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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

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by T. C. Clark

  “What are you doing here?” Opal whispered knowing that an in-home visit by the three leaders of the coven was not good. Sara looked somber, Anna angry, and Myra resigned. Myra stood adjusting her jacket.

  The tension was thick in the room.

  “Where is Anise?” Myra asked her voice harsh in the quiet of the room.

  “What?” Opal asked her eyes darting from each witch.

  “It is important that you tell us the truth now…it could save her life,” Sara said calmly.

  “What happened….what do you want with Anise?” she finally stuttered.

  “There is a missing vampire prisoner and a destroyed prison and we are pretty sure that Anise had everything to do with it,” Anna snapped standing as well.

  Opal felt her heart still…Anise would never, could never do that. She looked around the table and sat down heavily on the chair. First, she would hear the whole story, and then she would find Anise. One thing was for certain if Anise was in danger and she would do everything in her power to protect her…even if it meant going against the coven.


  The Wild Vampire

  The Butcher is back...

  * * *

  Nate Rodriguez followed the wounded demon through the dimly lit streets of New Orleans. He liked this city and all that it stood for. He could feel the magic in the air filling the night. His new home was an interesting mix of dangerous and wild.

  It took time, but he’d finally created a home for himself in the large city. His bar was fast becoming the most popular supernatural spot in the country. It had taken years and a lot of free booze but he’d done it.

  Nate didn’t kid himself he’d never quite forgotten his old ways. He pulled out the small blade forged in the fires of Bouden and wiped it off on his jeans…he really should take better care of his tools he thought absently as he tracked his prey.

  He would take out this small horde quickly, but not before he got the other addresses for the rest of the hidden locations. He’d been too enraged in his previous attacks to think clearly.

  He remembered the protocol when it came to dealing with criminals like this, there was a reason they’d nicknamed him the butcher. He’d tried to leave that life behind him…moving to the surface to start over.

  For twenty years he’d existed here carving out a place for himself and any other castoffs from Atlantis. His small home always housed a variety of supernaturals.

  His open-door policy was no surprise. Nate had always been one to share his fortune. Also, with the butcher sleeping, just a few doors down everyone always kept themselves in check.

  He moved from building to building using the cover of the night to hide his steps. He’d already removed two other trap houses, destroying the confiscated drugs, and eliminating all ways for them to sell them.

  He needed to end this now before the people of Atlantis got involved. He liked being on the surface world away from the restrictive rules of the vampire realm, he had no desire for more of them to move into his city. This had to end here and it had to be now.

  As the demon entered the abandoned house, Nate rolled his eyes, this was exactly like the horror movie he’d been forced to watch just a few weeks ago. He’d lost a bet with a blind witch named Ida and in turn been sentenced to watching ten of the worst horror films he’d ever had the misfortune to witness, and all of them were based on vampires.

  He’d thrown in the towel by the fifth one offering her a thousand dollars to call off the bet. He shuddered when he thought of how Hollywood portrayed them. Everyone told him not to bet against her, that she had the luck of the Gods on her side and yet he couldn’t resist.

  She’d produced a bottle of hooch created by Allison the Alchemist, another coven member, and challenged him to a simple drinking game. He’d purchased special elixirs from Allison and knew whatever was in the bottle was quality.

  He’d went down after two shots. He only vaguely remembered Ida and Balloch managing the bar and taking him home. When he’d awoken with a headache from hell and wandered into the living room he’d been surprised to find Ida and Balloch asleep on his couch.

  He stopped cold at the sight of Balloch smiling in his sleep, holding his mate securely across his chest. It was like watching a monster cradle a child. He knew Balloch, knew the things he’d done, and yet here he was with his gorgeous mate. He felt a twinge of jealousy in what was left of his soul. He went for a run to ease it jealousy was not an emotion that vampires wore well.

  When he got back, Ida was in the kitchen fixing her breakfast and on the table was one glass of blood. She’d found his stash. She pointed to it and told him to drink.

  “Does Balloch need some, I have more than enough to share,” he asked downing the glass quickly.

  His house was quiet and he knew it was because of the prince being in residence, no one trusted royalty in the vampire realm. Hell, no one trusted royalty, period.

  “He already ate,” she said a light blush staining her cheeks, she moved quickly through the kitchen. If a person wasn’t watching closely they would never see that she was blind. He could feel the magic she used to map out the room; it was so light that he could barely detect it.

  She piled a ridiculous amount of pancakes onto her plate and took a seat right in front of him. Her thick curly hair was wrapped in a silk scarf. She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer and then started to dismantle the teetering tower of cakes.

  “Why are you here?” he asked after a moment.

  “Because it’s where I am supposed to be,” Ida said with a mouthful of pancakes her attention focused on the meal in front of her. The way she ate them actually made him miss food. It had been years since he’d experienced it. He smiled at how she seemed to relish every bite.

  “What do you mean?” he asked again.

  “I get visions, heavy…truly disturbing visions that are vague and full of metaphors…can you pass me a glass of water,” she said taking another massive bite.

