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Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys

Page 16

by Cassia Leo


  After downing countless drinks and chatting up Mia and all the long-lost family members who’d shown their asses at the wedding, I turned to see a very red-faced Suzy enter the ballroom. Joe stood by her side, but he looked calm—besides the small smirk on his face.

  “Hey, sister,” I said as I walked toward her. “I’m so excited to be able to say that and it be true. I’ve always wanted a sister.” I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her a little too tight.

  “Can’t breathe,” she whispered.

  “Man up,” I said, releasing her.

  “I’ll be back, ladies. I’m going to grab a drink at the bar with my boys,” Joe said before he kissed her cheek and left us alone.

  “Where’s your sister?” I asked, looking around the crowd.

  Suzy had a sister, but they weren’t close. The Gallos were closer to her, and more of a family than hers would ever be. I felt bad for her, but it made me love her more.

  “Don’t know and don’t give a shit either.” She shrugged and looked at the floor.

  “You know you’ve turned into a badass with a potty mouth, Suz.”

  She smiled, shaking her head. “City. It’s all his fault.”

  “I’d like to think I played a part in it, too.” I laughed.

  “You’re always getting me in trouble, Izzy.”

  “Me?” I asked, holding my hand to my chest.


  A man cleared his throat next to us and we both turned in his direction. “Excuse me, ladies. I don’t mean to interrupt.”

  “Well then don’t,” I slurred, looking the stranger up and down. Handsome, well built, great hair, and totally doable. Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a bitch, but then again, Jack was talking after I’d consumed more than necessary.

  “Don’t be rude, Izzy,” Suzy said, turning to face him. “How can I help you?”

  “I’m a friend of Thomas’s, and he asked me to drop off a gift on his behalf.” The man held out an envelope and waited for her to take it.

  I took this moment to study him further. His muscles bulged underneath his suit as he held out his hands. His eyes were green, but I couldn’t tell the shade. His jaw line was sharp and strong.

  “Is he okay?” I asked. I hadn’t seen my brother in so long, and information wasn’t freely flowing lately. He worked undercover for the DEA and was in deep with an MC in Florida. I wanted him home, safe and sound.

  “He is, and he’s very sorry he couldn’t make it,” he said, looking down at me.

  “Don’t mind her,” Suzy said to him, her eyes moving from me to him. “Thomas is her brother.”

  “Ah, you’re that Izzy,” he said, his lips turning up into a smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  What the fuck did that mean? I snarled, not entirely liking the shit-eating grin on his face. “And you are?” I asked, holding out my hand for him to take.

  “James.” He slid his hand along my palm and stilled. “James Caldo.”

  “Never heard of you, Jimmy,” I said, trying to knock him down a peg. I didn’t like that he had heard of me, with his “that Izzy” comment, and I’d never even heard his name.

  He brought my hand to his lips and placed a kiss just below my knuckles. “Perfect.”

  His lips scorched my skin. An overwhelming sense of want came over me. I felt the urge to jump into his arms and kiss his very full lips. My toes curled painfully in my shoes as I stared at his mouth against my skin. As he removed his lips from my hand and brought his eyes back to mine, I wiped all evidence of want from my face.

  Suzy coughed, ruining my fantasy and bringing me back to reality. “Thanks, James. I’ll give this to Joseph for you. Why don’t you stay and enjoy the wedding?” She smiled at the man.

  “What?” I asked, turning toward her. Suzy played dirty. Her angel act was just that—an act.

  “We have plenty of food, and I’m sure the Gallos would love to talk with you about their Thomas,” Suzy said, grinning like an idiot.

  I gave her the look of death. What in the fuck was wrong with her?

  “You can keep James company tonight, Izzy. You didn’t bring a date.”

  She did not just say that. If it weren’t her wedding, I swear to shit I would’ve smacked her. I could feel my cheeks turning red as his eyes flickered to mine.

  “I’d love to stay. Thank you. Izzy, would you like a drink?” he asked, still holding my hand in his.

  “Only because Suzy would want me to be a gracious host,” I said, looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

  “I don’t want to put you out or anything. I’m a big boy and can handle myself. I just thought you could use a drink to unwind a bit. You feel a little tense, and that mouth of yours could get you into trouble.”

  Obviously, he was full of himself. Trust me when I say I can smell a cocky bastard from a mile away. I grew up with enough of them to sniff them out across a room.

  “I don’t need a babysitter, Jimmy, but I’ll take the drink.”

  “It’s James,” he said, squeezing my hand.

  “You two kids play nice,” Suzy said before she waved and walked away.

  “Bitch,” I mumbled under my breath as I turned back toward the bar.

  “Excuse me?” he asked, gripping my arm as he pulled me backward.

  I stopped and faced him. “Are you going to release me anytime soon?”

  “Highly unlikely.” He smirked.

  “Jimmy, listen. I don’t know what your deal is or who the fuck you think you are, but no one touches me without permission.”

  With that, he released me, but not before squeezing my arm. “You’ll be begging for my touch.”

  I glared at him, floored by his cockiness. “Obviously you know nothing about me then.” I left him in the dust.

