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Recovered Love

Page 13

by Chrissy Snyder

  I pour myself a large mug of coffee, adding a bit of sugar and milk before taking a tentative sip. I close my eyes as the bold aroma wafts up my nose, the flavors exploding on my tongue.

  “Damn, even the way you drink coffee is sexy,” I hear growled out. I turn to see Reid staring at me, his eyes hooded with desire.

  “Pff,” I scoff, rolling my eyes at him, “I’m hardly sexy. I’m just drinking.” I shake my head at him and his silliness.

  That’s when I notice a piece of paper lying on the counter and he pushes it towards me, handing me a pen. I smile when I see what it is:

  I look at him with a question on my face while he nods at me and the paper as if to say “go on, answer it.” I take the pen and confidently check the “yes” slot and hand the piece of paper back to him.

  “What’s this all about?” He’s looking at the piece of paper smiling then holds the pen up, asking me to wait and hands the piece of paper back to me.

  Again he slides the paper and pen back to me and again I tick yes, handing everything back to him.

  “Are you going to tell me what this is all about?” I smile when I ask this, but my brain is working overtime.

  “You said you’ve never had a date, so I wanted to give you experiences you may have missed,” he says smiling softly. “Like this one, most boys and girls do things like this in their younger years.” He looks worried now, like maybe I’m not appreciating what he’s doing for me, but my heart has literally stopped in my chest. Okay not literally, but gosh, nobody has ever gone out of their way to do something like this for me, and I’m stunned speechless.

  I look to him and smile, nodding, “It’s a great idea, thank you so much for thinking of me and doing this.” I feel breathless and my palms are wet, what is going on with me?

  “Follow me miss,” Reid says holding his arm out for me to link mine with. I smile and link arms, wondering what we’re doing. We walk through his enormous house and take a set of stairs to the basement, coming to a large movie room. I gasp in awe and look around. Four rows of comfortable theatre-like seats placed strategically around the room. I can smell popcorn, but don’t know where it’s coming from until a voice from my right startles me. I look over to see Deacon and Carter wearing homemade paper hats that they’ve decorated themselves as they say “Welcome to King Theatre Miss. Care for some popcorn or a beverage?” They’re both barely able to keep a straight face as I giggle enthusiastically, ready to play along.

  “Yes, I’ll take a large popcorn with extra butter and a soda please.” Carter nods his head and says, “Coming right up.” He scurries into another room and comes out carrying two large bags of popcorn and some sodas. He hands them to Reid and says, “Enjoy the show.” Deacon nods his head and a snort leaves his mouth as his hand comes up to the grip the back of his neck.

  We walk into the theatre and get settled in our seats as a movie starts playing. Within minutes of the lights going down I feel Reid’s arm come around my shoulders, playing with my hair and rubbing his thumb along my skin, raising goose bumps. I’m having a hard time concentrating and I’ve missed so much of the movie—with my mind on Reid and not on what’s in front of me. I can barely sit still, I have incessant throbbing between my legs and I’m desperate for a release. I had two fantastic orgasms not that many hours ago and I’m ready to go again. Sheesh! I’m turning into a sex hound and we haven’t even had actual sex yet. I turn my head to look at Reid and notice that he’s looking at me and not at the screen.

  “You’re supposed to watch the movie and not me,” I whisper conspiratorially into his ear.

  I shiver as his whisper blows across my neck, “You’re far more interesting to watch than this movie.”

