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My Ranger Weekend

Page 7

by Lowrance, J. D.

  “What do you mean anything else?”

  She laughed, “That’s another question.” If Ryan was trying to change the subject there was no way I was falling for it.

  “I’m serious,” I responded, wanting to hear how this played out.

  “They pretty much have dictated every other aspect of my life. Friends, dates, classes, major in college. You name it, they have decided it.” She snickered as she took in my shocked expression. It felt good to have her gaze back on me. “Even my prom date. And I could probably guess who they want me to marry.”

  “Who?” I growled, not liking how this story . . . hell her life, was going.

  “Garrett Malcom Hoyt.” The name from last night invoked thoughts of a preppy ass douche in khaki shorts and pink polo with a damn sweater tied around his neck sporting penny loafers at the country club.

  “The “Cooler Than Me” douche?” I asked, feeling that same twist of anger in my gut.

  “One of my dad’s partner’s sons,” she answered as she looked at me. “Are you okay?” Ryan asked as she took my hand in hers.

  I cleared my throat to give myself time before telling her there was no way she was marrying that douche, but who was I to say anything. Hell, he probably thought I was touching something that was his. Fuck that! She was mine. “Sure,” was all I said.

  “Ok,” Ryan said pacifying me. Her gaze roamed over to the water and then down the beach. I knew she could feel my gaze on her but she continued to look at everything but me. Right as I was about to say something, I saw a faint smile as she said, “Looks like Reggie and Romeo are headed back this way.”

  I looked in the same direction she was and saw Romeo chasing after Reggie as she zigzagged out of his grasp. Her squeal carried on the wind as he caught her. My eyes strayed back to Ryan.

  “What were you going to ask me before?” I wanted her eyes and attention back on me.

  “Before?” she asked as she granted my wish.

  “You told me to go ahead but you were going to ask something.” The corner of her mouth quirked up as she slowly shook her head.

  “Enough heavy stuff for one day,” was all she said as she stood up. “Let’s go cool off before they make it back.” She tossed her sunglasses on her towel not waiting for an answer as she took off for the water. I watched her ass sway from side-to-side enjoying the view as she made her way to the water. I took another look down the beach to see how much time I still had to be alone with Ryan. From what I saw it looked to be a few minutes so I wasted no more time as I tossed my own sunglasses and ran to the water.


  I did not know whether I should be happy or pissed that Flint acted so put off from my little slip up about Garrett. Flint thought he had played it off but I could tell he did not like what I said about my parents or Garrett. Hell, I did not like what I said about my parents or Garrett. Ever since I took Garrett to senior prom at my parents’ insistence, they had been pushing us together at every opportunity. It was my own fault that I lost my virginity to him freshman year in college. I was tired of being a card carrying member of the V club and wanted the full college experience but with someone I at least knew. Little did I know that by giving him that small piece of me Garrett thought he owned all of me. The splash behind me told me that Flint would be at my side in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . .

  Damn he was fast. His arm wrapped around my waist pulling my back to his chest. “Hey there,” he whispered in my ear as he bit down on my ear lobe. The quick bite of pain quickly turned to pleasure as his other hand snaked down my stomach to the vee in my legs. He rubbed his fingers back and forth over my bathing suit as I playfully wiggled against him.

  “Hey Ranger.” I turned in his arms as I encircled my arms around his neck, pulling his lips to mine. Flint kept the kiss light as he placed playful pecks all over my face. I squirmed and squealed in his arms as he began to tickle me. This playful side of Flint was as refreshing as the cool water around us.

  I screamed, “No,” as he easily lifted me out of the water.

  “Oh no. Oh no,” he hollered. Flint pretended to lose his balance and then fell back into the water taking me under with him.

  We both came up laughing as I quickly distanced myself from him. “You are so going to get it Ranger,” I yelled, splashing him.

  “Oh really,” he yelled back as he countered my attack with one of his own.

