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Lost Angel (The List #1)

Page 9

by N. K. Love

  We reach the studios and I can see one is a typical room for fitness classes. Shona tells me they do classes like pilates, yoga, dance, step and aerobic. It has the usual wall of mirrors opposing a wall of windows looking out to the gym and I can hear a vibrating bass coming from the aerobic boxercise class that’s currently on.

  The second studio room next door to it is kitted out with fitted bikes for spin classes. It has a massive projector screen on the back wall playing a cyclist simulation film that looks like it was recorded from somebody’s handlebars. It has amazing scenic views from a mountain road with the ocean in the distance. The room is decorated in complete contrast to the rest of the gym. Instead of being light and spacious, it’s dark and confined. Perhaps that helps you escape into the zone. Maybe I could exorcise my spin class demons here – I wrote spin classes off after my first attempt a couple of years ago because I struggled to get lost in it.

  We walk back to the balcony and Shona is reeling off the spiel about 24/7 house rules.

  I spot Wills just below us downstairs, perched on the leg press machine in the circuit area talking to a six foot something beast in a 24/7 uniform. Who. Is. He?

  One look is all it takes and everybody else in the room blurs into the background. I subconsciously turn down Shona’s voice to barely audible.

  I can only see this guy’s profile but it’s more than enough to pique my interest. It looks like he’d be more at home on my fantasy gladiator film set. I would cast him as the most formidable opponent, wearing nothing but a metal shoulder guard, shin and arm guards and a spars canvas loin cloth to cover his impressive modesty.

  Whilst conjuring up and practically treating that image as foreplay, my eyes trace over his muscles. They’re mostly covered but he’s undeniably solid. I greedily scan him over again and again. His smooth milk chocolate skin being the canvass to some creative tattoos, just adding to his infinite masculinity. He’s standing with his feet shoulder width apart and his hands in his pockets. Then he takes them out and folds his arms across his gorgeous chest whilst chatting and listening intently to Wills. How she can even string a goddam sentence together is beyond me.

  How is she not affected by him? I mean, look at him. My eyes are having the time of their life and the rest of my body’s certainly appreciating the view too. This man has obviously been naturally blessed with an incredible frame and stature but that physique wasn’t handed to him on a plate. You can only achieve that kind of awesomeness through pure grit and by being extremely head strong. Evidently this is a massive turn on for me as my inner goddesses are all, without exception, open mouthed and drooling!

  I politely nod along to Shona but can only drag my eyes away for a second at a time whilst I mentally urge the guy to turn around so I can rake him completely.

  I can see from their body language that they’re familiar with each other in a friends without benefits kind of way. Although that might just be wishful thinking on my part, there’s definitely no signs of flirting or awkwardness though.

  At this point Wills must feel the heat of my stare and looks up at me. I flash her a smile and try to telepathically—or maybe telepathetically—say “Who the fuck is he?” She just returns my smile and gives me a wave but I can’t even mime anything to her because my gladiator turns and looks at me too…


  Now I get to see him and boy do I see him.

  I’m nailed to the spot, forced to hold my breath, as if holding it will somehow hold his gaze too. His magical tropical green—yes, green—eyes, penetrate my horny hazels for the first time. He is heart-stoppingly handsome and facing me now. We are locked in a full-on facial stand-off. He moves his hands back into his shorts pockets and I subtly release my held breath.

  My eyes soak in the rest of his body. He must be about 190 pounds of raw, sculptured, toned sexiness and pure muscle. His upper body is broad but not too much, then his waist comes in neatly. God, what does he look like naked? Now I’m biting my lip, wishing it was his and somehow wishing I really did have telepathic powers so he could see the scene I’ve set with us in my dressing room—the film set will have to wait! My earlier images have developed into full blown film footage and it’s just gone viral, all over my body, notched up to XXX rating.

  I can see tattoos on his fierce forearms and a few on the sides of his calves. If only the men’s stupid uniforms were as tight as the ladies.

  Now I’m back up to his face. It’s even more captivating than his body, which should be damn near impossible. Shaved grade one, chiselled bone structure and then best of all—equally as enticing as his beautiful eyes—his deliciously full lips. The most kissable lips I’ve ever seen, no exaggeration! They look as though an artist has sketched them to perfection. I bet he could give any conscious person the kiss of life and they’d feel more alive afterwards.

  Jeez, what is happening to me? Nobody has ever had this effect on me before. Dammit!

  “Bethany… Bethany, hey…” Busted. Oh shit… Did Shona just roll her eyes at me?

  “Sorry Shona, yeah, I was just thinking about fitting in some classes. Have you got a schedule printout I could have please?”

  Attention diverted, Shona takes me back downstairs and I’m aware that Wills and my gladiator are intermittently watching me descend whilst still talking. I try to elegantly glide down the steps, which proves difficult in trainers so I settle for a little extra hip action, smiling sweetly at Shona even though I’ve no idea what she’s talking about. I don’t look directly at him, I’m just hoping I’m keeping his eyes intrigued enough to be curious about me.

