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Recovered Love

Page 14

by Chrissy Snyder

  Never before have I blurred the lines between work and pleasure, so why with her? I sigh quietly as I pull myself out of bed, trying not to disturb her. I decide to take a quick shower and when I’m done I head to the kitchen where I can smell that the coffee is on.

  I pour myself a large mug of coffee when I hear the doorbell ring. I hurry to the front door, trying to get there before the bell goes off again and wakes Savannah. I peek out and see that Mom and Dad are here, so I open the door with a big smile.

  “Good Morning Reid,” my mom says, “You look dreadful. You’re not sleeping again?” Moms really do notice everything. I shake my head and think how blessed I am to have mom and dad, they would be devastated to know how I suffered in that basement.

  “I’m ok Mom. Didn’t sleep too well last night, but I’m alright. Come into the living room where we can sit down. Coffee?”

  “I’ll have a cup Reid,” my dad says as he leads my mom into the living room with his hand on the small of her back. All these years and those two are still madly in love.


  “Yes I’ll take a cup as well please.” I head to the kitchen and grab a couple of mugs and put them on a tray along with the sugar and cream. Carter must have been at the grocer’s last as he is the one with a sweet tooth and there is a fresh package of Danishes so I put some on a plate and head into the living room.

  We’re sitting and enjoying our visit when suddenly there is a loud ear piercing scream that would raise the dead. Mom is so startled she fumbles and drops her hot cup of coffee onto her lap and lets out her own little scream as the hot liquid pours over her legs. All of this happens in a split second as I bolt down the hallway and into my room pulling Savannah into my arms. She calms almost instantly and comes awake in my arms.

  “Shh Peanut I’ve got you,” I murmur into her ear, rocking her back and forth.

  “Is everything ok?” Mom has come partway into my bedroom, Dad a few steps behind her, I’m sure wondering what a strange woman is doing in my bed. My entire family knows I don’t bring women here, this is my sanctuary. I also hadn’t had the chance to tell them of the latest job, so they wouldn’t know. Savannah stiffens in my arms almost instantly at the sound of my mom’s voice, looking up at my face as if to confirm that there were indeed more people in here than just the two of us, her face scrunching up, embarrassed.

  “Peanut, I’d like to introduce you to my mom and dad—John and Kathy King. Mom, Dad, this lovely woman is Savannah.” I can tell she’s embarrassed by the flush on her cheeks, but I shake my head and smile at her, telling her it’s ok.

  I smile as she peers around my shoulder and says, “It’s so nice to meet you. If you wouldn’t mind excusing me, I’d like to freshen up and join you for coffee.”

  “Of course dear,” my mom says nudging my dad out of the room, leaving just the two of us.

  “Oh my gosh I’m so embarrassed,” she wails the minute they are out the door.

  “Stop it,” I growl out, harsher than I intended, but it gets the desired result. Savannah stops immediately with her mouth in a tiny ‘o’ and just stares at me.

  “No need to be embarrassed. Now go hop in the shower and come out when you’re done. Coffee is ready.” With that I drop a kiss on her mouth and head back to the living room to chat with my parents.

  “Reid what the hell happened to that poor girl?” This from my dad as he paces across the room. He hates violence of any kind, but particularly against women.

  “She was kidnapped and was with her captor for twelve days before we were able to find her and get her out of there.” I say gripping the back of my neck. I feel like I failed somehow, not having found her sooner.

  “Well thank goodness you found her.” This from my mom who is always so positive. In fact, if I think about it Savannah reminds me of my mom, always finding the positive in everything.

  I know mom wants to pry, but she doesn’t and for that I’m grateful. I wouldn’t know how to answer her, having to figure everything out first before I can label it.

  We talk for about fifteen minutes before Savannah walks into the room looking fucking gorgeous in a red sundress that is tight across her chest but flares down at the skirt. I can see she is nervous and that she took care with her appearance despite the fact that she is black and blue.