  “Are you ready for another date experience?” I smile and nod watching as his face comes closer and closer to mine, I can feel his breath fanning across my lower lip. I tentatively lick my bottom lip when I feel his tongue join mine, wetting my mouth, taking all the buttery salt taste with him. He cups his large hand around the back of my head and holds me where he wants me. He’s stealing my breath and my heart, along with my sanity, only I gladly give it. Everything that I am. . . . is his. Mom had always said I would know, but I’m confused. The barrel I’m in is full tilt falling, headfirst into the rapids. I lift my tiny hands and run them along his chest, loving every hard contour. He hisses into my mouth when I tug on his nipple piercing, giving my hair a sharp little tug in return. I moan as my entire body shivers in excitement, I’m hot from head to toe and I’m breathing rapidly the popcorn and movie long forgotten. I suckle the salt off of his bottom lip, running my hands over his washboard abs as he groans into my mouth. I gasp as his left hand finds my breast and fondles it gently above the shirt I’m wearing. My nipples harden beneath my bra, feeling almost painful as his hand squeezes and manipulates my breast. I whimper when his hand leaves my breast and he smiles against my lips whispering, “Easy Peanut, I’ve got you.” He puts his hand under my shirt and starts running his fingers over the skin on my belly, causing it to contract and tighten with each pass of his hand. His hand comes up and fiddles with the front clasp of my bra, deftly unhooking it with one hand. I moan into his mouth as his hand cups my naked breast, flicking his thumb over my taut nipple. My hands have memorized every inch of Reid’s torso so I drop them into his lap, feeling his thick hardness behind his denim pants. He groans loudly when I squeeze his cock and I’m shocked when I feel it move underneath my hands as it bucks as if it has a life of its own. I’m sure that I’m leaving a puddle on the seat cushion beneath me I’m so wet between my thighs. I whimper into his mouth as his hand roams further, pressing tight into the seam of my jean shorts, causing me to squirm and sigh loudly. Time stands still, our mouths fused together our tongues tasting and licking.

  Suddenly, the lights come on and I pull back from Reid, startled to see credits rolling on the screen, the movie is over.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Reid rasps in his gravelly voice, “Your lips are swollen and red and you look dazed and sexy, all rumpled from my kisses.” He takes his hand and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and cups my face, so I lean into him.

  “I don’t know what kind of spell I’m under,” he goes on to say, “Or what you’re doing to me, but damn I want some more.”

  I smile at that and shake my head shyly as I look up from beneath my lashes.

  “I feel the same,” I confide softly, “I feel like all the air has been sucked out of the room almost like I can’t breathe.”

  He leans in to give me a soft kiss on the lips and grabs my arm and stands saying, “C’mon, let’s go.” I grab his hand happily following his retreating backside, admiring it the entire time. I’m so focused on his ass I don’t realize he’s stopped moving until I walk into his back, “Oomph,” I grunt. I notice we’re in the kitchen and Carter and Deacon are behind the island again wearing homemade paper caps citing, “King Ice Cream Parlor.”

  “Care for an ice cream Miss?” This time its Deacon doing the talking, likely having lost the coin toss. I lick my lips as I read the homemade sign of all the flavors before seeing my favorite on the list. I look at Reid in question and he just smiles, knowing he’s done something good.

  “Jamocha Almond Fudge,” I say breathlessly. “It was Lacey wasn’t it?” I look to Reid and he nods his head.

  “She was full of information Peanut,” he tells me with a teasing note to his voice.

  “I’m going to throttle her if she shared stuff she wasn’t supposed to,” I mutter as I feel heat climb into my cheeks.

  “Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me,” he says quietly as Carter snorts what sounds like “pussy” under his breath. I shake my head at the antics of these men, all so big and intimidating, yet soft hearted, every last one of them.

  “You guys are the best,” I say while choking up. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes so I hurry to reach for a paper towel to wipe my face with.

  “Hey,” Reid says softly, “No n
eed for tears, it’s all good.” He pulls me in tight to his chest so I throw my arms around his back and hold on tight, breathing in deep, loving his smell. I hear Deacon clear his throat behind me and I turn to look over my shoulder, still holding tight to Reid to see that my cone is done. I let go of Reid and grab the cone saying a quick “thank you” before taking my first lick and groaning aloud as the flavor hits my tongue. All three men are frozen stiff and staring at me as I devour my cone. I don’t know how much time has passed before I notice that it’s dead silent. I look at the three of them as Reid says, “Damn that’s fucking hot.”

  Carter clears his throat loudly and says “We’re still in the room.” I laugh loudly at that, having to clutch my ribs tightly as laughing really hurts when you have broken ribs.

