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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

Page 8

by Craig Gerttula

  Sasha had been hinting that Sir Seb'Losh should teach her ladies how to properly use a laser arc since the incident on the shuttle and at the TSB Fleet Base. As was expected, Sir Seb'Losh refused, explaining it was the Alutia Guard's duty to protect her ladies, and they shouldn't need to worry. But both Sasha and Tiana knew better. There were times the guards wouldn't be able to protect them. It had already happened on more occasions then she wanted to recall. Tiana took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of the powerfully seductive woman standing before her, feeling bad that she hadn't trusted her.

  “I am in your care....Lady Vickie,” she said playfully with a curtsy, which must have looked odd in the skintight body suit. Vickie smiled and started back to her circle, whipping her braid behind her.

  “Good, but I do require payment, which will involve unfettered access to that gorgeous body of yours,” Tiana froze, suddenly regretting agreeing so easily, then, hearing a playful laugh escape Vickie's lips, returned to her circle, shaking her head at being fooled again.

  They fought for about an hour, Vickie teaching her proper grappling techniques so she could bring the Dai Tempest weapon, which she learned were her gloves, into a proper angle to knock away, or injure, her opponent. The trick was always keeping one hand free while using your opponent's momentum against them. Since Tiana was so short, being only 150cm tall, she could easily be overpowered by a larger individual. But she found if she bent over slightly and went for the attackers legs, she could easily get herself in position to use the Dai Tempest , which only had an effective range of about a half meter. However, Vickie quickly taught her the weakness of her new technique when a knee caught her on the side of the head, knocking her senseless for a time.

  “When are we going to actually use the Dai Tempest instead of just acting out the motions? I'm curious to see how it actually works,” asked Tiana, looking at her gloves as she lay flat on the floor, trying to catch her breath. Vickie sat cross-legged at her side, having barely broken a sweat.

  “Not until you understand the basics. You can kill or maim someone if you catch them with a blast in the wrong place,” Vickie explained. Tiana nodded, releasing an awkward sigh. I’m really out of shape!

  “But I can explain how it works,” Vickie placed her palms before her. “See the swirling coil on the palm of your glove?” Tiana looked to her palms, finding the swirling coil that started on the outside and circled its way to the center, appearing to continue to swirl as it shrunk to a tiny dot. “Air is attracted to the coil, then forced around the swirl to its center where it's compressed into a ball. You can then either push your palm up against the skin, causing the compressed air to explode out, or, you can push out your palm, shooting a small, but powerful cone of air out about a half meter.” Vickie activated one of her gloves by touching the gem, causing it to light, before moving about two meters away. Tiana sat up for a better look, watching Vickie breath in, then out, placing one leg in front of the other, before calmly aiming her palms at Tiana. A strong gust of wind struck her, and with a squeak of surprise, she tumbled to the padded floor. Vickie laughed, running to Tiana's side to help her climb to her feet.

  “I thought you said it was only effective at a half meter?” Tiana asked with obvious amazement. Vickie smiled, seeming to have expected her question.

  “When I said effective...I meant at stopping an attacker. Being blown over may slow an attacker, but will rarely stop them.” Tiana nodded, still unable to fathom the force of the wind that had struck her.

  “Am I going to have to wear these hideous gloves all the time?” she asked, hopeful that wouldn’t be the case. Vickie laughed, placing an arm around her, leading her towards the changing room.

  “Of course not! They have special bracelets that extend the coil only when needed.” Tiana sighed in relief as they entered the changing room.

  Vickie lead her through a door Tiana hadn't noticed earlier, set next to the clothing dispenser, she having been somewhat distracted at the time. The washroom contained a clothing reclaimer chute on one wall beside a row of two person shower rooms, with a small vanity at the end. Vickie stripped, throwing the bodysuit and gloves down the chute, and proceeded to start stripping a confused Tiana. Before she knew it, she was naked and being dragged into a shower room.