  I realized a few seconds later that I was the only one splashing and stopped to find myself alone. The theme music from “Jaws” started playing in my head as I did a quick circle to see if I could find Flint. Damn shark-boy. I tried to get away before and it did not work so I planned on waiting him out this time. But my nerves were rattled as I started trembling from the anticipation racing through me.

  I yelped as Flint surprised me. His warm breath tickled my ear as he said, “Why are you shaking?” His warm hands ran up and down my arms as I leaned back into him.

  “I hate when you disappear like that,” I whispered, turning my face towards him, enjoying his nearness.

  “Ok,” Flint said as he hugged me from behind, “no more disappearing.”

  “Ryan. Dakota.” Romeo called from the beach. “You guys hungry?”

  “Always,” Flint yelled as he nipped my neck.

  “You are so bad,” I squealed as I turned away from him.

  “Always,” he repeated. “But that can wait. Let’s get you fed.”

  We walked hand-in-hand towards the beach. When we made it back to the towels, “The Man” by Aloe Blacc was playing with Romeo singing at the top of his lungs, “I’m the man. I’m the man. I’m the man. Yes I am. Yes I am. Yes I am.” Reggie was sitting on his lap as he placed random kisses on her in between singing and tickling her. She looked so happy.

  Right as the song ended, loud clapping could be heard over our laughter and the music. I turned to find Garrett. Several of his cronies with their Barbie impersonator girlfriends were off to the side but still watching us. Flint turned around as well as I saw Romeo stand with Reggie out of the corner of my eye.

  “Well I hope we are not interrupting your little party,” Garrett sarcastically said as he closed the distance. He lifted his sunglasses as his gaze fell to my hand intertwined with Flint’s.

  “Nope you weren’t,” Reggie responded just as sarcastically as she increased the volume of the music and kept her back to him.

  If looks could kill, Flint would be dead and buried right now from the death rays Garrett was throwing at him as he came to stop a few steps away. Flint tightened his grip on my hand and something told me to get him away from Garrett before something bad happened. “We are going to go get lunch,” I said to Reggie and Romeo. “You guys want anything?”

  “Whatever you get,” Romeo responded as he crossed his arms, stepping up to stand next to Flint.

  “Garrett,” Garrett said as he extended his hand to Flint, keeping the death rays on full power. Flint’s jaw was clenched so hard it looked like it was about to break.

  “Flint,” Flint uttered, gripping Garrett’s hand.

  “Nice to know my gorgeous girl is spreading her wings and meeting new people.” Garrett and Flint had not released hands and their knuckles were white from holding the other’s hand so tight.

  “Your girl?” Flint asked as he dropped my hand and Garrett’s at the same time. Shit! But to my instant relief, Flint circled his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. “After last night, I think it is more like my girl.” Oh. My. God!

  “Let’s go lovely,” was all Flint said as he led me away from a slack-mouthed Garrett and a laughing Reggie and Romeo.

  Flint and I did not talk the entire way back to Reggie’s. A thousand thoughts were competing for time and attention in my mind. But “my girl” won out. It was on a loop in my head as I played and replayed the encounter between Flint and Garrett. Did Flint want me as his girl? I thought we said a weekend. There was definitely something between us; a beginning that I did not want to end after thi
s weekend. Could I be his girl? Why not try? People did long distance relationships all the time. What were six months apart? I mean I was already looking past graduation which was seven months away. Was I crazy for even considering any of this, I mean, we only just met?

  “That guy is a douche,” Flint spat as we walked into Reggie’s parents’ house.

  “He can be a little much sometimes.”

  “Does he always look at you like that?”

  “Like what?” I asked as I busied myself getting everything together to make sandwiches.

  “Like you are his,” Flint barked, gaining my attention. What I saw stole my breath away. Flint looked like he was battling some internal war with himself as he stood stock still with his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. “Is it true?” He asked through his teeth.

  “I . . . I . . .” I stammered as he took a step towards me.

  “Yes or no Ryan,” he challenged, taking another step. My gulp was the only sound in the kitchen. Another step. “Answer me,” he demanded as he came to stand directly in front of me.

  “No,” I mumbled. My breath sawed in and out of my lungs.


