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Recovered Love

Page 12

by Chrissy Snyder

  I hear him rustling around and I look over my shoulder to see what he’s doing. My mouth waters as I watch him reach behind his head and pull his t-shirt up and off his sculpted body. I’ve never seen a man’s body before to compare, but his is a work of art. I want to run my hands over his washboard abs, feeling the tightness as it ripples beneath my fingers. A pulsing throb starts between my legs, pounding with each beat of my heart. I have to clench my legs tight when I see him open the snap on his jeans and pull them down his large, muscled thighs, leaving him in black boxer briefs which leave very little to the imagination. My nostrils flare and I gulp loudly when I can clearly see an outline of his cock. As I’m staring, I notice it changing, shifting and growing larger with every panting breath I take.

  “Is it ok if I join you? Maybe you’ll be able to wind down if I’m here?” He looks so hopeful. As if I’d turn him out of his own room, his own bed. I nod my head, but then realize he may not be able to see me in the dim light.

  “Yeah, I’d like that,” I whisper softly.

  He climbs in beside me, shifting restlessly before coming up behind me and pulling my back into his front, spooning me. I feel his hot breath on my neck and shiver as his large arm comes around my body, cupping my belly.

  “Talk to me Peanut,” he says quietly. “Get it off your chest, you’ll be able to sleep.”

  “No,” I tell him, “I can’t talk about it. Not yet.” He sighs, his breath blowing my hair at the back of my neck and raising goose bumps on my body.

  “Ok,” he says, “But tell me this. Why does Lacey keep referring to you as a “newbie”?” I wonder how much I should tell him, and wonder what he’ll think of me. Would he think less? I’ll never know if I don’t tell him. Here goes nothing.

  “I’ve never really had a date before,” I tell him, looking over my shoulder to see what sort of reaction that might bring. I see a thoughtful expression on his face, but no judgment.

  “So you’ve never gone to your prom?”

  “No, nothing.”

  It’s really quiet in the room, and I think he’s fallen asleep.

  “I kind of like that,” he says quietly, “That means all your firsts will be all mine.”

  I’m not sure he even knows what he’s said, he’s fallen immediately into sleep. It takes me much longer to finally let my body succumb to the exhaustion pulling it under. I’m terrified that when I close my eyes the nightmares will begin. The monsters come out in the dark. I’ve recently learned that monsters are everywhere. Dark isn’t a requirement. My last thoughts are that I feel so safe and secure in Reid’s arms. I snuggle in even deeper, shifting around till my bottom is tucked tightly into his pelvis.

  Fuck, it took every ounce of my willpower not to fuck her deep into the mattress of my bed. She looks like an angel lying here, her raven hair fanned over the pillow and her breathing soft and steady. Several times throughout the night she had woken up screaming, raising all the hairs on my body. The first few times my brothers had come running, wide eyed and brandishing weapons, sure there was someone on the property.

  I’m lying on my side in agony, hard enough to pound nails. She’s wearing a shirt of mine to sleep in and it’s ridden up, revealing her tiny pink panties and her soft smooth skin. I carefully run my fingers over her belly, causing goosebumps to emerge. I’m so angry every time I see her, she’s black and blue from head to toe and has several shallow cuts all over her body. She suffered during her captivity, of that I have no doubt. I decide to let her keep resting so I lean over and softly kiss her belly then pull the t-shirt down and cover her up. I get out of bed as softly as a 6’6,” 275lb man can and pad to the kitchen, finding Deacon and Carter standing at the coffee pot looking bleary eyed. None of us surfaced before noon, the sleepless night allowing for a good sleep in—and still we’re tired.

  “You guys look like shit,” I rasp out, my voice not ready for speaking. I see Deacon take a large gulp of coffee while Carter pours a large mug for me.

  “That poor woman,” Carter says shaking his head while sliding my mug across the counter towards me, “It’s not right that she’s suffering like this.”

  “Yea give me five minutes with the guy,” Deacon growls out, “And I’ll make sure he won’t be able to do this to anyone ever again.”

  I love my brothers. They are always there for me and my causes with no questions asked. Not everyone has a family like that and others do, but they aren’t blood. Either way, I’m blessed.

