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On Stranger Prides

Page 14

by Amy Cecil

  “I did,” he replied.

  “But how? You did not recognize him, did you?” I asked.

  “No. I did not,” he replied.

  “Then how?” I repeated, astounded that he had known all along.

  “After they took you below to see the captain, we remained on deck for a long time. After a while, Smead came back up and took Dawson, Mrs. Kelly, and me below to your cabin. They told us that you and Thomas were well, but that you would be sailing on the Absolution and that we would remain on the Amity.

  “Not long after Smead left, Captain Sterling came to see us. He asked if he could have a word with me privately. I agreed. After all, he was about to take my most beloved daughter away from me, the last thing I wanted to do was to anger him.

  “We spoke for a very long time. He told me who he was and why he was taking you with him. He assured me that you and Thomas would not be harmed and that he had the best of intentions for you both. He told me that he loved you and that he had loved you for a very long time.” He paused for a moment as the tears began to pool in my eyes. Then he added, “Why did you not ever tell me that you had refused Mr. Darcy all those years ago?”

  “I do not know, Papa. I suppose I was ashamed. I could have married a man that would have saved us all financially, but he was so selfish and rude to me that day that I could not say yes. I could not agree.”

  “And now?” he asked. When I did not answer he asked again, “Lizzie, what about now? What are your feelings for the man now?”

  “Oh, Papa, I love him! I really love him,” I cried. “What am I to do?”

  “Dearest Lizzie, what do you mean what are you to do? Is that not obvious?” he asked. “I know you loved Bash and you had a good life with him, while it lasted. Those who are fortunate enough to find love usually experience it only once in a lifetime. But Fate has given you a second chance. Why would you not embrace that chance and be happy?”

  “No, it is not obvious and it is not as easy as you say. You are just as blinded as he is. I cannot remain here and he cannot return to England. I have obligations in England and this is his life. I would never allow him to give up this life for me.”

  “Oh, Lizzie, you are being nonsensical. He would leave this life for you and Thomas in a heartbeat. He is not Max Sterling. He is Fitzwilliam Darcy, a man of considerable means. I am convinced that he would jump at the chance to return home to his beloved estate and his family.”

  “Papa, he is happy with his life now. He is clearly settled here,” I replied. I truly believed that asking Mr. Darcy to return to England would suffocate him.

  “You are so obstinate and headstrong! You are throwing away happiness with both hands!”

  “I am sorry that you feel that way, but truthfully, I do not see any other way. Max and I are supposed to discuss this all tonight. Maybe he has a solution that will work.”

  As I began to pace around the room, I heard my father say under his breath, “We can all hope that he does.”

  I walked over to the window and stared at the Absolution moored at the dock below. Maggie was right; the view from the back of the house was breathtaking. I could see the waterfront where the ships docked. I had not even noticed it before, but the Amity was sitting at the dock right next to the Absolution. Beyond the dock, I could see the ocean all the way to the horizon. I thought, I bet the sunrise here is absolutely beautiful. I made a mental note to watch for it while we were staying here. I did not know how long we would be in Nassau, but the last thing I wanted was to board another ship right away.

  Wanting to change the subject, I asked, “Papa, have you seen Aunt Palmer?”

  “Not yet. Maggie said that Captain Sterling will take us there on the morrow,” he replied.

  Making an effort to keep him off the subject of Max and me, I asked, “I am looking forward to meeting her. How long has she lived in the West Indies?”

  “Oh, Sarah has lived here for many years, since long before you were born. I think it was around 1787 when she and Alfred moved here. He was a mason and was commissioned to design the new Fort Charlotte when the old Nassau fort was garrisoned.” He paused for a moment and then added, “Yes, it was in 1787.”

  I shook my head. “Papa, how do you remember such things?” I asked. “I cannot even remember half the things I did yesterday, let alone something that happened over thirty years ago.”

  “Why of course you cannot remember something that happened over thirty years ago, you were just a wee babe then,” he said smartly.

