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Leaving His Mark

Page 16

by T A. McKay

  “Well this hot guy is wondering if you are ready to leave. I need to go out later and I want to get you home and settled before I leave.” I close down everything and grab my bag from the drawer in my desk, following him to the door. He locks up once we are outside and we walk quietly to his car. A thought suddenly explodes into my head and I squeal causing Gabe to turn to me and look at me in shock. I point at his car making him turn round and look at it.

  “I finally know why your car looks familiar!” He turns back to me and glares at me.

  “Don’t, just don’t.” He looks pissed off and it only encourages me more. Gabe is very proud of his car, it’s his pride and joy. He spent a lot of money getting it brought into the country and it’s the only one I have seen like it. I‘ve always thought it looked familiar but couldn’t work out why, but it’s suddenly clicked in my mind and it’s so funny. My giggle starts out gentle but as I watch his face redden it turns into a really unattractive snort. Through my laughter I try to talk but it’s difficult to get the words out, I need to say this but the more I think about it the more I laugh.

  “Laugh it up, Shorty. I know what you’re thinking and if you say it out loud there will be consequences.” Now I have even more reason to say it, the thought of Gabe’s consequences makes my body tingle. I shake my head pretending I'm not going to say anything and he relaxes, watching me as I start walking again. Just as I reach the passenger side of the car I look over the roof and with a very serious face I ask him something I really want to know the answer to.

  “Can I just ask though, what’s it like driving bumblebee?” I watch him bite the inside of his cheek and he takes a deep breath. I’m really proud of myself that I’ve worked out that he owns a black version of Bumblebee, the car from the Transformers film. Its been annoying me for ages why I knew the car and going by the look on Gabe’s face he isn’t happy that people notice.

  “Get in the car.” The words are said on a growl and I swear my knickers nearly combust. He doesn’t drop his stare from me as I open the door, and with my nipples hard and my knickers wet, I get into the car like I'm told.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I couldn’t help all the dirty thoughts that went through my head on the drive home. The gasp that had left Rhys when I told her I would punish her made my dick instantly hard. When we’ve been together I’ve tried to keep the real me hidden, to be the gentle guy I think she wants but it’s getting hard to keep up. When I'm with her my need for control comes flooding to my mind and I want to show her how amazing it could be if she would just let me show her what I can do. I don’t want a submissive, I know that’s what everyone thinks when they hear the word control but I'm not into that. I just want to be in control to prove to myself that I can be powerful, but still treat women properly. Prove that I'm not like my dad.

  I know how disturbed that sounds but I can’t help but think it. He always took control by force, using power and fear to get people to look up to him. I want women to give me that control because they trust me, and I want Rhys to trust me more than anything. Her past has left her with issues that I'm not sure I can get through but I want to try, even if it’s just for a night I want her to give herself to me fully.

  Now standing next to her in the kitchen, both of us making something to eat feels very domesticated. I didn’t think I would ever feel this comfortable with someone in my space, someone that could find a way into my heart. The ringing of the house phone pulls my attention from the content feelings that are infusing my body. I very rarely get calls on my home phone, no one really other than family. My stomach twists as I realise it might be the one person in the world that I don’t want to talk to. I contemplate letting it ring off but thoughts of my Uncle Grieg fill my head. If it’s him and I don’t answer he’ll worry, he really is like an old lady with his stressing over me. I need to answer it, I have no option. Picking up the handset I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  “Hello?” I hear ticking on the other end of the call and I’m tempted to hang up before he speaks. I know its him, it always takes a few moments for the calls from the prison to connect properly. I brace myself to talk to him, I need to do this. If I don’t speak to him properly he’ll just keep calling. I need to tell him once and for all to stop calling.

  “Gabe, are you there?” I keep my voice neutral when I answer him trying not to show any emotion, to show him the power he still has over me.

  “I’m pretty sure I told you that I didn’t want to speak to you again. You really don’t know how to take a hint.” My voice sounds dead even to my own ears.

