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Demon Mate

Page 1

by Sheri Lyn

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Sassy Ever After remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC., or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Demon Mate

  Sheri Lyn

  Dear reader,

  In this story, you will meet many characters that we hope you will fall in love with. If you’d like to know more about their stories, check out the below books by Gracen Miller and Cassidy K. O’Connor.

  Gracen Miller:

  Kissing Sassy (Siren Song 1)

  Sassy Vigilante (Siren Song 2)

  Cassidy K. O’Connor

  In My Mate’s Sight

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Brogan Taggart jerked awake with a gasp, sighed and rubbed his hands down his face. This was the third time he’d fallen asleep while at his desk this week. He was exhausted, worn out and frustrated. Add in the voice that seemed to be haunting him, and you had a great recipe for insomnia.

  He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. It’d been six months since Jericho had been taken back to hell. Six months of them searching for a way to bring him back. He’d learned more about demons, hell and their network than he ever wanted to know, yet he was still no closer to finding a way back for him.

  “You know you’re not much good to me like this, don’t you?”

  Brogan sighed and nodded in agreement with his friend and boss. “I know Sheriff. I honestly think I’m going insane.”

  West cocked one eyebrow and moved to sit down. “Now I know something is wrong. You called me Sheriff instead of by my first name. What’s going on and don’t lie to me? I may be new to this whole shifting thing, but I’m still a cop and I’ll know.”

  “That might be an understatement of the year. Your first shift was epic. I’m so glad you let me be there for it.”

  West groaned good naturedly, “easy for you to laugh. It’s terrifying for someone like me. Before I came here I’d never really even talked to a shifter before, at least that I knew of, Deader could have told me.”

  Brogan bit his lip to keep from laughing, West’s first experience shifting was something he wasn’t likely to forget any time soon. The man had been so freaked out, with all these misconceptions of what it was going to be like to coexist with a wolf inside. Damn Hollywood movies for that. “You did good, though. Once you calmed down enough and let the change happen.”

  West shrugged, “Still a bit terrifying if I’m honest, but I’m getting used to it. And running with the pack is like nothing I’d ever imagined.” West laughed, “still getting used to the whole naked thing though. And don’t think I haven’t forgotten why I came in here in the first place. Talk to me and stop trying to distract me.”

  Brogan groaned and nodded, “Can’t blame me for trying.”

  “Is this about Cadence and getting Jericho back?”

  “Partly, yeah. We’re not having any luck so far.” Brogan trailed off and contemplated his next words before speaking again. “Can I ask you a question, that I beg you to keep to yourself? Last thing I need is Rook tormenting me on this.”

  “You know I don’t keep things from him if I can help it. But if it’s something sensitive I won’t tell him unless it affects him. How’s that?”

  Brogan nodded quickly, “Yeah, of course.”

  A couple minutes passed in silence as Brogan stared at the walls, floor and anywhere he could except for his friend a few feet away. You’re being an idiot. Just say it, West will understand and won’t make fun of you much for it. Of all people, he’s the most easygoing and accepting person you know. The internal pep talk helped a bit and he finally took a deep breath and turned his attention back to West who was staring at him with quiet amusement on his face.

  “Finally, ready to tell me what’s on your mind? I’ve only been here a little over six months and I’ve never seen you act like this. It’s kind of entertaining and if I’m honest, petrifying.”

  “I always thought as a shifter I’d know when I met my mate. It would be like instant holy hell there she is, kinda thing, you know.” Brogan glanced away in embarrassment, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, I’ll try to answer.”

  “What did it feel like when you met your Rook? I know it will be different because you weren’t a shifter, but…” He trailed off as he felt his face burn with a blush. He couldn’t believe he was asking this.

  “Brogan Taggert, are you questioning if you’ve met your mate?”

  A sing song voice called from the hallway making both men's eyes widened in horror. “Is that?” Brogan mouthed to West. He cringed as West nodded yes and both men turned to watch the door.

  “Hello boys, oh stop that.” Barbara Wolfe scolded with a fake frown. “You’ll give a woman a complex looking like that when she walks in the door.”

  West jumped to his feet and tried to smile, but even Brogan could see the fear that tinged the edges. “Hi, what a surprise to see you.”

  Barbara laughed, “when are you going to forgive me for the drug store? But don’t worry my boy. I’m not here for you today.”

  Brogan stood up and sputtered but couldn’t figure out what he needed to say, though the scenarios that were running through his mind as to why she’d be in the station scared him.

  “Oh stop,” Barbara laughed, “Not for you either, but I couldn’t help but overhear your words and I had to stop.”

