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Passion & Lies

Page 14

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Migs, you in?”

  “I think Miles and I are going to sit this one out.”

  Dane ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, Lacey would like it if I did the same.”

  “Simmons and Jakey can handle this.”

  “I want that mother fucker.”

  “More than you want Lacey?”

  “That’s not fair.” Dane lifted up his damaged hand. “He did this to me. I’ll probably never shoot again.”

  “Dane, you have a family now, did you ever stop to think that maybe it’s time to give this all up and settle down?”

  “I have.”


  “When this is all over if Lacey can forgive me…I want to marry her.”

  “Ahhh, and then you can come back to work at Cruz.” Miguel smiled.

  “Negative. I need a job with action.”


  “How much action do you need if you’re settling down?”

  “I need to be out in the field. I can’t sit behind a desk.”

  “That doesn’t sound like settling down to me.”

  “I’ve spoken to some of my contacts and I’m exploring my options.”

  “I know you want action and all but don’t forget that you have a family to go home to at night, one that will be devastated if you get yourself killed.”

  “I know. Lucky for them I can’t be in too much danger with this hand.”

  Miguel grabbed Dane’s arm. “Hey, your hand will heal, you just need to give it time.”

  Dane looked down at his hand that still trembled when he tried to straighten out his scarred fingers. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “We better get going or Simmons will have our asses when he lands.”

  Lacey came home to find Dane cradling Lilly in his arms. “Where’s my mother?”

  “She just ran out to do a few errands. She’ll be back soon.” Dane got up, walked over to Lacey and kissed her.

  “Is this goodbye?” Lacey stepped back.

  “I’ll be back.”

  “Are Miguel and Miles going with you?”


  “They chose their families over revenge.”

  Dane kissed Lilly on the top of her head before he laid her down in her crib. “Daddy loves you, Princess.”

  “Dane, she needs you. I need you.”

  “Lacey, I need you too. Please promise me that you’ll be here when I get back.”


  Dane grabbed Lacey’s hands. “I love you. Please, let me do this. I promise I will come back to you and it will be my last mission.”

  “Let you? You mean give you my blessing to go kill someone else or allow you to be killed?”

  “That does sound pretty harsh.”

  “Dane, look, I know that no matter what I say that you will go anyway.”

  “I don’t want to lose you Lacey. Please don’t make me choose.”

  Lacey pulled her hands away and walked out of the room. Dane followed her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I already know what your choice is, Dane. Just go.”

  “It’s you. Lacey, I won’t go if you ask me not to.”

  Lacey couldn’t believe her ears. Her eyes couldn’t hold back her tears. She turned in Dane’s arms. “You’d chose me?”

  Dane nodded. “I can’t lose you. I’ve lived my whole life alone and unloved and now that I have you and the girls…I don’t know how I could live without you.”

  Lacey kissed Dane. When she pulled away she wiped her eyes and then she reached her hand up and ran it down Dane’s cheek. She knew she had to let him go because if she didn’t he may resent her later. Part of his hand not healing was emotional and Lacey knew that he had to have his revenge to move on and recover. “I hate that I’m saying this but Dane, you have to go.”


  “Go and do what you have to do but then you had better come home to us and keep your promise.”

  “Why? I mean what’s going on?”

  “I love you and I know that you have to do this for yourself.”

  “I love you, too, but are you sure?”

  “No.” Lacey shrugged her shoulders. “But I know that it’s what you need to do.”

  Dane kissed Lacey. “I promise I’ll be back soon.”

  “You had better be.”

  Dane gave Lacey one final kiss before walking out the door.

  DANE HELD OUT HIS hand for Jakey to tape it up. “Dane, are you sure you’re up to this?”

  “I’ve been shooting lefty.”

  “Of course you have, because you’re the amazing Dane Carlton.”

  “I’m far from amazing these days.”

  “You’re always going to be my idol, Carlton.”

  “Some idol.”

  “It’s the truth. There isn’t a guy in the Agency who doesn’t idolize you. Fuck, you’re a legend.”

  “A legend who got his ass beat.”

  “Dane, you saved me…”

  “And me.”

  Dane turned to see Simmons standing behind him. “You saved me too. We’re even.”

  “Blake and Hooks filled me in on your plan on the way here.”

  “There’s about a dozen men inside.”

  “And we’re sure that Smitts is one of them?”

  “They saw him go in last night.”

  “Ok, then go in and get that bastard stepson of mine.”

  Dane looked over at Jakey. “You ready?”

  Jakey nodded. “You bet, and the rest of the team is in place waiting on our instructions.”

  “Alright, then let’s do this.” Dane signaled to the awaiting team and they headed off toward the warehouse to take down Smitts.

  Smitts ran when he heard the sounds of glass breaking and gun shots. He made it down a dark corridor and opened a door in hopes of escaping to the garage where his truck was located but instead Dane was staring him in the face. “Trying to get away?”

  “You don’t scare me, Carlton.”

  “Then you underestimate me.”

  Smitts tried to shove Dane out of his way. “I have business to conduct and you’re trespassing.”

