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The Forbidden City

Page 9

by Ian Page


  There is no time to cast an illusion as the Shadakine are advancing fast. Instead, you try to place the compulsion to flee into their minds.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. You may add 3 to this number if you possess the Chaksu Pipes.

  If the number you have picked is 0–5, turn to 42.

  If the number you have picked is 6–12, turn to 289.


  You close your eyes and send the power of your thought forwards in time. The use of this Magical Power costs you 1 WILLPOWER point. The source of the movement is a Shadakine warrior attempting to get behind you, and your best course of action is to fire at the warrior before he can make his move.

  Turn to 223.


  You raise the Black Rod and point it towards the door.13 Willing the door to open, you notice a thin beam of yellow light strike the surface and silently it swings open to reveal another passage sloping upwards into the distance.

  If you wish to pass through the door, turn to 267.

  If you prefer to stay where you are, turn to 213.

  [13] If you have not already done so, mark the Black Rod as a Special Item on your Action Chart.


  Despite the great damage you are inflicting on the Magdi, the enraged beast refuses to die. Try as he might, Urik is of no use — his old limbs and physical weakness make him incapable of hand to hand combat. He can only watch with fear and apprehension. His concern is so great that he fails to notice the band of Shadakine warriors stealing up on you through the dense undergrowth. As a result, you are quickly overpowered by the gloating Shadakine and, at a word from their tall sour-faced captain, the Magdi obediently ceases its attack.

  ‘Not much of a catch,’ sneers the captain, ‘but good sport, eh?’ Your Staff and Backpack are taken from you and your wrists and ankles are tightly bound with leather thongs. ‘And this is a pretty toy,’ he says, weighing your Staff in his hands. ‘But tell me, who are you, boy? Speak!’ You remain silent. ‘Lost your tongue, have you? Well that can be arranged, permanently!’ He gives you a stinging blow across the face, smiling grimly. Urik struggles angrily against the restraining hands that hold him. ‘Be still “monkey-man”,’ he scowls, ‘or you'll be tasting some of the same.’ He returns his hateful gaze to you. ‘What are you then, boy? What do you know of the Freedom Guild? You are their spy perhaps? You serve the rebel army, do you not?’

  Still, you remain silent. You have no knowledge of the Freedom Guild he has mentioned but the thought that there exists a form of organized resistance to the evil of the Shadakine Empire is a comfort. With a look of disgust, the captain turns away. ‘The Warward, Kiro, will find out all he needs to know on our return to Karnali,’ he says threateningly, ‘and Mother Niya's truthsay is hard to refuse.’

  You are unable to repress a shudder as you are reminded of the truthsay of Mother Magri and her awful Kazim Stone when first you came to the traders' city of Suhn. The Wytches of Shadaki are among the most powerful of Shasarak's servants, upholders of his corrupt law in all the major cities of the Empire.

  ‘Move, you scum!’ the captain shouts at his men. ‘We must reach Karnali as soon as possible.’ He glances sideways at you, one eyebrow raised. ‘There's more to this strange pair than meets the eye,’ he says under his breath.

  You and Urik are carried by slave bearers, slung to long wooden poles like hunting trophies. Your ankles and wrists are constantly bound and you are offered the barest of scraps of food and a minimum of water. By the second day of travelling, you have lost 3 ENDURANCE points and you begin to wonder if you will survive the journey as you linger in a weak, semi-conscious haze that makes the casting of any spell impossible.

  Turn to 200.


  You must eat a Meal now or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Time passes and soon you lose track of the passing hours in the pitch dark. You curse your ill-fortune, thinking that you will have to use the power of your Staff to blast a way out of your prison, but you are feeling weak and still you have to reach Desolation Valley, which is bound to hold other dangers for you. You are roused from this moody reflection by the sound of shouting voices and the noise of a struggle from above. Suddenly, the door of your prison is thrown open. Looking down on you is the broad smiling figure of Samu, bloodied broadsword in hand. ‘But how … ?’ stutters Hugi.

  ‘The river carried me way downstream before I was able to resist its current,’ says Samu. ‘I've been looking all over for you. Fortunately, I was nearby when you were captured. I saw them bring you down into this crypt.’ He turns and slashes at a wretch who is trying to drag him away from the door. The wretch is swatted like a fly and Samu turns back to face you. ‘Come now. We must hurry.’

  He pulls you out, each in turn, stopping to deliver a kick at two wretches who block the doorway from the crypt. ‘This way,’ he says, indicating a narrow passage that leads upwards. ‘These creatures seem reluctant to travel this passage. They will not follow us, I think.’ You run along the passage as fast as you can with Samu protecting the rear. At the end of the passage is a heavy door. Urik swings it open and charges through.

  Turn to 26.


  Hardly daring to breathe, you and Urik remain crouched within the dense marsh grass. A Shadakine warrior pauses to look around only a few yards from your hiding place. He takes a step towards you, and then gives a startled cry as he sinks into the quicksand which once held you. His cries for help alert a number of his fellow warriors who come to his aid, hurling jeers and insults at his apparent stupidity.