  “No, Flint. I am not . . .” My words were cut off by his lips as they slammed into mine. Flint’s hand came to the back of my neck as he angled my head driving the kiss deeper. His kiss consumed me as his tongue raided my mouth stealing my breath and making my knees weak. Flint must have felt my reaction because his other arm surrounded my waist pulling me into his hard body.

  I rubbed my legs together trying to find relief as the pressure built in my core. The hand around my neck slid down between my breasts, over my stomach, right to my lady parts. I shuttered as he ran his fingers over my bathing suit back and forth across my clit. My sharp intake of breath earned me a chuckle from Flint. He slowed his kiss to match the speed of his fingers as he continued his slow torture.

  “I can feel how wet you are for me . . . for this,” he murmured as he pushed my suit aside sliding his fingers through my folds. I nodded my head as he ran his tongue along my collarbone. He pushed a finger inside as a moan escaped from deep within me. “Please,” I begged as he added a second finger. My slickness added to the pleasure that was threatening to pull me under as he pushed in and out of me. His thumb found my hard nub, strumming it as his fingers worked me over.

  “I have to have you now.” His words rumbled from his chest as he slid my bikini bottoms down my legs. “So beautiful,” he cooed as he kissed his way back up my legs stopping to place a kiss on my sex. His hands glided to the front of my top and unhooked it. I slid it down my arms and off my body as Flint pressed up against me. The sound of Velcro pulling apart filled the quiet kitchen as his thick cock, heavy with need, came to rest between us. Next came the sound of a condom wrapper being torn.

  “Always ready,” I teased.

  “Rangers lead the way,” he joked as he sheathed himself. His hands went to my waist before sliding around my hips to my ass where he gave a quick squeeze before hoisting my legs up and around his waist. He positioned me on the counter as I grabbed his thick cock and positioned it at my entrance.

  “My naughty girl,” he said as a light smack landed on my ass at the same time he pushed into me.

  “Tell me what I want to hear,” he uttered as he slowly pulled back out inch-by-inch to leave only the tip of his cock in me.

  “I want this more,” I replied, giving the same words he wanted last night.

  He rammed into me causing me to scream from the intensity. “Not what I want to hear.” Flint slowly pulled out again taking his time. Again when his tip was the only part of him left in me, he said, “Tell me Ryan.” He started to shallow pump into me, driving me past the edge of sanity. I wiggled my ass trying to get him to go deeper but he stayed just out of reach.

  “Please Flint,” I pleaded. “I need you.”

  I felt his sharp intake of breath at my words before he slammed his lips to mine; his tongue plundering my mouth like his cock was doing to my body. “Ryan,” he exhaled in my ear, “Tell me you’re mine.”

  I gasped in response as the one word fell from my lips that felt so right, “Yours,” as he plunged balls deep into me and I shattered into a million pieces.



  We made it back to the towels rather quickly after our little sexcapade in the kitchen. Romeo gave Ryan a hard time the minute we walked up with the sandwiches about how long we were gone. Her pink cheeks just egged Romeo on until Reggie gave him a look. That look alone had him eating his lunch in two bites before swinging Reggie over his shoulder and running back to the house. That damn Oompa-Loompa made me laugh every time.

  The sound of the surf and the sun on my skin kept that grin on my face. I looked over at Ryan napping next to me and I knew this was by far the happiest I could ever remember being. This woman who was just as lovely on the inside as she was on the outside was turning my last few hours into an adventure I was not sure I wanted to end. I wanted to shake her awake to see how she could surprise me next.

  The kitchen sex with Ryan was absolutely the most thrilling shit I had ever been a part of. Just thinking about it made my cock twitch. Damn. My eyes closed on their own accord as I pictured her long legs wrapped around me as I pumped in and out of her perfect pink pussy. I roared my release like a god-damn lion, king of the mother-fucking world, as Ryan’s sweet pussy squeezed me tight with her own release after telling me she was mine.

