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The One That Matters

Page 31

by Elle Linder


  When Marie rejoined the girls, they had moved out onto the veranda. The dreamy smile on her face told all, and she knew they’d know Parker put it there. They made kissing sounds just to tease her.

  “Ha-ha, you’re all so cute. I just had to thank my husband for this sweet and thoughtful gift. And to promise him there would be more thank-yous tonight.” She grinned with a slight shake and shimmy to her body. She collected Harrison from Tessa and sat down next to Ann. “So, did I miss anything?”

  “Not a thing. Just lots of lovin’ on these boys.” Tessa smiled. “I have to say, Harrison doesn’t look a thing like Jackson or Lexi. It’s crazy how he’s all Parker. The genes were strong with that one,” Tessa teased.

  “I know, when they put him on my stomach, he was so creamy white and pink. I almost didn’t believe he was mine. But I love that he looks like Parker. Maybe the next one will look more like me.”

  “Ah, ‘the next one.’ Sounds very promising,” Ann said.

  “Yes, we want another one so Harrison will have a sibling close in age. And hopefully, it will be a girl. So far, Lexi is the only girl in our group of kids. We’re all hoping you’ve got a little girl in there,” Marie said giving Ann’s swollen tummy a rub.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I love you all to pieces and would never let you down. Your wish is my command.” Ann giggled holding her belly. The girls all squealed and clapped.

  Parker happened to be walking out and his curiosity quickly led him to the veranda. He stood watching the four friends hug and laugh, admiring their friendship. These women would go to the ends to the earth for each other. “What’s all the squeals about ladies?” he asked.

  “Ann is having a girl!” Marie stood and handed the baby to him. Parker cradled the baby in his arms like a pro. In her excitement, Marie clapped and bounced. “This day couldn’t get any better!”

  “Congratulations, Ann.” Parker smiled. “So, which one of the boys will get her hand in marriage?”

  Marie and Brooke looked at each other. Serious expressions and silence filled the space.

  “Well, Lucas was born first so he should have first dibs,” Brooke plainly stated.

  Ann laughed.

  “Wait, Harrison will be around all the time. They’re sure to fall in love,” Marie returned with an arched brow.

  “No, that doesn’t mean anything. I’ll bring Lucas down twice a month to spend time with her. So, he still gets first dibs,” Brooke countered.

  Parker and Tessa watched the girls go back and forth. There was a battle of wills going on right before them. Hopefully, an all-out war didn’t ensue over what was to be a harmless, ‘all in good fun’ question.

  “Seriously, with you in San Francisco, it just makes sense that Harrison will get the girl,” Marie said with a firm tone. “Ann, do you have a name yet?”

  “Well of course we do.” She batted her eyelashes. “You know what a planner Troy is.” Everyone looked at her expectantly. “Oh, you actually want to know the names?”

  “Duh, yes we want to know the names.” Brooke rolled her eyes.

  “Names? As in plural?” Marie asked to verify.

  “Yes, names.” Ann laughed. “Skye and Brea…what do you think?” She looked at everyone with a cool, matter-of-fact air about her.

  “I like Skye,” Marie said.

  “No. Brea sounds perfect with Sumner. Brea Sumner...,” Brooke sang the name.

  “Nuh-uh, Brea Nichols sounds better. But, Skye Nichols is my favorite,” Marie said. “Which is your favorite?” she asked Ann.

  “Both. Each one needs a name you know,” Ann said nonchalantly.

  “You’re having twins? Twin girls?” Parker asked to clarify. They all stared at Ann, stunned.

  “Mhmm, good job Parker.” She winked. “Looks like we’re going to have to tag-team these girls to resuscitate them.”

  “I don’t believe it. Twins? Girls?” Marie repeated.

  “Yes babe, now there will be a girl for each one of the boys. I’d never let you down.” Ann smirked.

  “Oh-my-gosh, I’m so happy for you!” Marie squealed as she hugged Ann. “Wait, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Marie pulled back with a scowl on her face.

