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Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys

Page 15

by Cassia Leo

  Suzy, Mia, my ma, and I had been upstairs in the war room. It’s what we referred to the room as, anyway. It was filled with information about Suzy’s wedding. Everything was planned down to the last details. She’s anal that way. She’s a total overachiever who has never done anything by the seat of her pants. She has plans for her plans. There’s no room for error.

  Suzy and Joe were getting married in a week. I had been elected to be in charge of the bachelorette party and nothing else. Thank Christ. I didn’t want to be responsible for any fuck-ups. I am not a planner. I’ve winged shit my entire life.

  “We were talking and got a little carried away.”

  Flash ran his fingers through his hair, making it a bigger mess than it’d already been. “I felt like you threw me to a pack of wolves.”

  I looked around the room, taking in the sight of my brothers and Pop sitting around the living room. I knew they could be ruthless, but they were harmless.

  I ruffled his hair. “Stop being a drama queen.”

  “Izzy, why do they hate me so much?”

  “They don’t,” I said, sitting next to him at the kitchen table.

  “Bullshit,” he murmured. “Joey wants to cut my fuckin’ throat.”

  “Nah.” I shook my head as I bit my lip. “He just wants you to know where you stand.”

  “What’s his issue?”

  “Where would I even begin?” I laughed. “Joe is protective of everyone in this family, especially me. You’re in an MC, and for that reason alone, he’d hate you being around me. He knows you fuck me, and that makes him want to rip your cock off and shove it down your throat.”

  Flash’s face paled and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed roughly. “You know I’d protect you, Izzy. You may not be mine, but I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  “I know, Flash, but Joe doesn’t. Let’s have dessert and we’ll be out of here in a couple of hours. Aren’t you happy you came to Thanksgiving Gallo style?”

  “Hell yeah.” He burped, rubbing his stomach. “The food alone was worth all the trouble.”

  Suzy walked into the kitchen, giving me a devilish smile as she looked between Flash and me. “Hey, guys. Ready for dessert?”

  I nodded my head, smirking at her. “Yeah. I have to get Flash home soon.”

  “Aww, really? I wanted to play cards or something.” Suzy pouted and stomped to the counter to grab the pumpkin pie.

  “We can stay,” Flash interrupted before I could reply.

  I glared at him, not really in the mood to play cards with the family. “Fine. We’ll stay.”

  His smile grew wide as Suzy yipped and jumped up and down. “Heck yeah! I’m so excited!”

  As she walked out of the room, I kept my eyes glued to Flash. This was going to be a very long evening.

  “What time do you have to head back?” I asked him, hoping it was sooner than later.

  “I’ll leave whenever we get back to your place. I just have to be back tonight. I don’t have a curfew, Izzy.” He laughed, standing and walking to the counter to grab the other pie.

  I put my head on the table, lightly smashing it against the surface. I hated bringing anyone with me to family dinners, even Flash. I always felt a sense of being restricted or tied down. They were two things I never wanted to feel.

  I avoided relationships like the plague. I never begrudged anyone happiness, but togetherness wasn’t for me.


  Tears stung the back of my eyes as I stood in the bridal suite at the church and stared at Suzy. She looked amazing. I’d worried this day wouldn’t come, especially after the bachelorette party.

  I’d kind of fucked up. She’d said no to male strippers, but shit… I never listen. Joe had flipped when he’d caught the scent of the guy as it lingered on her skin that night. Their entire relationship had almost exploded into a million tiny pieces, but their love was too strong. Plus, Joe had decided to take the stick out of his ass and apologize to her for acting like a complete caveman asshole.

  I’d marked that shit down on my calendar because it wasn’t likely to ever happen again. Gallo men aren’t quick to take the blame for shit. They grunt, smile, and move on.

  “She looks stunning, doesn’t she?” Mia asked, nudging me in the shoulder.

  I slowly nodded, unable to take my eyes off her. “She does.” I turned to Mia with a small smile. “When am I going to see you in a wedding dress?”

  “Oh,” she said, her cheeks turning pink. “I’m just waiting for Mike to ask me.”

