there are bullet holes all over the wall. Olivia first entered inside, followed by William. They quickly unstrapped their back packs and they started to put all sort of food they see on the shelves inside the back packs.

  It seems that nobody had looted this place before. Actually, there aren’t anyone left alive to loot this place. Most probably, William and Olivia might be the only survivors in this entire world.

  They weren’t filled their bags when all of a sudden, a group of terrorists entered inside the store. Olivia and William froze.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 53 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  A series of swooshes came from the nearby sky. Edward and his kids stayed under the glass roof and they peered at the sky. Then they saw it. Six space crafts are flying through the sky at a moderate speed.

  “Dad, will they see us?” Jim asked.

  “No, son. They are pretty far away to see us. You’re safe here.” Edward patted Jim’s head.

  Jan stood up from the floor and she went near the window and she stared at the leaving space crafts.

  “I wish our mom was here.” Jan muttered.

  Edward for a moment stared at Jan. He too mis
ses Sarah a lot. Kids are desperate for her touch.

  Edward stood up and he went to the kitchen. Tears slowly oozed down from his eyes. Kids shouldn’t see him cry. If they see him now, they would think that he is very weak. Here, weak have no place. The streets are now controlled by terrorists or possessed terrorists. Both groups shoot down normal people like Edward on sight.

  Aliens. He should have thought about the presence of aliens as soon as the gravity went to shit. Terrorists certainly have some high tech equipment, but aliens are the real threat behind this new apocalypse.

  Edward and his kids travelled too far to reach here in Idaho. This state is no exception to the massacre. The smell of dead is still here. Streets are now filled with vultures and crows. Crows are actually everywhere. Edward often see packs of crows flying through the sky. This space research centre was home to Edward and his kids for a few days now.

  Jan frequently watched the sky using the massive telescope mounted on the roof. There are a dozens of telescopes here, but most won’t work without electricity. Anyway, why watch the sky when there is no peace on earth? How can we watch the sky and feel safe here? Kids are really kids. They don’t know much about living a life. But, Edward knows a lot about life. When he was driving the cab to lead his family, the city turned him into something that you don’t see often. The city made him tough. But, of course, he is not like a stone cold killer.

  Edward is actually a sheep in wolf's skin.

  A moment later, all the space crafts disappeared from the sky. He need to move. He need to find a secure place for his kids. There must be other survivors like Carter out there. But, Edward is hoping that he will not run into someone like Tracy. Tracy was the fucking alien. Aliens will kill him, and only god knows what else they would do.

  The aliens are here for something, that’s certain. Edward shifted his gaze at the horizon. Sun slowly started to go up.

  “Jim, Jan, come on, let’s go.” Edward said from the kitchen. It’s the perfect time to walk through the street. Usually there won’t be any terrorists out there in this morning hour. And Edward hopes that, that will stay the same.

  He was in luck for several days. He escaped several times from the hands of those human animals so closely. Edward know well that he won’t run into luck always. So he have to be cautious at all times. Jim and Jan came near Edward.

  “Where are we going now, dad?” Jan asked.

  “Somewhere safe.” Where will be this somewhere safe?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 54 – Josephine

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Josephine woke up hearing a series of gunshots. They spent two days in this ten story building and it’s now that they are hearing gunshots. Josephine stood up and looked at Jonathan, Abigail and Bobby. They all are already awoke and they are staring at the streets below. Josephine slowly went near a window and she peered outside.

  “Who is it?” Josephine asked.

  “We think it’s the terrorists and the aliens.” Jonathan said.

  Josephine looked down and saw a few terrorists firing at a few other terrorists.

  “Who is the alien?” Josephine asked.

  “The ones near the coffee shop.” Abigail said.

  “How do you know they are aliens?” Josephine asked.

  Abigail came near Josephine and she handed her a binocular. “Look at their eyes.”

  Josephine grabbed the binocular and she peered at the nearby coffee shop through the scope of the binocular. Then she saw it. The terrorists’ eyes are glowing in blue colour.

  “We have to do something.” Josephine said.

  “Hello, they are the one who want to kill us. Which group do you want to help?” Jonathan asked.

  “The terrorists indeed tried to kill us.” Josephine said. “But look at the bright side. For all we know, they might be infected with terrorism by the aliens. We have to kill the aliens one way or the other. They are the one who is behind all this. Look at the gravity, for example.”

  Jonathan tilted down his head for a moment. “Alright. Let’s save the terrorists then.” Jonathan went near a table and he took his sniper rifle and the back pack of ammo.