  “Because it’s more fun this way. And truthfully, we only found out last month. It seems these girls were already trying to trick us.” She laughed, rubbing her tummy.

  “Well, we’ll let it slide this time. But these secrets have to stop,” Marie demanded. “If anyone else gets pregnant, married or whatever…fess up right away. Got it, girls?”

  “DEAL!” all three women called out in unison.

  Later that evening, once the house emptied, and Jackson and Harrison were down for the night, Marie was ready to make good on her promise to Parker. She walked out of the bathroom in her red silk robe that covered her body completely, unlike the last time she wore it over her pregnant silhouette. From the bed Parker watched her, his dreamy gaze lit a fire in her. She crawled onto the bed and cuddled up to him. Then she started to giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I can’t believe it. Twins. Four babies in one year.” She sighed. “Last year at this time none of us would have ever imagined we’d all be having babies…like rabbits.” She giggled again. “Well, except for Tessa.” She made a sad face.

  “I guess the timing was right. All it took was meeting the right men at the right time, and bam…we’s raining babies.”

  “Seriously, it’s crazy. I keep thinking how none of this would have happened if it weren’t for Ann. She forced me out of my sad hermit life. That day I had my heels dug in deep, unwilling to open myself up to anyone. I didn’t think anyone would want me.”

  “I remember you in that white dress with the pink on the bottom. Damn did you look sexy on the dance floor. The second I saw you, I wanted you.” He snuggled her close.

  “I was afraid of everything back then and unsure of myself.” She looked up at him. “You helped to bring out the woman I am today. I’m strong and confident because of the love and support you gave me.”

  “Aww, baby.” He kissed her head.

  “No really, you believed in me…in us. If you hadn’t fought for us when I walked away…into Seth’s arms…we wouldn’t be here right now.” Her head popped up to look at him. “Harrison wouldn’t be here right now, and Lucas either!”

  “Now, don’t get yourself worked up. This was all meant to be and that’s why all of our lives are amazing. We each found the one that matters. I didn’t do anything spectacular. I just acted on my gut feelings and I loved you—that’s it.”

  “So, you’re saying it was fate? Serendipity? That night in the Latin club changed all of our lives?”

  “Mhmm, and our life is amazing. Sometimes I wake up in the morning thinking it was all a dream and then I see you lying beside me. I’m in awe of all that I have with you.”

  “Our life is amazing,” she agreed. “Now, I want to show you how much I appreciate you, as I mentioned earlier. I haven’t forgotten,” she said as her hand moved over him. “I can feel you haven’t forgotten either.” She looked up into his wanting eyes. “Harrison will be waking up at midnight, so we should get this started now.”

  Marie took a little remote out of the pocket of her robe. She pushed a button and a Latin song started playing. With the same remote, she dimmed the lights. It thrilled her to have such power in her hand.

  “This song. It’s the song we danced to at the club, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Marie smiled seductively at Parker. “It’s called Me Enamoré. It means I Fell In Love.” She sensually kissed a trail that began at his temple and ended at his lips. He held her there while his enjoyment grew beneath the sheets. In a slow, sultry manner, she pulled away from him. The yearning in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine. That’s all she needed to turn into a fiery, passionate woman.

  Marie rose to her knees before him and untied her robe, letting it fall off her. Parker’s eyes
gleamed with adoration, followed by desire as he drank in the sight of her body. There was no flinching, or closing her eyes from embarrassment. She wasn’t unsure about her body anymore or her ability to satisfy him. Confidently, she straddled him.

  “Damn, baby.” He inhaled deeply and went to touch her, but she stopped him.

  “No, not yet.” Her control of the situation made him shudder beneath her. But he knew as well as she did that all he needed to do was touch her and she’d come apart in an instant. Lightly she kissed his neck, suppressing her ravenous desire for him while playfully torturing him, all to get him stirred up inside. A wicked, empowering smile stretched across her face. Next came a wave of warmth and wetness through her body. “Enough of this torture,” she declared. With an approving look, his hands were all over her, and she loved it.