  “Listen guys,” I say to my brothers, “I’ve got some ideas of things I’d like to get set up for Savannah. Do you think you could help me?”

  “What do you mean by ideas?” Carter looks at me questioningly and I realize I’m not even awake enough to explain myself properly.

  “Um, well she’s never been on a date before, so I want to plan a bunch that I can “take” her on, while not leaving the safety of this house.”

  “What do you mean she’s never had a date? Her mom was right about all that?” Deacon is shocked, his eyebrows so high they’re hidden in his hairline.

  “Yeah,” I say softly, “Her mom was right about all of that. So here’s my ideas so far. . . . .”

  With that, we bend our heads together and start plotting. I’m so keen on giving her positive date memories, she deserves it. She’s a ray of sunshine herself and it’s time that someone does something for her. There’s something about her that’s pulling me, pulling me under. I’m fighting it, fighting the anchor that’s around my neck. What I don’t realize is that I’m fighting the inevitable and that sinking feeling I’m feeling isn’t ‘drowning,’ it’s falling. Falling into something good.

  Once we’re done plotting and I’ve consumed two cups of coffee I decide to head back to check on Savannah. I walk down the hallway and push the door open, trying to remain as quiet as possible. Fuck she looks incredible, spread out on my bed her soft pink lips moving soundlessly. I crawl onto the bed and up over her body, careful not to startle her and careful to ensure I don’t make her feel trapped beneath me. I roll up the t-shirt, revealing her tiny pink panties and I sit back on my haunches sucking in a big breath, trying to calm myself. I bend my face and start raining tiny kisses all over her belly and along the edges of her panties, occasionally rubbing my nose in the crease where her legs meet her pelvis. I can tell the moment she’s awake, her hands come down to my head and caress my bristly scalp which starts tingling the minute her hands touch me. I inhale deeply, smelling warm, sleepy woman. My favorite scent.

  “Good morning,” I murmur quietly then correct myself, “Afternoon actually.”

  “Wow I slept long,” she says yawning widely her hands running over my scalp occasionally rubbing behind my ears. I crawl the rest of the way up her body, leaving a trail of kisses in my wake. The neck of the shirt is so worn out that it hangs off of one of her shoulders, revealing the top of the swell of her right breast and collarbone. I nibble and kiss and lick her neck and jaw, and up behind her ear, smiling as she giggles softly when I suck her earlobe. I feel her shiver when I lick around her ear and then bend my face, rubbing my lips against hers. She sighs softly, her arms coming up to cup the back of my neck, kissing me back with all she’s got. I lick across her mouth, gently tangling my tongue with hers, and swallowing her gasps and sighs of pleasure. She’s breathing heavily, her hands roaming up and down my back, occasionally scratching my back in her excitement. She’s mewling and has started rubbing herself along my thigh, mindless to what she’s doing. I roll over so I’m on my back and she’s lying on top of me, every inch of her tiny body molded to mine, she fits me perfectly and I continue kissing her passionately. I’m not even sure she’s aware of what she’s doing, but she’s grinding herself on my cock and I’m so excited I feel like I might actually blow my load in my pants, and that hasn’t happened since middle school. Fuck she’s got me so hot and worked up. She’s mewling, desperate to come, so I reach between our bodies and snake my hand into her panties, finding her slick wetne
ss with my fingers. She moans loudly as I run my fingers through her folds and find her clit, swollen and throbbing, ready for a release. I massage her clit in tiny circles, maintaining a steady pace all while kissing her eagerly. I feel how hot Savannah’s skin is, flushed with desire. I alternate slow steady massaging with short bursts of faster manipulation and that’s all it takes and she comes moaning loudly. I gladly swallow those moans with my mouth as I follow with my own release, coming into my black boxer briefs as my cock pulses with each spurt.

  “Whew,” she says not looking me in the eyes and giggling nervously.

  “You got that right,” I tell her, pushing some hair behind her ears and grabbing her chin forcing her to look at me. She’s red in the face, embarrassed over a normal and natural reaction to a great orgasm.

  “Peanut,” I say seriously, “There is no need to be embarrassed. You’re incredibly sexy when you come, and I hope to see it more often.” She looks at me with uncertainty on her face so I rub her back and then flip us over so I’m back on top and she’s on the bottom.