  Mine. Mine. Mine. I would be lying if I said I did not want that to be so true. And why not? Just the thought of Garrett thinking he had a chance with her had my fists aching to get acquainted with his smug-ass face. The only person I ever had was my dad back home while I was on an op. What would she want from me while I was away? What did I expect of her?

  Nothing! I expected nothing because I had no right to tie her to me after I left. She needed to focus on school and living her life. Ryan deserved to be happy and I wanted that for her without having the worries of where I was or how I was doing. She did not need that added stress on top of everything else she had going on in her life.

  But damn if I did not want her to think about me; to dream about me every night as I knew I would dream of her. I wanted her to want me while I was away. My damn ego absolutely demanded it as I lay next to her feeling her soft curves against my hard edges.

  Now what? My determination to make this weekend unforgettable for both Ryan and myself grew as I acknowledged that I wanted her to miss me because I decided right then and there that I was coming back for her the minute I got state-side again.


  “Hey, Ryan. Lovely, you need to roll over. You are getting red on your back.” Flint’s voice and light touch along my spine felt like a dream, even as I slowly blinked my eyes open. I found my sunhat covering my face; another sweet gesture from Flint.

  “You awake?” He ran his fingers down my spine again leaving goose bumps in his wake.

  “Yep,” I croaked as I stretched my arms and legs straight out. “How long was I out?” Flint removed the hat and placed a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “Almost two hours.” His response shocked me. “Relax,” he said, chuckling at my perplexed expression. “I got you to roll over onto your stomach about half way through.”

  “Wow,” I exclaimed. “I must have really been out of it.” I rolled over and sat up. The sun was dropping in the sky. “What time is it?”

  “About four-thirty. Give or take.” He slid my bikini strap to the side. “Ouch,” he hissed. “We should head back. I didn’t realize how red you were. You never did put on sunscreen once we got back from lunch, did you?”

  “No worries,” I said brushing off his concern. “It will be tan by tomorrow.”

  “If you say so but let’s get you out of the sun.”

  “Ok,” I conceded. “A shower sounds wonderful.” Flint gracefully stood up and offered me his hand.

  “Then let’s go lovely.”
He grabbed the speakers and his phone while I folded the towels placing them in my beach bag. “I got that,” Flint said as we started walking towards the house. I handed over the bag and accepted his offered hand, enjoying the feel of his callous hand in mine. The simple touch sent sparks up my arm and straight to my heart.

  The feeling was short lived as Garrett stood up from his group and made his way towards us on the beach. “Jesus, can he not take a hint,” Flint grumbled as he tightened his grip on my hand.

  “Hey Ryan,” Garrett greeted me in a cheery tone, looking right at me and completely ignoring Flint.

  I said, “Hi,” at the same time Flint said, “Garrett.”

  “What can we do for you?” Flint’s exasperated tone showed his growing impatience with Garrett.

  “Did you get my text,” Garrett asked, still pretending Flint was not right there.

  “I don’t have my phone,” I responded as I felt Flint pulling on my hand to keep moving.

  “We are having a bonfire tonight,” Garrett said, falling into step with us. “And I know how you absolutely love the beach at night. I texted to see if you wanted to meet up.”

  “Probably not Garrett. We have company and . . .” Garrett completely cut me off.

  “Flint, I don’t know if she told you that or not,” Garrett addressed him for the first time. “But we have been coming out here since our junior year in high school.” I flinched slightly at the little jab Garrett made at knowing something about me that Flint did not. Flint grumbled under his breath but I could not make out what he said at the same time that Garrett grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop. The second my hand jerked out of Flint’s he spun around.

  “What the hell?” Flint said, dropping my beach bag.

  “Anyway, Ryan, I wanted you to come.”

  “We need to check in with Reggie and Romeo to see what their plans are.” I was trying to keep the conversation moving.

  “Ouch Ry-Ry.” His words mimicked those of Flint’s and I knew where this was headed as Garrett ran a finger under my bikini top lifting it up and off my skin. “I would never have let that happen to you,” he said as if implying Flint did something wrong. He ran a finger from his other hand from my shoulder across my collar bone to my other shoulder.


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