  “About time,” he said covering her in desperate kisses.

  “In the morning, after the baby eats, I want to enjoy you in the shower like I did the night we conceived him.”

  Parker stared at her, his ocean-blue eyes turned red, hot with desire. He swiftly flipped her onto her back and filled her core with a heated passion only meant for her.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for being part of Marie’s journey. Like Marie, you also matter. Marie took a chance. She stepped out of her comfort zone and her life changed course. So can yours, if you just take a chance, and your life’s journey can also change. Marie’s abuelita would tell her, “No estar solo.” Do not be alone. I want to tell you, “No estas solo.” You are not alone.

  With much love to you.

  XOXO, Elle


  My deepest gratitude and love goes out to so many who believed in me from day one. The creation of this labor of love was not a solo trip; there have been many, many people who have been along for this ride.

  My editor Judith, thank you for coming through for me, editing this book during a very difficult and trying time in your life. I appreciate you dearly and have learned so much from you.

  My social media, content manager, Brittany. I stand in awe of all that you do for me. Not only are you fantastic with words, you are also tech savvy. You have blessed me greatly!

  My proofreaders, Jennie and Beth. It was with your keen eyes for details and finding errors that this book is polished and ready for the reader’s enjoyment. You both rock!

  My beta readers: Maryann, Alyssa, Judith, Yvonne, Rita, Lilia, Judy, Katherine, Aurora, Jennie, Carrie, and Shelley. Your genuine excitement and encouragement motivated me through this journey. Without your honest feedback, this book may have never seen the light of day.

  My awesome children; Brittany, Matthew, Sarah, Christian, Avery, Emma, Annemarie, and my daughter-in-love, Sydney. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience as I talked about my writing constantly, and while I locked myself away to get the words put onto paper. You’re all priceless to me.

  My dearest bestie, Maryann. Thank you for hearing me out each time we talked on the phone. If I irritated you while I gabbed incessantly about the book, you never let it show. Your encouragement and enthusiasm about my story and me as a writer was next to none. You have been my loudest cheerleader. You are my rockstar of a best friend. I love you.

  My support system, Kristi and Alyssa who, over drinks once a month at the Legion, let me talk about my newest story and pushed me to reach for the stars. Kim and Lisa, just knowing I had you two in my back pocket, ready to jump into action if the call came, meant the world to me. I love all of you!

  My parents, Robert and Mel, there has never been a time you didn’t believe in me. Your love and support has been the fuel that has made me who I am. I’ve learned how hard work and dedication produces success from the very best. You are my role models in life and I have been blessed beyond measure being your daughter.

  Michael, my husband, you were with me when this idea was conceived, and throughout the process of writing this book, you have challenged me and cheered me on. Knowing you were in my corner every step of the way was a crucial piece in this accomplishment of mine. Thank you, honey. I love you.

  Lastly, my muses. My heart is filled with your stories and my soul has wept with you. You are strong and beautiful, and I believe in you. Follow your path with confidence and faith, there is peace beyond the chaos and pain.

  About The Author

  Elle Linder is California girl who yearns for the California coast-her happy place. The writing bug struck late for Elle, and for six weeks straight she relentlessly crafted not one, but two book length manuscripts. In her words, her characters and their story wouldn’t leave her until she put them onto the page. During her first year of writing, Elle composed four complete manuscripts and portions of two more.

  Elle aims to empower women with her stories and characters, addressing real-life issues that women face in love and life. She wants women to find their inner strength, so they can lead a life of self-respect and love.

  Elle currently lives in NW Minnesota (or the Frozen Tundra, as she likes to call it) with her husband and five of her seven children. She has been a homeschooling stay-at-home mom, a military wife, a call center sales expert, and best friend. She has lived in all four corners of the U.S. but her heart always belongs in the California sun.

  Find Elle at: Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and follow her on Pinterest to see what inspires her stories and characters.




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