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The One That Matters

Page 30

by Elle Linder

  Parker roared, laughing.

  “A duck?” Marie’s mouth gaped open. “I’ll have you know carrying around a ten-pound watermelon in your belly is no easy task, mister.” She winked.

  Jackson laughed, slapping his knee. “It does look like there’s a watermelon under your shirt!”

  “Okay, enough of this, your dad is waiting. Are you sure about going in alone?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow for the party. Have fun buddy.” She smiled warmly.

  Jackson grabbed his backpack It was all he needed. He opened his door but paused before stepping out. “I love you both. See you tomorrow!” And he dashed out the door.

  “He’s the greatest kid ever,” Parker said, waving to him.

  “He’s the best and I can’t believe he went in alone. Just a year ago we had to coax him out the door and now he’s going on his own. Wow.”

  The last couple of months Craig had made positive steps in improving his relationship with Jackson. The process was slow, but the change was happening. After Marie put him in his place, it was like a new Marie had been born. She opened her heart and her home (the mansion) to Sasha and formed a casual friendship with her. Together they would mother Jackson so he would thrive all around knowing everyone loved him. It was a turning point for Marie, who was not only thinking of Jackson but also Parker who treated Jackson like his son. In fact, he never referred to Jackson as his “step-son;” he was just his son. It was at that point Marie realized the more people Jackson had in his life who loved him, the better off he would be, and he was one lucky boy. The realization caused her to focus on restoring and building relationships. Because familia is todo, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a traditional family or blended. Family is everything.

  Jackson walked through the front door without knocking. “Hello…Dad…Sasha? I’m here,” he called.

  “We’re out back,” Craig hollered.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing?” Jackson kissed Sasha on the cheek and high fived Craig.

  “Take a look at this,” Craig said, pointing to his iPad. Jackson looked, but he didn’t know what he was looking at. “It’s an email from our adoption lawyer.”

  “How do you feel about a little sister?” Sasha asked grinning widely, her eyes sparkling with a glossy sheen.

  “Are you kidding me?! That would be awesome! When is she coming? What’s her name? How old is she?”

  Sasha and Craig laughed.

  “Slow down buddy.” Craig patted his back. “These things take a little time. We don’t know anything about the girl yet.”

  “Yes, it can take up to six months before the agency has a baby for us. But, I’m hoping to have her home by Christmas.” Sasha wiped a tear off her cheek.

  “This is awesome.” Jackson smiled.

  “It is but now that we’ve shared the news, I thought we could binge-watch Pierce today if you’re not sick of the show?” Craig nudged Jackson playfully.

  “Never! It’s the best show ever!”

  “Nah, I think you’re biased. You do live with the star of the show.” He laughed awkwardly.

  “Yeah, and he’s pretty great, but he isn’t my dad.”

  Craig was silent for a few beats, and Jackson knew the look. Since the accident, he often choked up with emotion. “Well, you lucked out with him. Having someone in the business will help you after college with film production. Or has your interest changed since two months ago?”

  “Still the same.” Jackson waggled his eyebrows. There was a time when Craig didn’t remember anything Jackson told him, and now he never forgot anything Jackson shared with him.

  It was party day, and as always, Ann was the first guest to arrive. “Look at this place,” Ann raved following Marie out to the patio. “I swear you guys have the most beautiful home in SoCal.”

  “Thanks, hon.” Marie smiled as she wobbled around. “Do you think I overdid it with the decorations and food?”

  “No way. Are you saying you did all this in your condition?” Ann teased.

  “Stop it. You know I only directed. Such is the life of the rich and famous.” She giggled. “We direct and the staff goes to work making it all happen. Except, I’m close friends with Vicky and Héctor. They’re more than staff.”

  “I can’t believe Craig is coming. Wow, have things changed since last year. I gotta hand it to you; you’re one effing awesome woman…a true badass.” Ann giggled, holding onto her pregnant belly.