  “You’re so damn sexy,” I tell her firmly, I think what I’m saying is sinking in.

  “Um . . . did. . . . you. . . . did you?” She can’t even finish her sentence and her entire face turns beet red.

  “Are you asking me if I came?” I look down at her, our foreheads touching. I feel her nod so I smile and drop a light kiss on her mouth.

  “Yup,” I tell her with laughter in my voice, “That giant wet spot on the front of my boxers is because I came in my shorts and I haven’t done that since I was a young teen.” I see her relax and giggle in response to what I said.

  “On that note,” I tell her, “I’m going for a shower. Care to join me?” I look to her and I’m hopeful. I want to throw my fist in the air like a juvenile when she agrees. . . . I feel like I’ve won the lottery.

  “C’mon,” I say grabbing her hand and pulling her up with me, picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom. I deposit her onto the counter and get everything ready, pulling things out of her toiletry case

  “You need to unpack,” I tell her quietly, “so you’re not living out of suitcases.”

  “Okay,” she says softly, “I’ll do that after we shower and I eat something.”

  I pull all her toiletries out, trying not to shake my head at the enormous amount of STUFF this woman has.

  “Sorry,” she says giggling softly, “But my mom doesn’t know the meaning of packing only the ‘essentials.’”

  “You’re not kidding,” I tell her. Her mother must have packed everything she could get her hands on. I get to a box of tampon and pads and immediately she turns red in embarrassment again so I place them under the bathroom cabinet for her.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about Peanut,” I tell her looking her right in the eye, “It’s a natural fact of life.” I see relief cross her face and she smiles tentatively nodding her head at me, throwing her arms around my neck and giving me a big kiss.

  “What was that for?” I look at her with a question on my face.

  “For being you,” she says simply.

  I give her a little poke and tickle her sides, getting her to laugh for me, a true deep and genuine belly laugh. I stop dead and stare at her. She’s so fucking beautiful. Fuck me. What am I doing? And what’s happening here? I shake my head and get our towels ready while the water warms up. I probably shouldn’t do this, because I’m just a bastard who fucks women, I’m not Mr. romance but there is something about this woman that is making me rethink myself. When I deem the water ready, I take off my boxers and drop them into the laundry hamper. I’m about to pull her into the shower when I notice she’s still dressed and staring. At my cock. It was flaccid from just coming, but the idea of her wet skin has me hardening. Savannah is frozen, her eyes wide and round.

  “What’s up Peanut?”

  “Did your piercings hurt,” she asks quietly, still staring. The more she stares, the harder I get, which in turn has her eyes getting really wide. I almost come again when her tiny pink tongue peeks out and wets her bottom lip.

  “Yeah,” I tell her, “It hurt, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.” I stop there, unsure of what else to tell her, leaving it up to her to decide how much she wants to know, if anything.

  “Does it hurt the woman? Or does it feel good for her or you?” She’s very curious, her eyes have finally dragged their way up my body, meeting my own.

  I kiss the little furrow between her brows and smile, rubbing her arms.

  “It doesn’t hurt, it feels good for me and for the woman,” I tell her with confidence in my voice.

  “Ready for our shower?” Ready or not, I pick her up off the counter and burrow my face in her neck as she wraps her legs around my waist and carry her into the shower stall. Once the water hits her shirt, it immediately becomes sheer and I see a hint of pink as the shirt molds to her body. I groan loudly as I slide her down the front of my body until she’s standing. I almost sigh in relief when she pulls the shirt off her panties follow close behind. I watch as she uses her tiny feet to push the clothes to the corner of the shower stall and then stands nervously, unsure of herself.