  “Call the police and while you’re at it tell them to send the coroner too because you’re not leaving here alive.”

  Smitts pulled his gun and so did Dane. “Drop it, Carlton, or I’ll blow your brains out.”

  “Go ahead and try.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I came to settle our score.”

  Smitts started to laugh. “You really think that you’re capable of taking me down. Did you not learn anything from your last beating?” Smitts shook his head.

  “Oh I learned a lot.” Dane pressed his gun up against Smitts head.

  “You don’t have the strength to pull the trigger.”

  “Maybe not but he does.”

  “Hello, Son.”

  Smitts expression changed when he heard Simmons’ voice. “Call off your goon.”

  “Dane, would you give us a minute and then you can come in and do what you want with him.”

  Dane stepped back. Simmons made sure that Smitts saw the gun in his hand. “You don’t scare me. My men are loyal unlike yours.”

  “What did I ever do to you to get you to this point?”

  “This point? You took my father away and then my mother. I had friends before we came to live with you. YOU RUINED MY LIFE!”

  “I TOOK YOU IN AND I LOVED YOU LIKE A SON AND YOU BETRAYED ME!” Simmons lunged at Smitts. The two men hit the floor going punch for punch.

  Smitts managed to pull a knife and was about to stab Simmons when Jakey entered and kicked the knife out of his hand. He reached down and put a gun to Smitts head. “Simmons, get up.”

  Simmons stood up. “He’s yours. I’m finished with him.” Simmons walked out.

  Lacey strolled out from the bathroom carrying Lilly in her arms and came to a screeching halt. “Who are you?”

  “I won’t hurt you if you do
what you’re told.”

  “Told?” Lacey held Lilly tightly against her.

  “What did you do to the guards outside?”

  “My men took care took care of them and if you don’t do exactly as you’re told then they will take care of you and your sweet little baby.”

  Lacey was finding it hard to think. Panic was setting in. “Please, don’t hurt my baby.” She was grateful that Molly was spending the weekend with Dirk’s parents.

  The woman raised her arm and pointed a gun at Lacey. “Where’s your cell phone?”

  “In my pocket.”

  The woman walked over to Lacey. “Which pocket?”


  The woman pulled Lacey’s phone from her pocket. “What’s your code?”

  “No code. Hold it up to my face.”

  “We are going to call that sick twisted baby daddy of yours now.”

  “Who are you?”

  The woman didn’t answer. “It’s ringing.”

  Simmons patted Dane on the shoulder. “Go get a piece of him before Jakey finishes him off.”

  Dane headed toward the door but before he got inside his phone rang. He wouldn’t have answered it except it was Lacey and he knew that if she called him knowing what he was doing that it must be urgent. “Is everything ok?”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Dane, do what she says or she’s going to kill us.”

  Dane felt his blood run cold. “Where are you, Lacey?”

  “Shut up and listen. You bring me my son and I will let your innocent little daughter live. If you don’t, your daughter and her mother will both die a painful death.”

  “How do I know that you won’t kill them anyway?”

  “You don’t, just like I don’t know that you won’t kill my son like you killed his father.”

  Dane covered the phone. “It’s Valerie. She has Lacey and Lilly. Stop Jakey before he kills Smitts.”

  “Oh my God.” Simmons ran to stop Jakey.

  “I want to talk to Lacey.”

  “Be here within thirty minutes with my son or they’re dead.”

  Valerie shoved the phone at Lacey.


  “I’m coming for you, Baby.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Promise me you’ll read the Bible.”

  “What?” Lacey thought Dane had lost his mind.

  “That’s enough.” Valerie grabbed the phone back and disconnected it.

  “I need to finish dressing Lilly. She’s cold.”

  Valerie put out her hands. “Give me the baby and I will hold her while you get her clothes.”

  “Can’t I dress her in her room?”

  “Don’t push me. You seem like a nice woman and I really don’t want to have to hurt you or your baby but I will if I have to.”

  Lacey reluctantly handed the baby over and darted into Lilly’s room to get her clothes.

  Dane walked over to Smitts and handcuffed him. “Looks like we’re going for a ride.”

  Smitts laughed. “Guess my mother got my message.”


  “She knew that if I texted her 911 that she was to go and carry out our plan.”

  “You may have won this battle but you will not win this war!” Dane kicked Smitts.

  “Blake and Hooks will stay here with our team waiting for the authorities. Simmons and I will escort you home.”

  “You can all watch as my mother kills your bitch and your kid.” Smitts spit at Dane.

  Dane let out what sounded like a growl as he punched Smitts in the face practically sending him to his knees. “Once my family is safe, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.”

  Jakey grabbed Smitts by his shirt collar. “Walk!”

  Lacey sat staring at the door praying that Dane would come and save her and Lilly.

  “Your baby daddy has less than ten minutes before I end your precious daughter’s life.”

  Lacey gasped and then started to shake. “We didn’t do anything to you.”

  “No, but her father and his team killed my husband and now they have my son.”

  “Why us? Why not the others?”

  “Don’t worry, my son has plans for everyone who was a part of his father’s murder. He’s been planning this for years.”

