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My Ranger Weekend

Page 6

by Lowrance, J. D.

  “Who cares!” Reggie was definitely trying to play it off. “Let’s just enjoy the day and hopefully the night,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. “And then we’ll rehash the Ranger weekend,” she said in a deep voice mimicking the guys as she air quoted the last two words, “over and over again when we are like 80. It’ll be great.”

  I laughed at her sum-up of what our life would be like at 80 as I threw my arm around her shoulders. “You’re right. You’re right.”

  “Damn straight,” she said as we made our way down the steps.

  “Let’s go Rangers,” Reggie called as we got to the front door. The guys rounded the corner. Damn he’s hot. Flint with a shit-eating grin on his face, those broad shoulders filling out his white t-shirt as the sleeves hugged his biceps. I was honestly jealous of a shirt. It wasn’t until Reggie started laughing that I noticed that Flint had poor Romeo in a head lock.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as Reggie laughed even harder. Flint was staring at Reggie as her laughter filled the foyer. I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw the appreciative gleam in his eyes as he looked her over. But then his eyes found mine and turned from approving to downright hungry as he stalked towards me like a predator and I was his prey.

  “Nothing dear,” he answered as he shrugged his shoulders. He placed a quick kiss on my lips as he led Romeo out the front door. Romeo winked as he passed us grabbing Reggie’s hand and pulling her with him. Reggie turned to me giving me her brightest smile before she laughed out loud again and grabbed my hand to follow her. We were all laughing by the time we made it to the beach. What a sight we must have been to anyone walking by; Flint held Romeo in a head lock as he pulled Reggie and me behind him while we all laughed at our own antics.

  These two were a trip. Anyone could see the friendship these two shared. I knew nothing of Romeo and barely anything about Flint but you could tell they were best friends just like Reggie and me. Maybe they were not friends as long but the bond was there. Flint finally let Romeo walk normal after we got to the sand. Both guys took our bags and hands as we walked to the cove.

  We claimed a spot once we reached the cove. It was empty but I knew it would fill up quickly. Once the blankets were arranged to Reggie’s liking we started undressing. The temperature was just perfect. A slight breeze was coming off the water but still really warm for October in Southern Cali. Romeo and Reggie were in their own world as they took turns putting sunscreen on themselves and each other. Then Reggie connected her phone to the speakers we had brought with us. Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” filled the air as I finished putting lotion on the front of my body. Flint came up behind me silently asking me for the lotion. Once he had a good amount in his palm he handed me back the bottle as he said in a deep voice, “Turn around.” I did as I was told. The anticipation built as I waited for his hands on me. My favorite part of the song echoed through the speakers.

  “Are you ready for, Ready for, A perfect storm, Perfect storm, Cause once you're mine, Once you're mine, There's no goin' back.”

  Sing it Katy Perry! I jumped as Flint ran a cold, lotion-filled finger from my neck down my spine only lifting it to pass over my bathing suit and then started again to my bikini bottoms. Goosebumps followed his finger right before his other hand smeared lotion across my shoulder blades then across my lower back. “So cold,” I murmured as I shivered. Both of his hands began to massage my shoulder blades as he rubbed the lotion into my skin. I could feel Flint’s body heat against my back as his breath skated across my neck. I laid my head back on his shoulder enjoying the feel of his hands on my body. “Feels good,” I sighed as he moved his hands to my lower back. As he finished Flint placed his hands on my hips pulling my back to his front. His erection poked my ass as he kissed right behind my ear.

  The squawk of a seagull pulled me from my Flint haze as I looked around to find Reggie and Romeo at the water’s edge. Thank goodness. I found that I could lose myself so quickly in everything Flint and it scared me a little. The conversation with Reggie came back to me and I had to remember it was just for the weekend. I shook my head to clear my desire and get my thoughts back under control.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” Flint asked. “You were so relaxed and now you are stiff as a board.”