  Suddenly a loud swoosh came from the sky. Josephine and her team quickly went near the window and they peered outside. Then they saw it. A huge flying saucer is in the sky and aliens who are in their raw form are raining from the flying saucer.

  “That’s new!” Josephine said.

  “They are going to exterminate us.” Abigail said with a worry.

  “But, they will bleed like us.” Jonathan said. “Let’s kill them all.”

  Jonathan galloped towards the staircase which will lead them to the roof. Josephine, Abigail and Bobby followed Jonathan. Before long Jonathan and Josephine lie down on the roof and they trained their sniper rifles at the aliens who are on the ground.

  “It’s really bad down there.” Josephine said.

  Bobby and Abigail peered at the aliens through their binoculars. Josephine looked down through the scope and saw a few terrorists fighting against a pack of aliens. A few aliens dropped with bullet holes. Light beams came out of the aliens’ bodies from here and there. But, so far, no aliens who are in their raw form got inside the normal terrorists’ body.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jonathan and Josephine joined the fight. Suddenly two pickup trucks full of terrorists came from the north road. They opened fire at the aliens who are in their raw form. Light beams came from here and there, followed by a sudden blast of light. The aliens are exploding into pieces. Jonathan masterfully manoeuvred his rifle and he already shot down a dozens of aliens who are in their raw form.

  A moment later, terrorists began to send rockets at the flying saucer.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Fire came from here and there on the outer body of the flying saucer. But, the flying saucer stood intact. A few minutes later the flow of aliens stopped. Then the flying saucer, with a swoosh, flew away from the scene.

  Josephine looked down and saw a few possessed terrorists and the aliens who are in their original form being surrounded by the terrorists.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The terrorists shot down all the aliens.

  As the last of the aliens went down, the terrorists glared at the roof of the building in which Josephine and her team are in. One terrorists trained his rocket launcher at the roof. Josephine’s hands suddenly began to tremble.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 55 – Crystal Lawson

  Area 51

  Deep inside a secret research facility

  Crystal glared at Ralph who is sitting across the room, eyes wide, looking into the ceiling. The light flickered often.

  “This is it. We are done.” Crystal yelled. “I am going outside.”

  “You know we can’t do that.” Ralph said.

  Crystal shouted something at nobody in particular and she sat down on a chair nearby the wall, feeling defeated. And she too stared at the ceiling and she lost in thoughts.

  They have been trapped in here for two days now. They are now inside deep underground. There are men possessed by aliens out there and, so far, they haven’t found out about Crystal or Ralph. During the trek to this place, Crystal made sure to cut the hard lines to cut down all CCTV cameras and access to the knowledge bank.

  Now, they are disconnected from everything and they have nowhere to go. Those things would find them at any time. They need to devise a plan now, or else, they could die, or further else, they could turn into one of those fucking alien vessels.

  Area 51 was designed to withstand the worst of the calamities and they did survived the terrorist outbreak. No terrorists reached anywhere near Area 51. Before that, those who approached were shot down by robotic snipers.

  But then, things began to get real wilder. About a week ago, they detected high energy signature from the North Pole. Then they witnessed the wonder. A huge, gigantic, marvellous, mystifying flying saucer came out of the ice cap and they first visi
ted this safest haven in the world. Now, it’s not so safest anymore. The aliens in the form of a kind of light or human, or bit of both rained from the flying saucer to this facility. The aliens oozed down through the ceilings, on the way entering inside whatever life form they saw. In one moment Crystal saw one of the alien entering inside a dog. The dog then went all barbaric, killing a man, then it exploded. Yeah, blood splashed everywhere.

  These things are like parasites but they cannot enter inside all the living things. If they does, the incompatible living being explodes like the exploded dog. It seems that humans are the right species to foster the aliens.

  The facility was filled with humans and now most of them are alien vessels. Few survivors must be already dead or they might be trapped in some unknown levels, waiting to be slaughtered.

  Yeah, the aliens are planning something big. They even cut opened several humans from the research section. They might be experimenting on humans. Only god knows what else they are planning with this planet. There are reports about use of gravity killing machines from all over the world. But thanks to the artificial gravity, everything about gravity is safe and sound here. Here gravity will adjust to outside fluctuations. But, soon the backup generators will die. The light already began to flicker. And when the generators die, the artificial gravity will die. And when that happens, only god can tell what happens. There seemed to be a similar gravity killing machine outside this facility.


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