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Passion & Lies

Page 15

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Can I come in?”

  Dane pulled the door open. “The police need your statements.”

  “We’ll be right out.” Dane kissed Lilly and then he gently placed her down into her bassinet. Next, he walked into the closet where Lacey was packing. “Honey, the police need a statement.”

  “Oh my God, the police! They’re going to take me to jail.”

  Dane grabbed Lacey’s hand. “No, they just need to know what happened. They’re not going to take you anywhere, I promise.”

  Lacey pulled her hand away and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. Dane followed.

  “Migs, hey.”

  “You ok, Man?”

  Dane looked down at his bloody arm. “Bullet barely grazed me, I’m fine. It’s Lacey I’m worried about.”

  “I can imagine, Jakey filled me in.”

  “When did you get here?”

  “After I found out the team was compromised I sent in some reinforcements who reported gunshots and I headed over. I arrived about the same time as the ambulance.”

  “Carlton, have a seat so that we can get this over with. You’re looking like you need to head over to the hospital and get yourself fixed up.”

  Lacey looked over at Dane and it wasn’t until then that she realized how hurt he was. His arm was soaked in blood. “MY GOD!”

  “I’m fine. I told you I have on a vest. It’s just my arm.”

  “Miguel, would you call an ambulance?”

  “I don’t need an ambulance.”

  “Maybe we should have you looked a first. I can ride with you to the hospital and take your statement on the way.”

  “I don’t need a hospital, Chace.”

  “Ok. So what the hell went down here?”

  Simmons stepped outside to have a cigarette. “You know those things will kill you.”

  “Something has too.”

  “I’m really sorry about all of this.”

  “To think that my own stepson could cause such trouble and all because of his no good father.”

  “He’s not going to cause any more trouble and that’s if he manages to survive.”

  “Jakey, I’m sorry for everything he did to you.”

  “Not your fault, Sims.”

  “How could I have not realized what him and his evil mother were up to?”

  “He was family. Why would you.”

  “Because I’m trained to know better.”

  “So you’re not perfect.”

  “I think it’s a sign to call it quits.”

  “Like, retire?”

  “Yeah. My wife has been begging me to retire and move south.”


  “It’s time, Jakey.” Simmons dropped his cigarette butt to the ground and then put it out with his foot before walking away.

  “Lacey, where did you get the gun that you wounded…”

  “Wounded? He’s not dead?”

  “He wasn’t when he left here.”

  Lacey let out a sigh of relief. “I thought I killed him.”

  Chace reached his hand out to Lacey. “Hey, it’s going to be ok.”

  Lacey looked over at Dane who was sitting there staring at the wall. “I don’t know if it’s ever going to be ok again.”

  Chace looked over at Dane. “You know he’s more worried about you than he is about bleeding to death over there.”

  “Everything happened so quickly. I thought I shot him too.”

  “I know it’s hard right now but trust me, after you calm down and get a good night sleep things will seem more manageable.”

  Lacey looked down at the floor. She couldn’t imagine ever being able to justify what she had done.

  Dane finished giving his statement and Lacey was still talking to Chace. He checked on Lilly and undressed. He threw his bloodied clothes into the garbage pail on his way to the shower.

  The hot water felt so good on his injured arm. He closed his eyes and rested against the shower wall. Dane couldn’t stop his mind from racing.


  Dane opened his eyes and Lacey was standing there outside the shower door. “Are you ok? Is Lilly ok?”

  Lacey nodded. “I was worried about you.”

  Dane lifted up his good hand and placed it onto Lacey’s cheek. “I’m fine, it’s you I’m worried about.”

  “You’re not fine.” Lacey kicked off her shoes and stepped inside the shower. She grabbed a wash cloth and gently wiped Dane’s bloody face and then his arm. Neither of them said anything until Lacey finished cleaning Dane up.

  “Lacey, thank you for saving my life.”

  “I did what I had to do.”

  Dane hugged her with his good arm. “I know it wasn’t easy for you…”

  Lacey looked up at Dane. “But it was. Once I found that gun inside the Bible, I knew I needed to do whatever was necessary to protect us.”

  “You did, Baby, you did so good.” Dane kissed Lacey.

  “I was so scared.” Lacey held Dane tight as she cried in his arms.

  “It’s over. There’s no reason to be scared now.”

  Lacey calmed down a bit and pulled away. She had Dane’s blood running down her arm. “Dane, I think we need to get you to the hospital and have that looked at.”

  “I’ve had worse. I just need to towel off and bandage myself up.”

  “You’ve been bleeding for a long time. I think you need stitches.”

  “I just need some glue and…”


  “I’ve been taking care of myself my whole life, I got this.” Dane pulled his arm away.

  “Yeah, I guess you have.” Lacey stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

  Lacey showered in the guest bathroom and then went into the baby’s room to feed her. She was still quite unnerved and after what Dane said about him taking care of himself she felt as if he was pushing her away. Maybe he never would be able to allow someone to take care of him or love him.