  “Nothing really,” I lied. The day could be perfect and I did not want to ruin it, but Flint had to know that I knew about Monday. “I know you are leaving on Monday for a mission or whatever,” I said rather quickly to get it out there in the open.

  “Romeo told Reggie.” It was not a question but rather a statement of fact. I felt his eyes on me so I just nodded as I stared at the horizon.

  “You mad?” I shook my head. “You seem mad.” Was I mad? I did not think I was. Maybe a little hurt that Romeo told Reggie and Flint had kept his mouth shut. Was he using me? Was I using him? I don’t know.

  “Want me to put lotion on your back?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I turned to look at him with a smile that probably looked more like a grimace on my face. We both wore sunglasses hiding our eyes and whatever we were thinking, which was both good and bad. Good for me so he could not see the hurt in my eyes and I could downplay this conversation, but bad because I only saw myself reflected back as I looked at him. Flint stared for another heartbeat before turning towards the water.

  “Sure,” he said. I walked behind Flint and quickly applied lotion, not nearly giving him the time or effort that he gave me.

  “All set.”


  I dropped the lotion in my bag as I took a seat on the towel. The strain between us was evident and I was kicking myself for causing it. Something needed to be said before it ruined the day. We both said “hey” at the same time.

  “You first,” said Flint as he sat next to me. We were both staring out at the water.

  “I just wanted you to know that I knew so that we can enjoy the weekend for what it is.”

  “And what is that?”

  “A good time,” I said, turning to look at him, a hint of mischief in my tone.

  “A great time,” he countered as he returned my gaze.

  I laughed at his cockiness. “Cocky much?” His answering panty melting grin was my only answer. Flint reached over and pulled me to him. “Kiss me,” he ordered as he pushed my sunglasses above my head. “Ok,” I whispered as I did the same to him. As our lips came together I felt a spark take flight along my nerves that traveled my entire body. Flint’s tongue sought entrance that I eagerly gave him as he fanned that spark to a steady burn and I melted into him. He pulled me deeper into him swallowing my moan.

  “Get a room,” Romeo called out, dowsing not only our lust but us as well as he shook his head throwing drops of cold water on us. I shrieked, turning away from Romeo as Flint jumped up and tackled him to the ground. They wrestled for a few more minutes, kicking up sand and grunting as each tried to outmaneuver the other. I went and stood next to Reggie joining in her laughter. They finally tired each other out and let each other stand up. Once on their feet they surveyed the other and then themselves to find that they were covered in sand.

  “I got sand in places it should never visit,” laughed Romeo as he took off towards the water. Flint turned towards me. His sunglasses were lost in the shuffle so I could see his eyes and they were blazing as they traveled up my body.

  “Oh no Ranger. Don’t even think about it,” I yelled as I turned tail and ran away. I did not even hear him as he picked me up mid-step. I kicked and screamed as he walked towards the water.

  “Flint, let me go,” I hollered. “Reggie, help me,” I called out as we passed her. Romeo was already walking back to her and both were laughing their asses off. “I swear to God, Ranger, you better put me down,” I demanded. The yelling did not work nor did the hard-ass approach so I tried my last weapon in my arsenal. “Please baby,” I whimpered, “please put me down.” His steps slowed then stopped right at the water’s edge. Flint set me down on my feet and turn
ed me in his arms.

  He took off my sunglasses and looked in my eyes. I was not sure what he was looking for but the minute I smiled at him he chucked my sunglasses, bent over putting his shoulder into my waist as he hoisted me up and over his shoulder. My ass stuck up in the air as I dangled behind him.

  “Oh my God Flint,” I yelled, slapping his lower back as he took off into the water.