  “You look lovely dear,” my mom says putting her at ease. “Is that the latest watch from the Michael Korrs line?” With that one sentence I see the tension leave Savannah’s shoulders as she smiles, lighting the entire room with her beauty.

  Dad has something important he wants to talk to me about so we leave to go to my office to chat. I see momentary panic cross Savannah’s face that I’m leaving her alone with my mom, but I walk over to her and give her a very thorough kiss before leaving with my dad, loving the flustered look that crosses her face.

  I can’t believe he just up and leaves me with his mother! I just barely met her and not under what I would describe as good circumstances. I can only imagine what she thinks of me, all black and blue and in Reid’s bed no less. I’m nervous and feel fidgety so I pour myself another cup of coffee and cup the mug like my life depends on it.

  “I see a happiness in Reid that was never there before,” his mom says watching me carefully. My heart soars when I hear this, but I don’t want to assume too much or expect too much.

  “You seem very good for him,” she persists when I still say nothing. She sighs softly and then surprises me when she reaches out and pats my hand.

  “Reid’s my oldest,” she says, “Always protective of his brothers. He always did the “right” thing when growing up and shouldered a lot of responsibility when John would travel. John would always tell him that he was the man of the house and that it was his responsibility to care for me and his brothers. Looking back now I realize that we thought we were showing him how much we trusted him and that he was a “big boy,” but in reality we were giving him far too much responsibility to carry on his little shoulders.” I’m not sure why she is telling me all this so I stay quiet and just nod periodically.

  “He’s always been intense,” she says and I actually giggle at that statement because boy is he ever. She smiles when I giggle and reaches out to pat my hand again.

  “You’re good for him dear,” she says softly, “He’s less intense with you.”

  Wow, I’m not sure how to respond.

  “Thank you,” I say with a soft smile. “I really enjoy spending time with him, he’s been very kind to me.”

  “Well whatever it is about you that’s making him smile, you keep it up.” I blush at this, because what do I say? Right?

  I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear Reid and his dad come back down the hallway, laughing about something or other.

  “Hey Peanut,” he says, “Are you doing ok? The doctors don’t want you doing too much, so remember to let me know if you need to rest.”

  “I’m doing great,” I tell him. “Your mom was just telling me a little bit about you as a boy.” At this statement Reid turns to his mom with his brow quirked.

  “Not sharing all my secrets are you Ma?” She laughs outright and her already pretty face is transformed. She is quite beautiful, Reid gets his coloring from his mom, but he looks just like his dad who is incredibly handsome.

  “We need to get going,” his dad says clapping him on the back. “Thanks for letting us barge in on you.”

  “It’s no problem at all,” Reid tells them while we all walk to the front door and say our good-byes. Reid turns to me after his parents leave and looks me over from head to toe, smiling softly at me.

  “What do you say I make my homemade lasagna for dinner? You can either relax while I’m cooking, or you can help me.” The minute he mentions the word lasagna my stomach rumbles, causing me to laugh out loud.

  “I’d love to help you,” I tell him eagerly. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen, pulling out one of the high bar style stool for me to sit on.

“Are you still taking your pain medication? If you’ve stopped I can pour you some wine?” Reid is so sexy in the kitchen, tying an apron around his waist as he peppers me with questions.

  “I’m not taking them at all,” I tell him quietly wincing as I see him stop and turn to look at me.

  “What do you mean you’re not taking them at all?” He looks almost angry at me as he grits out his last question.

  “I don’t like how they make me feel,” I tell him as a tear rolls down my cheek.

  “Hey,” he says coming right over to me and pulling me into his arms, “Shhh, it’s ok. You don’t need to explain to me.”

  “I want to explain,” I tell him, my voice muffled against his shirt. “When I take them I feel like I’m not in control, and I don’t like that feeling. It’s what I felt the entire time I was taken. . . . like I had no control over what was happening.” I’m shaking as I tell him this, not daring to look him in the eyes. I don’t want to see disappointment or pity.