  “That she is,” Parker agreed, walking out to the patio. He kissed Marie’s temple and rubbed her stomach. “How’s my girl? I think you need to sit for a bit. You’ve been on the go since seven this morning,” he said, pulling a chair out.

  Marie sat down, and her hands instantly went on top of her belly, as she exhaled. “Fine. I think everything is perfect now anyway. I’ll sit here to please you. So, Ann, what’s with effing? You’re usually throwing f-bombs around left and right.”

  “Ugh, I know. I even felt weird saying effing when I really wanted to say fucking, but I promised Troy I’d work on curbing my cussing. For the baby.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Nothing wrong with that. You’re just putting your baby first. Good for you,” Marie encouraged.

  “Oh shut up, you’re just teasing me,” Ann snapped, then fell into laughter with Marie. They always knew how to get a rise out of the other.

  “You girls crack me up,” Parker said as he handed both pregnant women a bottle of water. He was on baby watch and keeping a close eye on Marie. Once they entered July, he nagged her constantly to slow down. She was due any day and yet she acted as if she had weeks to go.

  “Well here you are,” Nancy said. Nancy and Peter had flown out for Lexi’s birthday and the arrival of the baby. They had booked all of July for their visit to be sure they didn’t miss the baby’s birth. “I have something to show you.” Nancy grinned, handing Marie a gift bag.

  In the bag were the cutest little western boots. Marie gushed over them. “Oh my, were these Parker’s?” she asked. “They’re adorable.”

  Nancy and Peter’s excitement over their fourth grandchild was precious. Marie loved them both very much. After the wedding, they hadn’t skipped a beat treating her and the kids like they had always been part of the family. They were good people, just like her parents, who were equally ecstatic to be getting another grandchild. They would be out after the baby was born.

  “Yes, they were Parker’s. He loved these boots so much he’d even sleep in them.” Nancy laughed. “He was the cutest little cowboy ever.”

  “Aww, I love them. Thank you.” Marie hugged her.

  Vicky walked onto the patio and everyone turned. Sasha was pushing Craig in his wheelchair. It was the first time Craig had been to the mansion. Parker helped Marie to stand so they could greet their guests.

  “Hi, I’m happy you both could join us.” Marie smiled and hugged Sasha.

  “We wouldn’t miss Lexi’s twenty-first birthday,” Sasha said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Big.” Marie sighed, rubbing her tummy. “It won’t be long now.”

  “Well, you look amazing. So where’s the birthday girl? Jackson and Ricky ran upstairs. Before we picked Ricky up to bring him to the party, I took Jackson shopping to buy a gift for Lexi. He wanted to wrap it himself.” Sasha winked.

  “That’s so sweet! I’m not sure where Lexi is.” Marie looked at Parker.

  “She’s probably inside with Isaac. I’ll let her know you guys have arrived,” Parker offered.

  To say the luxurious estate Marie called home humbled Craig was an understatement. His envy was evident, but Marie pressed on being her usual joyful self and refrained from rubbing it in his face. The change in dealing with each other was very different. Marie was outspoken and didn’t take any crap, and that seemed to make Craig back off. It even looked like he respected her now, which was something Marie had never believed was possible.

  Jackson and Ricky ran out of the hou
se with Parker trailing behind them. Ricky was a regular attendee of all events at the mansion, on top of his monthly weekend visit they established after they had moved in last December. It did Marie’s heart good to see Jackson carefree and loving life. She looked behind Parker for Lexi and Isaac, but they weren’t anywhere in sight. She looked at Parker expectantly.

  “Lexi and Isaac will be out shortly. I think they’re having a little…disagreement.” He winked. Marie’s eyes widened. Over the last couple of months, their ‘little disagreements’ were occurring more frequently. Everyone liked Isaac, but they were young and growing into themselves as independent adults. Marie was cautiously optimistic they would last.

  When Lexi and Isaac finally made an appearance, they were smiling and holding hands, crisis averted. Lexi hugged Sasha first and then Craig.