  “Oh Papa, why must you jest with me? You knew exactly what I meant.”

  My father laughed and I thought to myself how wonderful it was to be reunited with him again. As we were laughing together, Maggie walked into the room.

  “Your Grace, Thomas has reunited with Mrs. Kelly. I have sent Dawson to tend to your things in your room. The captain should be here shortly and, as always, he will be hungry. So I shall say that dinner will be at half past eight. If you would like to freshen up a bit, I can show you to your room.”

  “That would be lovely, Maggie, thank you. And please, call me Elizabeth,” I replied.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I walked over to my father, kissed him on the cheek, and said, “Thank you for your advice, as always. I will see you at dinner.” I proceeded to follow Maggie from the room. As we walked through the house, I noticed that each room we entered was more beautiful than the last. I was not used to seeing so much color in a home. Although I would most likely not choose it for myself, it worked here and I found it quite lovely.

  We walked upstairs and turned left at the top of the stairs. As we walked down the hallway, we passed several closed doors. At the very end of the hall was one door, with two doors on either side. Maggie opened the door on the right and said, “This, Your Grace, is your room.” I followed behind and was astonished by the room’s beauty.

  “Maggie, please call me Elizabeth,” I pleaded.

  “Madam, I am sorry, I just cannot. I reckon I am just not built that way,” she said.

  “Well, I would not want to make you feel uncomfortable,” I acquiesced. I figured I would have bigger battles down the road to face—this one, I could afford to let go.

  “Like I said, madam, dinner is half past eight. I must go now, but please do not hesitate to ring that gong over there if you need anything,” Maggie said.

  “I will, Maggie, thank you.” She smiled at me and left the room. Dawson had taken care of my belongings and everything was put away as it should be. The house was starting to feel too comfortable for my liking. I could get used to this—and I was afraid that I would.

  After a few minutes alone in my room, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I replied.

  The door opened and in walked Dawson. “Dawson!” I exclaimed. “What a pleasure to see you!”

  “Your Grace, it is very good to see you, too. Mrs. Kelly and I were so worried about you and young Thomas, but your father seemed to know that you both would be just fine.” She paused briefly and then added, “I sure am glad he was right.”

  I smiled. It was good to see her. Things were finally beginning to feel normal. “Would you like to change for dinner, ma’am?” Dawson asked.

  “That would be wonderful, Dawson. I have had to tend myself for the last few weeks and I am afraid my hair looks atrocious. It, as well as I, will be happy to have your expert touch again.”

  Chapter 21

  Captain Sterling

  It took us a couple of hours to get things all settled with the ship, the hull emptied and cashed in. The men received their earnings and left to either spend time with their families or to frequent the brothels in town. Either way, we were home for a while. I could not have been more pleased.

  I had arrived home on many occasions before, but never once had I thought about what I was coming home to. This time I was anxious—Elizabeth and Thomas now waited for me at my home. My life was about to change drastically, but I did not know what course I would be
forced to take. Only Elizabeth had the answer.

  After taking one last glance at my ship, I disembarked. Smead had arranged for a carriage—it was, in fact, the very same carriage that had already taken Elizabeth and Thomas to my home. As I expected, I saw it as soon as I stepped down from the dock. I greeted the driver and proceeded to enter the carriage. In less than an hour, I would be home.

  When we arrived at my estate, excitement overpowered my fatigue. Not only was I about to see Georgiana, but Elizabeth, Thomas, and Mr. Bennet would be present as well. I finally had a family to come home to. Though I loved Georgiana dearly, this homecoming would be different. And if I knew my sister, she would be the first to agree. Even though she and Winston were happily married, she had always longed for some female companionship: someone who did not provide her with lessons, but perhaps a sister or a friend. Even if things between Elizabeth and I did not proceed as I hoped, I prayed that they would enjoy each other’s company enough to develop a true friendship.

  Maggie greeted me at the door. “Welcome home, Captain Sterling!” she said cheerfully. “I hope your voyage was profitable,” she said questioningly.