  “You mean to make you a glass of water,” he corrected.

  “I was trying not to be rude but yes could you get up, retrieve a glass, pour some water into that glass, and pass it to me.”

  “I still haven’t heard the word please,” he responded his eyes following her small hand as she held out the knife and pointed it at him.

  “I’m blind and the first rule about being blind is that saying please is optional…everyone knows that,” she said an evil smile forming on her face.

  He laughed and got up and got her a glass of water. She looked adorable in what had to be Balloch’s t-shirt, so big that it hit her knees. She was sitting Indian style on the small chair. She took a lusty gulp and looked in his direction a serious expression forming on her face.

  “I just know I’m meant to be here…just my presence I don’t have any wise words for you…. I’m just supposed to be here and here I shall stay until my brain tells me to move again.”

  “What do you mean to stay?” he asked eyebrows raised. Admittedly she was adorable, but not adorable enough to forget who she belonged to.

  “I mean to stay, as I live here now,” she said in a bored tone.

  “No,” Nate said emphatically.

  “Yes,” she said simply.

  “Noooo, you can’t stay here,” he repeated.

  “Yes, I can,” she said smiling sweetly. “I know about your open-door policy, nearly twelve supernaturals ran out of here after we arrived…you know how people react to Balloch,” she said almost accusingly. Nate had almost apologized until he realized he’d done nothing wrong.

  He thought that she’d been playing some sort of game with him but sadly she’d been serious. They’d stayed with him for two weeks. He’d learned a lot in that time about how witches worked.

  Somehow she’d soothed some wild part of him that was starting to break. In that time he’d come to understand how Balloch and Ida got on so well…they talked about everything and anything.

  They seemed to have no secrets�
�the more time he spent with them the more he yearned for his mate. Now he realized she’d come at the right time in his life. Their relationship had reminded him of the dreams he’d once had…they gave him hope. When they’d finally decided to leave he’d actually felt a pang of regret.

  Before they’d left Ida had pulled him aside.

  “Just so you know you passed,” she whispered.

  “Passed…what are you talking about?” He said an indulgent smile on his face. He’d come to like her with her confusing questions and her quick wit.

  “You passed my, “do you deserve it,” test. When I had my vision about you I was skeptical…h told me a lot about the butcher and most of it wasn’t good. But this time with you taught me a lot.”

  “What could two weeks possibly teach you about a person,” he asked skeptically.

  “You are different now a lot like Alex…. the times when you were the butcher were different and you’ve made yourself adjust to life with humanity and to me, that means you’re as ready as you’re gonna be.”

  “What does that mean?” He asked confused.

  “It means we will be seeing you again real soon,” and with those words, they’d disappeared as quickly as they had come.

  He shook his head to clear his mind he needed to focus on the task at hand. He only had a small window of time to act. He’d watched this house for two nights now and at ten most of the demons left to collect their money.

  He slipped his mask over his face and stretched his back he would make quick work of this. He listened closely letting his hearing tune in on the inner workings of the house. He could make out at least two people.

  He climbed the wall at the back of the house and carefully entered through the upstairs bathroom window. When he got inside the smell that hit him made him scowl. Drugs and body odor…he steeled his stomach and walked slowly through the home knowing that using his enhanced speed would be a mistake.

  This wasn’t just a kill mission he needed to understand why they’d showed up here, in New Orleans specifically and just how they were manufacturing drugs that could affect supernaturals, it made no sense. He’d seen what Venom could do and it was growing in the community.

  Nate listened again and was alarmed to find no one in the house. That was when he realized something was wrong…there was no way they would leave this place without him hearing it. Unless…he jumped back slamming his knife into the side of a warlock who appeared right behind him.

  He yanked it out and slammed it back towards his head using his enhanced speed. He continued to move forward never giving the warlock enough time to gather a spell. It wasn’t long before he had him pinned and without hesitation, he sunk his knife through his neck and ripped his spinal cord out.

  When he stood he saw a beautiful woman sitting across from him and just to her right was Dillon one of the mad four. She smiled and raised her hand saluting him for his kill.

  “I’m embarrassed that you took him down so easily,” Dillon said disgustedly adjusting his black tie. He wore a dark grey fitted suit with a silk white shirt accentuating his mahogany skin. He looked from the dead warlock back to him and shook his head.

  He turned to the lady who still sat quietly in the chair, “I told you I have to train them myself or this is the type of shit I get, he’s just one vampire.” He leaned towards the woman and Nate knew that she was something special to him.

  Nate stood still trying to decide the best way to handle this…he knew the woman was a witch and a powerful one at that her scent gave that away. She was the wildcard. Dillon could be provoked his biggest flaw was his ego.

  “Yep, just one vampire Dillon that’s all it took to eliminate two of your houses…what will you tell your brothers I’m betting they won’t be happy.” He moved closer as he spoke closing the gap between them.

  Before he could get within striking distance he felt a blade sink into his back. He turned and caught sight of another witch disappearing out of the room. He locked eyes with her just as she turned the corner.