  Chances of him being either married or attached are high but I can’t ignore this foreign zing of energy echoing between us, or at least it’s firing from me and ricocheting off his muscles straight back at me to help me believe it’s reciprocated! I have never been this turned on by somebody’s appearance alone; not my husband, not even half naked buffed celebrities in films. This is something different, wonderfully different.

  Thankfully we have to walk by them to get to the office so Shona can sign me up. I breakaway my fake attention from Shona to tell Wills that we’re just finishing up. Completely unnecessary. I feel his eyes all over me like an airport body scanner, I feel naked. I look at him again as we near and his eyes are caressing me. I don’t want them to stop. A shiver runs under my skin and the closer proximity starts to make me feel flustered. I make a sterling effort not to give too much away but the closer I get to him the sexual spark just intensifies. I vaguely hear Shona ask him something and he answers her without breaking eye contact with me. Can he feel it too? Is this one-sided?

  I’m struggling to break my eyes away from his first. He hasn’t so much as spoken to me, let alone touched me, but he damn near knocks me off my seductive strut—not to mention the heat radiating from my nether regions. Talk about nipplefest! They are definitely keen to introduce themselves even if I’m hesitant—I could always blame the air-con.

  A corner of his lips curls up slightly and twitches into what looked like a smile, but it’s gone again. Can he read me? Does this mysterious stranger know the intimate effect he’s having on me?

  Just before I move past them, he is now up close and I’m practically in his face but he doesn’t falter… God he’s going to think I’m some sort of deranged personal-space-invader. Stop staring Beth. Smile, just fucking smile.

  I somehow manage to fuck that up too. I attempt an alluring smile that oozes sexy confidence but I’m rusty to say the least, so it definitely comes across as shy, star-struck and probably a little bit weird. I may as well tug on his elbow, look up into his dreamy eyes, swooning and say “Hi, I exist—”

  Wills tells me she’s going to go and grab a shower. As I finally pass behind him, I’m half expecting—willing—him to turn with me as though we’re actually physically connected but he doesn’t. Dammit. One-sided it is.

  After captivating my eyesight, he relentlessly moves on to attack another sense. My movement steals two l
ungs full of his wonderfully fresh, sunshiny days, clean yet oh so manly scent. Like an addict, I instantly imagine turning around and shoving two fistfuls of his top into my face so I can embed it permanently into my nostrils, to call on for all future masturbation.

  Fuck me, what has gotten into me? Being undersexed whilst being with somebody was just about manageable. However, being undersexed whilst single, is a whole new ballgame. It’s like my body is clawing back control and telling me that not only should I embrace it but it’s now within my power to find somebody who wants to explore and satisfy this burning need inside me too. That responsibility usually falls into my own hands… Quite literally!

  We make it to the open office but my seat faces away from Wills. I rush the process a little, keen to get back out and maybe actually meet this guy. Less than ten minutes later, I punch in the ladies changing room code into my phone for safekeeping and we re-emerge. Wills must’ve hit the shower by now so I have a coffee in the café and wait. I take the time to absorb the atmosphere planning my ideal gym sessions here… And yeah, of course I discreetly search for my mysterious gladiator, unfortunately to no avail. But he works in here and I’ll be working out in here so…


  On the drive home I try and leave broaching the subject with Wills long enough so it’s not too obvious but cave after five minutes. “So—what’s with the muscle man I saw you talking too?” Who am I kidding? As if my best friend can’t read me like a book.

  “Ah-ha, you mean Jaxson. Yeah, he is something else isn’t he?”

  Jaxson, Jaxson. I’m dying to know if she’s been with him but I can’t tell from her answer so I probe for more. “Have you known him very long?” I try to casually concentrate on my driving.

  “Coming up to two years. Well that’s the answer to the question you asked… And the answer to the question you want to ask is; No Beth, I have never fucked him, I’ve not so much as kissed him.” She observes my reaction, which confirms her assumption so she goes on to elaborate and I’m eager to learn anything she has to say about him. “Look, Jax is a firmly closed book. He’s emotionally padlocked. He’s part of the group I knock around with on a regular but he has this flawless public façade, concealing something, something deep. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good guy with a good heart, he just doesn’t like showing it much.” Oh, not what I expected to hear. “Don’t be blinded by the eyegasms, B!”

  I laugh out loud and shake my head at myself for even attempting to beat around the bush with her. “Eyegasms? Is that what happened to me?” Not that I’m complaining. “So why haven’t you gone there Wills, he is just so… so—” Speechless.

  “Fuckable? Is that the word you’re looking for? Well yeah, he must be. He’s single and never leaves a night out without his dick on a promise! But nah, we’ve never clicked like that. Jax is a cool friend. That’s the way it works sometimes. And Beth, don’t think I was oblivious to the way you two looked at each other either. You pair practically eyefucked whilst Shona and I watched. It was a good job I was already heading to the shower, I had to—”

  “Shut. Up… Look—let’s just say that if we’d put ‘eyefucking’ on my lovely list, I’d be happily strike that one off it right now because what happened in there was completely involuntarily yet monumentally executed. I think I’m still reeling.” My tummy flips suddenly at the recollection of his eyes all over my body.

  “Beth, he manages the place, so that complicates things a bit.”