  “Haven’t you two talked about marriage?”

  “He’s mentioned it a time or two, but I’m not pushing it on him.” She shook her head and sighed.

  “I need another sister-in-law. You’re like my sister already, but I need it official and on paper.” I smiled, happy that there were finally some females inside the family circle after years of dealing with the boys.

  She laughed, tossing her head back, and held her stomach. “You’re more demanding than my mom,” she said, wiping the corner of her eyes.

  “Hell yeah. I’ve gone too many years surrounded by testosterone. I need vadge in this family.”

  Mia and I stood side by side and stared at Suzy as she fussed with her dress and checked her makeup before moving closer to the mirror.

  “You look beautiful, Suzy,” I said, walking toward her.

  The dress had a form-fitting bodice with a thick ribbon and a flower around the waist. The V-shaped neckline plunged just far enough to show off her chest. The bottom was comprised of loose tulle that kissed the floor and shifted when she walked. Suzy always looked amazing, but today she glowed.

  “I’m so nervous. Why am I so nervous?” she asked, turning toward me and taking a deep breath.

  I grabbed her hands, wanting to avoid messing up her dress. “You’re going to be fine. Everything is ready. Don’t stress.”

  “What if he changes his mind?” Her eyes grew wide as she said the words.

  I shook my head, my mouth set in a firm line. “You can’t be serious. My brother is so in love with you. Why would you even think that?”

  “I don’t know. I feel panicked.”

  I touched her forehead, thinking she had to be sick. “No fever,” I said as I removed my hand. “Calm the fuck down, Suzy. Joe loves you. I’ve never seen him so sure about anything or anyone in his life.”

  She blew out a breath, touching her stomach and smoothing the fabric. “I know,” she said, looking down at the floor.

  “Are you sure, though?” I asked.

  “I love him,” she stated firmly.

  “Is it enough?” I asked, cocking my eyebrow.

  “Izzy, you’re such a Debbie Downer on love,” she said, laughing. “I can’t wait until you find ‘the one.’”

  I doubled over in a fit of giggles. “You must clearly be ill. I don’t want ‘the one,’” I said, making air quotes. “I’m perfectly happy being single. The last thing I want is a ball and chain to tie my ass down.”

  “Uh huh,” she said, looking in the mirror again.

  “Izzy, when are you going to stop lying to yourself?” Mia interrupted.

  “You two bitches need to slow your roll. I’m not the dating type, let alone the marrying kind.”

  “It’s time.” Ma clapped her hands as she sang the words.

  “Someone do my veil. I’m too nervous!” Suzy shrieked, shaking her hands.

  “I got it,” I said, stepping in front of her and reaching behind to take the thin material. Then I placed it over her face, smoothing it to not block her vision. “Good?” I asked before moving away.

  “Yes,” she replied. “It’s now or never.”

  “Suzy, you two were meant for each other. I may not want it for myself, but I have no doubt there’s no one else out there for my brother.”

  “You’re right, Izzy. Let’s do this crap.”

  I chuckled, trying to cover my mouth. “You don’t always talk like a Gallo, but you’re one
at heart.”

  She giggled nervously, moving toward the door. I grabbed her short train, not wanting it to get stuck on anything. When Suzy’s father saw her, his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “There’s my girl,” he cooed, holding out his arms.

  “Hey, Dad.” She wrapped her arms around him, trying to avoid touching his tuxedo with her face.

  He backed away and stared at her. “You look beautiful, Suzette,” he said, holding her shoulders and taking her in.

  “Thanks,” she said, linking her arm with his.

  The music from inside the church filled the corridor where we stood. Nerves filled my belly as it flipped inside my body. I couldn’t imagine how Suzy felt. Some would say that I love to be the center of attention, but having hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at you as you try to walk in a pair of five-inch heels and not fall on your face has to be daunting.

  As I started down the aisle and smiled, I knew that no one was really looking at me. Their eyes were trained on the back of the room, waiting for a peek at the bride.

