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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

Page 13

by C. O. Amal

  “Most probably, yes.”

  Joseph opened the back door and they got outside. Joseph quickly started to run through the street. Edward and his kids closely followed him.

  “Where are we going?” Edward asked.

  “Somewhere safe.” Joseph said.

  “But, would your friends shoot us?” Edward asked.

  “I don’t have any friends anymore. They all are dead. It’s just me now.”

  Edward nodded. It must be too hard for him to cope with this alone. How is it possible for someone to live alone, without any friends?

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly gunshots came from in front of them. Joseph stopped behind a huge building and he peeked at the scene. Edward and his kids stood behind Joseph.

  “Who is it?” Edward asked.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  More gun shots came towards Edward and his team.

  “It must be them.” Joseph said.

  “Come on, let’s go around this building.” Edward said.

  Joseph nodded and he went in the front line. Joseph ran faster.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly bullets came from the other side of the building and all the bullets struck on Joseph’s stomach.

  “Ahh ...” Blood poured out from his mouth and before long he began to gurgle blood. Joseph’s gun dropped from his hands and he fell face first into the dark road.

  “No.” Edward muttered. Suddenly the shooters came into view. There are only two of them. Both looks like terrorists, but their eyes glowed in blue colour – aliens.

  “Hands over your head.” One of the alien terrorist yelled.

  Edward and his kids obeyed.

  Both the men stood near Edward and they analysed them.

  “They are pure.” One of the men said. “Call it in.”

  The other terrorist drew out a radio from his side holster. He switched it on.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly bullets came from a side and all the bullets struck on the alien men. At that very instant, light beams poured out from the alien men’s bullet wounds. Edward stepped back with complete fear. He actually, for a moment, froze where he stood.

  A moment later, both the alien men dropped dead.

  “Are you okay?” A male voice asked from behind Edward. Edward turned back and saw a soldier coming towards him from behind a nearby building. Then two kids – one girl and a boy – joined them from behind a nearby building. A moment later a woman came outside from a nearby building, carrying a sniper rifle.

  “Who are you?” Edward asked, partly in shock, partly in excitement.

  “I am Jonathan.” The soldier said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 62 – Jonathan

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Jonathan and his team paced through the maze of dead vehicles. Edward and his kids seemed to have went through a lot. Jim and Jan – Edward’s kids – quickly became friends with Bobby and Abigail. They all are about the same age. Jonathan could see that Edward is very happy. Jonathan and Josephine are also very happy in seeing a fellow survivor.

  Before long Edward began to tell his story. He was a cab driver when things were normal. He had a wife named Sarah. The terrorists killed Sarah, and ever since that, Edward and his kids were running. Edward then told them about a gigantic cube shaped metal structure that he saw on Wyoming. Based on what he is saying, it might be a gravity killing machine. Then Jonathan have a sudden urge to see that – to destroy it.

  It’s all related to aliens.

  Terrorists never were a greater threat. They became a threat only because of that aliens. Based on what had happened in the last few days, the terrorists were very dumb to realize that they were being controlled by aliens. And when they started realizing that, things were pretty out of reach. But, now terrorists are the only hope our planet earth have. Only they have the number and technology to defeat the aliens.

  Jonathan actually hate the terrorists, but now, he have no other way but to put his faith in them. Even though things are like this, the terrorists would most definitely shoot them down if they see them. Last encounter with the terrorists wasn’t a friendly one.

  They quickly exited a portion of the city and entered into a lonely road whose both sides are filled with houses and trees. Trees are actually neatly arranged as a line along the house yards. Far away they saw another part of the city.

  Jonathan hopes that there would be aliens out there in the next city – so, he could kill them. They moved forward through the desolated empty street.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 63 – Crystal Lawson

  Area 51

  Before long, they both ejected from the chamber and they fell on the nearby dusty ground with a loud thud. Pain surged through Crystal’s body, but they are in one piece. Crystal stood up clearing dust from her ass. Ralph also stood up. Under the starless sky, nearby, the area 51 research facility stood in the moon light. Crystal could see lights flickering inside the facility.

  “They might send their men to capture us.” Crystal said with a worry.

  “Let’s get to the safe zone.” Ralph said.

  Ralph quickly started running, but before he even took one step forward, he tumbled down, face first into the cold ground.

  “Ahh ...” Ralph winced.

  “What the?” Crystal carefully took a step forward. Suddenly she too tumbled down.

  “Oh, shit, the gravity is low. I forgot.” Ralph muttered.

  “Now what?” Crystal asked with a worry.

  “Now we have to gallop.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “I am dead serious. Didn’t you ever watched the men walking on the moon? They actually gallop in the low gravity.”

  “Okay.” Crystal took a step forward by jumping. She safely landed on her feet. Crystal smiled at Ralph. “Let’s go, then.”

