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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

Page 12

by C. O. Amal

  Crystal thought every possible way to escape from here. But nothing fits to the criteria. They have to go up. But those things might be on the elevators and stairs. Then last option is the antigravity chamber. If they could get into that chamber, then antigravity will does the rest of the work. They could get outside easily through that chamber. The nearest antigravity chamber is through the research section. Those human cutting aliens might be there.

  Then one option is to get the weapons from the nearby room – which is bolted shut as soon as the hard lines were cut – and get to the antigravity chamber by fighting their way.

  “Come on, let’s at least check if that door would budge under your feet. You might be strong enough to kick it open, right?” Crystal asked.

  “I might be able to, since it is made up of wood. But, they might hear us easily.” Ralph said.

  “They won’t reach anywhere near us before we get inside, Ralph. This might be our only chance. Do you want to die, Ralph?”


  “Then, let’s do this. But, let’s wait until its night.”

  Sunlight can be seen seeping inside through the tiny pores on the corners of the ceiling.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 56 – William

  Somewhere in Idaho

  For a moment, all the six terrorists stared at Olivia and William. Terrorists’ one hand is still on the gun. Then they all took mineral water from the shelf and they left the store.

  Olivia and William couldn’t believe what just happened. The terrorists let them go. They took a deep sigh. Then they quickly took all they need in their back packs and they quickly left the store. They don’t want to test the terrorists’ patience.

  When they reached the streets, they saw no terrorists there. The place is in complete silence. William and Olivia quickly rushed inside the building in which they had set up their hideout. Before long they reached their hideout. William quickly went near the window and he peered outside.

  “Why did they let us go?” William asked.

  “I don’t know. I have no clue. They might thought that we are no danger to them.” Olivia said.

  William nodded. He returned his concentration on the streets.

  Terrorists might be trying really hard to bring down the alien horde. And for all they know, the terrorists might be the creation of those aliens. So, naturally, the terrorists might be angry at the aliens. So, they let William and Olivia go since they saw them as no threat. But, terrorists are terror creating people. They might not like normal men and women like William and Olivia. So, whatever happened in that convenience store might not happen always.

  William hopes that the terrorists will kick the alien butt out of here since there are no one else to fight against the aliens. Terrorists brought down everything and now it is a perfect time for the aliens to take over the world. This might be already the aliens’ plan. These aliens might have been watching us for years. Only then they would get time to plan everything thoroughly. What happened here is actually a well–planned attack.

  William also hopes that these terrorists have some creative idea to stop those alien bitches. They have to stop the aliens no matter what, or there won’t be anyone left alive in this place. These aliens might be longing for low gravity, and who knows, maybe they like zero gravity. If that’s the case, the aliens will install more machines, or whatever the hell, to bring down the gravity.

  Then a sudden panic that they are not supposed to stay here surged through William’s head. William looked at Olivia who is on the floor eating canned beans.



  “We can’t stay here.”


  “I don’t know. We just can’t stay here. Something is certainly coming towards us and something in my head is keep telling me that we don’t want to be here when that happens.”

  Olivia forced a nod.

  They can’t stay here. The aliens might see them easily like those terrorists saw them. William’s brain is keep telling him that running also won’t save them. They might have to fight to survive. That’s when William thought about the terrorists he saw earlier. Those terrorists’ eyes were really tired. It was like they didn’t slept even a bit. They are certainly afraid of something.

  Certainly, something big is coming at everyone. And it might be the end of human life. An extinction is so close.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 57 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Edward and his kids increased their pace. They have to reach somewhere safe before night falls. Edward is pretty much alerted and he often peered at the buildings around him. He also tuned his ear for any sound that is off from the normal noise.

  So far so good.

  But, the smell is pretty bad. Even though two weeks had passed, the dead bodies are still decaying. Jan and Jim are trying hard to not to puke at the scene of the dead bodies. All the dead bodies already decayed pretty much. Now maggots and beetles are all over the dead bodies. Flies are also there. Crows are the worst. Edward occasionally saw packs of crows devouring the dead.

  Nobody deserved to die like this. Nobody could imagine an after-death moment such as this. The terrorists might not have expected an alien involvement in this. That’s exactly why the gravity is still low. Edward actually hate galloping all the time. One time he thought about going back to Wyoming for destroying that gravity killing machine. But then he thought – what can he do against someone who is so much concentrated on killing him? If there is only one man against him, he could overcome the threat somehow. But, that’s not the case. There are hundreds of those terrorists out there. And now, terrorists are not the only threat.

  Before long sun moved to its highest position in the sky. Edward’s stomach then began to growl in a high pitch sound. Edward looked at Jan and Jim and he found them pretty tired. Then, he saw a convenience store nearby. Edward stopped moving and he took a deep breath.