  I leaned against the bar, feeling him behind me as I motioned to the bartender. At this point in the evening, I no longer had to verbalize my order. He knew it.

  “Like what you see?” I asked as I kept my eyes forward.

  “Your brother didn’t do you justice.”

  Resting my back against the bar, I asked, “What exactly do you think of me?”

  He smiled, stepping closer as he invaded my personal space. He brushed the hair from my cheek, running his fingertip down my face. “You’re prettier in person. You are tough as nails, just like your brother said, but I can see the real Izzy underneath.”

  I snarled, feeling all kinds of bitchy. “There’s no hidden me underneath. This is who I am. I make no apologies for my bitchiness or candid comments.”

  “Oh, little girl, you’re so much more than a smart mouth.” He leaned in, hovering his mouth just above mine.

  I held my breath, silently debating if I wanted him to kiss me. I had to be crazy. There was nothing about this man I liked, besides his face. His words were infuriating, his attitude was obnoxious, and the fact that he thought he had me pegged made me want to slap his face when he spoke.

  His eyes searched mine as I stood there not breathing and just keeping myself upright against the bar.

  “You’re an asshole, Jimmy.”

  He didn’t back away. Instead, he held his ground, pressing against my body. “It’s James,” he murmured.

  I swallowed hard, my stomach flipping inside my body like I’d just gone down the giant hill on a roller-coaster. “Still an asshole,” I whispered, my tongue darting out to caress my lips and almost touch his.

  “Doll, I never claimed to be nice.” His lips were turned up into a grin so large that it almost kissed his eyes.

  “Can we drink now?” I asked, wanting to move our bodies apart. The heat coming off him was penetrating my dress and causing my body to break out into a sweat. The pop and sizzle I felt inside was more than just the alcohol. James, the asshole, did naughty things to my body, and I needed distance between us.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” he asked without moving out of my personal space.

  I placed my hands against his chest and pushed. He didn’t budge or falter as I pushed again.

  He tipped his head back and laughed. “Is that all you got?”

  “Fucker. First off, I have more, but I don’t want to cause a scene at my brother’s wedding. Second, I haven’t had enough. You aren’t my father and you don’t get to tell me when to stop drinking. Last time I checked my driver’s license, I was old enough to make that choice for myself.” I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to put some space between his torso and mine.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Isabella.” His hot breath tickled the nape of my neck as he put his mouth against my ear and spoke. “I will have you in my bed tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips, trying to hide exactly how excited that statement had made me. I didn’t want to date the man, but shit, I wanted to fuck him.

  “You’re quite sure of yourself, Jimmy.” I emphasized his name, knowing it would drive him crazy.

  “There are things I’m very sure of.”

  “Like what?” I spat.

  “From the moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to be inside you. When I touched you, I felt something, and I know you felt it, too. There’s something between us. I think I need to fuck you out of my system.”

  “Is that the best line you have?” I hissed, feeling his lips against my ear. I groaned, closing my eyes to let the feel of his mouth on my skin soak into my bones.

  “I don’t need lines, Izzy,” he growled, with his teeth caging the flesh of my ear.

  My toes curled inside my heels; I felt him all over my body. No one had ever affected me in this way.

  “I’m down for a challenge.”

  “Doll, there’s no challenge with a willing participant.”

  I pulled back, feeling his mouth slip from my skin, and looked him in the eye. “I was referring to your ability to keep up with me.”

  Again, he laughed and held his stomach. “Izzy, Izzy. Baby, if you can walk right in the morning without still feeling me inside you, I’d be shocked. I have no doubt I can keep up with you. You’ll never be the same after I’ve fucked you.”

  “You better buy me a drink, then. I’ll go easier on you.” I smiled, turning my back to him and facing the bartender. Then I snapped my fingers, pointing in front of me as he smiled and grabbed the bottle of Jack.

  Over my shoulder, James called out, “Make it two.” He placed one hand on the bar to my right and stood to the left of me. His forearm pressed against my back, holding me in place and leaving me no escape. “What shall we drink to?” he asked.

  “My brother,” I replied. Thomas was our link. The connection that James and I shared. “What did he say about me?” I asked.

  James smiled, turning his head to face me. “That you’re his favorite sister.”

  “Jackass, I’m his only sister.”

  “I know.” He laughed. “He told me you’re hard to please.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not. I’m just picky and I don’t settle.”

  “Can’t fault you there. He’s proud of you.”

  “For what?” I asked, looking at him, stunned.

  “He’s proud of the strong woman you’ve grown into, and I’d have to agree with the little bit of you I’ve experienced.”

  “Ha,” I said. “I learned everything I know from my four brothers.”

  The bartender placed our shots on the bar and started to walk away.

  “Hey, can we get two more?” I asked before he could get too far.

  He nodded and grabbed the bottle, making two more drinks.

  I lifted my glass, waiting for James to pick his up before I spoke. “To Thomas.” I tipped my drink, clinking the glass with his before downing the liquid.

  I watched over the rim as James swallowed it and didn’t wince. His features were so strong and manly. I mean, what the fuck was that? I’d never thought of any one as manly. Maybe I shouldn’t have another drink.