  Before long, they got adjusted to the low gravity. They quickly began to gallop faster. Then they saw it.

  A cube shaped metal structure is in front of them. The whole metal structure is levitating in the air and the whole thing is glowing in a bright blue colour.

  “What the hell is that thing?” Crystal asked.

  “That must be their gravity killing machine.” Ralph said.

  Crystal quickly became alerted. Those things could be nearby. She peered around her by pointing her revolver. But she saw no danger.

  “Relax, Crystal. No one is near us.”

  Crystal then peered over the facility which can be seen far away. No signs of aliens anywhere nearby the facility. Did they let them go?

  “We have to destroy this thing.” Crystal said.

  “With what?” Ralph asked.

  “There must be explosives inside our bomb shelter. It’s is near that hill, right?” Crystal pointed at a nearby hill.

  Ralph nodded. “Then, let’s do this.” Ralph galloped towards the hill. Crystal closely followed Ralph. The entire place is in complete silence. Even the sound of night is absent here. The low gravity must have killed all the small living beings.

  Before long they saw the outline of the bomb shelter. There aren’t anyone nearby. They quickly got inside the shelter through the already opened doorway. Inside the shelter rests a few military Humvees, and in the far corner, Crystal spotted the stack of TNT bars. She quickly took a small back pack from nearby table and she filled it with TNT bars. Then she took a long fuse wire.

  “This might be enough to level that place.” Crystal said. “Let’s go.”

  Ralph nodded.

  They quickly ran towards the gravity killing machine. Like guessed, the whole place is empty. No one is coming to capture them. For a moment Crystal stared at the far away facility. Then she began her job. Ralph also joined her. They both planted TNT bars all over the cube surface. The one side sticky layer of the TNT bars clearly eased their job. Before long they finished planting explosives. Crystal quickly extrapolated the fuse wire and they stood in a safe distance.

�Fire in the hole.” Crystal lighted the fuse wire.


  * * * * *

  Chapter 64 – William

  Somewhere in Idaho

  William and Olivia ran towards the stairs. Before long, they started climbing the stairs.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Gun shots came from near the ground floor.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly someone inside the building opened fire at the approaching terrorists. William went near a window and he peeked outside. Outside, terrorists are being cut down by someone inside the building. More gunshots rained from the building’s higher levels.

  William drew out his revolver. Having a gun in his hands made him feel safer. Olivia trained her rifle outside, but she didn’t opened fire.

  Who will be this someone who is inside this building? Will they be survivors? Suddenly, a hail of bullets struck on the wall near the window. William and Olivia stayed away from the window.

  Surprisingly, a few minutes later, the gunshots ended. William peeked outside and saw the dead bodies of terrorists scattered on the ground. Whoever did this will soon come towards them. William and Olivia quickly got outside the room and they stood in the staircase. Then they heard footsteps approaching them.

  A few moments later two women came to the scene from higher levels with a smile. They are wearing skirts and shirts and they look like survivors. They have assault rifles in their hands. Another moment later, two men came from higher levels. They all have assault rifles.

  Excitement jolted through William. Finally, they found fellow survivors. Olivia started to approach them.

  Suddenly William saw it. The eyes of the men and woman before them are glowing in blue colour.

  Shit, aliens!

  “Run, Olivia.”

  Before Olivia realised their mistake, a few more alien men came from the ground floor, all carrying assault rifles. The terrorists were actually not after Olivia and William. They were after these aliens. William’s hands began to tremble.

  “Drop your weapons.” Then came the command.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 65 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Before long they entered inside the city. Edward peered at the buildings around him and he found them in pretty good condition. Though, there are no signs of life anywhere here. The smell of the dead is a little low. In the horizon, sun slowly began to shift its position from its highest position in the sky.

  Travelling with Jonathan and Josephine is an enjoyable experience. Kids are happy since they found two fellow kids. After what felt like an eternity, Edward finally felt safer. They have the guns and ammo to level a place if needed. That alone kindled a hope inside Edward.

  Edward now felt that there is actually a safe haven for them somewhere around here. With Jonathan, Josephine, Bobby and Abigail, they are going to find it.

  But, all good things won’t last forever. Suddenly a series of swooshes came from the distant sky. Edward and his team fearfully peered at the distant sky.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 66 – Jonathan

  Somewhere in Idaho

  “Run,” Jonathan shouted.

  They quickly bolted into a run. They galloped through the street faster. They passed about five blocks when the swooshes became very loud. Jonathan stopped for a moment and he glanced at his rear. Then he saw it. Five space crafts are approaching them from the distant sky. They are almost on them.

  “Get inside that building.” Jonathan shouted without wasting any time, pointing at a nearby mega story building.