  When she emerged back into the changing room, dazed and feeling slightly sullied following the rather sensual way Vickie had helped wash her, she located her undergarments and informal crimson dress that was stored in a locker hidden within the mirror. After quickly dressing, she turned back to the Vickie, who had already slipped on her wispy, purple and white dress that hung perilously short. Tiana raised an eyebrow in surprise when she noticed Vickie's undergarments still sitting on the bench, which Vickie bunched up in a ball, a naughty glimmer appearing in her eyes.

  “What's life without a little spice?” Vickie purred. Tiana sighed, letting her head fall to her chest. Vickie let escape a playful laugh.

  The journey to the transport tube station was a test of patience. Vickie would twirl whenever she noticed a crewmen peek in her direction, forcing Tiana to, like a chaperon, block their view. After 15 minutes of guarding the crew of the ABF Alutia from Vickie's romantic sense of humor, they finally arrived back at their apartments. Tiana caught a nod pass between the ABF Battleguards who were on duty at the door and Vickie. But before she could raise a question, the door flew open and Vickie pulled Tiana through.

  The sitting room was packed to bursting with elegantly dressed nobles and ABF officers in formal dress uniforms. Everyone hurried to their feet as she entered, full of smiles. Liana, Sasha, Trent, and Lady Bhool all stepped forward.

  “Happy birthday, my dear,” her mother said with much joy, a wide grin under glowing cheeks, she being the first to present her congratulations, and an overzealous hug. Claps and cheers broke free from the assembled noble guests as if on cue. She looked over her mother's shoulder, finding Sasha with her arm around Trent, both looking warmly in her direction, Terra dancing on Trent's outstretched hand. A memory returned as she pulled herself free of her mother's embrace, kissing her cheek and thanking her, before hurrying the short distance to the couple, who both smiled playfully. Tiana looked at Terra, then at Sasha, who nodded.

  “I've been in discussion with some nobles who will be attending our wedding. It seems a few have pregnant catillians who are currently unspoken fo-.” Tiana couldn't contain her elation, cutting Sasha off with a scream of pure joy, hugging her best friend, who she loved more than anything in the universe. Laughter overtook the room, followed by sudden silence, all eyes staring at something behind her.

  Tiana turned, unable to miss Vickie, still standing where Tiana had left her by the door, whose dress was fluttering from the wind caused by it sliding shut. Tiana gasped and rushed back to Vickie's side, who stood frozen in place with a wide grin plastered on a face of pure crimson, and pulled her towards the lady’s bedchamber.

  “Was that enough spice for you?” The look she received in return was all the answer she would need.


  Regalia weaved her way through the dense crowd of mingling nobles and ABF officers, looking to politely join one of the many adult conversations. She turned her attention to a young couple from Tidelia, but all she received was a hand messing the golden locks that Gil'Da had so lovingly arranged for her. She sighed, responding the way her mother had taught, politely curtseying with a smile, before moving on. As she continued through the crowd, she paused, overhearing hushed whispers.

  There is something good about being short and young, Regalia remembered. She could easily, and discreetly, listen in on the conversations of the mingling guests. This had come in handy on more than one occasion when her mother realized after her father's death, that they needed to protect themselves by keeping their eyes and ears on the other power hungry nobles that prowled the noble courts. So she taught Regalia what sort of signs to look for; hushed voices, quiet mingling in corners or out of sight, winks and
hidden eye contact, all the little things that would let her know where to listen.

  “Why does the grand duchess keep her around? It makes her look bad,” a woman said, her voice hushed. Regalia recognized her as another minor noble from Tidelia.

  “Worse then she already does? I heard she was bringing multiple men and women back to her apartments and...” the other woman responded, lowering her voice even further as she leaned in to whisper into her friend's ear. They both began to giggle.

  Regalia shook her head in frustration and continued on through the crowd, wondering where these rumors about Sasha were coming from. Some, she realized, originated from Vickie's actions and her constant mingling with the crewmen. Her mother had once explained that some noble ladies, like Vickie, would use their bodies to get what they wanted, called traditionalist paramours or realist romantics. But Regalia liked Vickie, and she never once saw her ask the men and women she brought back to their bedchamber for anything. As if on cue, Regalia stumbled into Vickie, who was now wearing a full length black gown that hung low off one shoulder.