  “I was hoping you would change your mind, Son. I want to see you, will you come?” I can’t control the laughter that breaks from me. Does he really believe that I will come and see him? I haven’t laid eyes on him since the day I had to give evidence in court against him. Even then I only saw him on a video screen since my lawyer said that I was too young to come face to face with him. I never got to hear anything that was said during the trial, my uncle wanted to protect me from everything that happened on that day. All I know is once he thought he had killed me, there was a fight between him and my mum, and she was the one who lost. Dad then went on the run but was pulled over for running a red light. When he went to the police station they discovered the warrant out for him, he hasn’t seen daylight as a free man since then.

  “I don’t think that will be a smart thing to do. There’s nothing that I want to talk to you about. You need to stop calling me.” I go to hang up him but his pleading voice stops me.

  “Son, please. I know I can’t ever do anything to get you to forgive me, but please just come so I can at least explain. I know I don’t deserve it but be the bigger man, be a bigger man than me.” I know what he's trying to do, he's using the one thing that he knows I strive for, the one thing that’s more important than anything. I need to be better than him. I shouldn’t let it work but I do and I give in to his pleading.

  “Fine. Add me to your visitors list and I will visit you once. It will only be this one time so don’t get any more ideas, you need to say everything you want to say then. I won’t be back, this is more than you deserve.” I can hear a release of breath over the phone and if I didn’t know him better I would think he was happy, but I'm not convinced.

  “Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me. When will you come?” I know I will need a few days to build up to going to the prison and probably a few bottles of vodka.

  “I don’t know but in the next week. I will need to check how busy I am at work.” His words come quickly and I’m close to hanging up, not wanting to hear the excitement in his voice. I hate the fact that I’ve made him happy.

  “That’s ok, I will add your name onto each day. Just come when you want.” I'm done. I don’t even know if I'm going to go but now isn’t the time to decide. I need to go and have a drink, talk to Clay and then maybe make a decision. I don’t even say goodbye to him I just hang up.

  I don’t know how long I stay standing in the hall holding the phone but I jump when Rhys puts her hand on my shoulder. She looks worried as she looks up at me.

  “Hey, is everything all right?” Her voice is gentle and it takes everything in me not to fall to my knees and wrap my self around her, just to feel some comfort. I just want her to take away my pain, even if it’s only for a few minutes. I don’t know what to say, how do I tell her that if I go and see my dad I might lose it? That I don’t know how to cope with seeing him again. Her hand cups the side of my face and I try not to react but I can’t help it, I feel myself leaning into her touch. Even the smallest of her touches, her skin against mine sets my pulse rate racing.

  “I honestly don’t know, but hopefully soon I’ll be able to tell you.” I open my eyes expecting to see pity in her eyes but it’s not there. All I see is understanding and something else, something that looks a lot like love but I know I must be wrong. As much as I would like for Rhys to feel the same for me as I do for her I know she can’t, there is no
thing that I can offer her.

  She removes her hand from my face and I instantly miss the connection but it only lasts a few seconds because she reaches down and takes my hand instead. I look down at where we’re joined and feel the heat spread out through my body. It always shocks me when I touch Rhys, she does something to my body that I’ve never felt before. I have a mixture of feelings that are constantly fighting for dominance. I want Rhys desperately, I spend all day imagining her body wrapped around mine, her legs pulling me closer as she gives in to the pleasure, but it’s more than that. I love spending time with her, her sense of humour and her smart mouth keep me on my toes. I’ve never wanted to actually spend time with a woman, most bore me pretty quickly, but Rhys, well she changes my mind on so many things.

  I look up at her face and I see that damn blush working over her cheeks, I swear that turns me on more than anything and that’s a huge problem. She blushes easily and often which makes me permanently hard. She pulls my hand and leads me back to the kitchen, and of course I follow like a good boy.