  “And you don’t think there’s anything wrong with your son that he wants to kill innocent people?”

  “I take it that you’ve never killed anyone before?”


  “Yet, you made that sweet little baby with a cold blooded killer.”

  “Dane’s not like you.”

  “Oh, but he is.”

  “Dane only kills bad people like you to save the good ones.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “He wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “What was that?”

  “The back door.”

  Dane came in the back door with Smitts. “Lacey, it’s me. We’re coming in.” Dane walked into the living room with Smitts in front of him.

  Valerie looked at her bruised and bloodied son. “Are you alright? Uncuff him!”

  “Let my girls go.”

  Valerie pointed her gun at Lacey and Lilly. “They’re not going anywhere.”

  Dane pointed his gun at Smitts head. “You let them go or I’ll blow his head off.”

  Lacey gasped.

  “You see, I told you he was an evil cold blooded killer.”

  “Lacey, get up and come over here.”

  Lacey looked at the gun that was aimed at her and the baby. She was afraid to move an inch.

  “Mom, just kill them. We have to get out of here.”

  “Uncuff him and we’ll trade.”


  Dane shoved the gun into Smitts’ mouth. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Lacey was horrified. Maybe Dane was just as horrible as they were. Her mind was spinning.

  Valerie reached her hand over and grabbed Lacey by the hair. “Get up.”

  Lacey stood up and Valerie pulled Lacey in front of her and then pointed the gun at Lilly. “My son for your daughter. Free him now!”

  Dane holstered his gun, opened one cuff and Smitts swung his arm around hitting Dane in the face with the lose cuff. Dane pulled his gun and Smitts grabbed it and the two began to struggle.

  Valerie took her eyes off Lacey so that she could focus on shooting Dane. The two moved back and forth making it impossible for Valerie to get a clear shot of Dane.

  Lacey leaned down and placed Lilly onto the floor next to the couch hoping she’d be out of harm’s way. She picked up the lead crystal clock from the mantle. “Valerie!”

  Valerie turned and Lacey smacked her in the head with the clock. At the same time a gun shot rang out. Lilly started crying. Lacey opened the Bible, grabbed the gun and pointed it at Dane and Smitts. It was too hard to tell if either of them had been shot. “LEAVE DANE ALONE OR I’LL SHOOT!”

  Dane had pain surging through his hand. It was becoming more and more difficult to hold onto his gun. Smitts pulled the gun from Dane’s hand and pointed it at Dane’s head but before he could pull the trigger Lacey fired two shots. Both Smitts and Dane went down. Lacey screamed, dropped the gun and rushed to Dane’s side. “Oh my God, I shot you.”

  “I’m ok. It just grazed my arm. I’m wearing a vest.”

  Lacey looked down at Smitts’ lifeless body before she stood up and backed away.


  Lacey picked up Lilly and then she went into the bedroom.

  Dane rolled Smitts’ body off him, signaled to Simmons and Jakey to come in and then headed after Lacey.

  Lacey was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth with Lilly in her arms.

  Dane’s heart broke at the sight of her. “Baby.”

  “I…I…killed someone.”

  “You saved all our lives.”

  Lacey looked up at Dane. “You did this, you made me a

  “No, Lacey, you did what you had to do. You didn’t have a choice.”

  “There’s always a choice.”

  Dane reached out his hand. “Don’t touch me!”

  “You’re in shock. It’s going to be ok. I promise.”

  “OK! I’ve never as much as killed a bug and now I’ve killed another human being.” Lacey burst into tears.

  Dane didn’t care how much she protested, he reached out his arms and grabbed Lacey. He held her tightly in his arms. “Shhhh, you’re going to be ok.”

  “I need to go.” Lacey tried to pull away.

  “Sweetheart, please let me help you through this.”

  Lacey turned enough to hand Dane the baby. “You want to help, then hold the baby while I pack.” Lacey got up.

  Jakey was out front waiting for the ambulance when Miguel pulled up. “Migs!”

  “Lacey and the baby ok?”

  “They weren’t harmed but Lacey’s a mess. She shot Smitts, the ambulance is on the way.”

  “Is Simmons inside?”

  “He is.”

  The ambulance came tearing up the driveway and the medics jumped out. “Where’s the victim?”

  “Follow me.” Jakey headed inside the house with the medics in tow. Miguel followed.

  “You’re going to regret what your men did to my son and I.”

  Simmons rolled his eyes. “You know what I regret, Valerie…ever meeting you. All you and your son have been to me is trouble.”

  “I want that bitch arrested.”

  “For what, Valerie, defending herself after you broke into her house, held her and her infant hostage and then tried to kill them. I don’t think so.”

  The medics arrived and started working on Smitts. “He has a pulse but he’s lost a lot of blood.”

  The other medic walked over to look at Valerie’s head. “You have a nasty gash in your head. Looks like you may need some stitches.”

  “I don’t care about me, how’s my son?”

  “We’re going to do our best to save him.”

  Within minutes the house was swarming with police and the medics had Smitts and Valerie loaded into the awaiting ambulances and had a police escort to the hospital.


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