  My bathroom is one of my favorite rooms in the house with a large walk-in glass shower which has several jets coming out of the walls at varying heights and the rain shower head at the top. There is soft lighting and music is piped in through speakers if I want. I laugh as she giggles and squeals as the water hits her from every direction. I try to behave so I grab my all-in-one shower gel and start washing my hair and body. My eyes are closed as I rinse off all the soap. When I open them all my willpower leaves my body as I stare at her with an open mouth, all saliva having dried up. She has her eyes closed her head back and under the spray, the suds leave her hair and slide down her body, catching on her nipple. Her back is arched, she’s exquisite and so unaware of her beauty. I growl low in my throat and her eyes shoot open in alarm. She sees that I’m turned on and in turn she bites her bottom lip between her teeth, taking a small step away from me. I step forward and pull her into my arms and bend my head, kissing her. She shivers in my arms, her nipples are hard little points sliding across my chest. I step back and pour gel into my hands, getting up a good lather. I reach out and slide my hands all over her body, groaning at the sensation of feeling her soft, wet and slippery skin under my hard callused hands. My hands run down her back and slide into the crack of her ass teasing her opening, pulling her even tighter to me as our tongues lick at each other. I need to slow things down, I don’t want to frighten her away or move too quickly, but I won’t leave her hanging so I reach between our bodies and find her swollen clit. The minute I touch it, she goes off in my hands, her face slack while her body shudders in ecstasy. She blinks slowly and then opens her eyes and looks at me, smiling softly. My cock is hard as a rock and standing up between our bodies, pre-cum is beading at the tip. I watch her eyes as they widen over the sight of my cock.

  “It’s so big,” she whispers while tentatively holding a finger out in front of her. “Can I touch it?” She looks up at me from under her lashes, a rosy hue to her cheeks.

  “Yes,” I croak out, “You can touch it.” I watch breathless as her finger comes closers and she runs it along the length.

  “It feels satiny soft yet its hard and so hot,” she whispers softly trying to close her tiny hand around my shaft. I hiss when her fingers run over my piercings, tugging softly, I have one in the base of my cock and a prince albert in my tip. Her finger scoops up some pre-cum and she looks at me in question, I can only nod my head, my tongue not working as I watch her bring it to her mouth.

  “Mmmm,” she says surprised, “It’s good.” I smile at her and brush her wet hair behind her ears, the water still beating down around us a few drops catching on her eyelashes.

  “I bet you taste incredible too,” I tell her softly. I see the wonder in her big blue eyes.

  “I’ve heard of that,” she says, “But I can’t imagine it tastes good.�
�� I smile at her naiveté.

  “It tastes more than good,” I tell her firmly, “I know you will taste incredible. Let’s save that for later . . . what do you say?”

  She nods her head, dropping her eyes again. I pull her chin up so that she’s looking at me and drop a quick chaste kiss onto her lips.

  “Let’s get dried off.” I turn the taps off and pull her out of the shower with me grabbing her a towel from the warming rack. I watch as she wraps one towel around her hair and grabs another for her body. Once she’s dried off she liberally applies orange scented lotion all over her body while I stand like a juvenile with my tongue hanging out, just admiring the view. She pads naked into the bedroom and digs out some clothing and I have to say that I’m glad she’s already starting to feel comfortable around me. I’m at a standstill, watching her as she pulls on tiny panties, shorts and t-shirt. I give myself a mental head shake and force myself to get into gear. I hurry to dress and leave Savannah to dry her hair as I give her a brief kiss while telling her I’m heading to the kitchen. She nods at me and says that she has plans to pull out a good book and read for a bit, so that gives me time to get everything ready.

  I blow out a soft breath as he leaves the bedroom for me to finish blow drying my hair. He’s hot and so intense that I can’t think when I’m around him. I feel like I’m in a raft that started out floating down a lazy river, but now it’s on class five rapids and I don’t have a life vest OR a paddle. I’m awed at how good things are between us, I feel like I’m falling so fast. I’m in a barrel that’s at the top of the falls, ready to fall over and crash into the rocks below.

  I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. I’m healing slowly, several of the bruises still a vivid purple color, but some have faded to a greenish yellow. I lean forward on the counter and hold my face inches from the mirror, looking myself over with a critical eye. I don’t know why he thinks I’m beautiful, I’m far from it, especially now. Oh well, I shrug my shoulders and think that looks aren’t everything, but deep down inside I hate that my confidence is affected. I don’t even want to look into the mirror again—because then I’d have to acknowledge what I’m so adamantly denying. I grab the blow dryer out of the suitcase and plug it in, rummaging for my round brush. I turn it on and the hum of the dryer allows me to lose myself in more thoughts of Reid. It takes close to twenty minutes to dry my long, thick hair before I pad down the hallway and into the kitchen.


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