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Demon Mate

Page 2

by Sheri Lyn

  Brogan held his hand up to ask a question that he was sure they all wanted to know. When Cadence paused and glanced to him with a raised eyebrow he wasted no time. “So let me get this straight. You were a child and somehow you managed to talk to Jericho in the future?”

  “Not at first. I could only see him, watch him grow from a baby to the man he is now. Once I grew in my powers enough, I was able to communicate.”

  West cleared his throat to get Cadence’s attention, “Are you talking like a parallel universe or something?”

  She shrugged, “Don’t really know, don’t really care. Just know that eventually we existed in the same year. I was already what most would consider old by the time he was born. I felt it you know. The minute he was born the connection I’d created all those years ago became stronger and more tangible. He somehow retained the knowledge of me and greeted me like an old friend. As the years passed I watched as a distant observer unable to interfere with what fate had already chosen for him. When I warned of things to be, he picked a different path and a much worse fate awaited.”

  “When he became a demon hunter our paths were able to align without consequences. We aided each other as we could. There were times, years, decades and even centuries where he was locked in hell. I did what I could, but ultimately it was always he who found his escape.”

  “Centuries?” Brogan whispered in horror.

  “Yes, child. Like I said when you first met him. It took him over three hundred years to get free the last time he was taken.”

  “Can I ask a question here?” Rook bit his lip and waited as Cadence gave him the go ahead. “No offense meant by this, but just how old were you when you first met him and how old is he?”

  “When I created our bond, I was no more than five years old. When he was born I was two hundred and eighty-three years old. Today he is …” Cadence trailed off in thought. “I just turned eight hundred and fifty-one, no fifty-two. So that makes him about five hundred sixty-nine I believe.”

  All three men gaped at Cadence in astonishment. Brogan didn’t know what to say, sure Cadence looked older but he would have said maybe in her seventies or eighties at the most. He wanted to check the drink Rook had passed out earlier for any sign of hallucinogens. There was no way he was hearing her correctly.

  Cadence cackled in amusement, “If you could see the looks on your faces. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”

  “How?” Brogan whispered between dry lips.

  “As I said, I learned my craft from my mother and my mother’s mother. My maternal line is full of priestesses as far back as you can go. My paternal line is harder to discover. My father was a demon who seduced my mother. He truly loved her as much as a full demon could love.”

  “You’re half demon like Jericho?”

  “He’s my half-brother actually.”

  Chapter Three

  The room became dead silent at her words as they all tried to process what she’d told them. They were siblings, Cadence’s brother was possibly his mate. The two of them were older than dirt and he was possibly mated to a man who was half demon and sister to a high priestess. What in the hell had he gotten himself into.

  “How is it he’s been trapped in hell repeatedly and yet you’re free?”

  Brogan blinked at West’s question. That wasn’t something he had thought about but it was a good question. If she was able to stay here safely maybe it would help keep Jericho here too.

  Cadence shook her head in the negative instantly, “I know where you’re going with that and it won’t work I’m sorry to say. I was born free and raised among my mother’s people. Jericho was born of a pact to a human mother who gave him to our father in exchange for power.”

  “Your father’s people being demon’s then?” Brogan asked just to clarify. He knew the answer, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking in the hopes he was wrong.

  “Yes. Jericho was taught from birth to be a demon, to do harm, to make deals, to barter with humans and to generally destroy life.”

  “Wait,” Rook objected, “The man we met helped us. He said he was a demon hunter. That doesn’t fit with what you’re describing.”

  Brogan agreed. No way would the fates assign him a mate that was evil. Besides his wolf would have sensed that and pushed for him to do something. Yes, part of him had wanted to run and that was probably because Jericho was half demon. The other half of him had definitely not wanted to run, unless it was into his arms that was.

  “You’re right, the man you met isn’t the man I'm describing. The Jericho that you met is who he became when he learned he could fight back and win. He’s paid a heavy price over the years for his defiance of their nature. It’s why whenever a demon is able to trap him and take him back to hell with them, they do it. There’s a high price on his head and it gives a reward to those who succeed.”

  “Why does he do it then? Why does he hunt his kind, knowing there's a chance he’ll go back?” Rook questioned. “I mean he does a lot of good and we probably wouldn't have been able to banish the demon without him, but it seems like a high price to pay.”

  “He told me it’s his penance for all the harm he caused before he rebelled. He tries to stop his brethren from harming others now.”

  Brogan tensed as something came to him that he wasn’t sure he liked. “Cadence, being part demon does that give you special gifts and abilities?”

  She nodded with a quizzical look, obviously confused where he was going with this line of questioning.

  “For instance, would a half demon be able to communicate to someone in their head?” He wanted to hold his breath in anticipation of the answer. He wasn’t sure what he wanted the answer to be.

  “Some could I guess, it’s not an ability I possess though. But Jericho might, yes. You did say he spoke to you and Rook when you were chasing the demon before after all.”

  “Does he have the power to speak to people from there though. I mean if he’s in Hell can he speak to us here?” West interjected with a quick look to Brogan.

  Cadence glanced between the two men and frowned. “What am I missing?”