  Lacey looked down at Lilly. Lilly’s huge brown eyes were staring back at her. “You have your daddy’s eyes.”

  “She is beautiful like her mother.”

  Lacey looked up at Dane. “Thank you.”

  Dane pointed to his bandaged arm. “Stopped the bleeding.”

  “Good.” Lacey looked back down at Lilly.

  “Look, I know that what happened today was more than you bargained for when you got involved with me and I apologize but, Lacey, I don’t know what I did to make you walk out on me before in the shower?”

  “I’m afraid that you’ll never be able to truly let us love you or take care of you.”

  “I do, I am. I know you love me. I love you too.”

  “For how long? Are you really going to be able to settle down and be happy with us or will you always want more?”

  “I am happy with you and the girls. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “Happy enough to walk away and leave all of the danger and missions behind?”

  Dane sat down next to Lacey and held her hand. “I always thought that one day I’d be running the agency but now I have you and the girls. Lacey, I know I can find a way to make things work. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Lacey smiled. She didn’t want to lose Dane but deep down she still wasn’t sure that he could settle down…only time would tell.

  MIGUEL WAS AT LACEY’S desk talking to her when Lacey smiled a huge smile. Miguel didn’t have to turn around to know that Dane was the reason she was smiling.

  Dane patted Miguel on the shoulder as he passed him by. “Hey, Migs.”

  Lacey bolted up from her chair and practically leapt into Dane’s arms. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m back for good now.” Dane kissed Lacey.

  “Ok, well I’ll be going into my office now.”

  Dane pulled away. “Migs, wait.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Simmons asked me to give you this.” Dane pulled an envelope from hi
s suit pocket and handed it to Miguel.

  “So it’s official, he’s retired?”

  “Once we finished testifying against Smitts and he knew that everything was taken care of he packed up and headed out.”

  “Good for him.”

  “He said he’d miss the job but since none of his best agents were there anymore it’d make it easier to move on.” Dane let out a laugh.

  “Jakey done too?”

  “He’s on the fence about that.”

  “Why is that?”

  “His new boss.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Dane shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Why would he have a problem with you?”

  Lacey’s eyes opened wide. “YOU?”

  Miguel had assumed that Dane had told Lacey. “I’m sorry.”


  “I was asked, I was, but I’m not going to take the job.”

  “You’re not?”

  Dane wrapped his arm around Lacey’s waist and pulled her close. “Nope, I made a promise to this lady here that once I finished with Smitts that I was finished with the Agency.”

  Lacey wasn’t sure how to feel. She didn’t want Dane to be a part of the Agency but she also knew that he had always wanted to be the top man there. “Would you excuse me a minute?”

  “You ok, Baby?”

  “I need to bring Hartz a file. I’ll be right back.” Lacey scooted away.

  “I’m sorry Dane.”

  “It’s ok.”

  “So if you’re not going to head up the Agency what are your plans?”

  “I’ve narrowed it down but haven’t put much thought into it these last few weeks while I’ve been in DC.”

  “Keep me posted.”

  “I will.”

  Dane couldn’t wait to get home and see Lilly. It had been the longest he’d ever been away from her and he missed her so much. After he said goodbye to the sitter he went straight up to the baby’s room. “Oh, Lilly, daddy missed you.” Dane picked up Lilly and kissed her. He closed his eyes and could smell her baby fresh scent. “Daddy doesn’t ever want to go away again.”


  “Sounds like your sister is home.” Dane walked out of the bedroom and was practically attacked by Molly.


  Dane dropped to his knees. “I missed you, Kiddo.”

  Molly hugged Dane. “I missed you too. Please don’t go away again.”

  “I’m not going away again unless you, Lilly and your mommy come with me.”


  “Why don’t we go do your homework and then you can help me make dinner.”


  “Miguel, do you have a minute?”

  “For you, always. Come in.”

  Lacey walked in and sat down. “I need your advice.”

  “Mine? Are you sure that Alex wouldn’t be more of a help?”

  “Is it too late for Dane to accept that job?”


  “If it’s what he has always wanted then he should take it.”

  “Sometimes what we think we want changes.”

  “Can you honestly sit there and tell me that Dane doesn’t still want that job?”

  “No, I can’t, but I can honestly say that he wants you more.”

  “Sometimes I’m not sure if he even knows what he wants.”

  “Lacey, where is this all coming from? I thought that you loved Dane.”

  “I do. I love him so much, but Miguel, I don’t want him to resent me or Lilly one day because he gave up this job or anything else for us.”

  “I don’t resent Alex and I know that Miles doesn’t resent Eden and we both gave up the adrenalin rush for the women we love.”

  “What if Dane doesn’t even know what love is and he thinks that because we had a child together that he loves me?”

  Miguel opened his desk drawer and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Lacey. “Maybe this will convince you.”