  “I don’t know about you but I'm hungry. You get the steaks going and I will finish the pasta.” I smile at her before I start getting the ingredients I need to make a perfect steak. Maybe this is what people are talking about when they say they are living in domestic bliss, maybe this is why people still fall in love and get married. I can understand it, but I'm not in love. No, definitely not in love … I think.

  I don’t know who was on the phone but Gabe’s mood has darkened. He was happy when we left work and seeing him smile I decided not to let the encounter with Paul affect me. It was creepy but now I’ve had time to think about it I realise it was nothing more than Paul being a douche. He always thinks that every woman who comes into the shop want him, that he is God’s gift to mankind and he obviously thought that I would feel the same.

  Standing stirring the sauce for the pasta my mind drifts back to our encounter in the storage room. I shiver as I remember the words I'm sure he said. I would put money on the fact that he had commented about Gabe being in my bed. Even now I can hear him saying it but I don’t know if I’ve convinced myself he did so that’s all I can hear. I think the stress of the last week has gotten to me and I might be losing my mind a little.

  Too much has happened over the last seven days, too many feelings have invaded my body. Ever since the break in I have felt like someone is watching me, but it’s only when I’m in my bedroom. I never feel it when I reading in the living room or cooking in the kitchen, only the bedroom. I haven’t told Gabe because I'm scared he’d laugh at me or make me leave ‘for my safety’. I suppose after the break in, knowing someone went through all my things, touched them all, would make any one feel on edge.

  I feel a nudge against my arm and I turn to look at Gabe who’s standing with his eyebrows raised.

  “Where did you go? I didn’t realise that I’m so boring that you have to zone out.” I blink like an idiot still trying to catch up. Shaking my head I manage to clear my thoughts before he speaks again.

  “Holy shit, you really did zone out didn’t you?” He laughs and I can’t help joining in.

  “What can I say, I find you a little boring. Blah, blah, blah. That’s all I hear.” I wink at him letting him know that I’m messing with him. He points at me with the tongs he's been using to turn the steaks.

  “You’re lucky I'm hungry, Shorty. But just so you know, I'm adding to the list of punishments I already owe you.” I don’t know if it’s the look in his eye or the low husky tone of his voice that does it, but I’m instantly wet and my stomach muscles clench. What is it about this guy that just talks to me on a deeper level? It’s like his body knows mine better than I do. I lick my lips almost imaging how he might punish me, how far he will push with my limits. That’s another thing that confuses me, I'm happy to be overpowered by Gabe, in fact I want it. I know I shouldn’t, not after everything Marc put me through. I should want to run as far away from this, whatever it is, as I can. But here I am, trying to figure out how to get Gabe to give me what I crave. It’s official, I need professional help.

  “You need to stop looking at me like that. When you do it makes it really difficult for me not to pin you against that wall.” His voice is deeper than I’ve ever heard and my hands shake in anticipation. If he wants me to be the one to stop this then he needs another plan. The memories of his lips on mine, the feel of his body against me as he pounded into me. I lick my lips as I imagine kissing him, licking his hard muscles before dropping to my knees.

  “Fuck.” He growls out just before he attacks my lips. I drop the spoon I was using to stir and am pushed backwards until my back hits the wall. He attacks my lips with a passionate kiss, showing me all his pent up frustrations. His tongue meets mine and my moan is swallowed by him. I grab onto his hair and pull him into my lips, needing to feel more of him.

  His body pushes against mine and I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling just how turned on he is right now. His hands work their way under the edge of my dress and grab my arse, his fingers digging deeply into my flesh. It makes me thankful I got changed when I got in from work. The sting of his fingers sets off fireworks coursing all my nerves ending directly in my clit. I rub myself over his dick, probably leaving evidence of my excitement on his jeans but I'm past caring. I need to feel him, the sooner the better. I feel a groan vibrating through his chest when I suck his tongue into my mouth. It makes me want another part of his body in my mouth but I want him inside me more, I need to come around his dick. I reach my hands between our bodies, trusting him to hold me up which he does, his hands moving under my arse. I grab his belt, undoing it as quickly as I can, I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to have someone inside me as strong as this. I pull at his buttons, feeling him smile against my mouth when they all undo in one move. His smile vanishes as my hand reaches inside his boxers and grip his hardness. He feels so smooth and hard, like silk wrapped over steel. I move my hand down his length from his tip, not stopping until my palm reaches his balls.

