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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

Page 9

by T. C. Clark

  Today was a new day filled with new beginnings and she would treat it as such. After spending a week at Opal’s and witnessing her new love, she was ready for a fresh start. She’d always loved love, yep she was a sap like that and it was time to move on.

  She headed downstairs grabbing her journal and started a pot of water. It was time for a change; she needed to design the new life that she wanted. Her mind drifted back to that Tony Robbins YouTube video she’d watched last night. If a person wanted a different life they had to fight for it.

  She let her mind drift over the last year and really allowed herself to examine her feelings. The hurt from the divorce, the fear for Opal when she’d disappeared in Atlantis, and the pangs of jealousy she’d experienced last week.

  As she pondered her future, she heard a pounding on her door so loud that it made her jump. She hurried downstairs to answer and was surprised to find Nadia at the door.

  Nadia was the keeper of madness and a former mean girl, to say they weren’t the best of friends would be an understatement.

  Nadia stayed at the UK headquarters and served under Anna the Keeper of Rage. Her eyebrows rose at the intense expression on her face.

  “Glad to see you are home and well,” Nadia said barging through the door with the grace of a bull. Anise sighed as she realized her morning was about to be very different than she planned. She walked past Nadia to the kitchen to cut off the teapot.

  Nadia followed closely and spotted her journal, which Anise quickly closed. She knew Nadia didn’t believe in self-help theories and would probably laugh her out of the room. Better pull this band-aid off quick and figure out what was going on here.

  “Why are you here Nadia?” Anise asked suspiciously.

  “No, hello or how are you? You are supposed to be the keeper of the earth, Mother Nature herself…” She answered wandering through the room.

  “Nope, I’m not in the mood to play nice…we’ve never really gotten along. In my opinion, that is all your fault and since we were little we’ve taken care to stay out of each other’s way…so if you’re here then it’s because something is wrong.”

  “Your right,” Nadia said sincerely watching Anise’s anxious expression. When they’d met she’d been a bully focusing her attention on Anise. She’d hated her from the word go…not because of anything she’d done but because of her nature.

  People loved Anise like truly loved her. Her warm nature and charming laugh drew even the sourest of people to her. While Nadia’s fiery temper and sharp tongue had driven people away. Every time they’d met she’d taken pleasure in hurting her feelings.

  She’d only let up after Opal had figured out what was going on, she’d confronted her, and quickly whooped her ass. Nothing sobered a bully up faster than meeting a bigger bully.

  She’d been sent to live with Anna afterward once Myra started to recognize the tension between her and the coven. It was there that she’d learned to control her emotions and accept her past.

  Now every time she saw Anise she felt a deep sense of shame and to be honest she didn’t know how to deal with it, so she mostly just kept quiet. As Anise grew she became stronger and her fear of Nadia had been replaced with open disgust.

  They both were very different people from when they were children. How did one apologize for how she’d been…how could she explain to Anise the trauma she’d been through, she’d been a real bitch to her. She would give anything to go back in time and be different.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “You’re right I was awful to you and I was wrong. If there is anything I could do to make it right, I would. I don’t what else to say,” she looked to Anise, knowing that this needed to be said before they went any further.

  She waited for a smug expression or a righteous comeback but got neither. Anise walked to her and placed a hand on her tense shoulder. This is why people loved Anise; there was a kindness in her that was unmatched.

  “You really mean that you’ve never once apologized to me for the way things were…I thought you didn’t care about the past or the way you’d been, but it’s okay I forgive you.”

  “Just like that, after all of those years…all of that pain you just forgive me,” Nadia said tears filling her eyes.

  “I was never one for grudges, justice yes, but no grudges. I just needed you to acknowledge your part and apologize for it…what’s done is done, Nadia.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. She hadn’t expected quick forgiveness from Anise but she would take it. She had to ask her for a favor that would require her trust. She knew this was a long shot, but she needed to be sure before she brought the rest of the information to the council.

  “What brings you here?” Anise asked again, knowing whatever it was couldn’t be good. She led her to the living room and smiled when Nadia’s eyes widened as she took in the plants she stored there.

  Nadia had never once been inside of her home, for obvious reasons; she knew some of the other witches found it odd that she had so many plants. Trees lined her hallway; large ferns were placed in every corner. Her house was essentially a small jungle, with its own working ecosystem. She found peace in that. She loved having plant life all around her.

  She pulled out two glasses and a small bottle filled with herb-infused bourbon and sat down at the table. Tapping her finger on the chair as a sign of encouragement. Nadia openly examined the room as she sat down.

  It was magical here inside of Anise’s home, she now understood why so many of the younger coven witches enjoyed coming here. Even with all of the plants, she’d somehow made the place cozy and warm.

  She sat down across from her and took the offered glass and downed the glass. She looked at her warily and confessed everything.

  “I’ve been investigating Taren,” she admitted watching Anise’s face.

  “Why…why would you need to do that?”

  “You know we work with the sirens when it comes to dealing with the mad four,” she said trying to decide how much to tell her.