  “Happy birthday, Lex,” Craig said. His tone was genuine. The effort he was making to mend fences with both kids was noticeable. Craig was often slow as molasses with changes, but Marie hoped for the kids’ sake the transformation would be positive and permanent.

  “Thanks, Dad. I’m glad you and Sasha could make it.” Lexi smiled.

  The evening unfolded with Brooke and Dave arriving with their baby, Lucas. He had been born in May, and was the spitting image of Brooke. To everyone’s surprise, Brooke fell into motherhood gracefully. She was a natural, and it blew them all away. Their Brookie went from living life on the edge with a different man each month to settled into all things domestic. She and Dave were already talking about baby number two.

  Marie had laughed heartily when Parker and Jackson teamed up to convince her to have another baby shortly after this baby was born. All she could do was smile. The truth was, she wasn’t against having another baby, and she would want them close in age.

  “Mom, thank you for all this,” Lexi said as she hugged her. “I know in your condition this couldn’t have been easy, but I appreciate it.”

  “Oh honey, I love you. Just enjoy your twenties—they fly by fast.”

  “I’m in no rush.” She rubbed Marie’s stomach. “But, I am in a rush to meet this little one.”

  “You and me both kiddo.”

  The nursery renovations had been completed back in May, and the nursery was the most enchanting room in the house—fit for royalty. The dark stained furniture was warm and inviting, the creamy white linens were luxurious, and the art gallery themed room breathtaking. It had turned out better than Marie imagined and it was all Parker’s idea. She had given him total control over the nursery and he didn’t disappoint. The whimsical room had become her favorite room in the mansion.

  Parker had hired a favorite local artist to paint original artwork for the baby’s room. He asked everyone to select a childhood story for the artist to create original works out of each person’s favorite scene. It was a beautiful and expressive way for everyone to take part in the baby’s nursery.

  Over the last several months as each new painting entered the room, Marie would spend hours in the rocking chair transfixed by the wall. The paintings created a gallery wall in the baby’s suite that was surrounded by baby pictures of Marie, Parker, and both Lexi and Jackson. The sentimental value the wall held touched Marie deeply each time she entered the nursery. Sometimes there would be tears, which she blamed on hormones.

  Scenes from Corduroy (Parker’s favorite) to The Velveteen Rabbit (Marie’s favorite) lined the walls. Lexi chose The Lorax and Jackson loved Goodnight Moon. The artist herself selected the fifth book. Parker had asked her to pick a book she felt would complement all the other books and their family. It was the last of the paintings to enter the room, and it didn’t arrive until after Harrison Peter Nichols was born.

  The day of the reveal once again brought Marie to tears. Love You Forever was a book Marie had forgotten about, though she had read it to Jackson dozens of times until he tired of it at about age six. It was the perfect story to complete the gallery wall.

  Chapter 27

  A Full Life

  One August afternoon, Marie was in the nursery rocking Harrison. She had just finished feeding him, and he was in a milk-induced coma, comfortably snuggled against her chest. Six weeks had already passed since his birth and Marie cherished every second with him. The babymoon was still going strong. The constant foot traffic of visitors in and out of the estate Marie welcomed. Many were friends and most were celebrities bringing lavish gifts for baby Harrison. Being married to someone famous was anything but simple or practical, and she loved it. Not once did she feel alone after moving into the mansion. “Do you see this, Abuelita, I’m not alone.”

  Rocking softly, she smiled, staring at the gallery wall. The feel of his soft silky brown hair against her chin tickled, and his intoxicating scent drew a contented sigh from her. His fair skin made her smile every time. He looked just like Parker as a newborn, except with brown hair. When she stared at the picture on the wall, it was as if she was looking at Harrison. A giggle rolled out of her as she looked down at her fair-skinned baby against her tanned chest. It was hard to believe Harrison was hers. Her Latin genes weren’t dominant in him like they were in the older kids. This was a whole new experience for her.

  “Tessa would eat you up, Harrison,” she whispered against his little head. “Just like she did with your brother when he was born.” The sweet memory produced a tear that rolled out the corner of her eye.