  She always asks. I suppose she worries about working for a pirate. She has no idea of who I am; all she knows is that I am a pirate and I rob other ships. I had to laugh at how much my life had changed over the course of the last eleven years. It made me wonder if I could go back to my life in England.

  I did not know the answer to that, but I was certain about one thing: if going back to England meant that I would spend the rest of my days with Elizabeth and Thomas, I would do everything in my power to make that happen. The only problem would be convincing Elizabeth.

  “Thank you, Maggie. Are the duchess and her son settled?”

  “Yes, sir. As you instructed, the duchess is in the room adjoining your own and the young duke is down the hall, in the room adjoining Mrs. Kelly’s. Dawson, the duchess’ lady’s maid, is in the servants’ quarters,” she replied.

  “And Mr. Bennet?” I asked.

  “He is also well, sir. He has been enjoying your library over the last couple of days.” She paused for a moment, then added, “I have quite enjoyed his company, sir. I find him very witty.” She smiled as she said this and I thought I saw her blush. I thought better than to tease her about this and decided to just reply as necessary.

  “That is good to hear. So it is fair to say that all is well?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. I had not realized how tired and drained I was. The last two days had been an emotional strain and it was all catching up with me.

  “Indeed, sir, no problems on the home front,” she replied.

  “I would expect nothing less when leaving things in your capable hands. Thank you.” I paused for a moment, looked over at the stack of correspondence on my desk untouched, and added, “I think I will go lie down for a bit. What time is dinner?”

  “Half past eight, sir. Shall I have Feyard fetch you thirty minutes prior?” she asked. Feyard was my valet. There were just some amenities from England that I could not live without and Feyard was one of them. After spending months at sea, it was nice to come home to a staff that took care of me for a change.

  “Yes, Maggie, that would be wonderful. Thank you.” I turned toward the door with every intention of going straight upstairs to my room.

  “Rest well, sir,” Maggie said as I left the room.

  As I tiredly walked toward my room, a peace washed over me that I had not felt in a very long time. It was as if having Elizabeth in this house made everything complete. When I got to my bedroom door I glanced over to my right. Elizabeth was there, in that room, only a few feet away from me. I wanted to knock and see her, but I was tired and I was sure she was too. It would be best for us to see each other at dinner. Right then I needed rest, as I was sure I was in for a long night.


  “Sir, it is time to wake up,” I heard Feyard say as I was coming out of sleep.

  “I am awake. Thank you, Feyard,” I replied. I rose out of bed and for a brief moment had to remember what time of the day it was. Dinner. Yes, dinner with Elizabeth, Thomas, and Mr. Bennet.

  Once I was fresh and awake, I proceeded downstairs to the dining room to greet my guests. When I arrived, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Mr. Bennet were already seated at the table. I assumed that the two ladies that had accompanied Mr. Bennet were dining with the staff.

  “Forgive me, Your Grace, Thomas, and Mr. Bennet. I was resting and lost track of the time. I hope you all are well this evening,” I said.

  They nodded as I walked to my seat at the head of the table. A few minutes later, Georgiana and Winston arrived and took their seats. “Allow me to make the introductions. Your Grace, I would like you to meet my sister Georgiana and her husband Winston Hughes.”

  “I am pleased to finally meet you, Mrs. Hughes. Your brother has told me quite a lot about you,” Elizabeth said.

  “I feel exactly the same. I feel as if I know you already,” Georgiana replied.

  “Mr. Bennet, meet my sister Georgiana and her husband Winston Hughes,” I said.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Mr. Bennet said.

  “And, of course, Georgiana and Winston, please meet His Grace, Thomas Sebastian Wellesley, Duke of Grafton,” I said. Thomas’ eyes sparkled at my introduction and he stood and bowed to my sister and brother-in-law.

  “It is an honor, Your Grace,” Winston said.

  “Indeed Your Grace, truly an honor,” Georgiana added.