  Urik gives a satisfied nod and gestures for you to follow him. With quiet, tentative steps, you move away from the clamour of the Shadakine warriors, exploiting this unexpected distraction to the full. When Urik is satisfied that you have placed a sufficient distance between you and your enemy, he motions for you to sit down. With sure hands he breaks the quarrel that is embedded in your shoulder. ‘Make no sound,’ whispers Urik, before pulling the bolt. You grit your teeth as he tugs at the shaft and ‘swallow’ the pain. A shallow stream trickles close by and he uses its waters to clean the wound. ‘There is good medicine here,’ he says, plunging his hand into the stream and withdrawing a fistful of mud, which he daubs liberally over your injury. The mud feels cool against the throbbing pain of your shoulder and, as it dries, it staunches the bleeding. You thank Urik for his aid.

  Suddenly a chilling howl reaches your ears, sending a shiver of fear down your spine. Cautiously, Urik rises to peer along the tops of the chest-high marsh grass, searching for the source of the howl. He quickly ducks his head and turns to speak, a worried look on his face. He tells you that the Shadakine have hunting dogs and are preparing to release them. They are the Magdi: ferocious hounds with two heads — the creation of the Wytch-king Shasarak.

  If you wish to stand and fight the Magdi, turn to 123.

  If you prefer to run from the Magdi, following the shallow waterway that cuts through the grass, turn to 156.


  You shake your head, moulding the force of your will in an attempt to draw a Shield of Sorcery before you once again. ‘We must,’ says Urik, urgently. But it is too late. Before you are able to complete the Shield, a hail of bolts darkens the sky. With a gasp of pain, you expel your last breath, falling back into the murky waters of the lake, your body pierced by several crossbow bolts.

  Your life and your mission end here.


  The overwhelming cut and thrust of your attack has cleared a path to the large archway that is the only exit from the throne room. ‘Now, Grey Star!’ shouts Samu, and with Urik and Hugi between you, you run towards the archway, thrusting glancing blows at anyone who comes too close.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 10 or more, turn to 19.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 9 or less, pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–5, turn to 27.

  If the number i
s 6–9, turn to 33.


  You ignore their evil taunting and continue towards the mountains. Slowly, the Deathgaunts drift towards you, filling your heart with panic as they draw closer and closer.

  Turn to 59.


  The confidence of the Shadakine is visibly shaken when your discharge of fiery magic completely incinerates a warrior. The use of your Staff has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. You are amazed, your powers seem greatly increased since last you used them. A blast as potent as the one you have just released would normally have drained a great deal of your WILLPOWER. You smile with grim satisfaction as the shocked Shadakine dive for cover.

  The Shadakine officer is quickly trying to restore order as the shaken Shadakine scramble behind the cover of the tall marsh grass. He orders them to ready weapons and prepare to fire. Soon, the Shadakine will be able to bring the full force of their weapons against you. You feel that you are in a hopeless situation. The Shadakine are not short of supplies and will be content to wait out this siege. Meanwhile, you have no food and no cover.

  If you wish to attempt to swim away, turn to 5.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Prophecy an wish to foresee the outcome of your predicament, turn to 128.


  The thick foliage of the marsh makes for ideal cover and the latticed network of small waterways and streams, tributaries of the Suhni River delta, are sure to confuse any tracks that you might leave. The whole verdant expanse of the Gurlu Marshes is one huge natural maze.

  The air is thick with humidity and an abundance of insect life. Splashing through the dark mud of the stream, you struggle to maintain a fast pace, and your efforts are well rewarded. Eventually, the sound of pursuit and the hoarse cries of the Shadakine fade into the distance. It seems that you have shaken off your pursuers.

  Turn to 252.


  You call over to Samu. ‘Guard this entrance,’ you say, tying the Rope around you and indicating the hole you intend to descend into. He gives a grim nod. ‘Hugi!’ you say. ‘Feed the Rope down gently.’

  With these words, you leap to the edge of the hole and begin to lower yourself down slowly. You land safely at the bottom and wait for Urik to clamber down. A lifetime of tree-life has made him more than capable of climbing safely to the ground beside you.

  You are standing in the middle of a honeycomb made of stone. The light of the full moon streams through the holes in the surface of the plain and the maze is bright with translucent light. Urik sniffs the air. ‘Follow me,’ he says. With tension mounting in your heart, you prepare to meet your enemy.

  Turn to 272.


  As you strike a final blow, the Gatekeeper falls dead. Suddenly a host of half-naked, wild-eyed people round a street corner and surge towards you. There are over a score of men, women, and children, all howling with murderous intent. Horrified, you turn and run.

  Turn to 130.