  “Yes, I know about the pact.”

  “One of them worked closely with Taren on a case and she told me some things that made me question Taren’s loyalty.”

  “You would take the word of a siren over one of our own?”

  “I haven’t taken anyone’s words yet…I haven’t even approached Taren about all of this, I wanted, I needed to be sure before I did that. All a witch has in this world is her coven. I would never willingly or recklessly take that away from anyone. But after following her for over a month now, I’m starting to get a little worried.”

  “Exactly why are you worried?” Anise asked needing to understand what would cause Nadia to believe this.

  “She leaves periodically for undocumented and unaccounted for time. For a while it was fine I didn’t find anything that would cause worry, but this last time I followed her all the way to Brooklyn and she entered the home of Dillon Hale.”

  “She could have been doing her own investigation, something else could be going on,” Anise answered with a doubtful tone.

  “I thought that too, except for the fact that she walked through the front door and exited through the same door only thirty minutes later. She didn’t sneak in, she did not attack anyone, and no one attacked her. They watched her as if she belonged. Now I know this is a lot to ask, but I’m following a lead and once I come back I can’t keep this quiet, I will not lie to my sisters about what I know. So I need you to use this time to figure out what is really going on with her, you are her only friend in the coven. If she will talk to anyone it will be you. You built the prison so I will tell them I’m bringing you in to repair the right wing, the one that crazed Minotaur destroyed. She seems to be focused on a vampire we brought in a few days ago, start with that.”

  “I can’t believe Taren would ever do anything to hurt one of us,” Anise said worriedly. Her eyes moving from Nadia’s face to the picture just behind her. A golden frame hung on her wall housing a picture of Anise and Taren
from when they were in their early teens. Taren was a lot of things, but she would never be a traitor.

  But she had to admit Nadia was a great detective despite their differences. Anise had watched Nadia from afar as she grew into a powerful witch, one who never failed when on a mission. If Nadia believed this most of the other coven members would accept it as truth.

  “Anise, you know I wouldn’t come to you unless it was important, this is her only shot. Once I get back it’s over for her.” Nadia said firmly.

  “Okay I’ll go but I promise you whatever you think is going on with her she’s not a traitor. I’ll head there and figure it out for myself.” Anise snapped. She wouldn’t let Nadia turn the coven against Taren, she more than anyone else understood what that would do to her.

  Taren’s childhood had been a nightmare and it was littered with people who turned their backs on her. She would do everything in her power to protect her and prove her innocence.

  * * *

  Back at the prison…

  “You have five days Taren!” Mina said watching Dillon pace the room.

  “Five days? How can you expect me to get to him that quickly? Nadia is already suspicious of me and has quarantined the vampire to an off-grid cell. There is no way I can get to him in time.”

  “That’s not my problem girl…it’s yours. Don’t bore me with your confusion. Dillon wants his head and he will have it. The fucker killed his right-hand man when he made his escape. Get to him before the end of the fifth day or I will take your little sister apart, piece by piece, and feed her to my dogs. I put you there for results…get fucking results!”

  The mental connection severed with a painful rush. Mina never cared about the pain she inflicted on the recipients of her calls. It never even occurred to her to care. Taren sat down heavily on her worn mattress. For years she had served her Mina, feeding information about the keepers.

  She’d walked a fine line, giving her just enough information to hurt the coven but never enough to destroy them. But Mina was smart she’d done so many horrible things to her when she was younger she knew she would ultimately bend to her will.

  As long as she had Ashley, she had her. Her little sister was the only thing that mattered now. She had a chance at a good, normal life filled with people who loved her. Mina had purposely created a close relationship with her, only showing Ashley her charming side.

  As far as Ashley was concerned her aunt Mina was amazing and fun. She had no idea how truly depraved the bitch was. When they had arrived at their aunt’s house after their parent’s death, the warning bells had immediately gone off in her head.

  Aunt Mina was just a little too perfect in her opinion. Ashley hadn’t been born with magical talent and had become the perfect weapon for Mina to use.

  She’d been forced to do whatever Mina wanted and as the keeper of reflection, the tasks had been endless. Mina sent her to keep a close eye on Myra. She had some plans for her. Myra was the most powerful witch alive today, even now after years of working alongside her, she still felt awe whenever the queen chose to demonstrate her power. She ruled alongside Anna the keeper of rage and Sara the keeper of terror.

  The keeper’s coven was infamous now because of the strength of the witches who represented it. Secretly Taren loved this camaraderie it was something she’d never experienced before. A love that transcended blood and thought, they were sisters by choice…and she was going to betray them.

  She thought of the one witch who had truly touched her. Anise Amant had somehow become her best friend with her soft words and kind heart Taren had been drawn to her just like everyone else. The only difference was that her feelings for her were not manufactured. Anise had been there for her in all ways.

  And now this…the one mission that could end all others. She had to get to Nate Rodriguez and kill him before he could speak on what he’d seen. She’d never seen Mina so desperate Dillon must be in a killing rage.

