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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

Page 9

by Craig Gerttula

  “You should ask first, Trent might not like being kissed,” Sasha squeaked, seeming confused by her own feelings.

  “May I kiss your cheek, Trent?” Regalia asked honestly, no hidden emotions or agenda.

  “Well,” he glanced over at Sasha, “since you already kissed Sasha with those same lips, I think it would only be fair...I do feel left out,” Regalia smiled and pushed herself up, kissing Trent lightly on the cheek. A warm laugh rippled through the crowd and Regalia suddenly realized she was the center of attention. Returning quickly to her seat, a collective gasp followed as Regalia turned to see Sasha kissing Trent deeply on the mouth. Regalia grinned as she realized that her mother was right. Jealously does make women do crazy things.

  “Ahem,” Countess Liana cleared her throat. “Grand Duchess Sasha, I do not think this is the best time...please remember your manners,” Liana lectured. Sasha pulled away from Trent, blushing furiously as she realized what she'd just done. Another laugh rolled through the crowd, but this one seemed different, slightly forced, and Regalia knew why. She turned back to Vickie, finding her mood had again darkened; obviously thinking what just happened wouldn't help the rapidly spreading rumors about Sasha's promiscuity. The lights dimmed and a spotlight formed at the entrance to the ladies bedchamber.

  “Introducing,” an ABF Battleguard stepped forward, “Lady Tiana!” she announced, her voice booming throughout the sitting room.

  Tiana, beautiful and glowing, her wavy blond hair flowing over her light red gown, entered the sitting room with a flourish. She smiled like an angel, curtsying gracefully, making the formal entrance that was custom of a noble's birthday celebration. With trained elegance, she glided over the short distance to the raised chair situated in the center of the sitting room, twirling and beaming a smile of pure joy to all who caught her eye, before taking her seat.

  “Let me be the first to officially wish you a happy 17th birthday, Lady Tiana,” Sasha stood, her voice showing none of the embarrassment of moments before, but her cheeks still noticeably flush. “And I am sorry that my gift for you is not yet ready, though I promise you, once we reached Alutia'Earth, a catillian shall be yours.” Tiana's smile changed into an excited grin. Sasha looked to Trent, who nodded, standing stiffly, sweat appearing on his brow. Regalia smiled as she watched him shuffle towards Tiana, who stared at him strangely, like she never would have expected Trent to present her gift separate of Sasha.

  He carefully pulled something shiny from his pocket. “I didn't have much time to Sasha helped me decide.” A necklace tumbled free of his outstretched hand, hanging before Tiana. Her eyes went wide. “Happy birthday, Tiana. This is for the time you've spent taking care of Sasha and the hope that you continue to take care of her in the future...and me.” Regalia squinted, but couldn't make out the pendent that caused Tiana's stare to turn to utter fascination.

  “Stand, dear,” Countess Liana instructed, noticing Tiana seemed frozen in place. Tiana looked to her mother, who nodded, then slowly stood, allowing Trent to clasp the present about her neck, her face stuck in a look of absolute astonishment. Trent started stepping back, but Tiana moved first, hugging him tightly, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank yo-.”

  “Tiana!” Sasha interrupted “What are you doing?” she quested excitedly as she rushed to Trent's side.

  “Just thanking him for the gift...Your Royal Highness,” Tiana mocked, but Regalia knew her thanks genuine. Sasha placed a possessive arm around Trent, escorting him back to his seat, his confusion obvious.

  “Tiana, dear, please show the crowd the gift,” Countess Liana's voice cut through the puzzled whispers, most of the nobles too far away to clearly view Trent's gift. Tiana smiled, again nodding her thanks to her mother, before prancing around the room, showing off her new pendant. Gasps of wonder and disbelief filled her wake as the ladies and gentlemen in attendance saw the gift up-close; Tiana beaming with pride.

  “Well I'll be,” Vickie muttered when Tiana stopped before them, reaching out to touch the exquisitely crafted pendant. It was shaped like a single rose, with tiny rubies mingling with its petals, spelling Tiana. Regalia thought it pretty, the purplish, red rose colored metal a perfect match for the sparkling rubies. But she didn't understand why everyone was so excited.

  “What's it made of?” she asked innocently. Vickie turned to her, releasing the necklace to let it fall gently to Tiana's chest.