  Joe nodded at me as I moved into the pew and then turned to watch Suzy. He glowed. When Suzy came into view, his face lit up, his eyes grew wide, and a giant smile spread across his face.

  I never thought he’d fall so head over heels for anyone like he did for Suzy. I would’ve never put the two of them together and thought, Fuck yeah, that’ll work, but for some odd reason, it had. Her innocence had captured his attention, but we all knew she was a freak underneath that put-together-teacher exterior.

  Joe looked handsome in his tuxedo. His hair was freshly cut and styled, his face cleanly shaven. Sun-kissed skin made his blue eyes stand out. All of my brothers looked killer today. Rarely did they all dress up, but weddings were the exception. Joe was the first out of the five of us to be married, and we knew it would be a while before another wedding would take place.

  Mike and Mia had met months ago and were the next in line. That would only happen if my brother could get his head out of his ass and pop the question. Anthony and I were the two holdouts on relationships of any sort. We were the free birds of the group.

  I turned, taking in the sight of Suzy as she glided down the aisle. I could see the smile on her face even through her veil as she locked eyes with Joe. They were in a trance, staring at each other as she made her way toward the altar.

  When Suzy stopped at the altar, the priest said, “Who gives this bride away today?”

  “I do,” her father answered, releasing her hand and lifting her veil. Then he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before stepping back.

  Suzy and Joe mouthed some words to each other, which looked like “I love you,” as they held hands. After, they made their way to the center of the altar and stood with the priest.

  I sat back, watching the beginning of their happily ever after. I wiggled my nose, stopping the tickling sensation from the tears that threatened to fall.

  Even someone such as myself, someone against the entire institution of marriage, could grow misty-eyed at a wedding. I couldn’t have been happier to have Suzy officially become a member of the Gallo family. It only took twenty-something years for me to finally have a sister.

  Today would be a new beginning. The Gallo family would be forever changed.


  Standing in the reception line had to be the most mind-numbing experience of my entire life. Greeting people I didn’t know, welcoming them, and thanking them for coming to my brother’s wedding—totally fucking exhausting.

  Then there were the people who liked to pinch my cheeks like I was still a five-year-old girl. It took everything I had not to slap their hands away and keep a smile glued to my face. By the time the line waned and I was able to hit the bar, my face hurt from my fake smile and my feet were screaming for relief.

  I kicked off my shoes, pushing them under the bar and held my hand up to the bartender.

  He sauntered over with a giant smile on his face. “What can I get you, darlin’?”

  I leaned against the bar, putting my face in my hands, and stared him down. After the hour of awesomeness that was the receiving line, I wanted a drink and nothing more. I didn’t feel like flirting or small talk.

  “Jack, straight up,” I said without cracking a smile.

  “Single or double?”

  “Double, please.”

  As he walked away to pour my drink, I turned and took in the room of people. The wedding was massive. Between Suzy and my ma, I think they had all of Tampa Bay crammed in the room.

  “God, I need a drink,” Mia said as she walked toward me.

  “As bored as I am?” I asked as I leaned back, taking the pressure off my feet.

  “At least you know all those people,” she replied, motioning toward the bartender.

  “The fuck I do. I know maybe half, and even then, I’m sketchy on their names.”

  “There’s a small army here,” she said. “Martini, please. Make it dirty with two olives.”

  “Someone looking to get a little buzzed, like me?”

  “Just need to take the edge off,” Mia replied. “Weddings make me itchy.”

  “Like you’re allergic?”

  “No, Izzy.” She shook her head and laughed.

  “Well, what the fuck? Clue a sister in.”

  We turned toward the bar, picking up our drinks and clinking them together.

  “I feel I’ll always be a bridesmaid and never a bride.”

  “You have Mike.” I sipped the Jack, letting it slide down my throat in one quick swallow.

  Mia sipped her martini and winced before her lips puckered. “I could be an old hag before he finds just the right way to ask me to marry him.”

  “Fuck tradition. Ask him already.”

  “He’d die,” she said, bringing the glass to her lips and looking at me over the rim.