  The urgent fury of your Staff throws the Shadakine warrior into the air and he falls to the ground, a scorched and bloody thing. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. The mob surges forward to attack the Shadakine, hurling bricks and stones at their hated enemies.

  Turn to 40.


  You deepen your concentration, pouring more energy into your Shield of Sorcery, so that it grows in size to include Urik within its field of protection. This costs you another 2 WILLPOWER points. Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 118.

  If the number you have picked is 7 or higher, turn to 44.


  A long and thorough search reveals nothing. He is not in the passage.

  If you wish to look for Hugi in the banqueting room, turn to 94.

  If you wish to look for Hugi in the throne room, turn to 300.

  If you wish to continue without Hugi, turn to 127.


  You are trapped. The Deathgaunts remain where they are, whispering taunts and goading you to attack them if you dare. You have no choice other than to step outside the pentacle.14

  Turn to 59.

  [14] As you have used your Power of Evocation against the Deathgaunts, you should deduct 3 WILLPOWER points (cf. Section 120).


  Heedless of the danger to yourself, you turn and fire at the Shadakine as they tramp through the marsh grass. A bolt of force rips into the nearest Shadakine as he fumbles to reload his weapon and he falls to the ground in a blinding sheet of magical flame. Your attack has cost you only 1 WILLPOWER point. You are amazed at the effect of your attack at such little cost. You conclude that your powers must have increased greatly since last you used your Staff in combat.

  A second Shadakine warrior confronts you, his crossbow levelled at your chest. Suddenly, before you are able to attack, Urik produces a weapon of his own. It is a small boomerang, its edges lined with a row of razor-sharp teeth. With great skill and accuracy he hurls the boomerang at the Shadakine, inflicting a fatal neck wound. Urik runs forward and retrieves his weapon from the Shadakine's neck.

  An enemy swordsman bursts out of his hiding place among the foliage and charges towards you, his scimitar whirling above his head.

  Shadakine Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 25

  If you wish to evade combat altogether, turn to 30.

  If you win the combat, turn to 88.


  You remove the long sturdy Rope from your Backpack and tie it around your waist. ‘If I should fall, haul me up,’ you say. Samu nods. ‘We'll do the same for you on the other side.’

  With your heart in your mouth, you run across the bridge; you feel a slight tremor through the stone. ‘It doesn't look too good!’ you shout across to Samu. He ties his end of the Rope around his waist and, gingerly, begins his crossing. He has reached the middle of the bridge when it starts to crumble. Large slabs of stone fall away and Samu is forced to run. But he is too late — the bridge collapses at the centre and Samu disappears. Although Hugi and Urik have a tight hold of the Rope, Samu's great bulk, plus the downward pull of his fall, snatches it from their hands. You are dragged forward: the Rope is still tied around your waist!

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 12 or higher, turn to 191.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 11 or lower, turn to 277.


  At the cost of 4 WILLPOWER points, you return to the trance state that has guided you through the swamp. The air is teeming with life: the song of strange birds; the scurrying of furred rodents disturbed by your passing; and the steady hum of insects. Yet, all your attention is focused on the dim and distant future as you steer an eccentric course between the stagnant pools and ponds that are alive with creatures of every imagining.

  The humid atmosphere makes every step a labour and you make slow progress. When sunset finally comes, you are still in the swampland, and fatigue forces you to rest for the night. The sheer exertion of walking causes you to lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Urik sights a stretch of dry land and you head towards it, relieved to cease the strain of maintaining your trance. The air is alive with nocturnal insects and, to your dismay, you notice the distinct, vermilion bodies of winged Blood Nymphs.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 121.

  If you do not possess this Power, turn to 28.


  You throw open the nearest door and enter the building which, after a quick search, proves to be empty. As you start to leave, Urik shouts a warning, but it is too late. Just as you walk through the door a Dead City wretch coshes you with a wooden club. You do not have time to react and the blow knocks you unconscious. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  When you regain consciousness you are lying in the dark with your Wizard's Staff by your side.

  If you wish to make a light from your Staff at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, turn to 307.

  If you do not, turn to 150.


  A powerful wind blows through your hair as the Shadakine fall upon you, cutting you to pieces with their curved scimitars.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The passage has been carved from the bedrock of the Mountains of Morn. At the end of the corridor is a wall of fire, burning with a fierce intensity. You stop, deep in thought. ‘How are we to pass through that?’ Samu asks.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 293.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 201.

  If you wish to fire at the wall of flame with your Staff, turn to 117.

  If you wish to pass through the wall of flames, turn to 240.


  Bravely, Samu charges at the Deathgaunt, launching a flurry of strokes at it with his broadsword. To your dismay, the blade passes through the body of the Deathgaunt, which remains completely unaffected. ‘Grey Star,’ the Deathgaunt says, in a soft echoing whisper. ‘I have come for you.’ It reaches out a transparent hand and lays it on your head. An icy chill rushes through your body and you are instantly drained of 8 ENDURANCE points.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is now 10 or higher, turn to 232.


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