  “Pure gorian alloy, sweetie. Not the stuff that you occasionally see that's been converted to programmable matter,” Vickie looked past Regalia as she spoke. “Where did you find this? I thought the art of working pure gorian was restricted?” Vickie asked, her fascination apparent by her tone. The crowd seemed to inch closer to hear Trent's response. Unable to stop blushing from the attention, Trent looked to Vickie, then to Sasha, who nodded, then back to Vickie.

  “You know how a new gorian mine was located in Alutia?” Vickie nodded, “Well...they sent a pure sample to Sasha, something to do with tradition....I'm not really sure. But at the time, I happened to be in discussion with Vin about its properties beca-.” An elbow struck his ribs as Sasha stared at him, shaking her head. He nodded his understanding. “Anyway, I found out that it use to be NHA tradition to gift pure gorian jewelry to those important in your life,” Trent looked at Tiana, then Sasha, who was holding something in her hand while smiling, “before the price made it impractical. So I asked Sasha and she agreed to allow me half the sample to make some jewelry. I'm not allowed to say how I did it, but Vin provided me everything I needed to know.” He looked up with surprise at the crowd that had gathered only a few meters away, waiting anxiously with baited breath. Regalia sat amazed. She knew a little about gorian alloy and quickly realized the necklace that Tiana wore was probably worth the same as a Cruiser Class starship.

  Tiana moved before Regalia, letting her touch the pendant. She found it fascinating. Its surface cool, and even though it appeared to have sharp edges, everything was smooth, including the rubies that seemed integrated into the metal itself. Regalia thanked Tiana, who continued smiling as she stepped in front of Trent, looking playfully at Sasha as she leaned in to kiss him again, this time on the forehead.

  “Thank you, Trent,” she said rapidly before stepping in front of Sasha, who looked as if she was about to burst. Tiana leaned in, providing Sasha a similar kiss on the forehead, pulling back with a wide grin on her mischievous lips. Sasha stared at Tiana, obviously bewildered, causing Vickie to snicker, and the unreasonable tension that permeated the air finally broke. Regalia followed the rest of the room into joyous laughter.

  The festivities continued as small gifts were presented. Some sang mysterious ballads, which now included Tiana in their stanzas, or told grand stories the like Regalia had never heard. Others gifted modest pieces of jewelry, ornaments, or clothing; the gifts of tradition. Vickie presented a beautiful set of custom made bracelets, which Tiana accepted with delight, a hidden look of understanding passing between the two ladies. Then all eyes fell on Regalia and her mother's training took hold. She quickly, but gracefully, stood, elegantly walking to the empty area in front of Tiana, who looked upon her kindly.

  “Lady Tiana, I wish you a happy birthday. I have only known you for a few periods, but in that time you have become family, along with Grand Duchess Sasha, Lady Vickie, and Sir Trent.” She pulled free one of the four ornate hairclips that held her hair in place, gifts she had been provided by her mother for just such an occasion, and slid it gently into Tiana's hair. The gesture held deep meaning in NHA society. By gifting a specially made and adorned item, such as a hairclip, while calling someone family, unofficially made them so if they accepted.

  Tiana gasped and hugged her, tears filling her eyes, a few escaping when she pulled away. Regalia took the hem of her gown and lightly dabbed Tiana’s cheeks, then leaned close to kiss her once more. She hurried back to her seat, noticing tears wetting cheeks of more than one of the other attendees.

>   The party quickly ended after the last gift was presented; with light hearted goodbyes of people who knew they would soon see each other again. Finally, when all the guests had gone and all who were left were Sasha's ladies, servants, and guards, Regalia laid down on a couch, resting her head on Vickie's lap, letting the woman gently caress her hair.

  “Tiana? If you don't mind, I have other gifts I would like to give,” Trent's voice broke the tired silence from the other side of the room, where he and Sasha were lounging in each other's arms.

  “By all means, and thank you again, I didn't expect to receive something as extravagant as this...especially from you!” Tiana responded playfully, making her thank you sound less then sincere. Regalia heard Trent stand and shuffle across the room.