  “What is this?”

  “Read it, I’ll give you a few minutes.” Miguel got up and walked out.

  “Dane, do you think that you could be my daddy too?”

  “Of course I can, I love you just as much as I love Lilly.”

  “Can I call you Daddy?”

  Dane knelt down next to Molly and reached for her hand. “I’d be honored.”

  Molly looked at Dane. She reached up her hand and touched his cheek. “Then why are you crying?”

  “They’re happy tears.”

  “I make you that happy?”

  “Oh, Molly, you have no idea how happy you make me.”

  “My daddy told me that he’d always make sure that I was safe and happy. I think he sent you to me and mommy. I also think that he gave me Lilly because he knew I was alone and needed a sister.”

  “I’m sure he is looking down on you and smiling a huge smile because you’re happy Molly.”

  “Are you happy, Dane?”

  Dane smiled at Molly. “Yes, I’m happy, Molly.” He was happy. For the first time in his life he was genuinely happy.

  Lacey opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.


  I’m not good at this but I have a bad feeling about this mission and if you’re reading this then that means that I was right and I’m not coming back.

  There are so many things that I wanted to say to you but I didn’t know how. I was afraid mostly. So here goes my attempt to tell you.

  Lacey, you are beautiful, not just on the outside but on the inside too. I’ve never met a person who could smile and make me feel so loved or alive inside. You and Molly are the closest thing I’ve ever had to a family. That’s why I want you to have everything that’s mine.

  Please tell Molly that I’m sorry I had to leave her and know that I didn’t want to leave you either.

  My hands are shaking while I’m writing this because it’s something that I’ve never said before to anyone, I love you, Lacey. Thank you for allowing me to know what it was like to feel love even if it was for a short time.


  Lacey sat there crying with the letter still clutched in her hand. Dane loved her even before Lilly.

  “Alex, thank you for coming over.”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I need your help.”

  “Like to babysit or change a diaper?”

  “No, I’ve mastered that. I need you to help me find the perfect ring for Lacey.”

  Alex smiled. “Oh Dane, I’m so excited.”

  “Don’t get too excited now, she hasn’t said yes yet.”

  “She will.”

  “I hope so because Molly asked me earlier if I could be her daddy.”

  “Oh how sweet.”

  “I can’t believe how one little girl could turn me to mush.”

  “Children do possess that quality.”

  “They can also make you feel like a rock star and a super hero.” Dane smiled.

  Alex placed her hand on top of Dane’s. “I am really happy for you.”


  “Now, on to finding the perfect ring and I know just who to call.”

  Miguel walked back into his office. “You ok?”

  Lacey wiped her eyes. She stood up and she hugged Miguel. “Yes.”

  “Good because I don’t like seeing you upset.”

  “Most people aren’t lucky enough to find love once in their lives and I’ve been blessed to find it twice. Maybe that’s why I had such a hard time believing it.”

  “Maybe. Whatever the case may be, you love him and he loves you and I think it’s about time that you both accept it. Life is too short to go in circles.”

  “We’ll see after Dane decides what he is going to do now that he’s finished with the Agency.”

  DANE CAME RUNNING UP the stairs. “Sorry, I’m late.”

  Lacey came walking out of the bedroom with Lilly in her arms. “Is everythin
g ok?”

  “Better than ok.”


  “I accepted a job.”

  “I see.” Lacey wanted to be excited but she was scared.

  “Don’t look so happy.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess I just got so used to you being here that…”

  “I will be here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “But I thought that you wanted action?”

  “I do. I’ll get enough action but at the same time I won’t be in the line of fire.”

  “And that will be enough for you?”

  “Yes, because it guarantees me that every night I’ll be able to come home to you and my girls.”

  “So you’re taking this job to be safe?”

  “No, I’m taking this job because it’s amazing.”


  “You’re not going to ask where I’m working?”

  “Where are you working?”

  “You’re looking at the city’s new S.W.A.T. Team Commander.” Dane had a huge smile on his face.

  Lacey couldn’t help but smile back. “Oh my God. Congratulations.” She kissed Dane.

  “Give me Lilly. I’ll go get her ready. You go shower. We can celebrate later.”

  “I love you.”

  Eden and Miles arrived at the church at the same time as Miguel and Alex.

  “We should have taken one car; it would have been easier to park.” Miles laughed.

  Miguel handed Emmie to Alex. “I’ll be right back.” Miguel hopped back into the car and pulled away.

  “I guess we should go inside.” Eden carried Sarah up the church stairs.

  “I can’t believe how old our babies are getting already.”

  “I know. Cruz is running and talking. Pretty soon he will be off to school.”

  “We will just have to keep having babies so that there will always be one around.” Alex laughed.

  “Miles and I are already planning to have a few more. You had better get moving on number two.”

  “I was giving Miguel a little time before I got pregnant again.”

  “Why does my brother need time between pregnancies.” Eden laughed.


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