  Everyone obeyed Jonathan. Jonathan entered inside the building as the last man. Before long they started climbing a set of stairs. Finally they stopped on the fifth level and they took a deep breath. Jonathan quickly went near a window and he peered in the direction in which the space crafts were coming. But, he saw no space crafts there. Jonathan quickly galloped towards another window. Then he saw it.

  All space crafts have landed on the ground and terrorists rushed outside. But, they are not storming at the building in which Jonathan and his team are in. They are storming at a gigantic cube shaped metal structure which is glowing in blue colour.

  Edward came near Jonathan and he too peered outside.

  “That’s the structure I talked about.” Edward said. “That must be the gravity killing machine.”

  Jonathan nodded and he looked at the terrorists. Suddenly gun shots broke out from near the gravity killing machine. Jonathan quickly drew out his binocular and peered at the scene. Then he saw a battalion of alien terrorists shooting at the regular terrorists. Terrorists are going down quickly. Suddenly, more space crafts approached the scene from all directions.

  Then it happened. A few space crafts blew up without anyone shooting at it. Remaining terrorists rushed outside and they stormed at the aliens.

  Then, a few terrorists started planting explosives on the outer body of the gravity killing machine. The terrorists are not even running away after they planted explosives. They are clearly suicide fighters. Light beams came from here and there, possibly from the aliens’ bodies.

  Boom! Boom! Bang!

  Suddenly, with a bang, the gravity killing machine exploded into pieces. All the terrorists and aliens nearby that machine went down in the aftershocks of the explosion. Jonathan stared at the scene with open mouth. Then he felt it. He somehow felt the gravity pulling him to the floor. Jonathan tried walking and he walked without any problem.

  “Guys, we are back in the game.” Jonathan said excited.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 67 – Crystal Lawson

  Area 51

  Boom! Boom! Bang!

  With a loud bang, the entire gravity killing machine exploded into pieces. Suddenly a series of swooshes came from the facility. Crystal peered over the far away facility and got shocked. A dozens of space crafts are approaching them from the facility.

  Then crystal felt the gravity pulling her close to the ground – the gravity returned.

  “Run,” Crystal managed to say.

  They both bolted into a run through the barren wasteland to nowhere in particular. The swooshes got louder. Crystal took a quick peek at her rear and fear coursed through her at the sight. The space crafts came through the fire which engulfed the gravity killing machine.

  “Run,” Crystal again shouted at Ralph who is struggling to keep up the speed.

  A moment later, the sound of the space crafts being landed came from behind them. Crystal didn’t looked back. She just ran. They climbed a hill and the view below the hill excited her to the core. Below the hill stood a battalion of soldiers. A few military Humvees and military trucks rests here and there.

  Crystal didn’t thought further. She ran towards the soldiers uttering “Help ...” on the way. Suddenly all the soldiers shifted their gaze at Crystal. Then the soldiers trained their assault rifles at whatever coming behind Crystal.

  Before long Crystal and Ralph reached near the soldiers.


  Suddenly a gunshot echoed and Ralph tumbled down with a bullet hole on the back of his head.

  “No ...” Crystal screamed.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  A hail of bullets rained from the top of the hill.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Soldiers also opened fire. A few soldiers’ dead bodies quickly hit the ground. Crystal ran behind a Humvee and she peeked at the hill top. A few dozens of alien infected humans stood on the top of the hill in a line and they are firing at the soldiers. Occasionally light beams came out of the aliens’ body from where the soldiers’ bullets struck them.

  Suddenly a loud swoosh came from the sky. Crystal shifted her gaze at the sky and the horror struck her. The gigantic flying saucer – the mother ship – is coming straight at them.

  God, is this how I die?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 68 – William

  Somewhere in Idaho

  William and Olivia dropped their guns. The alie
ns then pushed them towards the third level. When they reached there, they pushed Olivia and William to a nearby room. Inside the room there are surgical tables, and on two nearby tables rests two dead bodies. The dead bodies were mutilated beyond recognition. Hands and legs aren’t attached to the body and head is barely attached to the neck.

  Olivia suddenly puked. William also have an urge to vomit, but, he swallowed what came out of his belly. The floor is covered in thick blood.

  The aliens pushed them towards two nearby tables. Olivia and William moved towards the table.

  “Please, let us go.” Olivia pleaded.

  One of the alien suddenly giggled. They must be laughing at Olivia’s inability to do anything. Tears welled up in her eyes. William is too shocked to cry or plead.

  “Lie down there.” One of the alien commanded.

  Olivia and William obeyed. They lie down on the table.

  “Please,” Olivia broke into a scream. “Please ...”

  Then the aliens came with plastic tapes and they restrained William and Olivia to the table. Olivia violently wriggled her arms to break free.


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