  “Regalia,” Vickie turned away from the two ABF knight officers she'd been in conversation, “my very nice to see you well,” she said with a smile, swirling an exotic drink that seemed to shift colors every few seconds.

  “Can I talk with you for a moment, Lady Vickie?” Regalia questioned, raising her voice above the crowd, causing the two young men to bow politely and leave. Vickie frowned, disappointment showing in her eyes at their departure, then shrugged.

  “What is it, dear?” Vickie asked as she placed a hand upon Regalia's back, escorting her to an open corner of the sitting room.

  “I overheard some of the noble ladies talking...and it appears there are rumors spreading of Sasha dallying with many men and women.” Vickie's friendly smile turned dark as she crouched beside Regalia.

  “Who's saying this, sweetie?” Vickie asked while leaning in, voice serious. Regalia paused for a moment, realizing Vickie smelled very much like her mother. She held back the urge to hug her.

  “Some of the noble ladies that accompanied Countess Liana. But that's not all. I've heard the rumor among some of the general crew as well. They seem to believe that Sasha has relations with different men and women every evening,” she whispered into Vickie's ear, putting her arms around her, unable to fight the urge any longer. Vickie turned and hugged her as well, seeming to sense her need. Regalia sunk into her warm, caring embrace, feeling at ease.

  “It's alright, sweetie. I think I know where these rumors started,” she trailed off as if a memory had returned, “and I think it may be my fault.” Her voice became hushed, “she swore revenge, I just thought she would go after,” she paused, seeming to recall her company. “Could you go and fetch Sir Seb'Losh for me, sweetie? I must speak with him.” Regalia squeezed hard, and then released Vickie, smiling with a nod, then blushing from the light kiss she received on the cheek.

  Sir Seb'Losh wasn't usually hard to find. All you had to do was find Sasha, and to find Sasha, all you had to do was find Trent, which was normally very simple, since he always stood out in a crowd with his obvious discomfort in social situations. Regalia found it funny that he always tried to stand one step behind Sasha, letting her take the lead in conversations. But Sasha would promptly pull him back to her side, before he would slowly inch backwards, until Sasha again, pulled him back to her side. Neither seemed to notice the other, though Tiana and Vickie had made a game of predicting how many times the cycle would repeat during a single conversation. The memory made Regalia smile.

  Sasha had changed, rather drastically, from the unpredictable realist noble Regalia had first met onboard the ABF Princess One almost ten periods prior. Most of what occurred during those first few periods was a blur, but she could clearly remember sensing Sasha fighting some sort of inner turmoil. She'd assumed it was from her fear of men, but there was also something else, something hidden much deeper. But then, Sasha returned from Earth with Trent, and that feeling had vanished. She appeared to have been reborn, her love for the mysterious man from Earth burning away the inner demons that had been lurking just beneath the surface. She seemed to have found a part of herself that was lost, missing since a time before Regalia had met her. But no matter how much she changed, Sasha was still kind, always treating Regalia like an adult, asking her opinion and assigning her important tasks. Regalia found that she loved her, more as a sister, then as her better.

  As she was walking in thought, scanning the small crowd, a hand fell on her shoulder. She turned in surprise, not use to others engaging her in conversation, finding Trent looking down on her from above, his smile contagious.

  At first, she wasn't sure what to think of Trent. His mind seemed fragile, but his heart, kind. He was always nice to her, smiling and asking how she was doing. A sincere and friendly man that Regalia knew, from experience, was not a noble. There was also an honest air around him, something that most nobles shed when they were young to avoid being eaten by others in the noble courts. Her mother had taught her this fact when she herself was young, very young, trying unsuccessfully to beat the honesty out of her. But her harsh lessons had at least provided Regalia an understanding of when it was appropriate to be honest and when it was not. Regalia knew Trent would be easy prey, already having seen more than one noble stare at him with eyes that said; how can I use this man? So Regalia had sworn to help protect his honesty, half by her own volition and half from Sasha's request to all her ladies.

