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Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Walters, Dawne

  Now though, she was standing in Carter’s kitchen assessing her surroundings. She’d changed the sheets on his bed, vacuumed and dusted the whole apartment. Thinking he might want coffee, like he always did, she’d run out to the store to get some staples, bread, milk, fresh coffee and some fruit and lunch meats. The coffee brewing, she checked her phone again. She’d called Harrison to let him know that she wanted to surprise Carter with a clean house. Harrison agreed and said he’d text her when they were on their way home. It was almost ten after midnight and still nothing from Harrison. These crazy flights that brought the Soldiers home were never on time.

  She walked back to his bedroom and decided to turn down the bed for Carter. Turning on the small lamp, she turned down the covers on his side of the bed when she heard the front door open and heard Carter and Harrison talking as they came up the steps. So, she quickly finished and made her way to the end of the hallway where she could surprise him.

  “Yeah, yeah...I can get up my own damn stairs...” Carter was replying to Harrison’s ribbing about walking up the stairs when he saw her. She was the most beautiful thing he’d seen in months.

  “Carter,” Colette whispered, tears in her eyes, her hands covering her mouth.

  “Baby, come here,” Carter said, as he reached for her.

  Their embrace was tight, Colette rested her head on his chest, her arms around his waist. Carter rested his cheek on top of her head as his arms came around her shoulders. They stood there for several minutes, just like that. Colette’s tears sliding down her face. Carter just breathing her in. Neither heard Harrison leave.

  Colette was the first to pull away. She went to wipe her tears when Carter took her face in his hands and slid the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. She was a sight for sore eyes for sure.

  “Why are you crying hon?”

  “Just...happy to see you home in one piece I guess,” she said, smiling. “Even if you have scruff on your face.” She ran a hand over his cheek and let it slide down his chest. “You’ve been working out.”

  Carter’s sharp intake of breath had Colette’s face fill with concern. “Ohmygosh, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Carter answered. “It’s been a long time babe.”

  Colette looked down now, not sure what to say. Carter lifted her chin up so that he could see her face and kissed her softly on the lips. He kept it soft and sweet. Several kisses later, Colette was the one that came to her senses before things got out of hand and stepped back. Her hand remained on his chest.

  “I’m not sorry I did that Colette,” Carter said.

  “We’ll consider it a welcome home kiss between friends,” Colette agreed.

  He lifted his eyebrows. “Yeah.”

  “Are you hungry or anything? I got some sandwich stuff and coffee is on.” Colette was desperate to try and change the subject.

  She knew, Carter thought. She could see just how much he wanted her. He bent down to pick up his duffle bags and made his way to his bedroom. He took in the bed, with the sheets pulled back a little, the light on. It’s smelled clean. He took a deep breath and sighed, dropping the bags by the closet. She was still seeing Gabe. He could tell when she pulled away. She was nervous like she’d cheated on him. He rubbed his face with a hand and tried to twist his upper torso to help relieve some of the tension in his body. He turned and made his way back to the living room and saw Colette putting her purse on her shoulder, keys in hand.

  “You’re leaving?” he asked.

  “I uh...I thought you might want to...” she shrugged, “I don’t know, take a shower and go to bed? So, I took some of your coffee and was going to head home.”

  “Would you reconsider?” He knew it was going to be a big step for her. He knew that when Colette committed to something, it was all the way. “You can tell me what’s been going on.”

  Colette thought for a moment, then put her purse back down. “Sure. I’ll stay for a bit.”

  “Good.” He walked into the kitchen and kissed her head, hugging her tightly. “I’m going to shower and clean this grime off of me. Can you pour me a big cup of coffee and wait for me?” he smiled.

  “Sure,” Colette smiled brightly up at him.

  “See you in the bedroom in a few minutes.”

  Carter walked back to his bedroom and started taking off his uniform, tossing it in the corner. His boots were the first thing he took off. He peeled his socks off next. Walking into his en-suite, he turned the light on to see that everything was wiped down and fresh towels were laid out. He pushed the shower curtain back and cranked on the hot water. Undressed, he pushed the door to the bathroom closed. He walked into the shower and stood under the spray for a few minutes, letting it soak him. He was in hell. It was official. A much better hell than the one he’d just gotten out of, but it was going to be torture to be this close to Colette and not be able to kiss her and touch her.

  Just the mere thought of her and his cock was already hard. He looked over and saw the soap.So he poured some in his hand, set the bottle on the edge of the tub and threw his head back as he took his rock hard cock in hand. Images of Colette just a few minutes ago took over his head. The smell of her perfume and the feel of her lips on his in the softest of kisses. His hand picked up speed as he jacked himself off.