  It had been over two months since Tessa moved to Maine and Marie missed her terribly. Thanksgiving couldn’t come soon enough so she could see her dear friend and introduce her to Harrison. They had made the plans before Tessa moved away. Everyone would meet at Parker’s lake house, like the previous year—their new Thanksgiving tradition. Then they could meet her boyfriend, Joe. But, three months seemed like a lifetime to wait. And Marie’s sadness had a keen hold on her mood.

  Everyday Marie would talk about Tessa and how she would smother Jackson’s neck with kisses, or nibble on his fingers, or beg to change his diaper. Marie missed having her around to dote on Harrison. Tessa had been the only one of the girls who swooned over Jackson. Ann and Brooke loved him for sure, but when he was born, they weren’t wanting to get bit with baby fever and kept him at a safe distance. But Tessa would have welcomed a baby anytime, and she relished every opportunity to love on Jackson.

  “Hi, baby, how’s the little man doing?” Parker asked, walking into the nursery. He bent down and kissed her, and then he kissed the baby’s head.

  “He’s an angel. You’re later than I was expecting you.”

  “Yeah, I had an errand to run. You look a little sad. What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Nothing, just hormones I guess. What errand?”

  “I think your problem has a name.” He squatted down and looked her in the eyes.

  “What name?” She frowned at him.


  Marie blinked her eyes and swallowed her emotions back.

  “I know you’ve been sad for the last few weeks. I don’t like to see you sad,” he said, with so much sincerity it put a lump in her throat. She inhaled and stroked his cheek.

  “I miss her.”

  “I know, baby.” He kissed her while rubbing the baby’s back. “Do you know how much you matter to me? How much both of you matter to me? No, how much all of you matter to me?”

  “Yes, I do. You show me dozens of times each day.”

  “Well, let me show you again.” He stood and went to the door. “The reason I was late,” he said in his best theatrical voice as he opened the door.

  “Hey, momma.” Tessa squealed and ran over to Marie for a hug. The floodgates blew open. “Look at you…you’re beautiful.” Tessa gushed.

  “I can’t believe it! You’re here…you’re really here! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I’ve been crying for days…no, for weeks. If I had known you were coming, I could have saved a tree with all the tissue I’ve used.”

  “Parker wanted it to be a surprise. You know he’s very convincing.” She
giggled, looking at him. “Now gimme that baby.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll trade places with you.” Marie stood from the rocking chair and Tessa sat down. First Marie kissed the baby’s head and then placed him in her dear friend’s arms. The joy Marie took in watching Tessa swoon over Harrison, drinking him in, and smelling the top of his head like he was a drug, was precious. A precious gift from the man she adored. Marie looked at Parker and walked into his arms.

  “Are you happy, baby?” he asked wrapping his arms around her.

  “Mhmm, I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

  “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you,” he said, pressing his lips to her temple. She knew he meant every word. His unfailing love and support exceeded her highest expectations. She saw it the first time she met him. And over the course of the last year, he’d never let her down.

  An hour later, Marie was surprised again when Ann and Brooke showed up. Parker wasn’t done spoiling her. It was a mini-reunion for the four women whose laughter filled the air for the next several hours. They ate, they talked, and they all loved on Harrison and Lucas.

  Marie excused herself, leaving Harrison with Tessa while she went to look for Parker. She needed to thank him for the fantastic evening he had planned for her and her friends. It didn’t take her long to find him nestled in his study looking over his lines for the coming week. Her eyes smoldered as she walked over to him.

  He swiveled toward her in his big leather chair and she sat on his lap. Immediately, his hands roamed over her body. Her little hums and moans of enjoyment excited him. So much so, she could feel him growing hard beneath her. Thrilled by the unspoken proposition, she kissed him deeply.

  A wickedly playful smile took shape as she stroked him. His pleading, wanting eyes burned into hers. “Tonight I’m going to thank you properly,” she promised. “What you did for me today, baby it will take me hours to show you how much I love and appreciate you.”


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