  “No offense, but what are you doing here?” West asked, “You weren’t here five minutes ago when I came in here. Constance was the only one in the station.”

  “I had business with Constance about her niece. But never mind that right now.” She stepped into the room and took a seat. “Sit down boys, no reason to stand for me.”

  He seriously debated running from the room and hiding but he knew that would only make things worse in the end. He was a shifter he could handle this he thought as his wolf whimpered as he sat down in front of his alpha with a pained sigh.

  “Now tell me. Why are you asking what he felt? Do you think you’ve met yours? Is that what this is about? I can tell you that in all my years I’ve never seen a shifter that didn’t instantly know they’d met thei
r soul.”

  “It’s it’s just…” Brogan groaned and leaned back in his chair. “I think I’m losing my mind. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Cadence trying to figure a way to bring Jericho back. It really bothers me that he was sent back to be tortured for helping us.”

  West nodded, “We’ve been searching too, we agree, but what does this have to do with anything?”

  “That’s just it I don’t know if it does or not. For the last couple months, I swear I’ve heard his voice calling to me.”

  Barbara sat up straighter and frowned, “That’s odd. Have you told Cadence about this?”

  “No, I mean I don’t know for sure it’s his voice. We only met him for a handful of hours one day before he was gone.”

  “He did talk to you while you were in wolf form right? I remember Rook mentioning that later. He said he’d never met anyone that could do that that wasn’t pack before.”

  “Yeah, that’s true West. I’d forgotten about that.” Brogan brightened a little bit. “Maybe he is communicating to me then. I mean I guess he could have that power somehow right?”

  Barbara and West shared a glance but neither said a word, Brogan frowned and stared at the two of them waiting for something he knew he might not like.

  “But why you?” West asked hesitantly. “Why not Cadence who is better able to help him.”

  “Unless you think he’s your mate?” Barbara interjected with enthusiasm.

  Chapter Two

  “But I’m not gay.”

  “Fine, bisexual maybe or just attracted to the person and not their sex or …” West trailed off slowly.

  “I’ve only ever been with women, I’ve never even been interested in a man before.” Brogan protested.

  “Boys, the thing that matters here is that he’s contacting you. You might be able to use that to your favor. As to his being your mate, well let’s just say I think it's a strong possibility and I for one look forward to seeing if it’s true.” Barbara stood and winked, “If it makes you feel better I won’t take your mate to the drug store. That’s so last year.”

  Brogan wanted to whimper in fear at her words, what could the woman possibly do to scandalize a half demon? He didn’t want to know, he really didn’t.

  West cleared his throat bringing Brogan back to the present and out of his thoughts, “Do you think he’s your mate?”

  He didn’t know how to reply, he hadn’t felt that insane you’re the one moment, but at the same time he hadn’t not felt a connection too. It was so confusing even to him. There had been something about Jericho that had made him want to run as far away as he could get, but also something that made him want to rub all over Jericho until he smelled of only him.

  “I’ll take your lack of an answer as answer itself.” West chuckled, “Come on let’s go see Cadence. Rook is on his way out there too.”

  Brogan grabbed West as he turned away and stopped him. “I didn’t say that either. I just don’t know what to think anymore. All I do know is that we can’t let him pay for helping us.” That’s all it was, he kept reassuring himself, hoping that if he said it enough he’d eventually believe it totally.

  “Listen, if you need to talk, Deader and I are here. We know what you’re going through, for that matter so does Rook. It’s different with us though, and maybe we can help you settle things in your mind.”

  Brogan stared in confusion for a minute before he finally figured out how to ask what he wanted to know without it coming across as insulting. “You’re gay and he’s with Skarlet. How can you help?”’

  “Because neither of us are what society would call ‘straight’. We’ve both been with men and women. We don’t see male or female, we just see someone we’re attracted too, and what their gender is doesn’t matter to us.”

  “I…. Really?” Brogan stammered in shock. “I had no idea.”

  West smiled, “If it helps, I’ve seen the way you used to flirt with Rook.”

  “Yeah, that was harmless. I knew it would never go anywhere.”

  “Exactly, but let me ask you this. How many men would be comfortable enough in their own skin to flirt with another man like that? Yes, there are some, but not as many as you’d think. Especially not in bars and in open places like you did and not surrounded by their friends.”

  Brogan opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it as he didn’t know what to say. He’d never thought about that before. Why had he felt comfortable enough with Rook to do that? Was it because the town was so accepting or had it been more than that? Sure, he’d noticed good looking guys, but not in the I want to sex you up way. More in appreciation of a fine ass, ripped stomach muscles, or some other random body part. Same as he saw in women actually. Though he did approach some of the women for some one on one time, he’d never considered that with a man.