  “You look lost, Regalia. Can I help with something?” asked Trent. Regalia started to respond, finding it odd that he was alone, but quickly realized his outstretched hand was still locked in Sasha's, who was chatting with Knight Admiral Bhool, Countess Liana, and few other ABF officers she didn't recognize.

  “Thank you, Sir Trent. I am searching for Sir Seb'Losh,” she stated.

  “He's outside...I believe...” he paused as he dropped to one knee, causing Sasha to grunt, then turn, appearing ready to shout at being pulled off balance. But when she noticed Regalia, she smiled instead, “and Regalia, please call me Trent. I'd like to think we're friends and, just between us, the title still bothers me,” whispered Trent politely. Regalia nodded, I would like to think we are friends too, then curtsied, hurrying away, scared that the emotions that just welled up within would overflow. She still found the concept of friends new and fresh.

  Outside the entry to the apartments, standing with Donnlie and two ABF Battleguards, she found Sir Seb'Losh. Donnlie noticed her first and smiled, breaking his stance. A whack came down on his shoulder as Sir Seb'Losh let him know that he had slouched.

  Regalia liked Donnlie, very much. They had become close on the TSB Fleet Base when they helped him, and 20 other TSB recruits, escape from the evil headmaster that planned to sell Sasha to Duke Zehman. She had only intended on using him at first, like her mother had taught, he appearing to be in awe of her. But after a time, she had begun to genuinely enjoy his company and innocence.

  A giggle broke Regalia's lips as she approached. “Sir Seb'Losh, Vickie would like to speak with you,” she explained.

  The Alutia Guard Captain turned his head inquisitively. “Oh...may I ask what about, Lady Regalia?” She glanced to her sides warily, causing him to kneel, moving his ear close.

  She pushed up on her tippy toes and leaned in. “I overheard some bad rumors about Sasha and it appears Vickie knows who-.” Sir Seb'Losh stood, rushed a bow, and then strode into the sitting room. Regalia smiled, job done, and walked over to Donnlie, who was training to become a member of the Alutia Guard.

  “Is the training tough, Donnlie?” she asked. He blushed furiously, like he always did when she spoke to him.

  “To be able to guard you, it's nothing!” he responded honestly. Regalia smiled, recalling how she felt when Vickie had kissed her lightly on the cheek earlier, and decided to do the same to him. As she leaned in and kissed him, he froze, turning a deep crimson that matched their surroundings. He wob
bled, then caught himself before he could tumble to the floor. Regalia giggled while skipping away, slipping back into the sitting room, glancing through the crack at Donnlie with a smile as it slid shut behind her.

  Regalia found herself whisked into a flow of nobles who were moving excitedly about the room. Gil'Da seemed to sense her peril and came rushing over, pulling her free and escorting her to a row of seats where Sasha and Trent waited patiently. She caught a glimpse of Vickie and Sir Seb'Losh conversing in the corner as she sat to Trent's left. Countess Liana took the seat to Sasha's right as servants removed the tables that had held the food and drink, placing a large chair on a rotating stand in their place. Regalia watched intently and almost jumped when Vickie sat beside her, grabbing her hand, a look of veiled concern in her eyes. Seeing that something was amiss, Regalia squeezed back, placing her other hand over Vickie's and leaning up, kissing her gently on the cheek. Vickie smiled in surprise, her mood changing instantly, and Regalia nodded to herself at the new trick she had learned.

  “Regalia, what was that?” Sasha whispered as she leaned across Trent’s lap.

  “A new trick I learned to help cheer people up,” Regalia responded happily.

  “Do I get one?” asked Sasha, pushing her cheek forward. Regalia leaned in and kissed her to, causing a small giggle to escape the older girl's lips. As Sasha pulled away, Regalia looked up at Trent, pushing out of her seat to kiss him too.

  “Regalia!” Sasha's voice cracked, causing her to freeze. “Don't kiss Trent,” Regalia smiled, glancing past an obviously confused Trent, at an astonished Sasha.

  “Why?” It was an innocent question that she already knew the answer to. Regalia's mother had taught her about jealousy and how to use it against certain women if necessary. Sasha blushed, realizing what she had just done.


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