  Pain like nothing else radiated from the wound forcing him to his knees, he felt his heart stutter.

  “I want to kill you but my mate here she has other plans but I promise you by the time she’s done with you… you’ll be relieved to meet your end,” Dillon remarked casting him an indifferent look. If his mate wanted to play, she could play.

  “What is happening to me…what have you done?” Nate asked his vision blurring.

  “The thing about drugs is that once you know how they affect a species, the options become infinite. We know exactly what to use to disable a vampire, I killed a thousand of them just to figure it out and now I got you a true Atlantian, an original of your species.” Her eyes flashed triumphantly.

  She knew he couldn’t do anything now that the drugs were already fully in his system she would need to dose him frequently but the toxin would hold. She wanted to clap her hands at her success but she knew that would embarrass Dillon so she kept her face expressionless just as he’d taught her so long ago.

  She’d done her research on Nate and knew that if this could work on an ancient Atlantian vampire the possibilities were endless. He had made a huge mistake targeting their drug compounds because that had put him on her radar.

  Nate resisted with everything he had but still, he could feel his organs shutting down one by one. The witch entered his mind quickly, using her power ruthlessly, sweeping through his body and effectively taking over.

  When he could do nothing but take small shallow breaths she smiled leaning forward to run her small hand over his frozen face.

  “Oh you beautiful boy I’m going to have such fun with you,” she whispered ignoring Dillon’s growing resentment. Nate felt a frisson of fear at the look in her eyes. She wasn’t just evil; there was a blankness, an emptiness that revealed her lack of a soul and he knew he had a long painful night ahead of him.

  * * *

  Anise Amant stood in the mirror examining herself. It was an age-old habit done by many a woman. She wasn’t beautiful in a traditional sense her nose was a bit too small and her lips a little too full. But she did have a unique blend of features that often caused people to take a second look. She ran her fingers through her thick curly hair. She looked back at the book on her table and back into the mirror.

  She needed to do this, to praise herself instead of criticizing. Her divorce from Terrence had sent her spinning out of control. She desperately wanted to find the woman she’d once been, carefree and trusting…putting her faith in the world around her.

  Watching Opal and Alex had touched something inside of her. An emotion that she’d assumed was dead. Her eyes filled with tears when she thought of the exact moment when her faith had been shattered.

  She’d come home early with a headache. She’d been dealing with the younger coven members and their young woman troubles. All of the other keepers had mysteriously disappeared when the young girls had arrived.

  She’d been stuck with helping them to settle in and learn the rules. All of the girls had their own share of problems, problems that all of the witches understood. It had taken her all morning to calm them down and make them feel safe.

  She’d only wanted a few minutes alone. Terrence was a werewolf so he understood the perils of the supernatural world. It had been one of the many reasons she’s fallen in love with him. When she’d walked into their bedroom and found him in bed with another woman, everything stopped.

  That’s the thing they don’t tell you about heartbreak…a woman dreams of the future, well at least she did. She’d imagined a small house for them that was warm and inviting. A house that would be filled with at least three kids and a variety of animals. It was like he’d killed them all in one moment.

  It had taken everything to walk out of that room. She’d been moments away from killing them both, her powers coming forth as rage filled her. She felt it boiling just beneath the surface the wrath of mother nature herself as the keeper of the earth, she could
use it…she could wipe them from the face of the earth.

  Terrence knew it too, she watched as lust was replaced with fear when his eyes caught hers. But she had overcome the feeling, forcing her body to move in the opposite direction of them, she’d heard Terrence calling to her…pleading for her to come back.

  The asshole thought that he could somehow salvage them. She could have told him you can’t fix something that was obliterated. She used her powers to trap them in the house. She needed space between them, unsure of what she would do if he followed.

  She’d walked and walked, every step essentially killing any dreams she had for her future. That’s how it been for the last year, the rage had slowly morphed into numbness, which was a blessing in itself.

  She’d went to Opal; she knew she would know what to do. As the keeper of knowledge, she had taken over quickly setting the divorce in motion, and sending in different coven members to talk to her.

  Opal didn’t understand heartbreak and at the time had never known love. So she’d picked out a handful of witches that had experienced that type of pain and sent them in to tell Anise their stories. In her own way trying to comfort her. She’d also forced Anise to write out her pain, citing the numerous studies that had been done on it.

  It had taken time but she slowly had come out of the pain-filled fog. The divorce had been final thanks to Opal’s unwavering focus; Terrence had fought the divorce, begging for a chance to talk to Anise. But Opal was ruthless and she went after anything that held value in his life, threatening his family and his business to ensure Anise’s freedom.

  In fact, now that she thought about it she hasn’t laid eyes on him since that fateful day. She knew now that if she saw him, she would feel only wistful sadness. She looked around her bathroom and at all of the serums she’d collected. The insecurity she gained from his betrayal was a surprise side effect.

  Why did she question herself? Why was she looking for flaws? She picked up the bottles and tossed them in the trash. If she wanted peace she needed to find it in her mind, not on her face. She dressed quickly slipping on black leggings and a loose bright green sweater.


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