  “From what I understand and correct me if I’m wrong but the fates assigned you your mate because they are your perfect match correct?”

  “That’s what they say, yeah.” Brogan confirmed as he tried to figure out where West was going with this newest train of thought.

  “Then maybe you’re what they call ‘gay for you’. Jericho could be the only man in the world that you’ll ever be attracted to. That is if he is your mate of course….” West winked and walked out of the room while Brogan stood there contemplating his words.

  West made it sound so simple, but could it really be that easy? If Jericho was his mate, how would he know for sure? And more importantly and equally terrifying was that yes, Brogan and his wolf liked that idea way more than he’d have thought possible.

  Chapter Two

  By the time they parked the car in the small clearing Brogan had dissected the morning’s conversation over and over but still hadn’t discovered anything new to help him figure things out. His only hope was that West would keep this to himself and that Cadence would have some idea why Jericho was contacting him.

  “You been leaving clothes at the Priestesses place? Make things quicker if we shift and run there if you don’t mind.”

  Brogan snorted a laugh, “The question really is are you up to it? I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen you shift, but have you gotten less nervous about it yet?”

  “Screw you, jackoff. I wasn’t nervous after the first time. Just hesitant. Blame the movies, they show those images of people changing into werewolves and that shit is scary.”

  “Fine, you gotten over your irrational fear then?” Brogan teased as he climbed out of the car and started undressing. “Pop the trunk. I’m not leaving my clothes out here.”

  “It wasn’t irrational and yes, I’m over it...for the most part. The pain isn’t that bad and yes it's worth it.” West replied with a shake of his head in exasperation. “Never gonna let me live that shit down are you.” He mumbled.

  Brogan laughed as he waited for West to join him by the trunk. The poor man still had hang ups about getting naked in public.

  “You can stop right now. I know what you’re thinking and I don’t care what you people say. It’s not right for the town sheriff to be naked where anyone could see. I’m supposed to arrest people for this, not do it myself.”

  “Then hurry up and strip. I’ll put our clothes in the trunk and you won’t be naked. You really are a worrywart aren’t you. This is Blue Creek you know, people know we’re shifters and we get naked.” Brogan couldn’t believe how much of a prude Rook’s mate was, in a way he got it. Not everyone grew up being naked outdoors and in front of people. But West was a shifter now, he needed to adapt.

  A low growl from behind him pulled him from his thoughts as he quickly grabbed their clothes and put them away. “Yeah, I hear you.”

  Minutes later the two of them were racing through the woods, jumping over fallen branches, chasing small prey and generally enjoying being a wolf. Brogan loved these moments, all too soon reality would intrude and it would be back to figuring things out before it was too late.

  “Boys,” Cade
nce hollered from her porch a couple hundred yards away stopping Brogan and West in their tracks. “Stop playing and get over here.” Brogan huffed and the two headed towards her at a soft lope.

  “Last time I run with you when we have someplace to be.” West called to Brogan through the pack link. “You should know better than to piss off a Priestess. I’m blaming this on you.”

  Cadence shook her head as the two of them came to a stop a few feet from her. “I’m sure you needed that to work off some steam. I left your clothes here, shift and get dressed, we have much to talk about.”

  That didn’t sound very promising at all. If Brogan had any sense he’d turn tail and run before it was too late. He was ashamed to admit he contemplated it, but then he remembered Jericho suffering in hell with who knew what happening to him and he couldn’t do it. Nothing she would tell them could be worse than what he was most likely going through.

  He shifted and raced into the house panting slightly at the rushed pace. He could hear West fumbling with his clothes behind him and knew he’d be along soon. “Do you have news?” He asked breathlessly.

  “Oh, child. No, I’m sorry. I should have phrased that better.” Cadence sighed and sat down gesturing for Brogan to do the same.

  “Where’s Rook?” West called as he entered the room and sat down on the couch, glancing between Brogan and Cadence.

  “I missed you too, babe,” Rook announced as he walked into the room carrying a tray with drinks and cookies on it.


  “Brogan, I’m not going to keep telling you to call me Cadence. You don’t have to be so formal.”

  “Okay, Cadence, I was thinking that you never told us how you came to know Jericho in the first place. I know it probably won’t help, but I’m curious.”

  She nodded in understanding and leaned back in her chair with a speculative look on her face. “It’s a little hard to explain, but I’ll try. For some of this you may have to just take my word for it. You see I first met Jericho in a dream when I was a child learning the craft from my mother and her mother. Somehow, I created a connection to him that spanned time and space. I knew on some deeper level that we’d exist in the same time, but I didn’t know how old I’d be when that finally happened.”


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