  “Hold still,” he said as he slapped my ass before throwing me into the waves. I came up gasping from the cold water but quickly turned in a circle to try and find Flint. “Oh crap,” I murmured as he was nowhere to be found. In the next second I felt him pinch my butt but I was too slow again as I spun around. He had yet to surface. “Flint, where are you?” I called out but he still stayed under the water. I am going to kill you shark-boy. The surf made it impossible to see him under the white foam of the waves. I was a sitting duck waist deep in the water so I decided I had to swim for it if I had any chance to get away. The shore was not far so I took off as fast as I could. Three strokes later Flint grabbed my ankle stopping my hasty retreat. I tried to kick him but he just grabbed the offending foot and pulled me towards him. I was at his mercy as he flipped me over and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “Where do you think you are going?” He asked as he stood looming over me. Water dripped down his face and off his chin. My eyes followed a large bead of water down his chest. All of my fight left me as I looked up into his clear, blue eyes.

  “Right here,” I answered breathlessly as I let myself float, feeling the flow of the tide as it rushed to shore. Flint’s hands came to my waist as the tide pushed me harder into him as it rushed back to sea. I laughed as he ground his semi-hard cock against me. “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only with you,” he said. A shiver of need ran through me that he mistook as a chill. “Come on pretty girl, let’s go dry off and soak up some rays.” Flint’s hands slid to my lower back as he helped me to stand.

  “Sounds like a plan Ranger.”



  Ryan was turning into quite the adventure. I could not get over how easy it was with her. It was like breathing; effortless. It was not just the sex; there was a connection I never felt before. After making it back to our blankets, Ryan laid on her back while I cozied up next to her on my stomach. My eyes closed at the peacefulness of this moment. I found myself soaking it in like my skin was doing with the sun. As the sun was changing my skin color, I could feel Ryan changing me from just being with her. My initial thought that they were special was spot on. I was sure Reggie was special in her own right but nothing compared to my Ryan. My Ryan? Where the hell did that thought come from? She was not my anything. She could never be. Could she? I was leaving in less than 24 hours and nothing she did, we did, I did was going to change that fact.

  “You guys heading out?” Ryan asked, pulling me from my thoughts of her, of us. I lifted my head to look at Ryan. She is so beautiful.

  “Just a quick walk down the beach,” answered Romeo. I turned to see him and Reggie walking away hand-in-hand.

  “They have hit it off,” whispered Ryan. I turned back to find her lying on her side facing me.

  “Appears so.” I laid my head back.

  “So Dakota, tell me about your family.” I guessed it was time to get to know one another.

  “Nothing to tell.” My voice muffled as I spoke into my arm.

  “Oh come on. Hot Ranger who looks like a surfer boy if his hair was not in the standard high and tight military cut. You are from Dakota. Lived on a farm. Know a lot about faces carved into a mountain. What else?” She took a deep breath before continuing. “There has got to be more than that.” The last was a statement, although it sounded like a question.

  I chuckled at her brief summarization of me. “You are very observant Ms. Wethers,” I said as I rolled onto my back and placed my hands behind my head. I turned to look at her but only found my reflection in her sunglasses. I saw everything she said staring back at me. “There is not much else to tell.”

  “Fine. We can do this the hard way then. You get one and I get one.”

  “One what?” I asked as I propped myself up on my elbows still staring at her.

  “Duh,” she answered, “a question.”

  “Ok. You first.” I lay back down.

  “What is your full name?”

  Easy. “Flint Rogers Emerson.”


  “My mother’s maiden name. And that there Ms. Wethers was two. My turn.” I paused as I tried to think of something good to ask and fell short. “What is your full name?

  “Ryan Elizabeth Wethers.”

  “How very country club of your parents.”

  “Oh shut it Ranger. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

  “You are such a dork.”

  “Whatever, takes one to know one.” I chuckled at this new side of Ryan that she was showing me. “My turn. What is your favorite movie? Ok, wait. Don’t tell. Let me guess,” Ryan said as she turned and bent her legs to sit cross-legged in front of me.

  “Tommy Boy?” I shook my head.

  “Old School?” Another shake.

  “The Hangover?”