  “He’s been talking to me in my head. It’s usually when I’m falling asleep or some other time I’m extremely relaxed. He’s there and then gone without warning. At first, I thought I was imagining it. We’d spent months searching for a way to bring him back. I thought it was my subconscious playing tricks on me. But it’s happening more and more and I know it’s him.” Brogan rambled on nervousness.

  “What does he say?” Cadence asked in a choked whisper.

  “Always the same thing.” Brogan took a breath and closed his eyes as he heard the pained words in his head again and again. “He says, I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t understand.” She replied with tears pouring down her face. “He shouldn’t be able to do that and why is he sorry?”

  No one had a good answer and they fell silent for a few minutes until West broke the silence with his next question.

  “Do you think, I mean, I was thinking and Brogan wondered too. Is it possible they’re mates and that’s how he’s able to talk to him?”

  Rook frowned and nodded slowly, “You know that would make sense. Mates do have that bond and ability to speak to each other. Since he’s part demon maybe it enhances the ability somehow.”

  Brogan laughed sarcastically, “How does any of this make sense? We’re sitting here with a half demon-half Voodoo Priestess who is older than I can even process, talking about a man who may be my mate who is also a half demon and older than my grandparents-grandparents. This is all just insane.”

  “No offense but before I moved here and met you all, I thought shifters were insane. I’d heard of them, but had no practical knowledge.” West shrugged, “As Shakespeare said ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ Why isn’t this just as possible?”

  “He’s right,” Rook replied with a nod to West. “I mean before all thi
s went down and those bodies turned up, I didn’t even know demons really existed. I’d heard stories but just assumed they were made up. Now we know different. Who’s to say what is real and we just haven’t experienced it yet.”

  Brogan shrugged but didn’t reply. His brain was too full to even contemplate what else could be out there. This was enough to deal with right now. Jericho needed to escape prison and he needed to do it soon. They were running out of ideas fast and for some reason he couldn’t explain he felt like time itself was against them on this one.

  West stood, “I have to go back to town. I have a meeting with Deader about a case we’ve got. If I come up with anything I’ll pass it on to you. Cadence, thank you for the drink and company.”

  Rook stood to walk him out. Brogan watched with an envious sigh at their relationship. He’d never thought about what it would mean to find his mate, because he honestly never expected to. But now that he knew or quit being in denial about it at least, he wanted it with a passion that bordered on obsessive.

  “Don’t look so forlorn, things will work out. They always do.”

  Chapter Four

  He couldn’t believe he was participating in this asinine plan, but what could he say it was Caeden. The newest deputy, pack mate and resident of Blue Creek and he couldn’t turn down a friend in need. Even if it involved taking the mutt to play as a seeing eye dog to his blind mate. Constance was insane for asking this of a shifter, but it was just Caeden’s luck her niece Koira was also his mate. Brogan didn’t know if he’d have done it, but then again, he didn’t have a murderer chasing his blind mate to town either. Who knows what he’d have done if the shoe had been reversed.

  “I can’t believe you agreed to this, I would never be someone’s pet.” Brogan was trying desperately to hold in his laughter but it was a struggle he really didn’t care if he won. “Are the rumors true, is she your mate?”

  “Yeah, I never expected to meet her so soon, I have to believe there is a higher power controlling our lives, otherwise what are the odds we would meet when we live across the country?”

  “I have to agree with you. I think I’ve found my mate and he wasn’t even on this plane of existence, and now he’s trapped in Hell. So yeah, I would say fate or something is helping us out.” Brogan grumbled as he stared out the window of his squad car as they drove to Koira’s.

  A full minute passed before Brogan realized Caeden hadn’t responded. He turned and found his passenger staring at him like he had two heads. “Forget I said anything, it’s my problem.”

  “I’m sorry, you just took me by surprise. I thought maybe you were kidding but I can tell you aren’t. When did you meet him?”

  Brogan could see the surprise on Caeden’s face. “Yeah, I know he’s the first man I’ve ever been into. A couple of months ago we had a rash of bodies showing up in the woods on pack land. Cadence, the priestess who lives outside of town, brought him in to help with the case. I barely had time to meet him before he was taken.”

  “And when you say he’s trapped in Hell?”

  “I can’t tell you more than that, I’m working with Cadence to get him back but I don’t know what that means yet.” Brogan pulled into a parking spot outside Koira’s building and put the car in park as he released a tired sigh.

  “I can honestly say I have no idea what you have been going through or what you are going to endure in the future, but know I am here to help if you need me.” Caeden squeezed Brogan’s shoulder before stripping his clothes and shifting to his animal.

  Brogan couldn’t contain his laughter this time. “I’m sorry man, it is just so hard to think of you as a fierce shifter when you are so damn cute.” Brogan scratched him between his ears, Caeden growled to let him know he didn’t appreciate his humor. “Okay Thumper, let’s go check out your mate.”

  Brogan knocked loudly on Koira’s door and waited patiently with Thumper shifting from standing to sitting repeatedly, it was obvious he was antsy to see his mate. “Calm down, pup, if you start humping her leg she might make me take you back.”