  He put one hand against the wall in front of him and started a rhythm. He could feel his balls draw up. This was going to be a quick one, he hadn’t jacked off in months. He felt the swell of his cock and couldn’t help the moan when his orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks. His cum shooting out of him in long ropy spurts. His breathing labored, he felt like he could fall asleep right now. Taking a deep breath, he took the soap in hand again and poured some on his loofa. Cleaning up, he rinsed the loofa, then his body, took the nozzle to wash the back wall of the shower off and turned off the water.

  Grabbing a towel, he dried off quickly and wrapped it around his waist, then walked out to his bedroom where he saw Colette sipping coffee from the travel mug. She was dressed and still had her shoes on. He walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of grey boxer briefs and slid them on, tossing the towel in the corner with his uniform. He came to stand in front of Colette.

  “Would it be too much to ask for you to stay?” he asked, as he took the mug off the night table.

  “I don’t think my boyfriend would like that too much,” she answered.

  “Baby, if that mother fucker wouldn’t have ran off to Maryland to your grandparents house.” He took a long sip of coffee and set the mug down.

  Colette didn’t know what to say. He knew? Oh course he knew. The whole damn Ranger Regiment probably knew. She looked down at her coffee and stood up.

  “You know Carter, no matter what’s happened,” she took a deep breath, still not able to look at him, she continued, “he’s still my boyfriend. We’ve been having some...issues.” She waved her hand in the air between them.

  “Stay and tell me about it. I’ve missed you.” He lifted her chin with his hand again, looking in her eyes. “I promise to stay on my side of the bed. Please?”

  “I’ll stay and talk. But, I’m not sleeping in your bed with you.”

  “Fair enough,” Carter answered.

  Colette moved so that Carter could get under the covers and grabbed his coffee situating himself so that his back wasn’t screaming with how he was sitting. Colette moved to the other side of the bed where she usually got in, but this time, just pushed off her Converse and sat up against the headboard, crossing her legs, holding her coffee.

  “Talk to me babe.”

  It was all Carter had to say before Colette went into detail about what made her leave up until the argument she had with Gabe tonight. He said un-huh and what a dumb fucker so many times, she lost count.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Carter woke up disoriented at first. Then, realized that he was at home, his home. He rolled over to see that the bed is empty except for himself. When did she leave? He hadn’t sl
ept that good since he was deployed. Something about having your brothers watching out gave you a sense of safety. Rolling back over to his side of the bed to pick up his cell, he saw the piece of folded paper.


  Had to go to me for lunch?


  Hell yes he was going to meet her for lunch. After shooting off a quick text to have her meet him at Mellow Mushroom, he slid back the covers and headed to the shower, then got dressed. Walking out to the kitchen, he noticed that his coffee was set in a thermos that he’d usually done for Colette back when he’d have to get up early for sick call or PT and she was still in bed asleep. It was safer than leaving the coffee pot on. Un-screwing the lid he took a sip and smiled, it was made just how he liked it, light milk, heavy sugar. Looking at his watch, it was just after nine. He had time to go to the aid station, check in with the doc and update him on how he was feeling.


  After another CT in the books, some x-rays that looked much better and a thorough exam, Carter was back in his car and headed to Mellow Mushroom on West Liberty. He’d just sat down when one of his exes walked over. He recognized her candy-apple red convertible in the parking lot. It was synonymous with her name and the red lipstick she wore.

  “Well, looky at what the cat drug in,” Candy announced. She popped out her hip, perching a hand on it and pursed her bright red lips. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled in a high ponytail, not a hair out of place.

  Carter gave her a sly smile and took in her rather tone, yet ample curves. Her jeans fit just right, her shirts a little small to show off her assets, fake, but assets none the less. She had high cheek bones, and bright blue eyes. He walked up and let her hug him.

  “I thought ya’ll weren’t due home for at least another week or two.” She showed him to a booth.

  Carter sat in the booth as Candy sat across from him. “I got to come home by way of Landshtul.” He shook his head to dismiss the obvious question that she wanted to ask by putting up a hand. “Another concussion and more scars. Nothing big.”

  She gave him a sideways glance, “If you say so.”

  “I do,” Carter replied, “nothing big. Just a precaution.”

  “So sugar, what can I get you?” she changed the subject realizing that he wasn’t going to talk about why he was home early.

  “How about a Miller on draft and some cheese bread,” Carter smiled a big toothy grin.

  “You got it sugar, be right back.” Candy stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

  Carter pulled out his phone to answer a text from his sister and a few guys in the regiment that wanted to hook up with him, now that word had spread that he was home. He didn’t realize that Candy had sat back down until she spoke.

  “You wanna go out later when I get off?”

  “Huh...oh, um...not sure Candy.” He finished texting and put his phone down on the table.

  “It’ll be fun. Come on. You know you want to,” she sing songed. “I’m a fun gal.”

  “You should go Carter.”