  I held up my hand, snapping my fingers for a refill. “He’ll get over it. Make a deadline, then. If he doesn’t ask by a certain date, then you ask him.”

  “Maybe,” she replied, setting her drink on the bar. “I wouldn’t walk away if he doesn’t ask. I love him too much.”

  “He loves you too, Mia. It’s really sickening how often I have to hear about you.” I laughed, tapping my fingernails against the wooden surface as I waited for my drink. “I love you, of course, but Jesus. The man talks about nothing else except for you and the clinic.”

  She hit my shoulder, causing me to laugh. “Would you rather him talk about Rob and working out all the time?”

  Rob was my brother’s trainer before he quit fighting. Rob and I had had a “thing” for a short time. It’d ended badly. Mostly for him, though, since my knee had found its way to his balls and he’d ended up on the floor.

  “Well, lesson one is don’t refer to women as bitches.”

  “I’m sure he learned his lesson,” she said, and laughed. “I’ve heard more than once about your wicked, bony-ass knee. I think he still has a thing for you, Izzy.”

  I turned, holding my glass near my lips. “Ain’t no way in hell am I ever dating him. Never. Ever. He’s a total asshole.”

  Mia’s laughter turned into a fit of giggles as she held on to the bar to maintain her balance. Tears streamed down her face and her dark eyes twinkled in the lighting. “I know he is. Total douche, but he has a soft side.”

  “Mia, stop trying to get me to hook up with Rob.” I sipped the Jack Daniel’s, the feeling of the first shot already making its way through my system. My legs felt a little wobbly and my core warmed. “I don’t want a boyfriend and I certainly don’t want him.”

  “Someday, Izzy, you’re going to meet that guy. One who makes your belly flip and toes curl. The electricity between you two will be undeniable. You just haven’t met the right one.”

  “He’s like a unicorn, Mia. Totally fictional bullshit.”

  She shook her head, finishing the last sip of her martini. “He’s not. You just haven’t found him yet. I feel those things when I
’m with Michael.”

  “You’re obviously mentally impaired,” I chortled.

  “I can’t wait to see the day someone has you all in a fluster. You’re going to be totally fucked.”

  “Mia, babe, there ain’t no man tough enough to handle all this,” I said, motioning down my body.

  “Uh huh,” she clucked, her shoulders shaking from laughter. “I can’t wait to see the damn day.”

  “It’s dinnertime, ladies,” my ma sang as she walked through the bar area. “It’s time to take your seats.”

  “I could use a little food and a damn chair,” I said, wondering how I’d make it to the table with my feet feeling like someone was rubbing hot coals on them.

  “Me too,” Mia said, following behind me.

  We both walked gingerly toward the table that was placed on the dance floor and facing the entire room. I felt almost like a zoo animal as I sat down and looked around the large ballroom.

  I ate my food and chatted with Mia throughout the dinner. Joe and Suzy were interrupted so many times with clinking glasses that I didn’t have any idea if they were able to consume half their meal. It was cute, and at some point, I thought Joe would tell them to use their fucking forks to eat, but he didn’t.

  Suzy did that to him. She chilled him out at times when he was ready to burst. I knew he wanted the day to be special, and did everything in his power to make sure it was perfect. Even held his tongue when I know he had to be biting it so hard that he drew blood.

  “I’m hitting the bar again after dinner,” I told Mia, hoping she’d join me.

  “I’m in,” she replied. “Until Michael drags me on the dance floor.”

  “I wish you luck with that.” I laughed, placing the last bit of pasta in my mouth.

  I didn’t get up immediately. My mother would have given me the stink eye if I’d looked too eager to run to the bar. I sat there staring at the crowd, smiling, and making small talk with the others at the table. Sipping my wine, I counted the minutes until I could stand again on my aching feet and drink myself into oblivion.

  Weddings, even my brother’s, were bullshit. There was no fucking way in hell I’d be standing on the dance floor later, knocking over girls to get a bouquet of flowers. I wasn’t looking for some symbolic nonsense that I’d be the next one walking down the aisle and giving up my freedom. Fuck tradition.


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