  “He is the manager of 24/7?! Are you kidding me? Why wasn’t he wearing a suit or something? He just looked like another personal trainer to me.”

  “He was a personal trainer when I joined, but it was really quiet until he took over as manager. I’m sure the members have tripled since then. He’s a hands on kinda manager. I told you, he’s cool. Sometimes he even runs a class or holds an induction or does injury treatments...”

  “Sounds like a nice boss.” Definitely somebody I could see myself working beneath. In another lifetime Bethany!

  “The staff respect him with his firm but fair approach. The members either wanna be him or be with him. One things for sure, Jax runs a tight ship though, he takes no shit.”

  “No wonder he is single. Working all hours plus all the working out of his own he must do to keep that body of his in shape—” I realise I’m speaking my thoughts and Wills has a very curious glint in her eye.

  “H-hold on a minute Beth. I knew you’d appreciate his temple of a body – who wouldn’t – but I didn’t think he’d be your type. Mean, mysterious and muscly—”

  “Me neither” I flash her a mischievous smile. “But I won’t say no to the occasional eyegasm whilst I’m working out. Won’t do anybody any harm.” We high five but I see a glimpse of concern behind her smile. I know she thinks he’s too much for me to handle and she’s probably right. Like I said though, there’s no harm in looking.

  “Anyway, enough gym talk. Let’s go and get your pale ass sprayed for tomorrow night. Which reminds me, whilst I was working out I sort of invited a few friends to the club tomorrow night—including Jax, oh and Shona. I didn’t think you’d mind—”

  “Of course not the more the merrier. I’m so looking forward to it!” I barely manage to contain my excitement at the prospect of Jaxson being there. I’m certainly up for bagging a few more eyegasms, nosegasms and whatever other ‘gasms he’s capable of giving me in public, even if he is the big time player Wills suggests.

  I drive us over to Bella’s for my 3pm appointment. Marcella isn’t working, which is a shame but the beautician, Carmen, that did my spray was really lovely. I’d forgotten how much I love the sun-kissed look. It must trick my body into feeling like it’s been on the beach because I feel revitalised.

  Carmen also touched up my nails as a freebie because she’d noticed a couple had started to chip. Now that’s customer service that’ll secure repeat custom, they don’t even do nails as a service, it was her own stuff, bless her.


  Shortly after arriving home Willow knocks on my bedroom door then enters in silence, closes the door and sticks an A4 printout to the back of it. She strokes her hand over the paper, nods at it, turns to me and says with a straight face, “Good luck Bethany” and walks out shutting the door behind her. This girl’s one of a kind crazy. I stroll over to the door and read the title on the paper; ‘Fuck It List’ in bold underlined letters.

  I cannot believe she has actually typed this thing up. I feel nervous when I look at it but it’s an excited nervous.

  Fuck It List

  1. Blowjob

  2. Handjob

  3. Cunnilingus

  4. Sex in a workplace

  5. Sex in a car

  6. Sex in the shower

  7. Multiple orgasm

  8. Get a tattoo

  9. Get a piercing

  10. Sex on the beach

  11. Phone sex

  12. Cybersex / Sexting

  13. Tantric sex

  14. Get stoned

  15. Use food / ice sexually

  16. 69

  17. Kiss a girl

  18. Tie somebody up

  19. Be tied up

  20. Watch a porno alone

  21. Watch a porno with a partner

  22. Do a lap dance

  23. Do a strip tease

  24. Sexual role-play

  25. Make a sex tape

  26. Sex outdoors

  27. Go to strip show / live sex show

  28. Be spanked

  29. Hit somebody

  30. Kinky sex

  I later find out that she’d typed most of it into her phone whilst I was having my spray done, then printed it off direct from her phone when we returned. Wills also sent it to my phone so I anally copied it into my ‘Lists’ app. Nothing wrong with being thoroughly prepared. I want this list at my fingertips.

  Chapter Seven

  Friday 20th March 2015


  Tonight could not have come
quick enough. I’ve worked hard all day to make sure that I don’t have to work much this weekend. Even my period arriving isn’t going to bring me down; I don’t feel too bloated and thankfully my periods are always light, lasting just a few days. Wills on the other hand, always suffers with bad cramping and heavy periods. So I’m grateful.

  Out of my wardrobe I’ve carefully selected a beautiful V-neck peach top that still had the tags on. I’d bought it earlier this year but Mike wrinkled his nose at it and said it showed too much flesh. If that’s true, it gives me all the more reason to christen it tonight because I want to dress to impress. It’s basically two pieces of V-shaped fabric that are only connected on top of the shoulders and a few stitches on either side of my ribs. The neckline is a deep V and it’s symmetrical at the back but still leaves enough to the imagination. The top comes to a point that just covers my bellybutton leaving my hips and some of my sides exposed. The fabric feels gorgeous and drops elegantly, moving with ease. I’ve coupled this with a belted beige suede mini. It lands way above my knee and compliments the pièce de résistance of my outfit; my knee high brown tan gladiator sandals. I have accessorised with large metal cuffed bracelets and a similar one around my upper arm. Paying silent homage to yesterday’s close encounter. Nice touch!


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