  “Let’s eat something.” Edward said.

  Jan and Jim nodded. They were actually waiting to hear that.

  They quickly galloped towards the convenience store. Before long, they got inside the store and they started to rifle through the shelf for anything good to eat. Jan and Jim went to a nearby aisle. Edward took a bottle of orange juice. He quickly unscrewed the bottle and he took a sip.

  “Wow.” The juice is pretty tasty. Edward quickly emptied that bottle.

  “Dad,” Suddenly Jan called in panic. Edward dropped the empty bottle and he rushed towards Jan who is on the next aisle. Then he saw it. Possibly a terrorist, is sitting on the floor with his back on the shelf. By the look of it, the terrorist is wounded. Edward quickly grabbed Jan’s and Jim’s hand and he started towards the exit. Suddenly the terrorists looked at Edward.

  “Please ...” The terrorists said. His voice is cracking.

  Edward stopped moving and he looked at the terrorist with disgust. His Sarah is dead only because of these terrorists.

  “Please, save me ...” The terrorist again said.

  Edward contemplated, weighing the risks.

  “Dad, save him.” Jan said.

  Edward took a deep sigh. “Alright.”

  Edward galloped towards the terrorist. He quickly crouched down near the terrorist and he analysed him. “What’s your name?” Edward asked.

  “97, no, Joseph.”

  “Okay.” Edward saw a bullet hole in Joseph’s stomach. He is bleeding, but slowly. “How can I help?”

  “In my bag, there is a first aid kit. It have all the tools to remove the bullets.

  “Okay.” Edward unstrapped Joseph’s back pack and he took the first aid kit.

  Before long, Edward removed the bullet from Joseph’s stomach and he quickly pasted a band aid after applying some medicine. Edward pasted a few more band aids on the wound.

  Then, Joseph slowly stood up and he took his rifle from the floor. Then Joseph smiled at Edward and he trained the rifle at Edward. Edward fr

  * * * * *

  Chapter 58 – Abigail

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Abigail worriedly looked down at the terrorists. Suddenly, the terrorist lowered the rocket launcher. Then a terrorist came forward.

  “We appreciate, you joining the fight.” The terrorist yelled. “But, we are still enemies. This is our war and we know how to fight. If you come in front of us again, we will not think again, we will shoot you down. Go, and hide under some rock, bitches.”

  Then just like that, all the terrorists got inside their pickup truck and they left the scene. Josephine and Jonathan stared at each other’s faces with open mouth.

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s get out of here.” Abigail said.

  “Right. Let’s get out of here.” Jonathan said.

  They quickly left the roof and got inside their hideout. They quickly packed their back packs. Jonathan and Josephine took their guns and ammo from table top. Abigail and Bobby took their guns and binoculars. They all quickly threw their back packs on their shoulders and they exited the building.

  Before long, they started their walk through the desolated road.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 59 – Crystal Lawson

  Area 51

  Finally the night came. But, everything is faintly visible in the flickering light. Crystal slowly opened the exit door and they both entered into a faintly lit corridor. Here also light flickered often.

  Before long, they started running through the corridor. They made sure to dump their shoes before started running, because, those things would hear any slightest sound. Their bare foot barely made any audible sound. Finally, they set their eyes on the wooden door behind which the small armoury lies.

  Crystal tried the knob to test whether she would be lucky. But, the door didn’t budged. It is bolted shut.

  “Ralph, will you?” Crystal asked pointing at the door.

  Ralph nodded. He quickly began to kick at the door with his bare foot. The entire corridor quickly got filled with the sound of thrashing on the door.


  Finally the wood near the locking mechanism splintered and then the door burst opened. Crystal and Ralph rushed inside the dark room. Here also, there is a flickering bulb. In the faint light, Crystal set her eyes on the shelf. She slowly opened the shelf and inside the shelf lies revolvers and a few stacks of magazines. They both took a sigh of relief.

  Crystal took two revolvers and she quickly fed the revolvers using two fresh magazines. She placed one gun on her waist band and she kept the second gun in her hand. She also took a few more magazines in her pockets. Ralph also took two revolvers and lots of magazines for them.

  Before long they exited the small armoury and they started to pace through the corridor. The research section is nearby. Crystal is pretty much alerted and she is moving by training her gun into a distance. So far they saw no imminent danger. Someone must have heard the sound of thrashing on the door and soon someone might be here.

  A few minutes later they exited the corridor and entered into a wide white room – the research section.

  Here, there are surgical tables near the walls and there is a table full of surgical equipment in the middle of the room. There are big glass equipment scattered on the nearby tables. And here, the light stayed on, without any flicker. Crystal and Ralph cautiously paced through the room. They saw the exit door on the other side of the room. They rushed forward.