  As they heard clicks of locks being turned, Brogan leaned down and strapped something around Caeden’s neck, “I almost forgot, I bought you a gift.”

  The door swung open, Koira’s smile was electric. “Caeden, you’re back?”

  “I’m sorry ma’am, I’m Deputy Brogan Taggert, I was asked to bring Thumper over.”

  “Oh Deputy Taggert, please come in. It’s so strange, I have a great sense of smell and I swore Caeden was back.” Brogan glanced down to Caeden and shrugged in surprise. “I’ve been so anxious to meet him, thank you for loaning him to me when Caeden and my Aunt can’t be around. Maybe I should sit on the couch and you can introduce me?”

  Brogan started to nod, but quickly realized that would be stupid since she couldn’t see him. He nudged Thumper to move and walked in through the open door. He sat in the recliner with Thumper at his side intently watching Koira walk in and sit.

  She held her hand out and waited. Caeden knew what to do, he walked over and nudged her hand with his snout. Brogan smiled evilly, how he wished he had a camera to show West and Rook how whipped the pup was already.

  “He’s so soft, what does he look like?”

  Brogan couldn’t help himself. This was an opportunity to good to pass up. “Thumper’s a good dog, albeit a bit past his prime. He’s a chocolate lab with brown eyes. He’s pretty affectionate guy but I warn you he does have some bad gas once in a while. When he does that, you just let him out on the patio, he’ll do his business and scratch when he’s ready to come back in.” The blissfully happy dog whose head had tilted back to give Koira easier access to scratch his chest suddenly flipped his head forward and narrowed his eyes at Brogan.

  “Milk or Dark?”

  “Um, excuse me?” Brogan had no idea what she was talking about.

  “It would seem the men in this town have trouble with details. I was asking what shade of chocolate he was.”

  “I guess I would say he’s dark, almost burnt chocolate.” Brogan winked at Caeden.

  “I can feel something on his collar, what is it?”

  “Oh, you would love it, the collar is black and spelling out in pink rhinestones it says, “Mama’s Boy” with little hearts on each side of the name. See we weren’t really sure he was going to pass training, he was really attached to the woman he was fostered with. I admit there were times I seriously thought he wasn’t going to be able to leave her.”

  Koira leaned close to Thumper’s face and scratched under his chin, “I think you sound wonderful, you are such a good dog.” Thumper looked over at Brogan with a superior look on his face.

  “Well it does appear he is in good hands. I’ll let your aunt know everything is well here.”

  “Thank you, I will follow you so I can lock up.” Brogan walked down the hall and silently placed a bag on top of a tall cabinet Koira would never be able to reach. Caeden yipped at him to let him know he saw. They had agreed earlier he would leave a change of clothes and his cell phone on silent in case Caeden needed it.

  Brogan could feel Caeden’s eagerness to have him gone so he slowed his pace until he felt Caeden push against Brogan’s legs rushing him out of the apartment. He bit back a laugh and winked at the furry bastard.

  “Have fun you two, and Thumper be on your best behavior, I don’t want any bad reports when I come back to get you later.”

  Chapter Five

  Brogan’s phone rang just as he was climbing back in his car still chuckling over Caeden’s behavior with his mate.

  “Hey West, what’s up?”

  “Two things, first how did it go dropping Thumper off?”

  “I wish I had a camera so you could see it. He is going to have one hell of a night if I don’t miss my guess. Koira is already in love with Thumper. I bet he has one hell of a case of blue balls before morning.”

  West burst into laughter and relayed Brogans words to someone in the background. Wherever the sheriff was it wa
s noisy and he couldn’t hear the other person. “Deader says that maybe we should pin one of those micro cameras on your shirt next time. But my second reason for calling is, since you’re now off duty we’d like you to come join us for a drink and some dinner. Our significant others are occupied for a few hours so we’re at loose ends.”

  Brogan didn’t answer right away, he was debating the sanity of having a drink with the two of them. More than likely Rook would show up when he came around to do his nightly patrols. So, if things got to uncomfortable he’d be there to help...hopefully. “Sure, where are you?”

  “The Wolfe’s Den. Booth in the back corner.” West shouted as the noise got louder for a few minutes. “Sorry, fight broke out. Can you hear me now? Never mind, just see you in a few.”

  Brogan frowned at the phone and hung up. What was going on, had the sheriff just ignored a fight? Five minutes later he pulled his patrol car to a stop outside the bar and waited for a second debating the sanity of parking and going in or not. He was just glad he wasn’t in uniform, not that it would help a whole lot. Blue Creek was small enough everyone knew everyone. So, if something did happen, uniform or not, he was going to have to intervene. He finally gave in and parked grumbling the whole way to the doors.

  “Hey guys. How are things tonight?” Brogan called to the bouncers loitering by the door.

  “Pretty quiet for the most part. Have some out of towners in that tried to start shit with your boss and the bone doctor. We moved them to a more secluded area away from the other customers and it’s helped …. Tremendously.”

  Brogan opened his mouth to respond, shut it and then tried again. He wasn’t sure what to think. “The sheriff and Deader got into a fight?”


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