  He pulls back from me to look me in the eyes, cupping my face in his large, capable hands.

  “You’re safe here and if you need them, you go ahead and take them. For now, how about I pour you a glass of wine?” I nod at him as he smiles and uses his thumbs to wipe the tears from my face and then turns and pulls out a bottle of red. I watch as he pops the cork and pours some in a glass for me.

  “Thanks,” I tell him, “For everything.”

  Dinner prep didn’t take long at all, time passing quickly as we laughed and chatted. She’s so calm and relaxed, I don’t feel like I have to “be” anything when I’m around her, except me. Deacon and Carter showed up just as dinner was ready to be served, I swear they have food radar.

  “That’s a huge piece, save some for me,” Carter whines as Deacon scoops up a large piece of lasagna.

  “Whatever fucker. I’m older than you so you can eat what’s left.” Deacon easily deflects the hip check Carter gives him to get him out of the way. I shake my head at their antics, standing with my arms crossed over my chest. I look over to see Savannah giggling, holding tight to her belly which causes me to grin even wider

  “I made two large pans,” I tell them almost hating to break up their banter. We all grab our plates and sit down at the table, ready to unwind from the day. I feel unsettled as I haven’t been out of the house in a few days and its driving me crazy. I promised Savannah’s parents that she wouldn’t leave my sight and I keep my word

  “C’mon let’s go to the living room.” I grab onto Savannah’s hand and pull her down the hall where Deacon and Carter are getting everything set up. Deacon’s brought over his PlayStation and picked up what he called “girly games” for tonight’s fun activities. I’ve been having a good time coming up with dates to surprise Savannah with. I’ve learned a bit about her and feel for her. Growing up kids were only her friend for the prestige or for what they thought she could do for them or their parents. This only added to her social awkwardness, leaving her with only Lacey that really understood her and like her for just being herself.

  I pour another glass of wine for Savannah from the bottle that Deacon brought into the living room and twist the cap off of my beer, taking a large gulp of the bitter brew.

  “I’ll be your MC for the night. Starting tonight’s lineup we’ve got a game of American Idol Karaoke style.” Deacon is hamming it up, trying to get a laugh out of Savannah and it’s working.

  “First up is Carter.” He hands the microphone over to Carter in an over dramatic way and flops down on the chair.

  The music starts up and I recognize the song as “Locked out of Heaven” by Bruno Mars. Even I’m shocked when Carter opens his mouth and starts singing, the man has some serious chops! I don’t know if it’s the wine or the good times, but Savannah has a bit of pink to her cheeks and her eyes are shining. I feel a weird pinch in my chest as I watch her, tuning everything out. Every so often she must feel my eyes on her because she turns to look at me and smile.

  Apparently I’ve missed Deacon singing and it is now my turn to join my brothers so I pull myself up off the couch and grab one of the three microphones that we’ve rigged up.

  When the music starts up, my two brothers and I get into the groove by doing a step-snap type dance while singing “My Girl” by the Temptations. Only we’ve changed the words to “our girl.” Savannah is giggling outright now and when we’re done she gives us a standing ovation. The music changes over to a Backstreet Boys song and Deacon, Carter and I all look at one another and break out into the choreography from the video that we had memorized as kids, spinning in a fancy circle.

  “No-o-o-o. . . . stop that’s too far!” Savannah is belly laughing, tears streaming down her face and holding her ribs as she falls over on the couch.

  “What the hell was that?” She asks us breathlessly. I look at her, she’s fucking gorgeous even wiping the happy tears from her face as she tries to catch her breath.

  “We all loved the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on The Block when we were teens, dancing along to every one of their videos until we knew them front to back and vice versa,” I tell her with a laugh.

  “I totally believe that, especially after that little demonstration.” She snorts after she says this which has us all laughing at her. I don’t know what’s happening here, to me and between us. I love how she fits. She fits me, and my family. I don’t deserve her. She’s goodness and kindness and light, and I’m the opposite of that. I’m dirty and tainted. She deserves far better than me, that’s for certain.