  “Lady Vickie, Lady Regalia...for your support of my dear Sasha and myself.” Regalia heard Vickie choke as Trent leaned in, securing a necklace around her neck with a similar rose to Tiana’s, but fixed with tiny amethysts that spelled Vickie. Before he could pull away, Vickie kissed him, not on the cheek or forehead, but on the lips. Regalia looked over at Sasha, but found that she was staring at Tiana, missing the exchange. Trent, still blushing, stepped in front of Regalia, leaning in to secure a similar necklace around her neck, but with Regalia spelt in hazy grey gems. She caught a glimpse of Tiana, who seemed to be stricken with melancholy while gazing at her own necklace. Trent seemed to catch it too, and he quickly moved to her side.

  “Tiana, I have something else for you as well. They're not as extravagant as the necklace, which is why I didn't give them to you at the party, but they are one of a kind.” Trent pulled a pair of earrings out of his pocket, both made of the same gorian alloy as the necklace, and shaped like single blooming roses.

  “May I?” Trent leaned in and fitted both to Tiana's ears, quickly stepping away in case she decided on an overly exuberant thank you. But only tears filled her eyes, tears of happiness and pure joy. Regalia stood, realizing it was time to finish her own task, and walked over to Tiana, grabbing her hand, and pulling her along to Vickie, who still sat staring at her necklace.

  “Vickie, you are like family to me and Tiana,” she pulled another hairpin free, presenting it to Tiana, who, still teary eyed, placed it in Vickie's hair. Vickie looked at the two girls, then started crying, a site Regalia had never seen, before embracing them both. After the hug ended, she grabbed Vickie's hand, and pulled the two women behind her, over to Sasha. “Sasha, we came here out of obligation, but now we stay because we are family.” She pulled the second from last hairpin free and presented it to Vickie, who, trembling, gently pushed it into Sasha's hair. Sasha stood, tears rolling down her cheeks, and embraced the three girls.

  “You are my sisters, no matter if you leave and get married, or choose a different life, you will always be my sisters and be welcome in my home.” Sasha's words completed the ritual, and Regalia started bawling; such happiness breaking down all her barriers.

  She never had a sister, just a mother who showed her little love. But now she had three, and the joy of that fact drained her, fatigue overtaking her tiny body as gentle hands cradled her, placing her back upon the couch. Her eyes opened to Vickie looking down upon her, the usual passion replaced with sincere affection. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Sasha hooking something around her own neck.

  “I wouldn't let him I made him give it to me the moment it was done,” Sasha explained, her voice still shaky as she kneeled before them and showed the large pendant shaped like the Alutia Crest, with her ladies-in-waiting names on each of the three blooming red roses, and the name Sasha spelled in red gems, with Trent in blue gems, crisscrossing the middle.

  “ more thing...” Trent said, voice uneven. Regalia turned her head on Vickie's lap so she could see him better, forcing her eyes to stay open a little longer. Trent fell to one knee, looking up at Sasha, something enclosed in his hand.

  “On Earth, there was a custom...which even if it is a little late, I'd like to perform for one last time,” Trent opened his hand to show a smooth ring of gorian, a swirling red and blue gem at its crown. “Sasha, will you marry me?” Sasha looked down at him, bewildered.

  “Of course, you are already my consort,” she responded, wonder filling her every word. Trent grinned, grasping Sasha's left hand, sliding the ring over her fourth finger.

  “This, in Earth's culture, is a symbol of that binding,” tears crept into his eyes, tears for a lost home, a lost planet, and a new love.

  “Oh, Trent! Thank you, of course I'll marry you!” Sasha hugged him in sudden understanding as she too broke down, burying her face in his neck. Regalia watched her two crying friends. No, my family, who she loved with all her heart, as the fogginess of sleep overtook her.


  Sweat poured off Tiana’s fatigued limbs as she crossed her fists before her to block Vickie's lightning fast attacks with the outside of her forearms. She grunted, taking the pain, knowing it nothing compared to when Vickie struck home, the powerful woman trying to simulate the assault of a much larger, and stronger, opponent. Tiana saw an opening, dropping to one knee as Vickie stepped back, preparing to strike again, and pushed her palm forward, missing the woman's stomach by a mere millimeter. Vickie, with a knowing smirk, spun, wrapping her arms around Tiana’s waist from behind.