  A voice over his shoulder told him. He knew that voice. But this conversation...this wasn’t the conversation he wanted to have while Colette was standing there. Purse in hand, she was wearing his favorite pair of skinny jeans that showed her curves and a grey t-shirt. She was gorgeous, he thought. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, and she was wearing light makeup.

  Candy stood up from the booth and outstretched her hand to Colette, “Hi, I’m Candy. Thanks for the backup.” She smiled a gorgeous smile.

  “Colette. Glad to help out.” Not really, but she’d fake the funk.

  “Oh!” Candy exclaimed stepping back so that Colette could sit across from Carter. “You’re the proverbial little sister that he told me about.”

  Carter sighed heavily. Colette gave him a confused look, crossing her eyebrows, leaning her arms on the table and tilting her head a little to the side.

  “You fuck your little sister?”

  “Oh...wait. Um, maybe I have the wrong Colette,” Candy said, uncomfortably now.

  “He does have a plethora of women at his disposal doesn’t he? Some that he even calls proverbial little sister apparently. Can you get me an iced tea, half sweet, half unsweet please?” Colette gave a toothy smile and scrunched her nose and eyes at Candy.

  “Cole...” Carter started.

  “What?” Colette shrugged, facing him now, “what a tangled web we weave, do we not?”

  Candy’s eyes moved between Carter and Colette as they stared at each other in a face-off. She decided on the better part of valor and walked away to get Colette’s tea.

  “Really kitten? Fucking my sister?” He shook his head.

  “Well,” Colette shrugged, “she implied that you’d called me your sister...and you did fuck me.”

  Carter took a long draw off his beer, then propped his elbow up on the table and pointed to Colette. “You’re jealous.”

  Colette rolled her eyes. “Of what? Fake tits there?”

  “You are.”

  “Is Candy her real name?” Colette gave him a sideways glance, “or do the guys just call her that because of her lipstick?”

  Carter shrugged, looking guilty.

  “You did her didn’t you? More than once I think.” Colette started laughing now, “You gave her the sausage didn’t you?” She started clapping with glee while Carter looked uncomfortable.

  “Kitten come on.” Carter put his hands up to motion for her to stop.

  “What? This is fun. For once, I’m not in the spotlight. Did she leave an imprint of her lipstick on your junk down there?” Colette leaned closer to the table and made circles with her finger in the general direction of Carter’s dick.

  “Fucking shit,” Carter started, shaking his head, “really?”

  “Yeah,” Colette had a bright smile on her face as she nodded, “yeah, I wanna know.”

  “Here’s your cheese bread and your tea. Ya’ll ready to order?” Candy looked a little apprehensive now.

  Colette looked at Carter who just sighed. She looked up at Candy and shrugged, “This is fine. Thanks.”

  Candy glanced at Carter and dropped the ticket on the table, then walked away.

  “She looks uncomfortable. Poor girl.” Colette shrugged, taking a piece of the cheese bread, “Maybe you should take her out.”

  Carter slapped the table. “Knock it off. I wasn’t going to before, and I’m not now. Okay? Fucking let it go.”

  Colette swallowed hard. “I...”

  “Just let it go. I don’t want to talk about Candy and her red fucking lipstick. I’m here to eat lunch with you.” Carter took another pull off his beer.

  They sat there in companionable silence until the bread and Carter’s beer were finished, each lost in their own thoughts. Carter’s phone chimed from a few texts he answered. When Colette’s chimed, he visibly stiffened just thinking that it was Gabe. When Colette didn’t immediately answer it, he tilted his head toward her phone on the table. To which, she just shook her head no.

  “Kitten, I’m sorry,” Carter expressed. “I seem to be short of patience and a hair trigger since I left Afghanistan.”

  Colette just looked up and smiled at him, “It’s okay.”

  He shook his head, “No...”

  She reached out and touched his hand, which he grabbed like a lifeline. “I don’t completely understand, but I’m here. Any time you need anything. And, is okay.”

  He just nodded his head. The next hour was just the two of them in their own little world talking about Colette waiting for her apartment to finish with renovations, school, and Griffin, the new bartender. Carter told of his visit to his family’s before he left and what’d happened to him when he was deployed. Colette’s phone had chimed again and still she ignored it.

  “You sure you don’t need to get that?” Carter asked.

  “It’s just Gabe. I told him earlier that we were having lunch,” she answered.

  “I can’t imagine that is going to go over well.”

  “He may be my boyfriend, but he’s not my keeper. You have been my friend much longer.”

  “Kitten...” Carter sighed. “I’m going to tell you something and you may not want to hear it. But, I can’t do this anymore.”

  The panicked look on Colette’s face had Carter reaching for her hands immediately, holding them tight.

  “It’s not about wanting you around, because I do.” He shook his head, “The problem is...that I shouldn’t have given you the choice to leave. I should have fought harder for you to stay. To pick me, as the one you want to be with.”


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