  The minute I show I’m even slightly sore, all three men hurry to my side while Reid scoops me in his arms while I protest, “Hey I can walk.”

  “Hush,” he says, “I want to carry you.” I smile softly and snuggle my face into his neck, inhaling deeply. Fuck he smells so good. He deposits me gently on the couch in the living room, before heading to the switch and flicking the flame on. We sit side by side on the couch, eating our cones enjoying the silence around us. This isn’t the “gee I need to fill the silence” kind of silence, but rather the “I’m really comfortable” kind. I sigh as I pop the last bite of my cone into my mouth, licking my fingers in the process. I’m startled when I hear Reid growl low in his throat and then lean forward and lick the corner of my mouth.

  “You missed some,” he says his in his raspy voice. Damn I shiver every time he is near. I can’t think as his hand rubs up and down my thigh, raising goose bumps in its wake.

  “Thanks for tonight,” I say softly while putting my hands on his thighs. “No one has ever gone to the trouble for me before and I wanted you to know that I appreciate it. A lot.” He smiles at me then leans forward to give me a kiss on the lips.

  “It was my pleasure Peanut,” he says quietly while nuzzling my nose and jaw.

  “C’mon, let’s get you to bed,” he says while standing up and tugging me up with him. I follow him down the hall, eager to climb into bed with him.

  He pulls me into his room and backs me into the wall as soon as we are into the room. He cups my face in his large hands and devours my mouth. Our tongues dance together, licking and tasting as our mouths swallowing our moans. He bends his face and kisses down my neck as I bare more to him, quivering in his arms as the scruff on his face rubs against my delicate skin. I grip his head tightly as he suckles my breast through my shirt, pulling on my nipple with his lips, wetting the fabric. I arch my back in delight as he mouths my other breast. I’m frantic in my ecstasy, my head swinging back and forth as little sighs of pleasure leave my mouth. Reid kneels in front of me, licking at my belly and then up and under my shirt to suckle my nipples with no fabric barrier between us. My hands dig into his shoulders, kneading the muscles there as he continues to kiss and lick at me. He grips the snap of my shorts in his hands and opens them up, sliding them down my legs pulling my panties down with them. I shriek loudly as he swings me up in his arms and then throws me into the center of the bed, quickly removing his clothes and joining me in all his naked glory.

  “You ok Peanut,” he asks me softly. “Things too quick for you?”

  I shake my head at him, I don’t want him to stop, and I don’t want THIS to stop.

  “I’m ok,” I tell him quietly, “I don’t want to stop.” I shudder as he looks at me, his eyes changing becoming heated as he bends his head and closes his mouth over mine. I sigh softly into his mouth and close my eyes, losing myself to the sensations coursing through me, heating me up from the inside out. I love the feeling of his callused hands as they cup my breasts. I moan as Reid kisses his way down my body, my belly contracting tightly as his lips move from side to side, awakening feelings and sensations I’ve never felt before. My hands come down to cup his face as he nuzzles his nose where my leg meets my pelvis, inhaling deeply. I moan softly as he uses the flat of his tongue to lick his way up that same crease eliciting full body shivers. He sits back a bit and gently parts my legs while I turn my face away, embarrassed by his scrutiny. I should know I can try to run, but he always finds me.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Peanut,” he says quietly, “You’re beautiful and so is your pussy.” I’m sure my face is twice as red as it was a minute ago, but I hold his gaze, not wanting to forget a thing about this moment in time. I watch as he lies down between my legs, using his shoulders to widen my legs further before reaching out with his thumbs and parting my lips. I shiver in anticipation having heard so much about this from Lacey, but wanting so desperately to experience it for myself. Today is that day. I groan loudly as his tongue comes out and licks me from my center to my clit before circling around my clit in soft circles. My hands frantically grab his head, I’m blown away by the sensations bombarding my body. The feeling of his hot wet mouth and slippery tongue against my slick skin has me squirming under his mouth. I feel the familiar tingling at the base of my spine, signaling I’m about to come. I groan as I come, my hips coming off the mattress in my ecstasy. Reid’s tongue slows down and becomes very gentle before stopping.