  Thomas smiled at her and returned to his seat. He quickly leaned over to Elizabeth and whispered loud enough for the entire table to hear him, “I like her, Mama.” Elizabeth smiled as we all chuckled a little, but not so much as to embarrass the young lad.

  “So, Mrs. Hughes, do you and Mr. Hughes live on Nassau?” Elizabeth asked.

  “No, Your Grace, we do not. We sail to the West Indies once a year to visit my brother,” Georgiana replied.

  “Well, how fortunate I am to have arrived while you were here visiting,” Elizabeth said.

  “Fortunate for us both,” Georgiana replied.

  I exhaled in relief. When I had originally left England, Georgiana had no idea as to why. I told her that I would be travelling and left it at that. After I had been away for about three years, I decided on one of my visits to England that I would tell her everything. And so I did. She knew that I had proposed to Elizabeth and she knew that Elizabeth had refused me. She knew everything and because of that, I had been worried that she might hold a grudge against Elizabeth. But as I watched the two converse with each other over dinner, I could clearly see that she did not.

  “Captain Sterling, if I may ask, why did you pick Nassau to settle?” Mr. Bennet asked.

  “Well, Mr. Bennet, when I first left England, I did not have a plan as to where I was going to land. All I knew then was that I wanted to go to the West Indies. I knew there were several islands down here and figured that when I arrived I would find one that suited me,” I replied.

  “So it was the luck of the draw, so to speak?” Mr. Bennet asked.

  “Not exactly.” I paused for a moment and then continued, “You see, Mr. Bennet, I, like you, enjoy reading. I spend a lot of time reading documented history. When I read about Nassau and its origin, I was intrigued. Did you know that Nassau was not this town’s first name?” I asked.

  “Yes, I think I read that somewhere,” Mr. Bennet replied. I chuckled at his response and realized again that he and I were not very different.

  “Why would they change the name?” Thomas inquired.

  “Well, when this island was first discovered by the British in 1670, to honor King Charles II, the island was called Charles Town. In 1684 the town was burnt to the ground by the Spanish in a war between Spain and England. In 1695 it was rebuilt and renamed Nassau.”

  “Nassau is an odd name,” Thomas stated.

  “It is, but do you know where it comes from?” I asked.

  “No, sir,”
Thomas replied.

  “When the town was renamed, it was renamed under the Dutch Stadholder, who later became William III, from the Dutch House of Orange and Nassau. The name Nassau derives from the House of Nassau and from the town of Nassau, Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.” I felt like an instructor, but I loved history and it appeared that Thomas did too.

  “That is a lot of things just to come up with a name,” Thomas said.

  “I suppose so,” I replied.

  “Captain, I am not sure if my father told you or not, but my Aunt Palmer lives on this island. The whole reason for our journey to the West Indies in the first place was to visit her. Will we be able to see her while we are here?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Of course, Your Grace. I have made arrangements to have a carriage at your disposal first thing tomorrow. You will all be free to visit her any time you wish. And while we are on the subject, I would like your aunt and her family to join us for dinner as well. Perhaps the day after tomorrow?” I replied.

  “Thank you, captain. I will make the dinner invitation. I am sure that we will enjoy our visit tomorrow. You are most kind,” Elizabeth said. She was being very formal in her address and manner of speaking, and I was beginning to fear that I was slowly losing her.

  Then, as if an angel come to answer my prayers, Mr. Bennet spoke. “Mr. … er, Captain Sterling, do you think you might give this all up someday and return to England?” he asked. Suddenly, everyone stopped eating and the room became quiet, all looking to me for an answer. Mr. Bennet was a sly one—I assumed that Elizabeth had informed him of our relationship prior to my arrival.

  Before I answered him, I took a quick glance around the room. Thomas looked downright anxious to hear what I was going to say next. Elizabeth was giving her father the evil eye and I was sure that he would be in some trouble from his daughter when they were able to talk privately. Georgiana and Winston looked completely shocked at the question. Mr. Bennet deserved an answer and I needed to give him one.


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