  “Point Black......Winner Black,” a friendly voice announced that Vickie had won, yet again. Tiana sighed, then gasped as Vickie didn't let go, her hands creeping up her stomach, threatening her unprotected bosoms.

  “Vickie! Stop it!” Tiana scolded.

  “Just a little reward for my wi-,“ Tiana threw her elbows back just as Vickie hopped away, a disappointed pout on her lips. Tiana stared daggers at the ever perverted woman, who winked with a playful smile. “Is it not proper for a lady to award her teacher?” Vickie told, licking her lips while wiggling her fingers like an old pervert. Tiana threw her arms in the air hopelessly, knowing there was no way for them to continue their training, before stomping out the arena and into the changing room.

  A few days had passed since her 17th birthday party and everyone had returned to their normal routines. Trent and Sasha continued to play daily Valor Ball matches against Regalia and Donnlie, and Trent was showing marked improvement. It seemed he was not only feeling better, but also starting to become accustomed to moving within a zero-g environment. Sasha, on the other hand, seemed to be getting worse. She had become more interested in watching Trent than the “valor” during play, seeming utterly fascinated by his noticeable improvement. Tiana would be beyond delighted when they finally arrived at Alutia'Earth, in a few days time, so she wouldn't have to watch Sasha constantly gush over Trent. Well, at least not as often, she mused.

  Tiana had returned to her Dai Tempest training under Vickie’s tutelage, and she been happily surprised to discover the rapid progress she'd made. No longer did she have difficulty tracking Vickie's movements, being able to protect herself from the worst of her trained assaults. But she still couldn't figure out how to land a hit against the woman. It was like fighting the pesky goretals that would sometimes sneak into Tidelia castle and take hours to remove because their slimy skin and lack of consistent bone structure made it almost impossible to keep a steady grip

  “You,” Vickie hissed as they entered the changing room, finding three ladies within. One, with dense, curly black locks and a baby face Tiana knew quite well, Lady Rosalina, stood frozen before the mirror.

  “It wasn't me! Someone else is-.” Vickie rushed across the room, diving on top of the stunned woman who collapsed to the floor.

  “This had nothing to do with Sasha! Why did you have to try to sully her name because I slept with your boyfriend?” Vickie raged. Tiana stared on with open shock. What did Rosalina say about Sasha?

  But before she could move, Rosalina’s two companions dove on top of Vickie, prying her off of the terrified woman. Tiana didn't think, rushing across the changing room to grasp one of the women in
the midsection, causing them both to tumble to the floor. The woman started kicking, biting, and scratching, taking Tiana unaware. But she quickly fell back on her training, blocking some blows while deflecting others. It was all she could do, having no chance to respond or take the fight to the woman without placing herself in danger.

  “What is this!” A shout rose from behind her and a moment later, she felt herself raised into the air. Two women, both built in a way that told her they were definitely members of the ABF Battleguard, joined the fray, having just exited one of the battle arenas. Tiana decided not to resist, letting the large woman pin her against the mirror. Vickie, however, seemed to be unsatisfied, lunging again at the cowering Rosalina the moment they were separated.

  The other battleguard moved like the wind before Rosalina, blocking Vickie's vicious attack. But Vickie spun into the block, bringing her elbow around in an arc to strike at her opponent’s face in one motion. The battleguard, stunned at the skill, barely had time to react, deflecting the strike, but losing her footing in the process.

  “I think she needs help,” Tiana said to the battleguard who held her and another woman pinned. She looked at her, nodded understanding, then dove at Vickie who had again started to lunge at Rosalina.

  This time, Vickie was taken unaware and the large battleguard wrapped her arms around her from behind, wrestling her up against the wall.

  “Calm down, Vickie!” Tiana shouted as she rushed closer. Her voice must have returned some semblance of thought to the woman's mind, because her eyes showed recognition.

  “Thank you, Tiana,” Vickie stared at Lady Rosalina, who was helping the other two Tidelia nobles recover their feet. “Lady Rosalina, I am sorry about what happened with Sir Bartholomew...if I knew, I would not have laid my hands on him. But please...please do not take out your anger out on pains me to hear these false rumors being spread,” Vickie’s unnatural pleading sounded odd, only moments before she attacking like a wild beast. But her words struck a chord and Tiana moved closer.


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