  “Damn Peanut, you taste so good,” he says with a growl. He climbs up my body, leaving a sweet little kiss here and there before reaching my mouth. His eyes are hooded as he looks at my eyes, then drops his mouth to mine. I moan at the contact, tasting myself on his mouth. I push against Reid’s chest and he pulls back looking at me in question.

  “My turn,” I say looking at him from underneath my lashes. He sits up and turns around with his back to the headboard, placing a pillow behind his head. I smile and lean over, kissing him while my breasts dangle down in his face. His hands come up and tweak and play with my breasts while I kiss him, then kiss down his belly until I’m face to face with his enormous cock.

  I reach out and grab it in my tiny fist, loving the feel of hot velvet covered steel in my hands. Reid groans as I move my hand up and down, squeezing occasionally and twisting. I straddle his knees and bend my face rubbing it against his cock admiring the softness of his skin. Reid’s eyes are hooded as he watches me wet my mouth, hissing when my tongue comes out and licks his shaft, wetting it the way Lacey had taught me. My tongue flirts with his Prince Albert piercing playing with the slit in his head moaning as his flavor hits my tongue. I must be doing something right because his right hand comes out and grips my hair tightly—just the way Lacey had said. I smile around my mouthful of cock and keep hollowing out my cheeks. I don’t think I’ll be able to deep throat Reid, he’s much bigger than the banana I was using, but I want to try. I pull a deep breath in through my nose and go for it, swallowing around him as instructed. I keep going, twisting my hands while sucking on his shaft loving the sounds of his pleasure. It isn’t long before he taps me on the top of my head and I remember Lacey saying something about swallowing and I think I want to try, so I ignore him and keep sucking.

  “Peanut,” he groans out, “that means I have to come, so if you don’t want a mouthful you best stop.” I nod my understanding but keep sucking, looking up at him from underneath my lashes. Fuck he’s gorgeous, sprawled out while a muscle jumps in his jaw. Suddenly I notice that his cock seems even harder if that’s possible and then he lets out a long, loud groan as he come in my mouth. Spurt after spurt of hot cum is spilled onto my tongue and I moan as the flavor hits me. I keep sucking until he starts softening in my mouth and then sit back on my ankles, suddenly embarrassed and unable to look him in the eye.

  Then it hits me. We never talked about whether he is clean or not and I don’t know how to bring it up.

  “Um . . . Reid?”

  “Yeah Peanut what’s up? You look worried.” He immediately sits up, grabbing my hands and rubbing them between his.

  “I’m new at all of this, so I don’t know the right way to do this . . .” I don’t finish my sentence because he’s now sat up completel
y, devoting all of his intense attention on me.

  “Spit it out Peanut. It’s ok, no right or wrong way, just be yourself,” he says with conviction.

  “We didn’t use anything. Are you clean? I get that it’s a bit late to be asking since I had you in my mouth and all.” My eyes feel like they’re filling up and I really really don’t want to cry. I hate being THAT girl.

  “Oh Peanut,” he says cupping my face, “I’m sorry but you’re right, we should have talked about all of that before and it’s my job as the experienced one to have done that. I’m sorry.” I look at him and nod, taking in a deep breath, waiting for the rest.

  “I’ve never once in my life not used a condom. Never. You’re the first woman that I’ve been with where I’ve gone without using protection of some kind. Even with oral sex I’ve always used condoms. I’m clean.” I nod again, feeling silly.

  “C’mon,” he says pulling the comforter up and around us, “Let’s snuggle and go to sleep.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say softly laying my head down on his chest, hearing the calm beat of his heart so steady beneath my ear.

  I must have worn her out, she fell asleep almost immediately, her soft snuffles tickling the skin on my chest. I lay awake for hours, thinking about everything. I really needed to get it together, tonight proved that to me. Savannah is a sweet woman and doesn’t need some philandering prick like me sniffing at her like a dog in heat. I like to fuck ’em and leave ’em and Savannah is the kind of girl you bring home to your mother.


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