  “Tell me who you really are,” James said as he placed his empty glass on the bar.

  “What you see is what you get,” I said before I licked the Jack off my lips.

  “I know there’s the Izzy everyone sees and the real woman underneath.”

  “James, what you see is what you get.”

  “Are you always so hard?” he asked, brushing his thumb against my hand as it rested on the bar.

  “I don’t know. Are you always so damn nosy?”

  “I think you haven’t found the right man to tame your sass.”

  I turned to glare at him. “Hold up. I need a man, is that what you’re saying?”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “I think your tongue is so sharp because you haven’t found the man who makes you whole. Someone who crawls inside you so deep that you finally figure out who you are, what you were always meant to be.”

  “What the fuck?” I asked, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

  “It’s for another day, doll. Sometimes, we just need someone to bring out our true nature.”

  “Either I’ve clearly had too much to drink or you’re talking out of your ass. I’m going to go with option two.”

  He cupped my face in his hand, rubbing the spot just behind my ear with his fingertips. “Sometimes, we don’t know who we really are until we find the perfect partner to bring it out.”

  “Jimmy, I think we were talking about one night. You and me fucking each other’s brains out and then walking away. Now, you’re talking crazy if you think I need you in my life to complete me. I’m certainly not Renée Zellweger and you’re no Tom Cruise. I don’t need any man to complete me. I’m quite happy with my life.”

  “Fine. Tell me who you are.” His stare pinned me in place.

  Swallowing, I didn’t take my eyes off him as I thought about my reply. I’d never had to explain myself to anyone. “Who are you, James?”

  He shook his head, a small smile on his face, as he laughed softly. “I’m a protector.”

  I cut him off. “Do you think I need protecting?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied.

  “I have four older brothers who have made it their life’s mission to make sure I’m protected. It’s the last thing I need in my life.”

  “Can I finish?” he asked, taking a deep breath and tilting his head.

  “Yes,” I said, gulping hard and searching for some moisture in my now parched mouth.

  “As I was saying, I’m a natural protector. That’s why I joined the agency. I’m loyal to the core. I know what I want in life, and I never give up until I get it. There’s nothing better than a good chase. Once I have my mind set on something, I’ll stop at nothing to get what I want.”

  “Am I your goal?” I asked, smirking and feeling a little playful.

  “What if I said yes?” James asked, moving his face closer to mine.

  “I’d say you better have a new game plan.”

  “Are you a secret lesbian?” he teased, the corner of his mouth twitching.

  “No! Fuck!” I hissed. “I mean, more power to anyone who loves vadge, but I’m all about cock, baby.”

  He closed his eyes, his breath skidding across my face as he blew the air out of his lungs. “If you talk about cock one more time, I’m taking you upstairs and fucking you until you can’t scream anymore.”

  “That sounds creepy.”

  His chest shook as a laugh fell from his lips. “You have to be the most difficult female I have ever met.”

  “Maybe I’m more woman than you can handle,” I purred, running my hand down his chest. Underneath my fingertips, I could feel his muscles flexing. I splayed my palm against his shirt, letting my hand rest against his rock-hard pec.

  “Doll, I’m more man than you’ve ever had. That I can guarantee.”

  The air between us crackled. Like it did in the movies. Sparks were probably visible to any guest milling around the bar area.

  “Izzy,” Mia said, interrupting my moment with James.

  I bli
nked slowly, looking over his shoulder and smiling at her. “Hey, Mia.”

  “Who do we have here?” she asked, a grin on her face.

  “Mia, this is Jimmy, Thomas’s friend.”

  His eyes flashed before he turned to face her. “Mia, it’s nice to meet you. I’m James.” He held out his hand, waiting for her touch.

  “James, I’m Mike’s girl.” She slid her hand into his palm, shaking it slowly.

  “I’d say you’re more than a girl.” He pulled her hand to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the top.

  She laughed, her cheeks turning red. Did he have this effect on all women? “You know what I mean,” she said, batting her eyelashes.

  Thank Christ Mike wasn’t here to see Mia blushing and flirting with Jimmy boy.

  “Mike’s a very lucky man,” James replied, releasing her hand.

  I sighed, rolling my eyes before glaring at Mia. “Where’s Mike, anyway?” I asked, feeling a bit jealous of his flirting.

  I was bothered that he was flirting with her, but why? I shouldn’t have been. I didn’t like him. I wanted to use him. That was all. I wanted to have my way with him for one night and walk away unscathed. Jealousy wasn’t an emotion I was used to experiencing, and I sure as hell didn’t know how to deal with it.

  “He’s dancing with his ma,” she replied, winking at me and mouthing, “Wow,” as James turned to look at me before returning his attention to her.

  “Would you like a drink, Mia?”

  She smiled, nodding. “Always.”

  James motioned to the bartender as I walked to stand next to Mia.

  “He’s sexy as fuck,” Mia whispered in my ear.

  “He’s an asshole, though.”

  “Nah, he couldn’t be. He seems to be a perfect gentleman.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have another if you think he’s not a total prick.”

  “You’re just too damn hard on men, Iz.”

  “He’s cocky, Mia. He makes Mike and Joe seem like teddy bears.”


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