  Then they saw it. Two men in surgical coats are standing near a table with their back facing Crystal, and they are doing something. Crystal can’t see what they are doing from this distance. She is surprised that they haven’t heard their footsteps.

  Crystal and Ralph crouched down and they crawled forward. The tables concealed them well from the men. When Crystal reached near the men, she peeked at the table near the men. Then she saw it. A human body is being cut open by them. Blood is steadily dripping to the white tiled floor. Crystal have a sudden urge to scream. She quickly covered her mouth using her hand and she swallowed the scream. Ralph motioned at her to continue to move.

  Crystal quickly crawled through the floor. Finally they reached near the exit door. Crystal opened the door and they both got outside. Crystal closed the door and she looked inside the research room through the glass window on the door. Suddenly, the two men in surgical coats stared at Crystal through the glass window. Both the men are wearing a face mask. Then, all of a sudden, both of the men’s eyes glowed in blue colour.

  “Run ...” Crystal managed to say. Fear surged through her head.

  They quickly bolted into a run. Sound of surgical equipment falling down came from the research room. Both the aliens might be chasing them now. Then on the far corner, Crystal saw the antigravity chamber. They rushed forward. As soon as they reached near the door of the chamber, Crystal pressed a red button. Suddenly, the door slide up revealing the chamber. They both got inside the small tube like chamber and she pressed a green button. Suddenly the door slide down. Then she saw it. The two men they saw earlier are right outside the chamber. She could clearly see them through the glass window on the door. Suddenly, the men started pounding on the door.

  Crystal pressed another green button. Suddenly they both floated in the air. Then they began to ascend without any support – only by means of antigravity. Crystal closed her eyes and braced for ejecting out of the facility.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 60 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Before noon William and Olivia left their hideout. Like William, something inside Olivia also told her to keep moving. There might be a safe haven somewhere here. But, they need to find it and finding it will not be an easy job.

  The ever present pungent smell of dead is so bad, but Olivia got adjusted to the smell. Now, it’s like there is no bad smell. But, when they reach places in which many dead bodies are cluttered together, a slight smell indeed punch through her nose.

  Everything around them is so dead. There are no signs of life anywhere. It’s like all the human beings died out all of a sudden – that’s exactly what happened. During the first days of the terrorist apocalypse, Olivia often saw stray dogs and packs of birds. But, when the gravity went to shit, most of the birds and dogs disappeared. There are of course crows and vultures in the sky. Crows are actually devouring the decaying dead.

  Dead bodies are now quite common.

  Before long, the sun increased its intensity a little. Olivia and William pushed forward. The faster they reach a good looking house, before night falls, the better. William often took his water bottle from the side holster of his back pack and he drank. When sun began to move down, William emptied three bottles of water.

  Water and food would be plenty since there aren’t anyone to loot the stores. For all they know, they might be the last of the humans. There will not be any next generation of humans. Olivia is pretty certain that there will not be plenty of women among the terrorists. So terrorists will die out without giving their legacy to next generation. Few survivors will die out within one or two generation. That will not be the case if the aliens start hunting down all the survivors.

  They passed a maze of dead vehicles and crumbled buildings. Suddenly a series of swooshes came from the distant sky. Olivia and William peered at the sky. Then, all of a sudden, five space crafts came into view. All the space crafts are rushing towards Olivia and William.

  “Run ...” Olivia shouted. They quickly ran through the street.

  A moment later sound of space crafts being landed came from behind them. Olivia then saw a good looking building in front of her. She ran towards that mega story building. William followed her. They quickly ran inside the building through the already crumbled glass doorway. Olivia took a quick glance at her rear and the sight horrified her. A battalion of terrorists, all armed to the teeth, are coming towards them. Soon the building will be surrounded by them.

  “God, save us.” Olivia muttered.

  * * * *

  Chapter 61 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Then Joseph lowered his assault rifle. “Just kidding.” He said smiling.

  Edward took a deep sigh.

  “We need to get out of here. There are many of them near this place.” Joseph said.

  “Where would we go?” Edward asked.

  “Anywhere. They planned to return here to take my body. We really need to get out of here.”

  “Okay. Lead the way then.” Edward said.

  Joseph nodded and he moved towards the back door. Edward grabbed Jan’s and Jim’s hand and he galloped towards Joseph. Joseph is wearing that special suit. So, he could walk normally.

  “Hey, Joseph, from where did you get your suit?” Edward asked.

  “Our leaders gave them, man. It looked like alien technology.”

  “Don’t have to say. So, your leaders were aliens?”


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