  She looks over at me and looks concerned that I’m not laughing with everyone when suddenly she yawns widely.

  “You need your rest,” I tell her quietly before bending down and picking her up in my arms.

  “Goodnight boys,” she calls out.

  “Night Savannah,” they call out in unison.

  She lays her head on my chest as I carry her through the house to my room before setting her down on her feet. I stare at her and feel tongue tied, in awe of her beauty. I memorize every feature right down to the tiny mole beside her right eye. Her bruises are slowly starting to fade and the swelling in her face is going down. She’s slowly starting to resemble the woman she once was.

  I can’t wait a minute more. I reach behind her and pull the zipper on her sundress letting it fall from her shoulders to pool at her tiny feet. She’s left in only black lace panties that have bows on the sides in a mix of sexy and cute. I watch as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and holds her hands behind her back, looking up at me from beneath her lashes. I run the backs of my hands across her abdomen, loving the sight of her muscles jumping and contracting at the contact. She stands and stares at me with a solemn look on her face before yawning again so I pull back the covers and pick her up, placing her in the center of the bed. I take my clothes off, throwing them in the hamper by the door before climbing into bed behind her. I pull her back against my front and spoon her from behind, reaching around to place my palm on her belly, smiling at her soft sigh. My cock is hard and throbbing, but she’s beyond fatigued and I don’t want to push her too hard.

  “Go to sleep Peanut,” I tell her, “Tomorrow is another day.

  The last few days have been incredible. Reid had planned a rollerblading date. It was a gorgeous warm summer day with the sun high in the sky. There was a paved road around the manmade lake which was about 7 miles around. We were both out of breath when we got back to his place and covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. I’m sure my jaw dropped several times at the sheer size of Reid’s property, and I was only seeing a small portion.

  I grew up with wealth, but Reid isn’t just rich. His property is enormous and he and his brothers own not one, but two companies. I know Reid is intense, but I get what his mom was trying to tell me. Reid is driven. Driven to be the “good brother,” the one who shoulders all the responsibility for his brothers. It’s in how he carries himself, with the utmost confidence and grace. I shiver when I think about him, stalki
ng me with purpose, the glint in his eyes unmistakable. I tremble when I think of it, even now.

  Today, Reid has a leisurely day by the pool planned and tonight is a surprise and he won’t budge an inch and tell me what it’s about.

  I’ve tied my long hair up in a high ponytail. I’m wearing a red bikini with a tiny red and black sarong. I grab my wide brimmed hat and my oversized Kate Spade shades along with my Kindle and head outdoors. Reid’s brought a stack of towels out and has his outdoor speakers playing music.

  No one is outside yet so I grab a towel and spread it out on a lounge chair before untying my sarong. I grab the sunscreen and liberally apply it to my skin, taking care to apply to the tops of my feet and ears remembering that one time where I had burned so badly I actually had small blisters. I’d been in so much pain.

  “There you are,” I hear from behind me. I turn to smile at Reid and I swear my mouth hits the ground. Reid in clothes is sexy, Reid naked is hot, but Reid in swim trunks is lethal. They fit low on his waist showcasing the “V” and his washboard abs. He looks delicious and I want to eat him up one little bite at a time. I swear there is a puddle of drool at my feet.

  “Right on time,” I say smiling. “Would you apply this for me?” I hold the sunscreen up and wiggle it from side to side.

  “I’d love to,” he says in his raspy voice. Damn he keeps me off balance, wanting so much from him. I desperately need some girl time so I can get some advice. I worry that I’m doing the wrong things, not understanding the ins and outs of dating. Is that really what we’re doing? Or is he doing all these “dates” for me to fill some time? I don’t think he’s that guy, only filling time, but how do I know for certain?

  I shake off these thoughts and lie down while simultaneously pulling the tie to remove my top. I look over my shoulder to see that Reid is holding the sunscreen in one hand while staring at my back.


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