  Nate was the only supernatural who’d ever escaped them..He’d gotten as far as the docks when he attacked a witch from the keeper’s coven, crazed from torture and hunger he’d been easily put down by Anise’s sister Lorelei, the keeper of life.

  Instead of killing him as most witches would opt to do, she’d sent him to their prison…she’d known immediately that something wasn’t right with him and wanted to investigate further right now he was being treated there and was surrounded by their elite security squad…one that she’d trained alongside. It would be damn near impossible to get to him without being caught…she needed a plan because Mina wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Ashley.

  She looked into the mirror noting the dark circles forming under her eyes. Her thick blonde hair streaked with dirt from last night’s mission. How long could she honestly keep this up…how long until she broke? Those were the questions that continued to play in her mind.

  She may try to kid herself that Anise was her only friend but in the back of her mind she considered the other coven member’s family. She closed her eyes and allowed herself just a moment of despair.

  Her life was shit, it had always been shit. She’d given up everything…her honor, pride, and even her one chance at real love. This was just one more thing she had to do to keep her sister safe. She took a deep breath and refocused her mind.

  She would have to find a way into the cell and that meant she needed a distraction. She opened her book of shadows and flipped quickly through the pages, there had to be something she could use, a spell that would work. If she played her cards right maybe she could eliminate the vampire and still keep her place in the keepers at least for now. Just because her sisters would one day hate her, didn’t mean that she was in a hurry to lose them.

  * * *

  Anise adjusted her straps one more time. This is what she got for buying a jumper at the Beauty Queen store, a deal was not always a deal. She walked quickly through the large doors keeping her head down.

  She built this prison by herself, creating thick magically enhanced walls for cells and a large sturdy building to house them. The keeper’s coven was one of three covens located across the world that enforced justice for their kind.

  She knew Nadia would follow through with her threat. The evidence against Taren was overwhelming she needed to figure out exactly what was going on in order to protect her.

  Her eyes wandered the walls of her prison, large and bare. She kept walking towards the rear wall, she’d left a small hidden access point there just in case anything happened and she needed to get in or out without being detected. Opal wasn’t the only one who planned ahead.

  She moved fast finding her weak points in the wall with ease she stopped when she heard sounds coming from the opposite wall.

  “I don’t know Taren told me to move him she said Nadia wanted him in the west wing… I tried to call Nadia but I can’t get her and I think we should probably just do what Taren says,” a muffled voice said.

  “But don’t you think it’s weird to move him I mean technically Ida said he wasn’t a prisoner,” the other witch answered.

  “I agree with you but what are we to do…officially Taren is in charge when Nadia’s away and do you want to deal with Nadia if we’re wrong.”

  Anise didn’t recognize the voices which meant that they were from the sirens coven. She kept still because she wasn’t sure of their style of powers.

  She followed the voices to the rear cell and waited. As their voices receded Anise allowed her power to flow freely mapping the room and the life form inside.

  The vampire was as close to death as immortals could get she could feel the thirst in him…..the starvation and disease…sorrow filled her as she encountered his pain.

  Like the other witches, she recognized the wrongness of this situation. She reached for his mind using the spell Ida had taught her so long ago. It would allow her to read his intentions and his speaking thoughts.

  Every person spoke to themselves in their mind… Ida often referred to this as their inside voice. He
was beyond reasoning whatever had been done to him had scrambled his mind all she could sense was desperate thirst.

  “Get out of my mind witch!”Nate yelled to the empty room slamming his head into the cell wall. For days he’d been tormented by Mina his mind turned inside out.

  He could feel someone in his mind probing, searching. It had been easier to hold out against Mina as her torture was mostly physical.

  The General he’d trained under had taught him how to endure any physical pain…but the witches here were different. Well, all but one he was pretty sure he’d seen the blonde-haired witch before at Mina’s.

  He’d overhead the witches and knew he’d been brought in by the keeper’s coven he couldn’t believe they would be working with the mad four.

  Nate thought of Ida and his time with her and knew something else was going on here…he also knew that if the witch was with Mina then he had a target on his back.

  He had to get out of here before she found him. He’d heard the other witches moving him to this cell wasn’t in the routine. He needed to escape. He needed to feed.

  Nate had tried to speak to some of the other witches but his thirst was too close to the surface. Every time he got close to someone with a pulse he went for their neck…he didn’t know how he could explain to them that he needed to drink, to heal before he could tell his side of the story.

  He smiled as he thought back to his escape he’d killed Brad, Dillon’s right-hand man. Nate knew that would hurt. He’d kept to the shadows avoiding humans knowing that if he saw them in his current state he would kill them. He searched for a supernatural that could withstand his bite.

  When he’d finally made it to the docks he’d immediately attacked a witch named Lorelei, his thirst clouding his judgment turning him into more of a beast than man…he was lucky she’d chosen to show him the mercy he had been in no condition to defend himself. She’d sent him ahead to the facility opting to join and offer medical care later.


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