  “Ok, just tell,” she said.

  “Top Gun.” I closed my eyes at the sound of her laughter.

  “I should have been able to guess that.”

  “Ok, what about yours?” I asked, looking back at her.


  “As if,” I mocked in my best sorority girl impression.

  “She could be a farmer in those clothes.”

  “Ok. That is sad.” I laughed as Ryan scrunched up her nose at me.

  “What Maverick, you haven’t got any lines?”

  “That’s another question,” I joked as I threw out the most famous line, “I feel the need . . .”

  She finished for me. “The need for speed.” We both laughed. “Looks like we both like old school movies.”

  “Well I think every guy puts Top Gun in their top 5 favorite movies. What makes Clueless your favorite?”

  “I don’t know. I can relate. I am a blonde in California. It does not get more cliché than that. I love how over the top it is.” We both laughed again. “Your turn,” she directed as she sat there smiling down at me. I caught her light scent so I took a deep breath trying to draw her into me.

  “Ok. Next question,” she said, before asking, “Favorite place to visit?”

  “That one is a hard one,” I paused, trying to think of a favorite. “I mean I have been all over the world but never on a vacation. Until I joined the Army I never left the state of South Dakota.”

  “Ever?” she asked.

  “Never,” I replied.

  “Wow,” she commented. “Ok then. Where is one place you want to visit?”

  “The new Dallas Stadium,” I blurted out making her laugh. I knew in that moment I would do anything to make her laugh. “We Dakotans don’t have a football team, as I am sure you are aware, and my dad is a huge fan. He made me into one,” I explained. “So yeah, I would love to go to a Thanksgiving Day game there. I bet it would be really cool.”

  “I bet it would be,” she added.

  “What about you? Where do you want to visit?” I asked.

  “Nantucket,” responded Ryan.

  “Nantucket? Why?”

  “I have only been to New York and DC on the East Coast and I would love to go there. Reggie has been and said it is gorgeous and the perfect temperature in the summer time. I would love to go there.” She turned and smiled at me. I smiled back enjoying how easy this was with her.

  “Back to your question,” I said, really getting into this. “Where is your favorite place to visit?”

  “Ireland by far,” Ryan answered. “I absolutely love it there.”

  “How many times have you been?”

  “Only once. Reggie and I spent about a month traveling all over Ireland and the UK
before school started this September.”

  “Sounds incredible.”

  “It was. I would go back in a heartbeat.” We sat in silence for a few minutes, both of us lost in thought.

  “Whose turn is it?” I asked, trying to get her attention back on me.

  “By all means,” she said, “ask away.” The mischievous smile was back in place as she could tell I was really into her questions game.

  “How long have you been interested in designing?”

  The smile on her face absolutely mesmerized me. Thank God for sunglasses as I could not stop staring at her lovely face. “Since as long as I can remember. One of my nannies taught me to sew at age eight and ever since then I have been making clothes for my and Reggie’s dolls. As I got older I started to sketch the designs before making them. Reggie was my mannequin as I taught myself about measurements and sizes versus the amount of fabric I needed.” Her love of what she did was evident in her voice and face. And I bet her eyes if I took off her sunglasses. Her full lips took a mischievous tilt making me want to her pull her to me. “Ok, my turn. How old are you?”


  “Any siblings?”

  “Only child, you?

  “Same.” We both laughed as we tried to talk at the same time. “Go ahead,” she said as she turned and laid on her stomach but her gaze remained on my face.

  “The Porsche,” was all I said, wanting her to expand on what she said last night.

  Ryan blew out a breath as she sat up to look out over the water. “Well, let’s see. My parents are very overbearing and had pretty much laid out this life for me well before I could even walk. It included the most exclusive private schools, college, and now law school. When fashion started taking a bigger and bigger role in my life, my parents allowed me,” she air quoted the last two words, “to continue as long as I kept straight A’s and did not fight them on anything else.”


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