  It’s like the movement breaks Gabe’s control and thankfully his actions become as desperate as mine. One hand leaves my arse and he reaches down to his hips pulling his jeans and boxers off, I use my feet to help him as much as I can and soon we have them around his knees. He pulls my knickers to the side, running a finger along me to make sure I'm ready. My head falls back against the wall when he touches my clit, the gentle pressure nearly enough to make me come. His fingers move away and without any warning he's inside me, pushing deep and filling me completely.

  “Fuck, Rhys.” His shout mingles with my scream as we both give into the pleasure of our bodies being joining again. I’ve been thinking about this all day, desperate to feel this way again. Every time I caught him looking at me or felt the gentle brush of his body against mine he added to the wetness that he’d created in my knickers. He stills for a moment, his forehead resting against mine as he looks into my eyes and I feel complete. This is what it should always be like this.

  He starts moving gently, pulling almost all of the way out before thrusting back in, filling me again and again but quickly the thrusts take on a frantic pace, a pace that will have us both finishing quickly. He rubs against my clit every time he is fully in me and I feel my body tighten around him each time. We are a jumble of limbs and lips, not able to touch each other enough but touching everywhere all at once. His lips bruise mine and my fingers dig into the skin of his neck trying to hold myself together, like he’s the anchor I need to keep myself tied to this universe.

  His body moves and he enters me at a new angle and my control is gone and the pleasure that’s been building explodes through me. Colours dance in front of my eyes as I scream out his name, surprisingly he gets even harder which prolongs my orgasm. He only last a few thrusts more before exploding inside me, filling me with his release. I gasp for breath, trying to fill my lungs with much needed air but I'm sure the lightheaded feeling comes from more than the lack of oxygen. Gabe
does this too me, he makes me feel things like never before, makes me see things differently.

  With gentle kisses against my neck I let the world around us come back into focus and I'm shocked when I finally open my eyes.

  “Gabe, you’re on fire.” My voice comes in a loud cry as I hit him on the shoulders.

  “I know, baby. That was fucking amazing.” I grab his face and release my legs from around his body, trying to reach for the floor. He looks at me with a dozy smile, the look of complete satisfaction on his face. I push back on his chest, panic starting to replace the content feeling I had just minutes ago.

  “No you idiot. The steaks, they’re on fire.” I point over his shoulder and he finally realises what I'm trying to say. The frying pan with the steaks is quite literally on fire with black plumes of smoke filling the room. I try not to giggle, this is a really serious situation, but watching Gabe holding up his jeans with one hand and burning frying pan in the other has some comical value to it. He quickly puts the flames out in the sink and turns to smile at me.

  “So friend, fancy Chinese take out?”


  I put my empty plate on the table in front of me and grab my wine glass before sitting back on the couch again. I’m so stuffed after eating my weight in Chinese food, we ordered way too much for just two people but we managed to eat quite a lot of it. I guess crazy, life threatening kitchen sex is good for the appetite. I turn to the movie that we’ve been watching for the last hour, well I pretend that I'm watching it but I'm not. My mind is stuck on the sexy guy sitting on the other end of the sofa. I don’t know what’s happening between us, we keep saying that we’re just friends but then one glance at each other and we’re ripping each other’s clothes off. Not that I'm complaining because the sex is amazing, out of this fucking world but it still doesn’t help me work out what where I stand with him. Am I just a way for him to scratch an itch? I mean he's a guy, they like sex and lots of it, or are we the dreaded friends with benefits? Don’t get me wrong, I really like the benefits but these types of relationships never end well, and I don’t want to lose him. I wonder how he feels about this, does he share my thoughts, does he want more?


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